1,381 HELP in new CD Drive selection!

by xenogears

1,382 Problems dumping Fallout

by robbforce

1,383 Just a question about PSX db

by pnkiller78

1,386 Closed: Relation to tosec.org

by Eidolon ( Pages 1 2 3 )

1,387 Sega 32X CD dumping

by pepsidrinker

1,388 My WIP and another ideas.

by gaijin

1,389 CUE pregap issue

by Eidolon

1,390 optical drive suggestion

by pepsidrinker

1,391 A couple ideas for the site

by pepsidrinker

1,393 GameCube extension changing

by pepsidrinker

1,395 PSX US Datfile

by Patzik

1,396 .CUEs with absolute time

by themabus

1,397 need Help!!

by Sety

1,399 MD5ISOCalc

by Grey Fox

1,400 Correcting pre-gap manually

by pepsidrinker

1,401 GC dump method

by batleth92

1,402 PC. Question about region.

by Kostey D

1,404 a bit more on odd GAPs

by themabus

1,405 Question about PC protection

by pepsidrinker

1,406 Perfectrip?

by xenogears

1,407 EAC pregap detection

by ssjkakaroto

1,409 Mega CD anomalies

by gigadeath

1,410 psxt001z couple suggestions

by themabus