(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

No, sorry it was -954 with EAC...

I just dumped track 2 with pr with out dumping track 1 with it and it gave the same md5 as EAC with offset -924.

Could all the sub-channel errors that perfectrip gets effect the gap and make it messed up?


When you said if the perfectrip track 01 matches the one with ISOBuster and I said yes. It does match but I resized the ISO buster image of a 2 second gap and I didn't touch the Perfectrip track 01....  It seems to me somewhere Perfectrip is screwing up the gap?

here is the -924 EAC and PR track 02..


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ok, why would it be less than 2 second of pregap? The cue says 2 seconds.

REM Tool: PerfectRip
REM Date & time: 3/1/2008 6:13:41 PM
REM Drive: PLEXTOR DVDR   PX-712A  1.09

CATALOG 0000000000000
FILE "01.- cd.track.pcm" BINARY
  TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "02.- cd.track.pcm" BINARY
    INDEX 00 00:00:00
    INDEX 01 00:02:00

The game was brand new factory sealed.


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yes, they match.


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

I did add the pregap. it matches in size but not crc.. I can upload with the new offset 2nd track audio if someone wants to look at it.


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

gigadeath wrote:

I think Dremora is asking that because in both EAC and PerfectRip logs you posted above I see a +252 offset correction. Why that? Using your calcs the write offset is -954, and if combined offset is -924, you should use that to dump. +252 is completely wrong.

Moreover are you sure you have to subtract -1176 for this disc? The part of the guide you cited is only an example, you don't have to always subtract 2 sectors to get the offset. What number do you get after the sync? Is it really 018202? Or is it 18200? SegaCD discs shouldn't have big negative offsets.


There is 63 lines...


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

+30 is my drives read offset.. I was following the directions for the D8 method.

This time there is 2236 bytes before the sync/header, or 513 samples.
However, this time the sync/header is slightly different from our previous example (00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00018202...).
This difference in the header (18202 instead of 18200) indicates that the data is read from sector 2 instead of sector 0 (see post below for more info).

A full sector is 2352 bytes or 588 samples of data, so the difference is 2*588 samples.
Combined read+write offset = 513 - (2*588) = -617. Because the drive that we used is +30 read offset, the factory write offset is -647.

I guess I don't understand the math... how in the example does it become -617?

2 X 588 = 1176 right

so 513 - 1176 would = -663 right?  What am I missing?


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

I bought one of them today and am in the process of dumping it. Do you think I should put it under the mega-cd section with 32X in the version or edition or what? There is only 5 so I don't think it needs it's own part of the database what you guys think?

Just to make sure also I got the offset correct...

63 lines with the d8 method

63 X 16 = 1008 /4 = 252

252 - 1176 = -924 - +30 = -954 (write offset)

If you can do it automatically even better.

If no Europe playstation games have anti-modchip protection, I agree to hide that field for that region as there isn't a reason to display no for ever disc. Unless it is complicated to change the code to hide it as it don't bother me.

I just went through all my dumps and updated the anti-modchip protection but 3 games as I am tired and going to bed i'll do that later. Though I don't know why more people don't contribute, if you can play the game in an emulator with the US bios just post a fix that it's not anti-modchip protected. I am sure some people play the games?

Does no US game have libcrypt protection?

I don't know if making it no as default if not checked is the best, as someone might have forgot or can't check because their drive can't read subchannel data and it gets marked as no and someone that can sees it already checked and wanting to save time doesn't check it and it does we can miss that information.

Are some of those 350 some disc any before LibCrypt came out? If so I can help go through them and mark them no as the protection didn't even come out.


(0 replies, posted in General discussion)

Here is some of my thoughts for the fixing and repairing part.

As we have to dump the disc twice you can put in to check with cdmage or the new version of psxt001 when it comes out for errors, to check them both and if one has an error at a certiain sector and the other don't you can take that sector out of the good imgage and put it to the bad or try to repair it.

I think it would also be a good idea to explain mastering errors some in the guide so people know some images might have errors on both images and get the same checksum and that's ok. 

Maybe even put in the part of find track 02 pre-gap like I posted in other threads, check with cdmage and the amount of bad sectors at the very end is the pregap. Does that only work with psx games? That will help people find track 02 pregap when the dumping tools mess up, as both EAC and Perfectrip gave 0 gap for NFL GameDays which we know isn't correct.

I don't know, what you think Vigi. I know if they have problems they can come on the forum but it's usually the same question just rephrased in a different way, I think more information on the guide would be good.

If it's a problem with the size or messiness we could always like I suggested earlier start a F.A.Q. type thread and then just have a link to the thread part of it that would answer a question about the certain part of the guide.


(24 replies, posted in General discussion)

What Gex version is that, the games in the PSX part don't have audio tracks? Which then you won't have to do resize. What I had to do once with NFL GameDay once I resized it, I checked with CDMage and it gave no errors but when I used psxt001 to see if it had EDC it fixed a whole bunch of errors which I thought was strange so I made a cue of the tracks and loaded it in daemon tools so I could see if the sectors match the original which it didn't (it was lower) so if the game does have audio, I suggest you redump it, resize it check with cdmage (Make sure there is no errors), do what has to be done with audio make a cue and check the sector size like said before.

Also if the dumping tools give you a weird gap, you can just dump the first track and check with cdmage and the amount of errors as long as they are at the end of the image and one right after each other like in your fix log that's the pregap. 150/149 2 sec ect.

Again MODs if anything I say is wrong please correct.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

I think it's supposed to be a 2 second gap, that's how I determined NFL GameDay had 4 second pregaps because it gave 300/299 errors in cdmage before resize and 150/149 after, Gigadeath said this...

A consideration, after Pepsidrinker dumps is tracks, if they match my Japanese disc but only with gaps shifted 1.74->2.00, it would be pretty clear that all these 1.74 gaps are only misjudgments from dumping programs caused by un-standard mastering.

It's not a case that Japanese discs with "normal" write offset (with normal I mean <100) report 2.00 gaps too, just like USA discs. See F1 Circus CD, Game no Kandume, Vay. When the offset becomes huge, then the dumping programs go mad and 1.74 gaps start appearing. Even official system documentation says minimum gap size for MegaCD is 2 seconds!

Maybe not tomorrow, but in the near future we should change all of them to 2 seconds, hopefully there will be an automatized way to do the process.

So, yeah I think it's 2 sec and should be fixed as such.

I don't think it's pointless as it documented. Another piece of information like the write offset. Also there are people that believe that there shouldn't be any sector errors (I was one of them) and they might dump a game that it's the database get the same checksum but do everything they can to fix those errors screw up the image, sectors don't match with the original and then post that as a good dump but if it was documented oh these errors are known not trying to pull something here and go along with it. I don't know, that's my thought anyway.

xenogears, I'm not the most knowledgeable about this but I think mastering errors are on every disc of the same run so there could be thousands of discs with those errors and who knows if they didn't make the same mistake for them all. Also like my Easter Bunny's Big Day, I believe Digital Press said they only run it once if there was any mastering errors waiting for a disc without them would never happen. fortunately it didn't though someone that knows more can fix any misinformation I gave if I did.

Answered for me, was added.

And thanks for the command.

Yes, I always dump it twice, the checksums match before and after the low level error was fixed with psxt001z.

EDIT: Is there a way to use psxt001z to find if there is EDC or not without the fix command?

Sounds good, I will go over my dumps and find any I only think there is a couple. What about the one in the WIP?

I think maybe we should include mastering errors in the comment section. If we include them then people that would know them so when verify and checking a dump and find errors they don't think someone is trying to pull something with a faulty dump as it's documented.

Thanks Dremora, expect 6 more games dumped today as I am sick of those games and I want them done with.

Ok, I figured it out by myself, I went back 300 sectors and there was the garbage data in ISOBuster so they are 4 seconds.

so I add 705600 bytes of gap to track 02 right?

I wished one of the dumping programs would of displayed the gap right. sad

Ok, I am banging my head here with these damn games.

Both EAC and Perfectrip gives 0 second gap between track 01 and track 02, there has to be a pre-gap correct?
If the answer is yes...

Every one of them games 97 through 2002 gives the same 149-150 sector errors after resizing the 2 second gap could every year they make the same mastering errors?

So, can ISO Buster keep 4 seconds of gap on track 01? If yes...

Please tell me what you think...

Here is CDmage sector error log for both dumps for 2002  before resize for 2 seconds..

CDmage B5 1.02.1 error report for image "Track 01.bin"

Track #| Sector|Sync|Header|Subheader|EDC|Intermediate|ECC P|ECC Q|Severity|Content of sector
      1|207,338| Yes|  Yes |   Yes   |Yes|    N/A     | Yes | Yes |Medium  |unused/empty
      1|207,637| Yes|  Yes |   No    |No |    N/A     | No  | No  |Low     |unused/empty

Total error count:300
CDmage B5 1.02.1 error report for image "Track 01.bin"

Track #| Sector|Sync|Header|Subheader|EDC|Intermediate|ECC P|ECC Q|Severity|Content of sector
      1|207,339| Yes|  Yes |   No    |No |    N/A     | No  | No  |Low     |unused/empty
      1|207,637| Yes|  Yes |   No    |No |    N/A     | No  | No  |Low     |unused/empty

Total error count:299

After resize for 2 seconds...

CDmage B5 1.02.1 error report for image "Track 01.bin"

Track #| Sector|Sync|Header|Subheader|EDC|Intermediate|ECC P|ECC Q|Severity|Content of sector
      1|207,338| Yes|  Yes |   Yes   |Yes|    N/A     | Yes | Yes |Medium  |unused/empty
      1|207,487| Yes|  Yes |   No    |No |    N/A     | No  | No  |Low     |unused/empty

Total error count:150
CDmage B5 1.02.1 error report for image "Track 01.bin"

Track #| Sector|Sync|Header|Subheader|EDC|Intermediate|ECC P|ECC Q|Severity|Content of sector
      1|207,339| No |  No  |   No    |No |    N/A     | No  | No  |None    |unused/empty
      1|207,487| No |  No  |   No    |No |    N/A     | No  | No  |None    |unused/empty

Total error count:149

Had to cut logs due to restriction


(23 replies, posted in General discussion)

So you don't need my file anymore lol I just uploaded it on rapidshare oh well.... glad it matches.


(23 replies, posted in General discussion)

Did you get my email gigadeath?


(23 replies, posted in General discussion)

Sure, no problem on it's way.


(23 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ok, got it all fixed up and it matches from daemon also 215283


(23 replies, posted in General discussion)

It's from actual cd, I will check with daemon have to install first...