Dumped by Almagno … sp=sharing

System    Microsoft Xbox 360
Media    DVD-9
Category    Games
Region    Europe
Serial    TT-2189
Edition    Limited Edition
LayerBreak 2133520
Barcode: 5    026555    255820

Ring Codes (outer/inner):

Mastering Code (laser branded/etched):

3F84FB2D-L1 25
3F84FB2D-L0 22

Mastering SID Code


Toolstamp or Mastering Code (engraved/stamped)


Mould SID Code

IFPI 07I8 (data side)


Disc Hologram ID: ASP0381
DMI: 7f3ed5f9
PFI: 26af4c58
SS: 9d4e0f77



Primary Volume Descriptor:

0320 : 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 32 30 31                201
0330 : 31 31 32 32 30 31 36 30  30 30 30 30 30 E0 30 30   1122016000000.00
0340 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 00 30   00000000000000.0
0350 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00   000000000000000.
0360 : 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30   0000000000000000
0370 : 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................

Size:    8738846720 bytes
SHA-1:    9d52de1d2f8269b0b72893d880b7a14ebaf297d3
MD5:    ff971c56f62d0ce065426d60d0dc8a09
CRC32:    14c62d01


(3 replies, posted in Verifications)

Hi Strider!

I need to ask you, which is the region for the game cover?


(0 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well, what I posted on Dumpers zone got erased and somehow represent a useful way to address why I'm quitting, but anyway... I don't know why it was banned but who cares.

As the new project that was in development to finally sustitute Redump is finally close to the graveyard, my main desire to keep supporting Redump is gone. The only reason I've been collaborating, helping and finding new resources for the project the last two years was my hope in that project.

With the whole thing gone... Spending more time around would be hypocritical, especially since the voices that basically compared me to an "annoying spoiled child" on the matter, will be cracking their asses soon.

So, that's all for me. As I don't have any trust or hope in this project I prefer to step out at this point, where I'm confortable about the things that we've all built together in the last years, especially after our massive win on the PS2 Japan project, that gained more than 5000$ that are still being used to buy the last remaining games.

My presence here will only be related to my promise to a few users in order to add their dumps, respecting their desire and their amazing work, such as AlMagno and Evil_Droid. As well, I will be publishing my last reports on Reddit emulation talking about the fundraiser campaign among other few things, expressing the community which other tasks will be interesting to address in the future for this platform.

At this point, I won't make any further comments related to Redump, VGIndex, the administrator, the community and the status of any of those.

I wish to express good luck to all the nice users that had helped me enjoying this journey with so much passion. They all know who they are for sure, because I've always expressed how amazing you are.

Finally, I want to express my sadness for all of those who trying to build something new and wonderful, got burn out and nearly destroyed. I hope they all can use their passion and motivation into other projects that will be a great hit for sure.

I hope the best for you!


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Amazing results so far, if there's still users around interested in helping, please, go ahead, each little donation put us closer to the goal!


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)


7skey wrote:

hi, I probably have it.

  • SLPS 20229 Hissatsu Pachinko Station V5 必殺パチンコステーションV5ピンクレディ

  • SLPS 25699 Hisshou Pachinko*Pachi-Slot Kouryoku Series Vol. 8: CR Matsura Aya 必勝パチンコ★パチスロ攻略シリーズVol.8CR松浦亜弥

  • SLPM 55136 Clear: Atarashii Kaze no Fuku Oka de Clear~新しい風の吹く丘で~

  • SLPM 55200 Touka Gettan: Koufuu no Ryouou 桃華月憚−光風の陵王− Original

  • SLPM 66598 Yatohime Zankikou 夜刀姫斬鬼行~剣の巻~ Original

  • SLPM 66880 StarTRain: Your Past Makes Your Future スターティレインユアパストメイクスユアフューチャー Limited

  • Unconfirmed Serial Margi: Marginal マージ〜あの時の遠い約束を〜

Amazing 7skey! Amazing!!!!!!! All will be welcome! Hissatsu Pachinko Station V5 and Touka Gettan: Koufuu no Ryouou will be welcome if you can priorize them!

Please, remember to check out your private messages!


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Parotaku wrote:

EDIT: Yup, got it (SLPM-62214) & can dump it...

Yeah! Go ahead, would be amazing! Thank you!

For those who don't know, we are doing one big final effort to obtain funds to buy the remaining PS2 Japan games.

Gonahead and check out our last report, further details in it: … _japanese/

Can we move this topic to the General zone? I'm posting soon a report about Xbox 360 preservation and I think it would be nice to be able to link it for the general public.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

user7 wrote:

Replace English with American English and British English and go through 80,000 releases to figure out which dialect should be assigned to each release.

Again User, there's a flag for it in the game, end of story.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Or at least Mexican Spanish.

Because my Fifa 19 for Xbox 360 has it as a language itself, so please, stop the debate and add it so people can start sending fixes for a LOT of games owning it.

Hadzz has finally sent me the list of missing games for the ABGX project that have been dumped for Redump for Xbox 360.

I would like to sort it and organize it so is available in the Wiki. If any of you is interested on adding it, catch:

Please, if you have dumped any Xbox 360 game that appears on this list, give a call so we can assist Hadzz to keep completing the ABGX project.


(3 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)

iRobot, please give him access, is going to add PS2 dumps from Japan. He already gave proof, open the doors

Hi everyone, this time I'm not posting to enrage or complain, at this point, for the best of this project,  I just prefer to speak to all of you have helped in all these years even if you only helped with one disc .

The reason I'm creating this post is because I would like to find volunteers or give a call to the old gang around, so we can beat all the remaining discs we can for Sony Playstation 2 Japan region.

As some of you know, one of the reasons I've fought so hard these years in Redump is due to my love to the Sony Playstation platforms and how much I value the Japanese region.

After all the efforts were concentrated in the last years over the Playstation 1 fullset, we saw our best dumpers managed to take down the whole PS1 Japanese retail set (with a few exceptions pending as always), while covering a massive amount of alternative editions/reprints/taikenbans/prototypes...

More than 10000 Sony Playstation 1 discs... 10653 being concrete, 4791 of them coming from Asia: … /dir/desc/

That astonishing number is about to be defeated, as Sadikyo is adding soon near 50 discs from PS2 japan... So the actual 10609
discs number will be higher than the PS1 catalogue. … /dir/desc/

Some of you may not know it, but as part of a fundrising project I made in december, we were able to obtain more than 1000 dollars that Sadikyo spent directly into buying more than 100 discs from Japan. And now, the result are visible enough to post about this amazing effort that keep us fighting to see this set covered as far as we can go.

Around 300 games remain to be dumped for PS2, not all of them cost the same and not all of them share the same value. Some remain extremly cheap to buy, some are starting to be really expensive to get.

For this reason, I wanted to encourage the community to put efforts on this set, as we've seen on the past with other platforms. The most recent case was FM Towns, whose main dumpers have put all they had to the limit in order to take down the fullset as far as they could beat it. Sadly, the remaining games/discs from this platform have been expensive enough to slow down the whole thing.

Sadikyo is about to take a break after the massive amount of time and effort he put to dump everything he bought. I'm planning to obtain more fundings so we can push this again for summer (july-august).

So please, anyone who wants to be involved or is interested into buying something, the main key is to make sure you report what are you catching so we can avoid buying twice. At the same time, we can send you the personal Excel list that was created in order to track down every single missing game from the Japanese Missing list.

You can write here or join us in Discord. Thanks so much for your atention!

PD. There are essential names from these projects beyond Sadikyo that I didn't name because i don't want to forget everyone involved.

PD2. Missing lists: … sing_Dumps … tion_2_MIA

I think it would be essential to establish a list for games lacking correct SS dumping. I've been checking ABGX and thanks god, JHMiller and other users long ago dumped A LOT of them correctly, but as we've been finding out more games never dumped before, it would be nice to make sure all of them have these SS files correctly preserved. … aV9wa?dl=0

All my files are there, the SS inside the RARs are the untouched. For what I've seen, a good bunch of games I've been hunting were already dumped by JHMiller and he provided always his files with his BenQ 0800, so, feel comfortable if a game isn't verificated but his name is there.

I've been dumping a lot of games that were never added for ABGX, take a shot.


(4 replies, posted in General discussion) … ping_Guide

Im sorry but this is a No from me. I just wanted to dump quickly a DVD and this guide... Im just lost in it. You can't expect random users to dump these discs like this.

Javidelarosa and I wanted to push a PC project for Spain so we could add PC stuff from Spain. We wanted to fund a movement so a lot of people could help quickly.

However, a good bunch of discs coming from an important PC spanish publisher came with this thing on the disc... And following this standard... I've tolerated a lot of methods but this is the red line.

I just don't manage to understand how DVDs must be dumped. I apreciate a lot the efforts to provide info and this CDArchive app but, i just wanted to dump a DVD and I got lost trying to understand what this guides wants you to do.

And of course, buying more writers and more writers and more writers...

Im waiting for Claunia to tell me how Aaru is going to manage this, but i have to accept that i want to encourage productivity rather than "pure archive preservation".

| Mass Effect 2 (Disc 1) || Spain || Y || 6EE5A52F in ringcode? ||
| Mass Effect 2 (Disc 1) || Spain || Y || 027D8AAF in ringcode? ||

I erased these entries from the Wiki, I confirmed these versions were sold in Spain.

Both has been verificated several times so I dont feel useful redumping them again from Spain. Is clear that MS edited this version so the same build was sold for USA and Europe/Spain, covering easily all spanish speakers.

I still dont get this. How can we know how each dump was made? I can confirm all my dumps comes from a 0800 BenQ. But the rest?

And again: Which SS needs to be redumped for ABGX? Because for example, my friend JHMiller always used his 0800 model. All his additions should come from this writer (i need to confirm this just in case).

Im having a weird problem where Xbox Backup Creator is getting stuck for no reason at the of the dumping process.

Im using Windows 10.

When XBC reaches the end of the dumping process, the ISO is generated without any problems or errors, completely clean. However, when XBC is about to end the Logging data, it suddenly gets stuck:

Getting media info [E]
   Media Type: DVD-ROM
   Bytes Used: 49,0 MB (51.329.024 bytes)
Starting read process...
   Target Xbox version = Xbox360
Space Available on Drive C:\ 58,9 GB (63.253.417.984 bytes)
Creating SplitVid backup image [E]
   Opening image output file
   Reading Video Layer0
   Opening image output file
   Reading Video Layer1
   Adding Filler Layer0
   Unlocking Game Partition
   Checking Game Partition Availability
   Reading XDVDFS File system
   Reading Volume Descriptor
   Reading Volume Descriptor
   Sorting Section Map
   Optimizing Section Map
   Reading Game Partition
Setting read speed to 12x
Setting read speed to 5x
   Adding Fi====================================================================

The Log Windows instead, shows that the ISO is generated ok and it marks the time that it took to dump and the ISO size. But the TXT Log only shows the info above.

Any idea about what generates this situation? Again, XBC gets stuck like is processing the last pieces of info, but the ISO comes clean.

Agent47 wrote:

Unless I'm reading this wrong, the ISO images are correct and it's just the SS security sectors that don't match up.


However, can we actully list the amount of XGD3 games that were dumped using a Kreon in Redump? Can we detect this?

Oh cool, didn't see that 2012 at the end, great

I discovered that the X360 spanish version of Most Wanted is a bad dump and Ill provide a fix as soon as I can a new copy but... Which version?

Ofc, after checking closer, I've seen that this Most Wanted version is the original 2005 and not the reboot, but, should we maybe add a little info in the naming to difference them?

Is a weird case because, this is the only platform where both titles were edited.

samsam12 wrote:

A ton of region duplicates

Missing completely

Momotaro Densetsu 16 Gold
Cave Shooting Collection reprint edition
Steins Gate reprint with DLC
Memories Off HK/TW
Working dump of Sakura Flamingo Archives - the scene release crashes loading Chaos Field

Missing scene - has working user dumps not associated here

Minecraft Story Mode - Season 2 Season Pass Disc
Cave Shooting Collection
Batman Season 1 Season Pass Disc
FIFA 19 Legacy Edition

Missing scene/P2P/Redump

Cave Shooting Collection reissue/v2
Sakura Flamingo Archives proper/fully working

Missing DMI

Almost all Japanese dumps from 2005 up to mid 2007

Title ID/Disc ID is parsed from the DMI on upload - something that wasn't in the official submission page
More trickling of entries
Kreon dumps are now accepted either modified or not - tldr, every Kreon rip is "guessing" what angle the disc has, so it basically is a wash regardless of what drive or if it has zeroed out portions. They're not ideal but as with all current DB entries, if we can get a SSv2 these get added over the pre-existing files

I think it would be cool to find out those missing discs so Ill guess Ill try to find out if someone can help.

I need to ask: Can you make a list for those 2005 to mid 2007 discs missing the DMI?

I need a proper explanation about what's missing from Cave: Is only the DLC disc and the Akai Katana reprint, or there is more?

Did you guys check our Missing Lists and compare it to the Scene? Maybe there are other unknown Japan undumped.

I think you guys could reflect a few extra steps better in the guides in order to provide the SS files as you want, both for Redump and ABGX, when it comes to dumping with a 0800.

samsam12 wrote:

I assume you have the drivers installed unless you flashed it with something else

Flip the aux power to on
Manual power on or off
Mode B switch off

It should show display in the log as Benq AP253.0

If you can, assist me on this one.