I've tried to dump this PS1 game called Formula GP SLES-03994 http://redump.org/disc/18346/ without any success. With the 20180127 and the 20180301 test version the result is the same. I have a PX-716SA drive. You can see some screenshot below:
152 2018-01-31 17:32:00
Re: Dump seems totally perfect. But game crashes on emulation (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
The game can't work as is, F1 2000 it's one of the game with known libcrypt protection.
First dump the game including /c2 /nl at the end of the command.
example: DiscImageCreator.exe cd F MyGameTitle_Dump1.bin 16 /c2 /nl
then while the disc is still inside use this command
psxt001z --libcrypt MyGameTitle_Dump1.sub MyGameTitle_Dump1.sbi
if you want to submit the entry for the game with the http://redump.org/newdisc/ modules (only when you got dumper status) then output the .log files for submitting the entry with the command
psxt001z.exe --libcryptdrvfast F: > sectors1.log
of course while the game disc is still in the drive, then copy and paste the .log file in the "libcrypt" section of the new disc module. that's what i usually do while dumping libcrypt games, feel free to correct me if i did something wrong.
153 2017-12-30 11:07:27
Re: Obtaining a Plextor drive? (7 replies, posted in General discussion)
I have a PX-W4824TA that i want to sell. I have two Plextor drives, so i don't really need this one as i have another unit
Feel free to contact me with a PM if you still need it.
154 2017-12-01 23:40:04
Re: taking ringcodes with a smartphone (21 replies, posted in General discussion)
I don't know if it's my phone or not, but it's a bit hard to find the right position. But in the end i found easier if you put your phone over a box like your photo, and the disc under the light until you find the position good enough to take a photo with the visible ring. It's worth a try with a better camera, i guess. I will make some other tries with different camera-phone-angles until i can find the best way. With the clear disc anyway it's probably easier than trying with the damn PS1 black discs...
155 2017-11-22 10:59:42
Re: Libcrypt protected discs (4 replies, posted in General discussion)
Please post the ring codes for Technomage, as they seem to be missing.
Probably i forgot to add it. You can find everything on the last topic i made for verifications. http://forum.redump.org/topic/16676/psx … additions/
156 2017-11-21 22:38:22
Re: Libcrypt protected discs (4 replies, posted in General discussion)
Use psxt001z --libcryptdrvfast
This was the response for Technomage:
MSF: 03:13:10 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 13 10 00 03 53 10 50 ec
MSF: 03:13:15 Q-Data: 41 01 01 43 11 15 00 01 13 15 23 1e
MSF: 03:18:49 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 1e 49 00 03 08 49 32 c5
MSF: 03:18:54 Q-Data: 41 01 01 01 16 54 00 43 18 54 d4 79
MSF: 03:20:56 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 18 57 00 03 20 d6 bc 27
MSF: 03:20:61 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 38 61 00 03 24 61 91 a9
MSF: 03:21:55 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 19 55 00 13 21 55 14 07
MSF: 03:21:60 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 19 62 00 03 21 20 5d 48
MSF: 03:24:12 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 02 12 00 03 20 12 49 43
MSF: 03:24:17 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 22 07 00 03 24 1f 3a b1
MSF: 03:25:03 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 23 13 00 03 25 0b 93 c9
MSF: 03:25:08 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 23 08 00 13 25 08 ce 5d
MSF: 03:28:28 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 06 28 00 03 2c 28 d7 d6
MSF: 03:28:33 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 26 33 00 13 28 33 9c 29
MSF: 03:35:42 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 32 42 00 03 b5 42 69 e2
MSF: 03:35:47 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 33 07 00 03 35 45 1a 10
MSF: 09:25:57 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 23 53 00 09 25 77 21 03
MSF: 09:25:62 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 23 62 00 49 25 62 68 4c
MSF: 09:30:63 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 28 63 00 49 30 63 ed 18
MSF: 09:30:68 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 29 68 00 09 b0 68 b0 8c
MSF: 09:33:37 Q-Data: 41 01 01 29 31 37 00 0d 33 37 6c 68
MSF: 09:33:42 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 31 4a 00 09 33 52 7c 8b
MSF: 09:35:52 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 73 52 00 09 37 52 4b 06
MSF: 09:35:57 Q-Data: 41 01 01 19 33 57 00 01 35 57 38 f4
MSF: 09:38:04 Q-Data: 41 01 01 01 36 04 00 19 38 04 9c df
MSF: 09:38:09 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 36 0b 00 09 38 49 6c 08
MSF: 09:38:58 Q-Data: 41 01 01 49 36 58 00 0b 38 58 99 bf
MSF: 09:38:63 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 36 73 00 09 38 6b fe 96
MSF: 09:41:59 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 39 59 00 49 41 59 54 0d
MSF: 09:41:64 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 39 24 00 09 41 66 9e 67
MSF: 09:50:62 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 08 62 00 09 52 62 03 5a
MSF: 09:50:67 Q-Data: 41 01 01 19 48 67 00 01 50 67 70 a8
Original sectors: 32
LC1 sectors: 32
LC2 sectors: 0
Other sectors: 0
At first it wasn't accepted and it was giving the same error, but then i have removed the last few text lines and that worked. If everything is fine i will proceed to dump the other games too.
157 2017-11-21 19:58:40
Topic: Libcrypt protected discs (4 replies, posted in General discussion)
Using this command
DiscImageCreator.exe cd K MyGameTitle_Dump1.bin 48 /c2 /nl
i have dumped these three games with Libcrypt protection, following the instruction given to me when i failed to dump Actua Ice Hockey 2. http://forum.redump.org/topic/16646/addedpsx-9x-verify/ I guess something is wrong actually, i can't submit all three games because when i use the new disc modules it keeps saying "Please check LibCrypt data!"
Checking carefully, i have tried to dump many times this games at different speeds and with both the Plextor drives i have without success in dumping the protection with the /nl command.
This is the first game: PGA European Tour Golf SLES-02396
psxt001z by Dremora, v0.21 beta 1
MSF: 03:13:10 Q-Data: 410101 03:13:10 00 03:53:10 50ec xor 8001 068d P2 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:13:15 Q-Data: 410101 43:11:15 00 01:13:15 231e xor 8001 338d P1 xor 40 02
MSF: 03:18:49 Q-Data: 410101 03:1e:49 00 03:08:49 32c5 xor 8001 8e30 P2 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:18:54 Q-Data: 410101 01:16:54 00 43:18:54 d479 xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:19:18 Q-Data: 410101 03:17:18 00 03:19:18 39e2 xor 0800 0800 ?
MSF: 03:21:55 Q-Data: 410101 0b:19:55 00 13:21:55 1407 xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:21:60 Q-Data: 410101 03:19:62 00 03:21:20 5d48 xor 8001 8c46 P3 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:24:12 Q-Data: 410101 03:02:12 00 03:20:12 4943 xor 8001 79cd P2 xor 20 04
MSF: 03:24:17 Q-Data: 410101 03:22:07 00 03:24:1f 3ab1 xor 8001 0553 P3 xor 10 08
MSF: 03:25:03 Q-Data: 410101 03:23:13 00 03:25:0b 93c9 xor 8001 0553 P3 xor 10 08
MSF: 03:25:08 Q-Data: 410101 0b:23:08 00 13:25:08 ce5d xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:32:19 Q-Data: 410101 03:30:59 00 03:32:1b 2cc6 xor 8001 b12b P3 xor 40 02
MSF: 03:32:24 Q-Data: 410101 03:20:24 00 03:3a:24 e6ac xor 8001 132c P2 xor 10 08
MSF: 03:34:51 Q-Data: 410101 01:32:51 00 43:34:51 d7a9 xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:34:56 Q-Data: 410101 03:33:56 00 03:b4:56 c09a xor 8001 de39 P2 xor 01 80
MSF: 09:25:57 Q-Data: 410101 09:23:53 00 09:25:77 2103 xor 8001 2d65 P3 xor 04 20
MSF: 09:25:62 Q-Data: 410101 0b:23:62 00 49:25:62 684c xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:30:63 Q-Data: 410101 0b:28:63 00 49:30:63 ed18 xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:30:68 Q-Data: 410101 09:29:68 00 09:b0:68 b08c xor 8001 de39 P2 xor 01 80
MSF: 09:35:52 Q-Data: 410101 09:73:52 00 09:37:52 4b06 xor 8001 8c73 P2 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:35:57 Q-Data: 410101 19:33:57 00 01:35:57 38f4 xor 8001 1edb P1 xor 10 08
MSF: 09:38:04 Q-Data: 410101 01:36:04 00 19:38:04 9cdf xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 09:38:09 Q-Data: 410101 09:36:0b 00 09:38:49 6c08 xor 8001 8c46 P3 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:38:58 Q-Data: 410101 49:36:58 00 0b:38:58 99bf xor 8001 338d P1 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:38:63 Q-Data: 410101 09:36:73 00 09:38:6b fe96 xor 8001 0553 P3 xor 10 08
MSF: 09:46:13 Q-Data: 410101 09:44:1b 00 09:46:03 780d xor 8001 901d P3 xor 08 10
MSF: 09:46:18 Q-Data: 410101 09:46:18 00 09:06:18 2599 xor 8001 068d P2 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:48:59 Q-Data: 410101 09:44:59 00 09:08:59 6e0a xor 8001 068d P2 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:48:64 Q-Data: 410101 49:46:64 00 0b:48:64 a460 xor 8001 338d P1 xor 40 02
Number of modified sectors: 29
Why only 29 sectors on .sub appears as modified but the sectors.log reports 32 LC1 sectors?
MSF: 03:08:05 Q-Data: 41 01 01 07 06 05 00 23 08 05 38 39
MSF: 03:08:10 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 06 11 00 03 08 90 5d a0
MSF: 03:13:10 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 13 10 00 03 53 10 50 ec
MSF: 03:13:15 Q-Data: 41 01 01 43 11 15 00 01 13 15 23 1e
MSF: 03:18:49 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 1e 49 00 03 08 49 32 c5
MSF: 03:18:54 Q-Data: 41 01 01 01 16 54 00 43 18 54 d4 79
MSF: 03:21:55 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 19 55 00 13 21 55 14 07
MSF: 03:21:60 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 19 62 00 03 21 20 5d 48
MSF: 03:24:12 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 02 12 00 03 20 12 49 43
MSF: 03:24:17 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 22 07 00 03 24 1f 3a b1
MSF: 03:25:03 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 23 13 00 03 25 0b 93 c9
MSF: 03:25:08 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 23 08 00 13 25 08 ce 5d
MSF: 03:32:19 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 30 59 00 03 32 1b 2c c6
MSF: 03:32:24 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 20 24 00 03 3a 24 e6 ac
MSF: 03:34:51 Q-Data: 41 01 01 01 32 51 00 43 34 51 d7 a9
MSF: 03:34:56 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 33 56 00 03 b4 56 c0 9a
MSF: 09:20:45 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 18 65 00 09 20 41 40 72
MSF: 09:20:50 Q-Data: 41 01 01 19 18 50 00 01 20 50 25 eb
MSF: 09:25:57 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 23 53 00 09 25 77 21 03
MSF: 09:25:62 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 23 62 00 49 25 62 68 4c
MSF: 09:30:63 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 28 63 00 49 30 63 ed 18
MSF: 09:30:68 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 29 68 00 09 b0 68 b0 8c
MSF: 09:35:52 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 73 52 00 09 37 52 4b 06
MSF: 09:35:57 Q-Data: 41 01 01 19 33 57 00 01 35 57 38 f4
MSF: 09:38:04 Q-Data: 41 01 01 01 36 04 00 19 38 04 9c df
MSF: 09:38:09 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 36 0b 00 09 38 49 6c 08
MSF: 09:38:58 Q-Data: 41 01 01 49 36 58 00 0b 38 58 99 bf
MSF: 09:38:63 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 36 73 00 09 38 6b fe 96
MSF: 09:46:13 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 44 1b 00 09 46 03 78 0d
MSF: 09:46:18 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 46 18 00 09 06 18 25 99
MSF: 09:48:59 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 44 59 00 09 08 59 6e 0a
MSF: 09:48:64 Q-Data: 41 01 01 49 46 64 00 0b 48 64 a4 60
Original sectors: 32
LC1 sectors: 32
LC2 sectors: 0
Other sectors: 0
The same thing happened with Sydney 2000 SLES-02860:
psxt001z by Dremora, v0.21 beta 1
MSF: 03:13:10 Q-Data: 410101 03:13:10 00 03:53:10 50ec xor 8001 068d P2 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:13:15 Q-Data: 410101 43:11:15 00 01:13:15 231e xor 8001 338d P1 xor 40 02
MSF: 03:18:49 Q-Data: 410101 03:1e:49 00 03:08:49 32c5 xor 8001 8e30 P2 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:18:54 Q-Data: 410101 01:16:54 00 43:18:54 d479 xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:20:56 Q-Data: 410101 03:18:57 00 03:20:d6 bc27 xor 8001 bbd8 P3 xor 01 80
MSF: 03:20:61 Q-Data: 410101 03:38:61 00 03:24:61 91a9 xor 8001 79cd P2 xor 20 04
MSF: 03:21:55 Q-Data: 410101 0b:19:55 00 13:21:55 1407 xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:21:58 Q-Data: 410101 03:19:58 00 03:21:58 64f1 xor 0020 0020 ?
MSF: 03:21:60 Q-Data: 410101 03:19:62 00 03:21:20 5d48 xor 8001 8c46 P3 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:23:17 Q-Data: 410101 03:23:17 00 03:63:17 6dc6 xor 8001 068d P2 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:23:22 Q-Data: 410101 43:21:22 00 01:23:22 2489 xor 8001 338d P1 xor 40 02
MSF: 03:28:28 Q-Data: 410101 03:06:28 00 03:2c:28 d7d6 xor 8001 79cd P2 xor 20 04
MSF: 03:28:33 Q-Data: 410101 0b:26:33 00 13:28:33 9c29 xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:29:27 Q-Data: 410101 03:27:27 00 03:29:27 b5d0 xor 0080 0080 ?
MSF: 03:33:39 Q-Data: 410101 03:31:39 00 03:33:39 f600 xor 0080 0080 ?
MSF: 03:34:51 Q-Data: 410101 01:32:51 00 43:34:51 d7a9 xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:34:56 Q-Data: 410101 03:33:56 00 03:b4:56 c09a xor 8001 de39 P2 xor 01 80
MSF: 09:25:57 Q-Data: 410101 09:23:53 00 09:25:77 2103 xor 8001 2d65 P3 xor 04 20
MSF: 09:25:62 Q-Data: 410101 0b:23:62 00 49:25:62 684c xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:30:63 Q-Data: 410101 0b:28:63 00 49:30:63 ed18 xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:30:68 Q-Data: 410101 09:29:68 00 09:b0:68 b08c xor 8001 de39 P2 xor 01 80
MSF: 09:33:37 Q-Data: 410101 29:31:37 00 0d:33:37 6c68 xor 8001 3237 P1 xor 20 04
MSF: 09:33:42 Q-Data: 410101 09:31:4a 00 09:33:52 7c8b xor 8001 901d P3 xor 08 10
MSF: 09:35:52 Q-Data: 410101 09:73:52 00 09:37:52 4b06 xor 8001 8c73 P2 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:35:57 Q-Data: 410101 19:33:57 00 01:35:57 38f4 xor 8001 1edb P1 xor 10 08
MSF: 09:37:14 Q-Data: 410101 09:35:04 00 09:37:1c 546a xor 8001 0553 P3 xor 10 08
MSF: 09:37:19 Q-Data: 410101 09:31:19 00 09:17:19 a4bd xor 8001 8046 P2 xor 04 20
MSF: 09:41:59 Q-Data: 410101 0b:39:59 00 49:41:59 540d xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:41:64 Q-Data: 410101 09:39:24 00 09:41:66 9e67 xor 8001 b12b P3 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:48:59 Q-Data: 410101 09:44:59 00 09:08:59 6e0a xor 8001 068d P2 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:48:64 Q-Data: 410101 49:46:64 00 0b:48:64 a460 xor 8001 338d P1 xor 40 02
Number of modified sectors: 31
Apparently is working perfectly with Technomage SLES-03243 but i still can't add the game to the database, so i guess something's wrong:
psxt001z by Dremora, v0.21 beta 1
MSF: 03:13:10 Q-Data: 410101 03:13:10 00 03:53:10 50ec xor 8001 068d P2 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:13:15 Q-Data: 410101 43:11:15 00 01:13:15 231e xor 8001 338d P1 xor 40 02
MSF: 03:18:49 Q-Data: 410101 03:1e:49 00 03:08:49 32c5 xor 8001 8e30 P2 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:18:54 Q-Data: 410101 01:16:54 00 43:18:54 d479 xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:20:56 Q-Data: 410101 03:18:57 00 03:20:d6 bc27 xor 8001 bbd8 P3 xor 01 80
MSF: 03:20:61 Q-Data: 410101 03:38:61 00 03:24:61 91a9 xor 8001 79cd P2 xor 20 04
MSF: 03:21:55 Q-Data: 410101 0b:19:55 00 13:21:55 1407 xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:21:60 Q-Data: 410101 03:19:62 00 03:21:20 5d48 xor 8001 8c46 P3 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:24:12 Q-Data: 410101 03:02:12 00 03:20:12 4943 xor 8001 79cd P2 xor 20 04
MSF: 03:24:17 Q-Data: 410101 03:22:07 00 03:24:1f 3ab1 xor 8001 0553 P3 xor 10 08
MSF: 03:25:03 Q-Data: 410101 03:23:13 00 03:25:0b 93c9 xor 8001 0553 P3 xor 10 08
MSF: 03:25:08 Q-Data: 410101 0b:23:08 00 13:25:08 ce5d xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:28:28 Q-Data: 410101 03:06:28 00 03:2c:28 d7d6 xor 8001 79cd P2 xor 20 04
MSF: 03:28:33 Q-Data: 410101 0b:26:33 00 13:28:33 9c29 xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:35:42 Q-Data: 410101 03:32:42 00 03:b5:42 69e2 xor 8001 de39 P2 xor 01 80
MSF: 03:35:47 Q-Data: 410101 03:33:07 00 03:35:45 1a10 xor 8001 b12b P3 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:25:57 Q-Data: 410101 09:23:53 00 09:25:77 2103 xor 8001 2d65 P3 xor 04 20
MSF: 09:25:62 Q-Data: 410101 0b:23:62 00 49:25:62 684c xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:30:63 Q-Data: 410101 0b:28:63 00 49:30:63 ed18 xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:30:68 Q-Data: 410101 09:29:68 00 09:b0:68 b08c xor 8001 de39 P2 xor 01 80
MSF: 09:33:37 Q-Data: 410101 29:31:37 00 0d:33:37 6c68 xor 8001 3237 P1 xor 20 04
MSF: 09:33:42 Q-Data: 410101 09:31:4a 00 09:33:52 7c8b xor 8001 901d P3 xor 08 10
MSF: 09:35:52 Q-Data: 410101 09:73:52 00 09:37:52 4b06 xor 8001 8c73 P2 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:35:57 Q-Data: 410101 19:33:57 00 01:35:57 38f4 xor 8001 1edb P1 xor 10 08
MSF: 09:38:04 Q-Data: 410101 01:36:04 00 19:38:04 9cdf xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 09:38:09 Q-Data: 410101 09:36:0b 00 09:38:49 6c08 xor 8001 8c46 P3 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:38:58 Q-Data: 410101 49:36:58 00 0b:38:58 99bf xor 8001 338d P1 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:38:63 Q-Data: 410101 09:36:73 00 09:38:6b fe96 xor 8001 0553 P3 xor 10 08
MSF: 09:41:59 Q-Data: 410101 0b:39:59 00 49:41:59 540d xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:41:64 Q-Data: 410101 09:39:24 00 09:41:66 9e67 xor 8001 b12b P3 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:50:62 Q-Data: 410101 09:08:62 00 09:52:62 035a xor 8001 8c73 P2 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:50:67 Q-Data: 410101 19:48:67 00 01:50:67 70a8 xor 8001 1edb P1 xor 10 08
Number of modified sectors: 32
Someone know what to do and how i should proceed in this case? Any kind of help is appreciated.
158 2017-10-12 11:26:48
Re: Will documenting ringcodes ever be a requirement before adding games? (7 replies, posted in General discussion)
I'm still waiting to receive my Plextor drive to dump games, but at least after reading this thread i have tried to get barcodes from my games.
First attempt with my copy of Gran Turismo 2 PAL Disc 2 SCES-12380
Setup with a lamp light and a Samsung scanner.
Image codes are barely readable but i guess it's sufficient.
Codes are different from the one that i can see on http://redump.org/disc/83/
DADC IFPI L555 A0100306121-0202 15 B3
Stamped on disc but unreadable in photo: IFPI 947R
If for you it's good, that's obviously just an example, i can do that for all the other games i have.
159 2017-10-08 16:48:23
Re: [DONE] Account request (4 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)
Welcome Lizard,
Your drive works for dumping PS2 discs (DVD ones only, not indigo-bottomed CDs). You will need a Plextor for PSX discs and other CD-Roms.
Dumping guides are here http://wiki.redump.org/index.php?title=Dumping-Guides
Fine, at least I know that I can start doing some work with PS2 DVDs, i'll be checking out the guides on the wiki page. Now I only need to find a Plextor drive, searching on eBay the sellers asks more than 100€ for a compatible drive (damn, what's so special about these cd drives?)
160 2017-10-08 16:17:05
Re: [DONE] Account request (4 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)
Thank you for accepting me. Please can someone help me to find a good Plextor drive (assuming that my HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LN00-29 it's not working for redumps) and to make my first dump? If it's not a problem please send me a PM with other infos. Just please remember that I can speak only English and Italian as my main language. Thanks again.