(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

I've tried to dump this PS1 game called Formula GP SLES-03994 http://redump.org/disc/18346/ without any success. With the 20180127 and the 20180301 test version the result is the same. I have a PX-716SA drive. You can see some screenshot below:



The game can't work as is, F1 2000 it's one of the game with known libcrypt protection.

First dump the game including /c2 /nl at the end of the command.

example: DiscImageCreator.exe cd F MyGameTitle_Dump1.bin 16 /c2 /nl

then while the disc is still inside use this command

psxt001z --libcrypt MyGameTitle_Dump1.sub MyGameTitle_Dump1.sbi

if you want to submit the entry for the game with the http://redump.org/newdisc/ modules (only when you got dumper status) then output the .log files for submitting the entry with the command

psxt001z.exe --libcryptdrvfast     F: > sectors1.log

of course while the game disc is still in the drive, then copy and paste the .log file in the "libcrypt" section of the new disc module. that's what i usually do while dumping libcrypt games, feel free to correct me if i did something wrong.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

I have a PX-W4824TA that i want to sell. I have two Plextor drives, so i don't really need this one as i have another unit smile
Feel free to contact me with a PM if you still need it.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

I don't know if it's my phone or not, but it's a bit hard to find the right position. But in the end i found easier if you put your phone over a box like your photo, and the disc under the light until you find the position good enough to take a photo with the visible ring. It's worth a try with a better camera, i guess. I will make some other tries with different camera-phone-angles until i can find the best way. With the clear disc anyway it's probably easier than trying with the damn PS1 black discs...


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

ack2121 wrote:

Please post the ring codes for Technomage, as they seem to be missing.


Probably i forgot to add it. You can find everything on the last topic i made for verifications. http://forum.redump.org/topic/16676/psx … additions/


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jackal wrote:

Use psxt001z --libcryptdrvfast

This was the response for Technomage:

MSF: 03:13:10 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 13 10 00 03 53 10 50 ec
MSF: 03:13:15 Q-Data: 41 01 01 43 11 15 00 01 13 15 23 1e
MSF: 03:18:49 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 1e 49 00 03 08 49 32 c5
MSF: 03:18:54 Q-Data: 41 01 01 01 16 54 00 43 18 54 d4 79
MSF: 03:20:56 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 18 57 00 03 20 d6 bc 27
MSF: 03:20:61 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 38 61 00 03 24 61 91 a9
MSF: 03:21:55 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 19 55 00 13 21 55 14 07
MSF: 03:21:60 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 19 62 00 03 21 20 5d 48
MSF: 03:24:12 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 02 12 00 03 20 12 49 43
MSF: 03:24:17 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 22 07 00 03 24 1f 3a b1
MSF: 03:25:03 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 23 13 00 03 25 0b 93 c9
MSF: 03:25:08 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 23 08 00 13 25 08 ce 5d
MSF: 03:28:28 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 06 28 00 03 2c 28 d7 d6
MSF: 03:28:33 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 26 33 00 13 28 33 9c 29
MSF: 03:35:42 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 32 42 00 03 b5 42 69 e2
MSF: 03:35:47 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 33 07 00 03 35 45 1a 10
MSF: 09:25:57 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 23 53 00 09 25 77 21 03
MSF: 09:25:62 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 23 62 00 49 25 62 68 4c
MSF: 09:30:63 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 28 63 00 49 30 63 ed 18
MSF: 09:30:68 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 29 68 00 09 b0 68 b0 8c
MSF: 09:33:37 Q-Data: 41 01 01 29 31 37 00 0d 33 37 6c 68
MSF: 09:33:42 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 31 4a 00 09 33 52 7c 8b
MSF: 09:35:52 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 73 52 00 09 37 52 4b 06
MSF: 09:35:57 Q-Data: 41 01 01 19 33 57 00 01 35 57 38 f4
MSF: 09:38:04 Q-Data: 41 01 01 01 36 04 00 19 38 04 9c df
MSF: 09:38:09 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 36 0b 00 09 38 49 6c 08
MSF: 09:38:58 Q-Data: 41 01 01 49 36 58 00 0b 38 58 99 bf
MSF: 09:38:63 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 36 73 00 09 38 6b fe 96
MSF: 09:41:59 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 39 59 00 49 41 59 54 0d
MSF: 09:41:64 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 39 24 00 09 41 66 9e 67
MSF: 09:50:62 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 08 62 00 09 52 62 03 5a
MSF: 09:50:67 Q-Data: 41 01 01 19 48 67 00 01 50 67 70 a8

Original sectors: 32
LC1 sectors:      32
LC2 sectors:      0
Other sectors:    0

At first it wasn't accepted and it was giving the same error, but then i have removed the last few text lines and that worked. If everything is fine i will proceed to dump the other games too.


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

Using this command

DiscImageCreator.exe cd K MyGameTitle_Dump1.bin 48 /c2 /nl 

i have dumped these three games with Libcrypt protection, following the instruction given to me when i failed to dump Actua Ice Hockey 2. http://forum.redump.org/topic/16646/addedpsx-9x-verify/ I guess something is wrong actually, i can't submit all three games because when i use the new disc modules it keeps saying "Please check LibCrypt data!"

Checking carefully, i have tried to dump many times this games at different speeds and with both the Plextor drives i have without success in dumping the protection with the /nl command.
This is the first game: PGA European Tour Golf SLES-02396

psxt001z by Dremora, v0.21 beta 1

MSF: 03:13:10 Q-Data: 410101 03:13:10 00 03:53:10 50ec  xor 8001 068d P2 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:13:15 Q-Data: 410101 43:11:15 00 01:13:15 231e  xor 8001 338d P1 xor 40 02
MSF: 03:18:49 Q-Data: 410101 03:1e:49 00 03:08:49 32c5  xor 8001 8e30 P2 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:18:54 Q-Data: 410101 01:16:54 00 43:18:54 d479  xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:19:18 Q-Data: 410101 03:17:18 00 03:19:18 39e2  xor 0800 0800 ?
MSF: 03:21:55 Q-Data: 410101 0b:19:55 00 13:21:55 1407  xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:21:60 Q-Data: 410101 03:19:62 00 03:21:20 5d48  xor 8001 8c46 P3 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:24:12 Q-Data: 410101 03:02:12 00 03:20:12 4943  xor 8001 79cd P2 xor 20 04
MSF: 03:24:17 Q-Data: 410101 03:22:07 00 03:24:1f 3ab1  xor 8001 0553 P3 xor 10 08
MSF: 03:25:03 Q-Data: 410101 03:23:13 00 03:25:0b 93c9  xor 8001 0553 P3 xor 10 08
MSF: 03:25:08 Q-Data: 410101 0b:23:08 00 13:25:08 ce5d  xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:32:19 Q-Data: 410101 03:30:59 00 03:32:1b 2cc6  xor 8001 b12b P3 xor 40 02
MSF: 03:32:24 Q-Data: 410101 03:20:24 00 03:3a:24 e6ac  xor 8001 132c P2 xor 10 08
MSF: 03:34:51 Q-Data: 410101 01:32:51 00 43:34:51 d7a9  xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:34:56 Q-Data: 410101 03:33:56 00 03:b4:56 c09a  xor 8001 de39 P2 xor 01 80
MSF: 09:25:57 Q-Data: 410101 09:23:53 00 09:25:77 2103  xor 8001 2d65 P3 xor 04 20
MSF: 09:25:62 Q-Data: 410101 0b:23:62 00 49:25:62 684c  xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:30:63 Q-Data: 410101 0b:28:63 00 49:30:63 ed18  xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:30:68 Q-Data: 410101 09:29:68 00 09:b0:68 b08c  xor 8001 de39 P2 xor 01 80
MSF: 09:35:52 Q-Data: 410101 09:73:52 00 09:37:52 4b06  xor 8001 8c73 P2 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:35:57 Q-Data: 410101 19:33:57 00 01:35:57 38f4  xor 8001 1edb P1 xor 10 08
MSF: 09:38:04 Q-Data: 410101 01:36:04 00 19:38:04 9cdf  xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 09:38:09 Q-Data: 410101 09:36:0b 00 09:38:49 6c08  xor 8001 8c46 P3 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:38:58 Q-Data: 410101 49:36:58 00 0b:38:58 99bf  xor 8001 338d P1 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:38:63 Q-Data: 410101 09:36:73 00 09:38:6b fe96  xor 8001 0553 P3 xor 10 08
MSF: 09:46:13 Q-Data: 410101 09:44:1b 00 09:46:03 780d  xor 8001 901d P3 xor 08 10
MSF: 09:46:18 Q-Data: 410101 09:46:18 00 09:06:18 2599  xor 8001 068d P2 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:48:59 Q-Data: 410101 09:44:59 00 09:08:59 6e0a  xor 8001 068d P2 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:48:64 Q-Data: 410101 49:46:64 00 0b:48:64 a460  xor 8001 338d P1 xor 40 02
Number of modified sectors: 29

Why only 29 sectors on .sub appears as modified but the sectors.log reports 32 LC1 sectors?

MSF: 03:08:05 Q-Data: 41 01 01 07 06 05 00 23 08 05 38 39
MSF: 03:08:10 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 06 11 00 03 08 90 5d a0
MSF: 03:13:10 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 13 10 00 03 53 10 50 ec
MSF: 03:13:15 Q-Data: 41 01 01 43 11 15 00 01 13 15 23 1e
MSF: 03:18:49 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 1e 49 00 03 08 49 32 c5
MSF: 03:18:54 Q-Data: 41 01 01 01 16 54 00 43 18 54 d4 79
MSF: 03:21:55 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 19 55 00 13 21 55 14 07
MSF: 03:21:60 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 19 62 00 03 21 20 5d 48
MSF: 03:24:12 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 02 12 00 03 20 12 49 43
MSF: 03:24:17 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 22 07 00 03 24 1f 3a b1
MSF: 03:25:03 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 23 13 00 03 25 0b 93 c9
MSF: 03:25:08 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 23 08 00 13 25 08 ce 5d
MSF: 03:32:19 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 30 59 00 03 32 1b 2c c6
MSF: 03:32:24 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 20 24 00 03 3a 24 e6 ac
MSF: 03:34:51 Q-Data: 41 01 01 01 32 51 00 43 34 51 d7 a9
MSF: 03:34:56 Q-Data: 41 01 01 03 33 56 00 03 b4 56 c0 9a
MSF: 09:20:45 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 18 65 00 09 20 41 40 72
MSF: 09:20:50 Q-Data: 41 01 01 19 18 50 00 01 20 50 25 eb
MSF: 09:25:57 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 23 53 00 09 25 77 21 03
MSF: 09:25:62 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 23 62 00 49 25 62 68 4c
MSF: 09:30:63 Q-Data: 41 01 01 0b 28 63 00 49 30 63 ed 18
MSF: 09:30:68 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 29 68 00 09 b0 68 b0 8c
MSF: 09:35:52 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 73 52 00 09 37 52 4b 06
MSF: 09:35:57 Q-Data: 41 01 01 19 33 57 00 01 35 57 38 f4
MSF: 09:38:04 Q-Data: 41 01 01 01 36 04 00 19 38 04 9c df
MSF: 09:38:09 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 36 0b 00 09 38 49 6c 08
MSF: 09:38:58 Q-Data: 41 01 01 49 36 58 00 0b 38 58 99 bf
MSF: 09:38:63 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 36 73 00 09 38 6b fe 96
MSF: 09:46:13 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 44 1b 00 09 46 03 78 0d
MSF: 09:46:18 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 46 18 00 09 06 18 25 99
MSF: 09:48:59 Q-Data: 41 01 01 09 44 59 00 09 08 59 6e 0a
MSF: 09:48:64 Q-Data: 41 01 01 49 46 64 00 0b 48 64 a4 60

Original sectors: 32
LC1 sectors:      32
LC2 sectors:      0
Other sectors:    0

The same thing happened with Sydney 2000 SLES-02860:

psxt001z by Dremora, v0.21 beta 1

MSF: 03:13:10 Q-Data: 410101 03:13:10 00 03:53:10 50ec  xor 8001 068d P2 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:13:15 Q-Data: 410101 43:11:15 00 01:13:15 231e  xor 8001 338d P1 xor 40 02
MSF: 03:18:49 Q-Data: 410101 03:1e:49 00 03:08:49 32c5  xor 8001 8e30 P2 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:18:54 Q-Data: 410101 01:16:54 00 43:18:54 d479  xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:20:56 Q-Data: 410101 03:18:57 00 03:20:d6 bc27  xor 8001 bbd8 P3 xor 01 80
MSF: 03:20:61 Q-Data: 410101 03:38:61 00 03:24:61 91a9  xor 8001 79cd P2 xor 20 04
MSF: 03:21:55 Q-Data: 410101 0b:19:55 00 13:21:55 1407  xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:21:58 Q-Data: 410101 03:19:58 00 03:21:58 64f1  xor 0020 0020 ?
MSF: 03:21:60 Q-Data: 410101 03:19:62 00 03:21:20 5d48  xor 8001 8c46 P3 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:23:17 Q-Data: 410101 03:23:17 00 03:63:17 6dc6  xor 8001 068d P2 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:23:22 Q-Data: 410101 43:21:22 00 01:23:22 2489  xor 8001 338d P1 xor 40 02
MSF: 03:28:28 Q-Data: 410101 03:06:28 00 03:2c:28 d7d6  xor 8001 79cd P2 xor 20 04
MSF: 03:28:33 Q-Data: 410101 0b:26:33 00 13:28:33 9c29  xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:29:27 Q-Data: 410101 03:27:27 00 03:29:27 b5d0  xor 0080 0080 ?
MSF: 03:33:39 Q-Data: 410101 03:31:39 00 03:33:39 f600  xor 0080 0080 ?
MSF: 03:34:51 Q-Data: 410101 01:32:51 00 43:34:51 d7a9  xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:34:56 Q-Data: 410101 03:33:56 00 03:b4:56 c09a  xor 8001 de39 P2 xor 01 80
MSF: 09:25:57 Q-Data: 410101 09:23:53 00 09:25:77 2103  xor 8001 2d65 P3 xor 04 20
MSF: 09:25:62 Q-Data: 410101 0b:23:62 00 49:25:62 684c  xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:30:63 Q-Data: 410101 0b:28:63 00 49:30:63 ed18  xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:30:68 Q-Data: 410101 09:29:68 00 09:b0:68 b08c  xor 8001 de39 P2 xor 01 80
MSF: 09:33:37 Q-Data: 410101 29:31:37 00 0d:33:37 6c68  xor 8001 3237 P1 xor 20 04
MSF: 09:33:42 Q-Data: 410101 09:31:4a 00 09:33:52 7c8b  xor 8001 901d P3 xor 08 10
MSF: 09:35:52 Q-Data: 410101 09:73:52 00 09:37:52 4b06  xor 8001 8c73 P2 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:35:57 Q-Data: 410101 19:33:57 00 01:35:57 38f4  xor 8001 1edb P1 xor 10 08
MSF: 09:37:14 Q-Data: 410101 09:35:04 00 09:37:1c 546a  xor 8001 0553 P3 xor 10 08
MSF: 09:37:19 Q-Data: 410101 09:31:19 00 09:17:19 a4bd  xor 8001 8046 P2 xor 04 20
MSF: 09:41:59 Q-Data: 410101 0b:39:59 00 49:41:59 540d  xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:41:64 Q-Data: 410101 09:39:24 00 09:41:66 9e67  xor 8001 b12b P3 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:48:59 Q-Data: 410101 09:44:59 00 09:08:59 6e0a  xor 8001 068d P2 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:48:64 Q-Data: 410101 49:46:64 00 0b:48:64 a460  xor 8001 338d P1 xor 40 02
Number of modified sectors: 31

Apparently is working perfectly with Technomage SLES-03243 but i still can't add the game to the database, so i guess something's wrong:

psxt001z by Dremora, v0.21 beta 1

MSF: 03:13:10 Q-Data: 410101 03:13:10 00 03:53:10 50ec  xor 8001 068d P2 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:13:15 Q-Data: 410101 43:11:15 00 01:13:15 231e  xor 8001 338d P1 xor 40 02
MSF: 03:18:49 Q-Data: 410101 03:1e:49 00 03:08:49 32c5  xor 8001 8e30 P2 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:18:54 Q-Data: 410101 01:16:54 00 43:18:54 d479  xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:20:56 Q-Data: 410101 03:18:57 00 03:20:d6 bc27  xor 8001 bbd8 P3 xor 01 80
MSF: 03:20:61 Q-Data: 410101 03:38:61 00 03:24:61 91a9  xor 8001 79cd P2 xor 20 04
MSF: 03:21:55 Q-Data: 410101 0b:19:55 00 13:21:55 1407  xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:21:60 Q-Data: 410101 03:19:62 00 03:21:20 5d48  xor 8001 8c46 P3 xor 02 40
MSF: 03:24:12 Q-Data: 410101 03:02:12 00 03:20:12 4943  xor 8001 79cd P2 xor 20 04
MSF: 03:24:17 Q-Data: 410101 03:22:07 00 03:24:1f 3ab1  xor 8001 0553 P3 xor 10 08
MSF: 03:25:03 Q-Data: 410101 03:23:13 00 03:25:0b 93c9  xor 8001 0553 P3 xor 10 08
MSF: 03:25:08 Q-Data: 410101 0b:23:08 00 13:25:08 ce5d  xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:28:28 Q-Data: 410101 03:06:28 00 03:2c:28 d7d6  xor 8001 79cd P2 xor 20 04
MSF: 03:28:33 Q-Data: 410101 0b:26:33 00 13:28:33 9c29  xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 03:35:42 Q-Data: 410101 03:32:42 00 03:b5:42 69e2  xor 8001 de39 P2 xor 01 80
MSF: 03:35:47 Q-Data: 410101 03:33:07 00 03:35:45 1a10  xor 8001 b12b P3 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:25:57 Q-Data: 410101 09:23:53 00 09:25:77 2103  xor 8001 2d65 P3 xor 04 20
MSF: 09:25:62 Q-Data: 410101 0b:23:62 00 49:25:62 684c  xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:30:63 Q-Data: 410101 0b:28:63 00 49:30:63 ed18  xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:30:68 Q-Data: 410101 09:29:68 00 09:b0:68 b08c  xor 8001 de39 P2 xor 01 80
MSF: 09:33:37 Q-Data: 410101 29:31:37 00 0d:33:37 6c68  xor 8001 3237 P1 xor 20 04
MSF: 09:33:42 Q-Data: 410101 09:31:4a 00 09:33:52 7c8b  xor 8001 901d P3 xor 08 10
MSF: 09:35:52 Q-Data: 410101 09:73:52 00 09:37:52 4b06  xor 8001 8c73 P2 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:35:57 Q-Data: 410101 19:33:57 00 01:35:57 38f4  xor 8001 1edb P1 xor 10 08
MSF: 09:38:04 Q-Data: 410101 01:36:04 00 19:38:04 9cdf  xor 8001 50cf P1 xor 08 10
MSF: 09:38:09 Q-Data: 410101 09:36:0b 00 09:38:49 6c08  xor 8001 8c46 P3 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:38:58 Q-Data: 410101 49:36:58 00 0b:38:58 99bf  xor 8001 338d P1 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:38:63 Q-Data: 410101 09:36:73 00 09:38:6b fe96  xor 8001 0553 P3 xor 10 08
MSF: 09:41:59 Q-Data: 410101 0b:39:59 00 49:41:59 540d  xor 8001 fd4f P1 xor 02 40
MSF: 09:41:64 Q-Data: 410101 09:39:24 00 09:41:66 9e67  xor 8001 b12b P3 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:50:62 Q-Data: 410101 09:08:62 00 09:52:62 035a  xor 8001 8c73 P2 xor 40 02
MSF: 09:50:67 Q-Data: 410101 19:48:67 00 01:50:67 70a8  xor 8001 1edb P1 xor 10 08
Number of modified sectors: 32

Someone know what to do and how i should proceed in this case? Any kind of help is appreciated.

I'm still waiting to receive my Plextor drive to dump games, but at least after reading this thread i have tried to get barcodes from my games.
First attempt with my copy of Gran Turismo 2 PAL Disc 2 SCES-12380
Setup with a lamp light and a Samsung scanner.
Image codes are barely readable but i guess it's sufficient.
Codes are different from the one that i can see on http://redump.org/disc/83/
DADC IFPI L555 A0100306121-0202 15 B3
Stamped on disc but unreadable in photo: IFPI 947R
If for you it's good, that's obviously just an example, i can do that for all the other games i have.


(4 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)

user7 wrote:

Welcome Lizard,

Your drive works for dumping PS2 discs (DVD ones only, not indigo-bottomed CDs). You will need a Plextor for PSX discs and other CD-Roms.

Dumping guides are here http://wiki.redump.org/index.php?title=Dumping-Guides

Fine, at least I know that I can start doing some work with PS2 DVDs, i'll be checking out the guides on the wiki page. Now I only need to find a Plextor drive, searching on eBay the sellers asks more than 100€ for a compatible drive (damn, what's so special about these cd drives?)


(4 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)

Thank you for accepting me. Please can someone help me to find a good Plextor drive (assuming that my HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH24NSB0 LN00-29 it's not working for redumps) and to make my first dump? If it's not a problem please send me a PM with other infos. Just please remember that I can speak only English and Italian as my main language. Thanks again.