I won't deny the guide is out-of-date however the steps for setting up and using ISO Buster are still the same in newer versions.
52 2009-09-29 18:57:01
Re: About the moderators (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
You can monitor what changes are being made if you subscribe to the RSS feeds. They will show who made the change (except for firefox...for some reason it's rss reader won't show that info).
53 2009-09-26 02:57:22
Re: cheap cdrom drive (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
I just let EAC tell me if it can by making it try to detect the drive's offset using any audio CD I put in it. Regardless if the disc is in EAC's database the first thing it does is tell you what the drive's overreading capabilities are (or at least what the drive says it can do).
54 2009-09-25 20:06:25
Re: cheap cdrom drive (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
tossEAC you never did mention if that 360 drive could overread.
55 2009-09-23 09:09:03
Re: How to Dump SecuROM Protected Game (1 replies, posted in General discussion)
From my experience they will dump like any other disc but unless you get the sector positioning info using Alcohol 120% or BlindWrite/BlindRead you won't be able to actually play the game from the image without patching it (which I hate having to do when it's so easy to dump that info but unfortunately I don't think we accept that info at this time). So unless another mod comes on here and says otherwise just dump it like any other disc.
56 2009-09-01 01:19:39
Re: new program to identify PSX BIOS directly on console & control CD unit (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
Interesting...I'll see how this works on my 3 PSX consoles.
57 2009-08-30 00:17:34
Re: Versions for the following PSX dumps needed... (16 replies, posted in General discussion)
I think for most of those dumps that have a version number that there is only 1 version of in the database the reason they have that is because a lot of those games did have another version in the database but they were matrix dumps and the versions never got changed on the other dumps when the matrix dumps got removed...at least I'm aware of 1 game in which that is the reason for. I can't really say why the others are like that.
58 2009-08-25 20:45:39
Re: PSP Dumping via USB (3 replies, posted in General discussion)
Basically I'm going to the select menu on my custom firmware and changing the USB Device to UMD Disc and when I go to the drive on my computer I get an ISO file. I tried running the dumper that is listed on the forums but even with Time Machine installed I can't seem to get it to run to see if the dump from USB is the same as from that program.
59 2009-08-25 07:24:01
Topic: PSP Dumping via USB (3 replies, posted in General discussion)
I just recently got a PSP and modded it and noticed that there is a feature for reading the ISO of the UMD using the USB Mode. Would this be considered a valid way of dumping PSP games? I know it's not that fastest way but I was just curious.
60 2009-07-16 02:58:45
Re: Probs Dumping Xenosaga Euro Special Bonus DVD (11 replies, posted in General discussion)
For the most part yet but I think that using a MDS file from an Alcohol 120% dump should allow it to be decrypted. I've made full dumps with Alcohol 120% using the mds/mdf format and DVD Decrypter was able to fully decrypt the image. I may see if this works using a 1:1 dump and modifying the MDS file to point to the ISO file instead of the MDF file.
61 2009-07-15 04:54:10
Re: Probs Dumping Xenosaga Euro Special Bonus DVD (11 replies, posted in General discussion)
Is the bonus DVD a DVD-Video disc? If so then you are getting errors because the disc is still locked out from you being able to access the video file on the DVD. The only way to unlock it is to start playing it using a software DVD player or load up DVD Decrypter and let it unlock it then you can use ISO Buster to dump it.
62 2009-06-28 19:50:37
Re: [SS] Sakura Tsuushin (J) (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
The drives I use for swapping tend to only show scrambled data on burned discs but show the data normally on pressed discs (I've tested this using a burn and original copy of a PC game I have). Sector 192819 may be showing as unscrambled because it comes just before a real audio track and the drive may be picking up on this and choosing to give you the unscrambled sector. This is only my theory though and I don't exactly have anything to back it up.
63 2009-06-19 20:01:42
Re: Questions about discs with only one audio track (11 replies, posted in General discussion)
The best way to tell what the gap is for these discs is to count how many sectors you had to go back from the start of track 2 until you saw the garbage data. If you went back 150 sectors then it's a 2 second gap, 225 sectors then 3 seconds, ect...
64 2009-06-18 03:52:12
Re: Title screen name fixes . . . (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
I think this is going to the extreme of only using the title from the game's menu. Remember there are even games that don't show any title on the menu and what you are having us add and take away completely changes the games title in a way it doesn't need to be changed.
After looking around a bit I would have to say the only game I'm going to have to agree on the name change here is Activision Classics as a quick google search shows the title for that game as 'A Collection of Activision Classic Games for the Atari 2600' which is also what seems to be on the actual disc cover so I'm wondering how it got so simplified.
http://www.mobygames.com/game/playstati … erId,5910/
I'm going to leave the name change for this game up to others though.
Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M.:
This title is listed on the cover of all versions of this game and this title is used for every site that mentions it so I think the current title is fine
The words above the title on the menu do not appear to be part of the title. Instead they seem to be words to describe the concept of the game.
Barbie: Gotta Have Games:
Just like Armorines this title is on the cover and is listed on every site that mentions is. Besides you do want to know this is a Barbie game beforehand right?
Backstreet Billiards:
The BB on the 8 ball appears to be more of a fancy logo rather then being part of the title.
65 2009-06-12 22:42:27
Re: Question about gaps (9 replies, posted in General discussion)
Pregap belongs to the next track according to the sub and Red Book standards.
In that case EAC's default and everyone that rips audio CDs with the default settings have it wrong.
66 2009-06-12 20:10:46
Re: PSX C2 Copy Protection (3 replies, posted in General discussion)
Are you sure it's copy protection? Not every copying program uses C2 error correction after all and I doubt that even the PSX reads that data. Have you tried burning your dump and testing it on the original hardware?
67 2009-06-12 01:58:24
Re: How to open .GDI file (beginner) (4 replies, posted in General discussion)
Well to be honest I haven't used nullDC since the first public beta so I'm not sure what the problem is. Hopefully someone here that has had experience will reply.
68 2009-06-11 03:28:09
Re: How to open .GDI file (beginner) (4 replies, posted in General discussion)
nullDC is a new Dreamcast emulator that can use gdi files with a special plugin that is included with it so you can play the game in it's original GD-ROM format.
69 2009-06-11 01:42:40
Re: Question about gaps (9 replies, posted in General discussion)
EAC was made for standard audio CDs (hence why it ignores the data track) and appending the gap to the previous track actually causes it to generate an invalid multi file cuesheet. Appending gaps to the next track is a more valid method since not only do you get a valid multi file cuesheet but this is also how CDRWin and other programs that use cuesheets and consider track gaps make their cuesheets. Also the location of the gaps is marked in the cuesheets as INDEX 00 which all players skip over and go straight to INDEX 01 when you skip to that track which will be right after the gap.
70 2009-06-10 00:03:49
Re: 7000+ dumps, but missing some now? (9 replies, posted in General discussion)
Oh wow I must have missed those talks in the IRC. That is suspicious and completely goes against what this project is trying to accomplish. It makes you wonder what else is wrong with some dumps in the database.
71 2009-06-09 15:31:34
Re: 7000+ dumps, but missing some now? (9 replies, posted in General discussion)
What was wrong with pnz's dumps to begin with? Just curious.
72 2009-06-08 12:53:38
Topic: 7000+ Dump!!! :D (0 replies, posted in News)
Looking back it's hard to believe that we've come this far in only a few years and now we have over 1000 new dumps in just the last three months alone. With everyone's help we come one more disc closer to completing our goal so keep up the great work.
73 2009-06-01 16:54:49
Re: Hey i have a few problems (9 replies, posted in General discussion)
Does the image work in an emulator?
74 2009-05-17 13:16:45
Re: PSX/PS2 dumping advice (15 replies, posted in General discussion)
Pregap: only needed for games with audio tracks and taken from the cuesheet that you are expected to post for games with audio tracks
Length: calculated by the database using the size of the track (so you don't need to post this yourself as you are already posting the track length)
Anti-modchip: I'm not exactly sure how to determine this other then trying to run a burned disc on a modded PSX that doesn't have a stealth mod chip
LibCrypt: you can use the libcryptdrvfast command to scan for this (psxt001z --libcryptdrvfast D; where D is the drive letter where the PSX disc is located), simply post the info from the sectors.log file that is created when running that command
Also be sure that the size of the track is the Size and not Size on disk in the file properties in Windows (if you are using the file properties to check the size that is).
75 2009-04-06 23:51:22
Re: Merged Compression Tests (43 replies, posted in General discussion)
This definitely looks pretty good and I might try it soon. There are just a few things though. First of all it looks like this program is still in development and the current version is an alpha build so I don't think it would be a good idea to migrate everything to this just yet until the program is more perfected by the author. Another thing I've been thinking of is the possible amount of PC resources people are going to need to extract an archive made with this program. A lot of our dumps are being shared on torrent networks now as well as usenet and most people in the torrent community want something that is easy to extract and not all of them have the latest and greatest hardware. A lot of them even have a problem figuring out packIso (like that's real hard to use). Basically if we are going to use this to help spread our dumps we need to make sure it's going to be usable and accepted by everyone first (or at least the majority of people that know what they are doing) before we start migrating everything to a new format.