I have some discs in this protection

SpellForce - The Order of Dawn - 2 cd - Bundle Version Gigabyte OEM

ProtectionID Protection Report :
[SF_CD1] | Disc Protection: SecuROM Signature v 4.85/5/7 (or higher) (CD)
[SF_CD2] | Disc Protection: SecuROM Signature v 4.85/5/7 (or higher) (CD)

Any help ?


Since I'm no native speaker my English is unfortunately far from perfect, so please excuse any bad grammar and spelling.

From my experience they will dump like any other disc but unless you get the sector positioning info using Alcohol 120% or BlindWrite/BlindRead you won't be able to actually play the game from the image without patching it (which I hate having to do when it's so easy to dump that info but unfortunately I don't think we accept that info at this time). So unless another mod comes on here and says otherwise just dump it like any other disc.