(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

All you have to do is simple.

Just set isobuster up as it is supposed to be, so the dates appear correct.

Then put the dumped disc in your drive, and select that dump on redumps main page, check to see if the dates are different, if not don't do anything, if some are different you need to post what the differences you find are, in the fixes section.

Also sometimes when the date is set either way in isobuster, the date of the exe file remains the same.

Othertimes the exe date will be different, that basically means you may find some that the date seems to be correct, it just means that setting the date either way its the same, just don't automatically assume if you see one and the date is the same, that it means you had the date set right in the first place.

Also what do you mean by (reformatted since)?

Thats understood.


I'll rephrase the question.

Q: Why is ice.exe giving the wrong combined offset vales, when I unscramble discs with negative offset.

For Sale : Retro collectors only


im selling my collection of gaming machines.not sure if there will be much interest but here goes.all are either mint or as new.im open to offers

Capcom Generation Vol.1,3,4,5 (Japanese) all sealed £20 each

PC-FX Console +2 pads and 2 games.no yellowing mint £300

House of the Dead 2 (Dreamcast) with lightgun japanese £30

Get Bass with Fishing Controller DC Dreamcast £30

Sega Saturn +2 pads plus video cd card plus game £100

Aqua Blue Sony PS2 Limited Edition £100

Psone chipped £50


Psone spyro £50 game console (uk version) un-opened

Neo Geo Pocket Colour £35 aqua blue

Philips Cdi with Video Catridge and 13 titles £140

Location: Wirral (England) (UK)

All items include paid delivery.

Will have some pics of consoles in a few days. (hopefully).



Payments, via PayPal or bank transfer preffered.

These items are not mine (tossEAC's), they are coming from a close friend, I just thought seeing as he's getting rid, to give you people first offers.

Also to come in the next few days, a list of original games, when enough time allows this list to be created.


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

What is our planet called.

Say hello.

Well I typed Earth and it didn't like that.

Say Hello.

Hello and it didn't like that either.

What are you meant to type?  tongue

Sussed one of the silly answers

Just type "earth" all in lowercase


(3 replies, posted in News)

Their is actually an exact number + an anomilly.

Every dumpers dump + dumps made by people not given dumping status yet.



(3 replies, posted in News)

Could you work out what the total dumps based on this formula.

If a dump has 10 dumpers it counts as 10 dumps. Grand total dumps = ? (every dump by every dumper) even if some are exactly the same.

smile I bet its a lot more than 9000


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

I dont actually know if it can overread. Is their a way you can tell, and I'll give it a try, and let you know smile


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

I could see the postage being 1/3 of total cost.

So if the postage was 10 Euro, It would be 30 Euro's total, or their abouts, I can only let you have an early reader model, no writers as I paid about £200 for each writer, I was spending ca$h like it was out of fashion in those days.

The readers are good early scsi models, reliable and have huge offsets, good for discs with -647 offset.

Model of the one I had in mind is Plextor PX-32TSi Sept 1998

The fw is a removable chip (cant be flashed) Ver 1.03

Try getting hold of the x360 drive (while you still can).


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Try a drive with a large offsett.

ie one above +647.

Try again with this drive and you should see zeroe's where you expected.

Q: What drive did you use (just the offset will tell me all I need)?

Negative pregap doesn't exist, but negative factory write offsett does, think you meant the latter. smile


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)


This is actually the XBOX360's HD-DVD drive.

It may be possible to get them in hmv stores or online @ amazon.

I bought 2 for £25 each.

Not as good as a plextor in some ways, but has pottential to do more than most plextors.

It works well in EAC and detects gaps on method A secure, very quickly evry time. Without corrupted the detected gaps.

It can play HD-DVD's and DVD's on both PC and XBOX360.

Its well made and is pretty heavy, including the PSU.

Handy as a USB dvd drive for laptops that dont have dvd or hd-dvd.

And lastly it has a lovely large offset above 647, so discs with -647 factory write offset can be read in easilly.

Overall 9.5/10 for what it can do, not what it cant.

PS I have around 10 SCSI pLextor drives, if your intrested. Let me know.


(8 replies, posted in News)

It would be nice to also see the total number of dumps, with the total number of verifiying dumps included.

Grand Total = ? (including all verification dumps).

PS. put a SPACE before your smile

Then you dont see:).

I agree about the mentioning in the guide, and games do need to be error checked.

I had to ask around for info on loads of stuff that isnt in the guides, without which many a dump would have been completely wrong.

I found another of fuzzballs PSX dumps, which said it had no errors, but in actuallity it had 4 mastering errors.

So I reported this here, but something seemed to happen to the thread, it seems to have vanished or maybe it never got posted.

Anyway this is just to remind people that fuzzballs dumps have to be error checked.

So if anyone see's an error in any of fuzzballs psx dumps report the error information and then someone can fix therm.

I have my entire psx collection in an unpacked state, so I could easilly check all the fuzzball dumps I have for errors.

RESPECT: fuzzball cool

Legend of Zelda, The - The Wind Waker (U).rar (need 1 more block)

WinRAR 3.71

I have a winrar packing programme called real scene packer, it might be of use. Let me know if you would like it. smile


(49 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jackal wrote:

We can't go back to the old naming now.. several fields have changed. Some contents of the serial field have moved to the version field, etc... It's technically not possible, and it also doesn't make sense. Tosec and No-Intro also don't have 2 naming conventions. The only optional parameter that we have is the no-intro convention PLUS serials.

We were aware that this step wouldn't please everybody (but still substantially more people were in favor of the no-intro naming than the previous one). Rocknroms wanted to keep the old naming, as did some other mods. My only advice to those people is that they should use their own custom naming (several people on here were already doing this, so they should be able to help you in that department).

I am going to choose my own custom naming based on the old names, for all the stuff I have compressed already, some sets are fully un compressed so wont take to much time to re-name them (psx) (ngc).

Stuff I have made pars for all ready I am generally going to keep the images as they are and just new ones I add from now on will get the new names.

I'll probably switch to the new names for everything, but I will definately be waiting as serials may come back into it at some point. So it would be pointless to change names and then have to do it all again sometime soon.


(49 replies, posted in General discussion)

I have a solution that would make everybody happy on the name switch front.

Considering the names are only changed in the dats, cuesheets, gdi files, sbi files, sfv files and md5 files, why not give us both, I for one could stick to using the old names and everyone else could choose what they used, how they see fit.

The actuall files that end up getting renamed are all dependant on the individual user, some have little bits of renaming to do others have a whole heep to do.


(49 replies, posted in General discussion)

Here's what I mean:

EXAMPLE 1: http://redump.org/images/regions/E.png  50 Cent: Bulletproof PS2 1.00 Original, Promo   SLES-53734 
EXAMPLE 2: http://redump.org/images/regions/F.png  50 Cent: Bulletproof PS2 1.00 Original   SLES-53906 

EXAMPLE 1: 50 Cent - Bulletproof (Europe)
EXAMPLE 2: 50 Cent - Bulletproof (France)

EXAMPLE 1: English Language only
EXAMPLE 2: French Language only

What I mean is if a game is made with only (English) it should not be called (Europe), it should (England), even if a Game shop in France, Germany, or even Japan decide they want to sell that game

When a game is French only its rightfully called (France) not (Europe).


(49 replies, posted in General discussion)

It will only take me a few days to get the re-naming done. The pars thread will not be changed only new games added will start new posts in the exsisting threads with the new names of course.

Just a minor point I would like to bring to your attention, and it's very important as it seems like this is an error of some sort.

ENGLISH only games (often bought in the United Kingdom / England) seem to be getting wrongly named (Europe).

This is most definately wrong as England is not Europe.

Europe games that include English and other European languages, German, Sweeden etc. should be named (Europe), but English only games if they are the UK versions should be England or UK or maybe even GB (Great Britain). Definately not (Europe) on it's own.

Let me know if you think I am wright or wrong. I defiantely think I have a valid point, that you may want to consider.


(18 replies, posted in News)

How on earth are we going to rename everything, when most of it is in compressed format.

And all my PAR's are totally useless now as they use the old names.

I wouldn't have minded the switch if it was done along time ago, but to do it when we have 7000+ dumps, is a total nightmare. yikes

Renaming for the next month was not on my agenda.