To my understanding, "Covermount" and "Bundled with magazine" is the exact same thing...
I always used "Covermount" when i submited a disc that was bundled with a magazine because technically it's the correct term...
1 2021-06-09 03:38:03
Re: Questions about the edition (15 replies, posted in General discussion)
2 2021-06-09 03:32:23
Re: Any benefit to verifying games already marked green? (10 replies, posted in General discussion)
Well, in my opinion, +1 verification is always welcome even if there are already a lot of dumpers for that entry...
Sometimes you can encounter a error in some field that went unnoticed...
And this is the better part of verifing dumps: you never know when you may find a missing revision or variant!
3 2021-04-10 16:41:29
Re: PVD data (3 replies, posted in General discussion)
In IB select "Sector View" and choose the sector 16.
Make sure the RAW checkbox is unselected.
Copy from line 320 to line 370.
4 2020-12-28 01:35:55
Topic: "Rev1" or "v2.00" (2 replies, posted in General discussion)
Why "Rev1" is used in systems like PSX and "v2.00" is used is systems like PSP or PS2?
5 2020-12-10 15:34:35
Re: Running copy protection scan... this might take a while! (3 replies, posted in General discussion)
Maybe there are a lot of files in the DVD to scan but if those .TMP files are there the protection is SafeDisc...
Check if the .EXE files are unconpressed in the DVD and scan then directly with A-Ray Scanner or Protection ID.
Or install the game and check the protection of the main executables right away...
6 2020-07-24 14:18:19
Re: Issues dumping PC disc with "Code Lock" copy protection (33 replies, posted in General discussion)
Your disc is clearly the US version according to the rating system printed on the disc.
I dumped my copy without problems with CDmanipulator and DDump in 2 different LG drives.
Maybe the US version has a different protection since i don't see the ring on the disc that you saw on yours...
7 2020-05-02 15:37:50
Re: Registar-me neste grupo (1 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)
Boa tarde.
Neste site não vai encontrar jogos para nenhuma consola visto que é só uma base de dados.
Mais vale procurar o que procura na net...
Note to admins: this post can be closed. The poster was looking for PSX games...
8 2018-09-03 01:08:58
Re: Pedido de conta (1 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)
Para te darem uma conta vais ter que explicar como podes contribuir para esta base de dados. Tendo em conta que este projecto dedica-se única e exclusivamente a "ripar" o conteúdo de forma perfeita de todo o tipo de discos ópticos (CDs, DVDs, BluRays e por ai fora) de video-jogos e discos relacionados com video-jogos por isso penso que vais ter que dar uma breve explicação se quiseres que te dêem uma conta...
Ah, e tem em conta que neste forum só se costuma escrever em inglês...
9 2018-06-05 00:56:04
Topic: Wiki missing lists findings (0 replies, posted in General discussion)
I don't know if a topic like this was already created so i'm posting it...
This should be used to post new info obout the wiki missing lists so that the mainteiners could update the wiki page.
PS3 (PAL):
BCES-00748 - Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time - Barcode: 7 11719 10506 0 (cover only in Pt language)
BCES-00518 - SingStar Morangos com Açúcar - Barcode: 7 11719 11055 2
BLES-00735 - Madagascar Kartz - Barcode: 5 030917 076169
Disc Serial: BLES-00103 - Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII - Barcode: 3 307210 261168 - Ring: BLES-00103 1
Disc Serial: BLES-00159 - TimeShift - Barcode: 3 348542 211803 - Ring: A0100881486-A511 1000+
Disc Serial: BLES-01896/E - Rayman Legends (Essentials) - Barcode: 3 307215 842232 - Ring: A0102157300-A511 3000
PS2 Pal: SLES-51219# - Harry Potter e a Câmara dos Segredos (I have this disc but it's scratched...)
PSP Pal: UCES-01563/POR - Geronimo Stilton Regressa ao Reino da Fantasia: O Videojogo
PS4 (PAL):
CUSA-01262 - Tom Clancy's The Division - Barcode: 3 307215 804377
CUSA-00897 - Infamous First Light - Barcode: 7 11719 83881 4
CUSA-04548 - World Of Final Fantasy - Barcode: 5 021290 070950
CUSA-01995 - Toukiden: Kiwami - Barcode: 5 060327 532535
CUSA-05719 - Toukiden 2 - Barcode: 5 060327 533549
CUSA-03370 - God Eater 2 : Rage Burst - Barcode: 3 391891 989459
CUSA-02694 - Dragon Quest Heroes - Barcode: 5 021290 069336
CUSA-04294 - Watch_Dogs 2 - Barcode: NOT TO BE SOLD SEPARATELY
CUSA-06172 - Destiny 2 - Barcode: 5 030917 213953
CUSA-00940 - Project CARS - Barcode: 3 391891 981019
X-Box 360 (PAL):
Star Trek: Legacy (PAL) ringcode is similar to
Clive Barker's Jericho (PAL) ringcode is similar to
FIFA 14 (PAL) - Barcode: 5 030944 111109 > - EA ID: 100257503301 - Ring: 15467F11
Hitman Blood Money (Classics) (PAL) - Barcode: 5 021290 032309 - Ring: 2783613B
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames (PAL) - Barcode: 5 030930 059064 >- EA ID: EAX07605820D - Ring: 5F9B64F0
Eat Lead (PAL) - Barcode: 5 060125 483473 - Ringcode is similar to:
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (PAL) - Barcode: 0 023272 009854 - Ringcode is similar to:
Shrek the Third (PAL) - Batcode: 5 030917 044472 - Ring: 4E16698B
Dead Rising (Classics) (PAL) - Barcode: 5 055060 965009 - Ring is similar to:
LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (PAL) - Ring is similar to:
Dragon's Dogma (PAL) - Barcode: 5 055060 963067 - Ring is similar to:
Transformers: War for Cybertron (PAL) - Barcode: 5 030917 082306 - Ring is similar to:
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game (PAL) - Barcode: 8 717418 302009 - Ring is similar to:
Assassin's Creed: Revelations (PAL) - Barcode: 3 307215 588246 - Ring: 37997E5B
Murdered: Soul Suspect (PAL) - Bundle version - Ring is similar to:
Syberia (Europe) ringcode is similar to
WiiU (PAL):
Disney Infinity 2.0: Play Without Limits (Rev 2) - Barcode: 8 717418 435080 - Ring: WUP-P-ADRP-02
Sega Saturn PAL:
Virtua Cop 2 Demo can be removed since i dumped and it matches the commercial release and Daytona USA: Championship Circuit Edition (Rev 0) should be added (should be searched for a ringcode without "A" at the end.
Digital Pinball with "9/95" in the mastering RingCode (it's a different pressing than the "8/95" already added to the DB)
10 2018-05-28 16:15:45
Re: Suggestion: State the version in the dat name even if there is only 1 (26 replies, posted in General discussion)
Exactly... Why do we have to name it 1.00 or 1.01 or whatever if it was the only version that came out?...
About the Daytona CCE, the revision A must be the original release so it's better to remove that tag from the fileneme until someone finds the Rev0...
And it should be added to the wiki missing list to intensify the search.
BTW, the Virtua Cop 2 demo should be removed. I dumped it and it matched the retail version...
11 2018-05-28 15:02:48
Re: Suggestion: State the version in the dat name even if there is only 1 (26 replies, posted in General discussion)
Confusing?! Well, i think otherwise... Confusing is having all this versions added to the filename when there aren't known revisions (like in the No-Intro PSP dats...)... In Redump i think all the Version info is stored in the DB but they are only used in the filename when there are known or already dumped revisions... It makes the naming scheme more"clean"...
12 2018-05-28 14:51:25
Re: Suggestion: State the version in the dat name even if there is only 1 (26 replies, posted in General discussion)
It should be only added when there are revisions to distinguish between them... I don't see the point in adding the version to the filename when there are no known revisions...
Fireball, why this disc is marked as Rev A? The ringcode says that it's a Rev A but i dumped a lot of discs from different sources, original box and plastic box and i never found the older revision, so it probably doesn't exist... and i never heard of annyone finding it neither...
13 2018-05-06 23:36:43
Topic: (PSP) Questions and doubts about PSP dumping (0 replies, posted in General discussion)
Finally i'm able to dump PSP UMD's and i already made some dumps that matched the DB ones but i encountered a problem running SFOinfo.exe to extract the game information.
In the wiki dumping guide it says to scan the dumped iso with SFOinfo but when i run the program it always displays the following error message:
C:\psp>sfo i uces-00044.iso psp.txt
Copyright (c) 2007 ajax16384
Process file: uces-00044.iso
wrong signature
I already encountered another problem: i tried to dump a NEW dump and the dumping program always fails at the very end of the disc. It reports that the UMD can´t be read but the discs seems to be in a good condition...
I tested in 2 different PSP's and psfiller reports the same error at the end of the disc.
Another problem that i'm facing is the reading of the RingCodes... There are Mould SID's that are very hard to read without tearing apart the case... And the ringcodes are very hard to read... I don't whant to f#ck up my eyes more than they already are trying to read those milimetric ringcodes... I think that i will pass the ringcode part...
Another issue is the serial. I always added the serial from the discs and in PSX and PS2 those serials differ from editions but in the PSP the disc serials are (for what i seen...) the same and only the serials from the boxes differ from editions using the suffixes: /P /E... What serial should be submitted?
14 2017-02-12 17:03:03
Re: Back from the dead (7 replies, posted in News)
It's really nice to see the database and the forum back again
I was wondering if the posts, new disc submissions and all the other info posted/submitted between the crash and the last backup was lost...
15 2016-09-24 01:54:57
Topic: DDump vs CdManipulator: different dump (2 replies, posted in General discussion)
I was trying to dump a SafeDisc CD but it happened a strange case:
I dumped the disc in two different pcs (... so 2 different drives), in one pc i dumped with CdManipulator and in the other one with DDump. Normally i get matching dumps but in this case, the dumps differ in 1 sector...
After resizing the bigger one it matched the smaller, so the doubt is if there is a way to check the real size of the disc in order to know wich dump is the correct...
16 2016-08-27 16:20:18
Re: Cant dump disc, two identical copies same error - Need help - (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
Sorry, already checked but i forgot to include in the original post... 0 errors
17 2016-08-27 15:47:53
Re: Cant dump disc, two identical copies same error - Need help - (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
Here are my hashes of the data track of T-15913H-50, dumped with a non Plaxtor drive with IsoBuster
rom ( name dbtrack1.iso size 322113456 crc a41d7727 md5 18419a0a9ace416e8f0ef384fc70f7f0 sha1 0eef922b201a1a639854a55af97b5c45cab2e8c6 )
18 2016-08-17 14:46:20
Re: Missing discs - Saturn (3 replies, posted in General discussion)
I have a almost complete European set including some variants...
I used to dump to the redump DB in the old IB+EAC method but since the dumping methods changed i can´t dump anymore because i don't have a fancy drive...
But, i've been gathering dumping information about hundreds of duplicates before selling them (Serials, hashes in the old IB+EAC method, ringcoes, barcodes...) and, like in the old days, the info matched the DB except the ones that have scrambled sectors... maybe this info will be handy someday...
19 2013-06-13 01:22:35
Re: CloneCD/IsoBuster Cue Sheet Discrepancy (3 replies, posted in General discussion)
Since the extracted images have the same crc, just open the extracted image in a HEX editor and look at the last pair of bytes in the fist line. If "01" -> Mode1 ; If "02" -> Mode 2
20 2013-03-29 01:42:42
Re: How do i ... (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
Put all the extracted tracks in a folder. Run Clrmamepro then select the "Dir2dat" box then uncheck all the boxes except the ADD MD5 and ADD SHA1 ones. Then chosse the Source-folder (the folder where you have the tracks and write a name for the .dat then click in Create. That's it...
21 2013-03-27 15:12:13
Re: How do i ... (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
If you have fixes to any entry in the database, make a new topic in: and then some moderator will add your fixes.
When you have a new entry to the DataBase you can add the data directly by yourself (but it has to be aproved by a mod before you see it in the database...) but to do this you must have Dumper sattus... For now post your dumping data in:
For discs without audio tracks (almost every PS2 game and lots of PC and PS1 discs) just extract the track with IsoBuster.
To gather the hashes (size, crc, md5 and sha1) please use Clrmamepro's Dir2dat function.
Please check the guides:
If you have any doubt feel free to ask.
And remenber: only dumps from ORIGINAL media are accepted here in redump!
22 2013-03-20 15:38:55
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)
We SHOULD dump SafeDisc discs in two different drives before submite the hashes to the DB!
But in battlefield Vietnam case this could be normal...
The only difference in this dumps: and are a couple of bytes in sector 16 (if i recall well) so nothing to do with the unreadable sectors.
23 2013-02-21 01:58:48
Re: I am having several problems with dumping PS1 Tekken 2 and 3. (7 replies, posted in General discussion)
1- yes
2- let's say that you won't be able to find the write offset of the disc.
3- This means that different dumpers dumped different discs, and they found different write offsets, and all the tracks matched.
4- humm... strange... that option must be enebled!
24 2013-02-19 15:44:30
Re: I am having several problems with dumping PS1 Tekken 2 and 3. (7 replies, posted in General discussion)
Well, you can´t dump Tekken 2 and Tekken 3 because your drive has a offset of +6 and those discs have a negative offset of -647. To dump them you need a drive with a big positive offset (more than 647).
This has nothing to do with the EAC bug since that bug only affects discs with a data track amd ONLY one audio track!
To dump discs with two data tracks check this topic to know how: … -28112010/ and search for "FIXING ANOMALIES".
Humm, if you got matching dumps, please post the dumping info so that they can add you as a dumper for those discs
25 2012-12-25 03:16:44
Re: PS2 game versions (11 replies, posted in General discussion)
To dump discs without audio tracks is easy. just dump the disc with IsoBuster then use clrmamepro dir2dat function to get the hashes (md5, crc and sha1). You should check the image for corruption is Cdmage (in discs protected with SecuRom the disc will extract fine with isobuster but it should have 1 corrupted sector in cdmage).
Installing the game is a good idea to check for games languages and game version (sometimes the game version is in a corner of the title screen).
About the offset value it's only mandatory in discs with audio tracks.