(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

I think I am going to make a guide to cdmage for repairing and using it to find 2nd track gap when our tools fail, example fighter maker both eac and pr give a zero gap, cdmage gave 225 errors before resize, went back 225 sectors in sector view and sure enough there was the garbage data in gap, helped with hexen and it's 6 second gap and the nfl gameday games and their 4 sec gaps.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

How I repair them is by doing this...

No, psxtoo1 is only for playstation games, you dump unprotected pc games the same way, raw like you would a playstation game. How I dump games is I first dump it once with one drive then again with the other. I check the checksums if they don't match I run the first image through cdmage and copy the error log to a notepad (*Do not use the repair feature*) then I run the second image through cdmage and compare the difference, now because they both don't have the same checksums there are errors in one image that the other don't have so what I do is have the errors display  in the error log, hit Ctrl + Alt + I and pops up a window to import sectors, click radio button that says "Import sectors in the error log" use the image that don't have those errors and repair it like that.

I will also add I notice a drive can make the same error at the same sector and it's not a mastering error which adds even more weight to using two drives as the checksum matched, I dumped it with a second drive and that error wasn't present and repair like described above.

Did you dump it twice or just once before you did that? Someone with more know how will have to say if that is a reliable method you did.

I added you to the dumper list.


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks huygens smile


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

No, psxtoo1 is only for playstation games, you dump unprotected pc games the same way, raw like you would a playstation game. How I dump games is I first dump it once with one drive then again with the other. I check the checksums if they don't match I run the first image through cdmage and copy the error log to a notepad (*Do not use the repair feature*) then I run the second image through cdmage and compare the difference, now because they both don't have the same checksums there are errors in one image that the other don't have so what I do is have the errors display  in the error log, hit Ctrl + Alt + I and pops up a window to import sectors, click radio button that says "Import sectors in the error log" use the image that don't have those errors and repair it like that.

Have you redumped 3 and 4 again with a second drive, did the checksums match? If they don't match try out my cdmage method it could be non-mastering errors that are giving you different checksums from the db one. (*I don't know if there is any mastering errors or not as I am not familiar with that dump.*)

I will also add I notice a drive can make the same error at the same sector and it's not a mastering error which adds even more weight to using two drives as the checksum matched, I dumped it with a second drive and that error wasn't present and repair like described above.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well that is weird, I don't think 4 people dumped the game wrong or fixed errors they weren't supposed to fix maybe you got a later release and there was bugs fixed on disc 3 and 4? I don't know really... Did you dump it twice on two different drives and get the same checksum?

Just want to make sure I got this right in case I find one with actual audio..


116 lines
4 extra

116 X 16 + 4 = 1860 /4 = 465 - 588 = -123 - +30 = -153


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

No, you will have to post a thread in the fixes and additions part and a mod will change your dumps for you.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

No, others might, I can only say I have a Plextor PX-712 and it's working for me.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yes, in EAC hit F10 and it will bring up drive options, click on the offset/speed tab and have a cd in the drive and click the "detect  read sample offset correction" it will then test for overreading.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Wow, worked great, thanks...

The beginning of the track is missing this much according to the comparison between the two.

0000 : 92 12 C7 0E 36 13 AD 0F  60 14 92 10 08 16 B5 11   ....6...`.......
0010 : 74 17 CA 12 A5 17 FF 12  72 16 14 12 D8 13 39 10   t.......r.....9.
0020 : 14 0F BA 0C 26 09 F0 07  E4 03 66 03 57 00 F4 FF   ....&.....f.W...
0030 : C3 00 4D FF DF 04 08 02  36 09 B9 05 DA 0C 2E 09   ..M.....6.......
0040 : 9E 0E 70 0B CF 0C C7 0A  93 08 D2 07 B5 03 E0 03   ..p.............
0050 : 4A 00 68 00 1C FF C8 FE  86 FE 13 FE F1 FE 21 FE   J.h...........!.
0060 : 9A 00 90 FF 50 00 09 00  F6 FD 93 FE 93 FB CC FC   ....P...........
0070 : 17 FA 46 FB 56 FC 10 FC  44 01 A1 FF 3E 05 F2 02   ..F.V...D...>...
0080 : 72 09 49 06 34 0C 26 09  90 0A B2 08 62 06 D0 05   r.I.4.&.....b...
0090 : F2 FF 0A 01 5D F8 B6 FA  E7 F3 3B F6 34 F4 67 F5   ....].....;.4.g.
00A0 : 9A F8 17 F8 CE FE 25 FD  D0 02 45 01 41 03 B8 02   ......%...E.A...
00B0 : 2C 02 83 02 A1 01 F0 01  E5 02 6F 02 1B 05 0D 04   ,.........o.....
00C0 : 2B 06 F9 04 FD 06 9F 05  DA 06 EB 05 7B 03 D0 03   +...........{...
00D0 : 63 FF 8F 00 52 FC C1 FD  1F FB 25 FC F4 FC 0E FD   c...R.....%.....
00E0 : 26 00 7E FF 18 05 3F 03  8A 0A 11 08 56 0B FC 09   &.~...?.....V...
00F0 : D7 07 F7 07 AD 03 9B 04  BB 00 94 01 B5 00 AC 00   ................
0100 : 9B 02 C5 01 51 04 24 03  E5 06 30 05 BA 09 C2 07   ....Q.$...0.....
0110 : 7F 09 5E 08 87 07 1F 07  7F 06 24 06 25 06 AB 05   ..^.......$.%...
0120 : 6A 07 44 06 26 0A 24 08  C7 0C 3A 0A 35 0F 42 0C   j.D.&.$...:.5.B.
0130 : D7 0F 31 0D E5 0D 13 0C  2A 0C 8B 0A 21 0B 82 09   ..1.....*...!...
0140 : 27 09 F2 07 DB 06 E7 05  10 06 BD 04 79 08 10 06   '...........y...
0150 : D2 0B DF 08 3A 0C F4 09  55 0B 8A 09 C9 0A 0B 09   ....:...U.......
0160 : A1 0B 4C 09 43 0F B0 0B  75 11 CA 0D 10 11 CB 0D   ..L.C...u.......
0170 : 95 10 76 0D E1 0D CC 0B  7D 08 E8 07 17 02 D5 02   ..v.....}.......
0180 : 4D FC A8 FD A4 FA 3D FB  41 FD 81 FC 6A 00 1E FF   M.....=.A...j...
0190 : 63 02 50 01 CC 02 42 02  BD 00 42 01 43 FD A2 FE   c.P...B...B.C...
01A0 : C2 FA 28 FC E6 F8 67 FA  41 F6 51 F8 0D F4 58 F6   ..(...g.A.Q...X.
01B0 : 5F F4 2F F6 D9 F6 EE F7  B6 F8 C2 F9 55 F8 36 FA   _./.........U.6.
01C0 : FD F6 88 F9 08 F6 BD F8  3F F6 AE F8 39 F8 C7 F9   ........?...9...
01D0 : FA FB 5C FC D6 00 44 00  A4 03 2F 03 FF 02 6D 03   ..\...D.../...m.
01E0 : BE 00 F3 01 7A FC C5 FE  06 F7 50 FA 51 F2 16 F6   ....z.....P.Q...
01F0 : 6C EF F5 F2 E6 F1 B4 F3  30 F9 E1 F8 0A FF 4B FE   l.......0.....K.
0200 : 53 00 C8 00 0E FE DF FF  87 FB D2 FD 8D FB 51 FD   S.............Q.
0210 : F2 FC FE FD FC FD BF FE  97 FE 3A FF 35 FE 01 FF   ..........:.5...
0220 : 08 FC A7 FD 3F F8 CD FA  83 F4 A9 F7 92 F2 D0 F5   ....?...........
0230 : C2 F3 0B F6 C5 F8 67 F9  E3 FE 7B FE FD 01 D1 01   ......g...{.....
0240 : 3A 01 26 02 C6 FD F4 FF  08 FA BE FC DF F8 27 FB   :.&...........'.
0250 : 7B F9 31 FB BF FA C5 FB  91 FD C1 FD CC 00 7B 00   {.1...........{.
0260 : DE 02 84 02 62 03 63 03  98 02 1C 03 6D 00 A2 01   ....b.c.....m...
0270 : B7 FD 58 FF 84 FD 7A FE  35 00 07 00 D9 03 DA 02   ..X...z.5.......
0280 : B4 06 64 05 1C 08 D0 06  81 08 85 07 17 07 A8 06   ..d.............
0290 : 6E 05 14 05 EB 03 D8 03  02 01 77 01 26 01 B9 00   n.........w.&...
02A0 : 10 05 4E 03 DA 08 65 06  21 0C 55 09 DA 0C 96 0A   ..N...e.!.U.....
02B0 : CD 0B 00 0A BF 0C 81 0A  9D 0E D2 0B F0 0F DA 0C   ................
02C0 : 05 10 15 0D D8 0E 30 0C  E3 0D 57 0B 8C 0B AB 09   ......0...W.....
02D0 : 52 07 47 06 8C 04 7D 03  79 04 AD 02 7D 06 CC 03   R.G...}.y...}...
02E0 : 6B 09 3A 06 36 0A 79 07  00 08 63 06 B6 04 03 04   k.:.6.y...c.....
02F0 : B5 01 4C 01 71 00 C3 FF  ED FF 3C FF 7F FE 22 FE   ..L.q.....<...".
0300 : 42 FD 1D FD 54 FC 56 FC  52 FC FF FB DB FD 12 FD   B...T.V.R.......
0310 : C0 FE 0C FE 0B FF 6B FE  AE FF 0A FF 28 00 6B FF   ......k.....(.k.
0320 : 3B 02 AE 00 A8 06 D5 03  EC 0A 57 07 15 0D 97 09   ;.........W.....
0330 : A7 0B 3B 09 5E 06 96 05  54 00 A6 00 6F FA B5 FB   ..;.^...T...o...
0340 : 4D F4 76 F6 1C F1 00 F3  E3 F2 61 F3 06 F9 9E F7   M.v.......a.....
0350 : 44 00 B1 FD 22 04 E2 01  74 04 39 03 C7 02 86 02   D..."...t.9.....
0360 : FB 00 CE 00 C9 00 F3 FF  3B 00 52 FF 65 FE D4 FD   ........;.R.e...
0370 : AE FB C9 FB 45 F7 8F F8  D1 F2 D4 F4 13 F1 F5 F2   ....E...........
0380 : 03 F2 49 F3 0F F5 62 F5  EB F9 51 F9 AA FD DE FC   ..I...b...Q.....
0390 : CC FE 77 FE 82 FE BA FE  24 FD BB FD EF FB 97 FC   ..w.....$.......
03A0 : 73 FB 00 FC 27 FB 88 FB  68 FA 1B FB B9 F8 EC F9   s...'...h.......
03B0 : CD F7 EE F8 A6 F7 D7 F8  9D F7 BB F8 B4 F8 5C F9   ..............\.
03C0 : DB F8 C0 F9 94 F7 DB F8  7E F8 1B F9 C4 FC 0B FC   ........~.......
03D0 : 50 02 6D 00 07 06 F4 03  41 06 FD 04 A9 03 57 03   P.m.....A.....W.
03E0 : 06 01 FA 00 C0 FF 93 FF  ED FC 69 FD FA F7 96 F9

and the last audio data part ends at sector 266472 half way down and on the image it ends at sector 266473 all the way down and the last sector I get a device error message with the image so it's not good.

Now the question is, what caused it. A limit to overreading and if not then perfectrip must not be able to dump all the data either but more then EAC with huge negative offsets or the D8 method gave wrong results?

EDIT: Is there anyway to check original cd to image of the cd like you can do with two images in a hex editor?


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ok, thanks for the tip. smile


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ok, to make sure I understand because -947 is not larger the +30 write offset I shouldn't have a problem with data cut off?

The Sega-CD 32X game only has one audio track, so if the drive didn't have overreading the beginning and end could potentially be cut off? My drive has overreading so it shouldn't be a problem.

I'm sorry if I am not making the question clear, I think the audio track for the Sega-CD 32X game is good as explained above that's why I was asking if it was really missing silence or some audio tracks don't have silence.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

No one has an opinion?


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Is there a limit to over-reading into the lead-in/lead-out?

Does every audio track have to end in silence?

I searched for a couple of hours trying to see if it has too and I found this.

Snake said this..

snake wrote:

I think you should try it before you believe that. Because personally, I think the chance of that happening is almost non existant. If you do NOT end an audio track on at least a small amount of silence, it's going to POP when played. I'd be surprised if you find even ONE CD where this is actually a problem.

http://www.eidolons-inn.net/tiki-view_f … entId=4510

Now, the game Razor Freestyle Scooter, track 07 doesn't have ending silence. Perfectrip gives the A-OK, same checksum twice and I listened to the song completely and I heard no pop. It also sounds exactly like if played from the original cd. It also matches sector length for that track with the original cd.

I asked a question about the Sega 32X CD game I dumped and that audio track seemingly doesn't end with silence either. Dumped with Perfectrip and was given the A-OK twice. same checksum and I listened to the clip completely and I heard no pop. It too sounds exactly like if played from the original cd, Also it matches sector length for that track with the original cd.

So if someone can please answer those question that would be great.

Ok, I understand what you are talking about. I will keep my eye out for them, I don't think any of my PC games are budget.

EDIT: I do have a budget release well at least a hacked release as I have the Shadow Warrior release from Walmart with all the blood taken out and you need a patch from 3Drealms to make it the original. I was going to dump it but now I won't well at least not for here.

Vigi, what is a budget release?

Yeah, my drive offset is 30. I will report this as a bug. Thanks for the advice. I wonder if perfectrip dumped all the audio date?

EDIT: Emailed him about it and gave the sample already uploaded.

I dumped NFL GameDay 2001 again with -617 offset. Perfectrip and EAC both give different results. They both give silence at the end but there is more data at the beginning with Perfectrip. One of those programs don't seem to like high negative offsets.


I have uploaded the files if you want to see it in a hex editor.


EDIT: These are without any gaps.

EDIT 2: I just checked 3Xtreme and the perfectrip dump has more data then the EAC dump. it's 32MB in size, I will still upload it if someone wants to take a look. It's combined offset is -617.

Could this just be my drive making these errors or the software itself. I am going to try something, I remember seeing an option in EAC to make the drive run up before extraction for drives that need that I am going to redump the track again and see if it matches the perfectrip track. EDIT: Made no difference.


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

Silence is 00 at the end?


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

Sounds good, I like the idea.


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

Doesn't display any garbage data when I go back 150 sectors.

Hopefully Vigi has a suggestion.

EDIT: How can you tell if it's been cut off at the end?

I compared the two in hex workshop. This is what is missing from the beginning of the EAC dump.

0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 C104 7004
9205 B404 AA08 AE06 5A0C A609 880E 9F0B E20F E10C 6510 A00D 2B0E 580C
BE09 1609 B705 9505 0D03 E402 7C02 CE01 6405 4903 270B 6C07 6610 2B0C

I wonder why EAC didn't dump that?


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

Here it is...



(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yes, I hit F4.


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks.. but even with that fixed it's still not matching.

266474 is the amount of sectors ISOBuster gives for the cd...

Daemon doesn't let me load the cue from perfectrip.

I had to fix the cue perfectrip made... It matches the cd.

ISOBuster and EAC + added gap matches the cd also.


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

I will do that. But I messed up and I am going to see if that is the problem. I am redumping them now.  I never took out the - in Perfectrip so that it was a positive.

In EAC I have it set to positive, which is correct right? Or do you put it as -924?