Seems like keeping the tracks separate would be more accurate... at least we know the two tracks are perfectly dumped (even if additional data would need to be added later).
527 2018-05-20 16:44:36
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
We need to decide, how to detect the offset on them. But the 'magic' bytes in the first track should be located at the same address for all the dumps.
I'm trying to figure out if everything will need to be redumped. Fine if necessary, but the sooner we have an answers / solution, the more helpful it will be.
A new disc was added today:
And as I said, another dozen are ready to be dumped when we have the answers...
528 2018-05-19 07:40:20
Re: [PSX] Vigilante 8 (Alpha, Beta, Review, Artwork) (15 replies, posted in General discussion)
This dude wants to give us rare / expensive betas, can we please let him do that for us
529 2018-05-19 01:08:59
Re: PSP dumping (75 replies, posted in General discussion)
>We probably won't be able to add these dumps to Redump until there's a dumping tool that can dump both partitions at once, to ensure that there isn't a gap between them.
I don't see the problem adding the good-two-tracks to redump even through additional data may be missing. Similar to how all the data for CD-Rom discs have subchannel data that can't be perfectly dumped afaik or CD-Rom's with DRM may still be added to redump - but require MDS dumps to actually play.
If the two ISOs are perfect dumps of the data they contain, then they should be added IMO, their integrity is not compromised, only additional data may need to be included later.
530 2018-05-18 20:57:58
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
Did proper support ever get added for the GameShark Pro update CDs?
Where did we leave off on that? One of our member has a dozen waiting to dump.
531 2018-05-16 01:44:56
Re: PSP Dumping Stealth movie / WipeOut Pure demo combo disc (17 replies, posted in General discussion)
Unmerged is making a lot more sense to me tbh. iRobot, thoughts?
532 2018-05-16 01:20:06
Re: PSP Dumping Stealth movie / WipeOut Pure demo combo disc (17 replies, posted in General discussion)
So we definitely want to merge for redump? seems like it might be an advantage to just leave them separate, or leave the movie part out altogether...
533 2018-05-16 00:50:04
Re: PSP Dumping Stealth movie / WipeOut Pure demo combo disc (17 replies, posted in General discussion)
Well if it's unusable "merged" why not just leave it usuable as separate tracks? In the in case of Stealth/WipeOut demo, leave the movie out altogether.
534 2018-05-16 00:31:52
Re: PSP Dumping Stealth movie / WipeOut Pure demo combo disc (17 replies, posted in General discussion)
>We'd likely need the PFI data as well, in order to make a "merged" iso usable.
How do I do this or why don't we keep them both as separate and unmerged? Considering the movie part is irrelevant anyway and we'd have a perfect dump of the game part.
535 2018-05-15 23:19:01
Re: PSP Dumping Stealth movie / WipeOut Pure demo combo disc (17 replies, posted in General discussion)
If that's the case, then it would make more sense for these to be two separate tracks: [UCJB-98306] [UCJB-98302] [UCJB-98303]
Any additional data could be added after the fact.
>there may be other data that is needed from these UMDs.
Any evidence or speculative?
536 2018-05-15 16:27:17
Re: PSP Dumping Stealth movie / WipeOut Pure demo combo disc (17 replies, posted in General discussion)
Thank you, I've updated the wiki guide so it's not a fishing expedition for the next person.
537 2018-05-15 08:01:00
Topic: PSP Dumping Stealth movie / WipeOut Pure demo combo disc (17 replies, posted in General discussion)
When dumping with PSP Filer, only the demo partition dumps. Should submit that, or is it preferred to submit the movie portion to (and how do I dump that)?
538 2018-05-14 04:05:27
Re: DICUI: A simple, effective DIC GUI is now available! (28 replies, posted in General discussion)
1.01 has been added here:
Testing for PS4 / XBONE dumping with sg_raw.exe built into the package / dump process.
539 2018-05-13 06:13:45
Topic: DICUI: A simple, effective DIC GUI is now available! (28 replies, posted in General discussion)
VGPC / Redumper ReignStumble has published 1.0 of his "DICUI" GUI for DiscImageCreator (by sarami).
Announcement post available here.
You can download the app here.
ALERT: DICUI is looking for code contributors!
The github is here. The app is written in the C# language.
Here's a list of features that are proposed to be added to future revision of DIC GUI:
Output a new text file with pertinent information pertaining to the specific console for easy submission.
An incorporation of the separate CLI progress info into a bottom area of the GUI (similar to DVD Decrypter).
A "Stop" GUI button to abort dumping.
Auto-report maximum read speeds to "Disc Speed" selector (as discussed here).
Dreamcast dumping.
540 2018-05-10 16:45:48
Re: I have a few Wii games (3 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)
Thanks for joining us! our main Wii guy hangs out on the Discord linked above, I hope you'll join us there if you have any questions. here's his forum profile if you prefer just to message him on here about questions:
iCarly is here
Zhuzhu here
541 2018-05-05 08:38:04
Re: Naming: demo games (17 replies, posted in General discussion)
> (Demo) (Kiosk) (E3 2005)
That looks atrocious. Not sure where it first surfaced would even matter, date serves the same purpose.
542 2018-05-03 01:07:41
Re: I have a rare ISO for the Gamecube that doesn't appear listed yet. (2 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)
Hey nensondubois! Thanks for the post.
I'm not a redump mod but wanted to get your attention anyway. A few of us are hunting some rare GC / Wii discs for redump on Discord if you want to join us:
543 2018-05-02 05:55:10
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
Is this OK?
C:DiscImageCreator.exe ls f AppVersion x86, AnsiBuild, May 2 2018 13:26:55 Start time: 2018-05-02(Wed) 13:37:16 ReadSpeedMaximum: 8468KB/sec (48x) End time: 2018-05-02(Wed) 13:37:16
Very cool. What about for dvd and bd? That max read looks like it's for CD-Rom. It would be great to report the other max speeds to the GUI so they know which ones are available for selection depending on the disc detected.
544 2018-05-01 21:01:42
Re: Disc Image Creator GUI - A Simple / Effective Interface (12 replies, posted in General discussion)
Just to give a quick update. I've been working some on the GUI but I have very limited time to do so
Not sure, how I missed this post. You're doing fantastic work. I messaged you about the flagging system in case it's useful.
Would you be willing to publish this to github or somewhere similar?
545 2018-05-01 05:18:09
Topic: Pioneer LaserActive (1 replies, posted in General discussion)
Just to establish this as a topic of discussion...
Pioneer LaserActive games were released on a subset of the LaserDisc format. LaserActive games included both analog video as well as digital content. I presume this means it's theoretically possible to do a perfect "dump" of the digital data. I could only assume this would require extensive and expensive hardware and software hacking, only doable by a LaserActive-specialized genius. But if such a person exists out there... they should probably know that we would love to chat about making some perfect LaserActive dumps.
More info + a miss list: … sing_Discs
Some interesting topics of discussions on forums: … amp;t=1647
546 2018-04-30 22:51:59
Re: [DONE] Account request (1 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)
sent by VGPC
547 2018-04-30 15:03:24
Re: Dumped GameCube Phantasy Star Online v1.04 (5 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)
Myria's on the VGPC discord and knows what she's doing. I'd also recommend dumper status so she can have access to the Dumper forum discussions... she seems to be pretty brilliant when it comes to ODD type stuff and would love her look at some of the Jaguar discussions etc.
548 2018-04-27 15:59:06
Re: [DONE] account for dumping help (6 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)
I invited him to the discord in another thread. It's where we hunt down Plextor drives often.
549 2018-04-25 17:59:22
Re: [DONE] Joining Redump (2 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)
I'm chatting with this user on Discord. He has not received an email yet and is wonder if it is because he uses "" as an email provider.
550 2018-04-24 21:16:58
Re: A ROM to share (1 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)
Hey Luca, do you have the original disc by chance? Would love to chat on discord if you're on there