(2 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)

jhuylebroeck wrote:

I want to start contributing by adding my hundreds of game discs I bought through the years. I haven't invested a lot in expensive Optical drives, but currently, I still have a computer with a BenQ DW1640 that I'm going to revitalise in the course of 2018. I also have an external blu-ray writer by LG, so I think I can archive a lot.

Hi Jhuy! Which are the platforms for those games you have? Nice to meet you!!!!!!!


(8 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)

Sorry for being so late. Yes, i found a game in spanish that maybe i didnt find on the list, but i need to recheck again. Ill call as soon as i know.


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)


Hi, as some of you know im making some progress thanks to some forums in Spain where im asking for help in order to send any material to me so i can dump it.

So... I was watching my actual post (which i worked so much to express all about the project and why is important to send videogames to a strange guy XD) and i thought... "Man... Wouldnt be that bad to have a more powerful design for the post header".

I like our actual header as much as i like the clean website design. But, could someone make for me a powerful REDUMP image? As i said, im not saying ANYTHING about the actual Redump website. Just asking for a new custom header for my help post in Spain!

Thanks! xD

Actual Dreamcast emulator reference is Redream. We could talk with Inolen, actual author/boss to see if he could implement compatibility with our original Dumps.

Escorchón wrote:

Very well, as my instinct tells me that I will not be admitted...

diego-rbb-93: espero realmente (y no es sarcasmo) que te diviertas y aprendas mucho "dumpeando", un abrazo!

pablogm123: lo intenté Pablo, lo intenté amigo...

(Maybe, and since I'm too perfectionist, it's the best thing that could have happened to me... life is too short...)

Permiteme Escorchon. No se te ha dado la cuenta por mi culpa. Estaba tratando de verificar que no eras usuario latino con el que hace poco hablaba que estaba tratando de encontrar roms y me ha echado una mano con un asunto alterno. Ha sido una coincidencia bastante poco afortunada. Irobot preguntaba si ibas a aportar algo o no porque temia que estuvieras buscando roms, muchos vienen buscandolos y no se enteran de que aqui no hay.

Su pregunta es basicamente, que que podias aportar para que se te concediera la cuenta, nada mas. Te pido disculpas por la tardanza, la persona que trataba de verificar ha tardado en responder y tu no tenias nada que ver, le pedí a iRobot que esperara hasta que lo confirmara.

Si puedes aportar algo,  habrá cero problemas en darte una cuenta aqui como se me dio a mí, y todo el soporte por nuestra parte, tenemos un grupo con muy buen rollo en Discord. Si quieres rebotarte para mal lo entiendo, pero tenía que asegurarme porque si era el chico que yo creía le habría caido un mensaje con mala leche sin necesidad y el chico habría estado metiéndose exactamente donde le dije que no lo hiciera.

Y por cierto, llevo meses tratando de contactar con pablogm123 con mucho respeto y se ha negado a responderme. Si le puedes decir por qué, te lo agradecería.

Efectivamente jefe, un placer conocerte. Has podido pillar algo de PSX que dumpear o PS2?

Escorchón wrote:

Hello, I am passionate about optical storage and PSX & PS2 games, mainly. Before my Plextor units pass to a better life, I have started with the arduous process of disc preservation. I would like to share the results obtained.
Greetings, thanks and apologies for my limited command of the language.

Hi Escorchón, where are you from?


(0 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)

I wanted to ask permision for Wiki access to make modifications on Redump Missings List as im going to be in the future helping to hunt down different games from GC, Xbox, PSX and DC Pal games. Thank you so much.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jackal wrote:

Did you really read this post? http://forum.redump.org/topic/6073/xbox … tructions/

XBOX 1 dumping instructions:

- Instructions for Kreon drives
- Instructions for 0800 drives (thx Starshadow)

Couldn't be clearer imho..

Kreon drives (they need to be flashed with custom firmware):
Samsung SH-D162C = TSSTcorp TS-H352C
Samsung SH-D162D = TSSTcorp TS-H352D
Samsung SH-D163A = TSSTcorp TS-H353A
Samsung SH-D163B = TSSTcorp TS-H353B

If you really believe that every guy that tries to help comes with a dumping doctorade under his arm, game preservation sure has a great brilliant future.

Now you will said i didnt read the post... I did. But my english skills as well as my technical knowledge is really limited.

Thanks for encouraging new volunters to do work the right way.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

F1ReB4LL wrote:

Either a Kreon drive (PC drive with a special firmware) or a 0800 drive (XBOX 360 drive flashed with a special firmware and connected to the PC).

So, acording to the Starshadow Instructions for 0800 drives:

1. Put the disc on the drive.

2. Grab Xbox Backup Creator
- On the Options tab, check "Build Clean ISO".
- On the Read tab, uncheck "Use Sector Mapper (Xbox One)".
- Click the Start button on the Read tab.

3. The error thing:

- A read error should occur shortly after starting the dump. This is normal. Check the box "Apply zero fill to all remaining sector errors." and click the "Zero-Fill Sector(s)" button.

4. When the dump is complete, make sure that the log window reports exactly 65536 unrecoverable sectors. These are the security sectors. If the number is higher, this means there were actual read errors and your dump is likely bad.

And then, what we obtain and how me must upload it to Redump profile?


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

Please, i saw the sticky post and i didnt understand anything about which hardware is neccesary for Xbox original dumping method.

Can someone give a good explanation and tell me what material is needed to dump them?

Can we trust the Dreamcast dumps sources of TOSEC as a secure bet on preserving the fullset?

sqider wrote:

Wrong logfiles?

Also, have you tried the compatibility settings from PSX Database?

It seems that this game needs the SBI file. How can i dump it?

So, i dumped one of the last Missing PSX Pal Europe games, F1 2000 and the logs generated didnt point any c2 errors. But the thing is, emulating the game from the bin or the original CD makes the game get stuck on after the EA sports intro. This game should be emulated without any problem so im afraid it could be the original disc...

Logs here:

https://mega.nz/#!DMwQnTAC!LmOIlKEs05oT … K4XgOMso-I


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hi everyone!

Im trying to dump an spanish PSX demo (Syphon Filter 3 SLED-02040) and the Plextor-W4012TU im using here keeps reporting me this error:

C:\Users\diego\Desktop\HDD\Release_ANSI>DiscImageCreator.exe cd h "SCED-03780.bin" 10 /c2 /nl
        x86, AnsiBuild, Jan 13 2018 21:29:26
/c2 val1 is omitted. set [4000]
/c2 val2 is omitted. set [0]
         Argument: SCED-03780.bin
         FullPath: C:\Users\diego\Desktop\HDD\Release_ANSI\SCED-03780
            Drive: C:
        Directory: \Users\diego\Desktop\HDD\Release_ANSI\
         Filename: SCED-03780
        Extension: .bin
Start time: 2018-01-31(Wed) 10:11:47
LBA[000000, 0000000]: [F:ExecSearchingOffset][L:82]
        Opcode: 0xd8
        ScsiStatus: 0x02 = CHECK_CONDITION
        SenseData Key-Asc-Ascq: 05-64-00 = ILLEGAL_REQUEST - ILLEGAL MODE FOR THIS TRACK
lpCmd: d8, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00
dwBufSize: 2352
This drive doesn't support [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 0]
LBA[000000, 0000000]: [F:ExecSearchingOffset][L:82]
        Opcode: 0xd8
        ScsiStatus: 0x02 = CHECK_CONDITION
        SenseData Key-Asc-Ascq: 05-64-00 = ILLEGAL_REQUEST - ILLEGAL MODE FOR THIS TRACK
lpCmd: d8, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 01, 00
dwBufSize: 2368
This drive doesn't support [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 1]
LBA[000000, 0000000]: [F:ExecSearchingOffset][L:82]
        Opcode: 0xd8
        ScsiStatus: 0x02 = CHECK_CONDITION
        SenseData Key-Asc-Ascq: 05-64-00 = ILLEGAL_REQUEST - ILLEGAL MODE FOR THIS TRACK
lpCmd: d8, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 02, 00
dwBufSize: 2448
This drive doesn't support [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 2]

Any thoughs about it?

EDIT: Im trying to dump other games but this error keeps pursuing me:

This drive doesn't support [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 2]

usurper wrote:

Speaking about the missing list... I pretty much doubt there is a german version of teletubbies. The linked reference is no proof for its existence, since it lists a non-german cover.
I've monitored german ebay for several years now and no german copy ever appeared. Bought a copy or tow and the've always been english.

What someone has to do to save the PSX legacy... I actually bought Noddy - A Magical Adventure spanish edition from the BBC, my friends are like LOOOOL but its worth the laughts. XD

Hi everyone from Spain.

As some of you know im trying to reach some PAL spanish PSX games not dumped from the Missing's list (still looking on second hand market to buy more). My first objetive was Men In Black because, as I saw in the PSX Database, it was edited on Spain with its own translation. Game was received on his day like a big piece of crap, but "Resident Evil scheme" gameplay made me felt in love and this game wasnt uploaded anywhere on any piracy website... Like ever. [First clue]

So, i found some spanish copies on eBay and i asked about the SLES... 01047. The European SLES. At the same time, i found someone near of me selling the game really cheap, so went to see him. The game had its manual on spanish, and the backcover descriptions were in spanish, portuguese and dutch. But... Same 01047 European SLES [Second clue].

Finally, ive talked with the PSX Database responsable (spanish guy too). It seems he referenced the game for two reasons.

1. The misterious spanish translated version of the game had SLES-01202 asigned. Dont know if he refers to a official Sony index or whatever.

2. He mention that some game screenshots showed at some spanish gaming magazines from those times contained translated in-game texts.

But... No other real sign of the game receiving a spanish treatment exist for the moment out there. IMHO, the translation probably was in development but got cancelled (bad reception on USA release, not enough funds to finish it).

Im not saying there may be a spanish copy (even Beta or Alpha) out there but, i dont really think the game is reachable for normal users and people should know about this to not spend his money for nothing (in fact, i think the PSX Database responsable should point at it too on the game's profile but he wont do it, i disagree but i respect he's work so much that i wont say anything else).

Thats the reason why i would like this statements to be resume and pointed out on the game "Other comments" box on the Missing's list.

F1ReB4LL wrote:

Tell us if he replies, we're missing him smile

Im trying, it would be really helpful if he still has a Plextor, but for the moment, he wont answer me on Twitter. sad