Bah, I'd linked to the wrong disc XD I fixed that link.
Here's the DAT file's contents.
<rom name="image (Track 01).bin" size="3671472" crc="ad208351" md5="e169b3d4395f17afe1b26deb2ecc4184" sha1="d493197f3a0eb8c67f1347515a675975359bd2d7"/>
<rom name="image (Track 02).bin" size="56415072" crc="0ad1d484" md5="218bb23cbd817472983fe2ea9352e915" sha1="f84ffe2d5e57bc0e05715c50b5d1c62b0fcec5fe"/>
<rom name="image (Track 03).bin" size="48500592" crc="a6a485d8" md5="3e3a8b5ff10f69c2685866caeccadf2e" sha1="6bb4430c2ba1fe7de512708585500a7de2b0a041"/>
<rom name="image (Track 04).bin" size="56567952" crc="cc628c6d" md5="1f4ce7fecd51179c7519e793ad5c4b81" sha1="d11e757b26d3013e2acbde52672251f4cf82b53d"/>
<rom name="image (Track 05).bin" size="57640464" crc="4c5b7aa3" md5="f597693a732a4ada6004a161575852c6" sha1="2f25072e85b2d6839a35ba7fc69a37c3e4cf91a9"/>
<rom name="image (Track 06).bin" size="54481728" crc="2b23b76b" md5="3ddfbdd9e117de1299c8bf7d8f1ab9b4" sha1="11a46d904684bfbd40b79059cded05cb89ca6fc3"/>
<rom name="image (Track 07).bin" size="53670288" crc="958ffa28" md5="615f05d45ca1037dfaf963658204def7" sha1="7a3f2753b22b4aa78f4cc8ff4fc70e22b56ff90c"/>
<rom name="image (Track 08).bin" size="21523152" crc="2c62eb8a" md5="fc66a3124188328b8d9a7a67264f0b48" sha1="3820997047510fb8058eec50fc4e2756538d9e78"/>
<rom name="image (Track 09).bin" size="13629840" crc="4419980f" md5="0027959a80e5d8b787543186d7c47165" sha1="903dc3864dcfee190a127d667ff09ffeea7780cb"/>
<rom name="image (Track 10).bin" size="2065056" crc="d15f4f67" md5="b3c9862715973f5cc1a36640e608b86d" sha1="6cd853f5eab284077afa974f06eac9c2731fd931"/>
<rom name="image (Track 11).bin" size="21878304" crc="5a12f52f" md5="ac7b42be519c7e04cf2171ad7c015a83" sha1="eb21b68fb0b4f2ccc1a53d22d964fb8328f25c47"/>
<rom name="image (Track 12).bin" size="17449488" crc="7a141b83" md5="20569601781c24eb7a4da8d627319ae8" sha1="f56d4c39e171145a6bbb14a2e35e232f262d6e70"/>
<rom name="image (Track 13).bin" size="26610528" crc="c7790790" md5="3f8140d05383b095cc3e78a9b1cb32d9" sha1="fe9dd4c0658044ecdeebc8b44a0ce6c88a1617c8"/>
Upon further inspection, it seems that my CRCs match up starting at track 3. This means that tracks 1 and 2 are the culprits. Furthermore, track 1 has a size of 3671472 when it should be 3666768. This is an increase of 4704 bytes, which is exactly 2 sectors. Track 2 has a size of 56415072 when it should be 56419776. This is a decrease of 4704 bytes. Combined with the fact that the filesizes and hashes match up from that point on, it makes sense that the total file is the same, since the size differences offset each other in the first two files.
So now my question is wtf DIC, I guess. I'm literally doing nothing different from ripping all of my CDs and none of them have done this to me. Why is this one behaving in such a manner?