Which log do you need? The image_sub log? I looked at it, and if I looked at the correct one, it's exactly 184568 lines of repeating text that looks like
LBA[184567, 0x2d0f7], Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[13], Idx[01], RelTime[02:28:63], AbsTime[41:02:67], RtoW[Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero]
Various things will change, but it's always [Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero]. I know because I did Replace to that, and every single line ended up with nothing left in that area. It's 26.0MB so I can't really paste it here, I don't think. Assuming I'm looking at the correct log though, do you want me to upload it as a txt file or something? I still have the one from the dumps done with the old DIC.