
(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

MigaMan wrote:

Is it possible to find the write offset of single track/data cds without a plextor (and how)?

With swapping - http://forum.redump.org/post/34115/#p34115


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Meh, no, it's a bad mastering afterall, very similar to http://redump.org/disc/34036/
First 88706 sectors are correct, the next sector has 1104 bytes of data, then 7508 bytes of zeroes, then it goes data again, but, of course, shifted by 7508 bytes. The first 7508 bytes of the audio track also belong to the data track.

So the DIC dump is as correct as possible, though, the image is non-functional in this form smile

If to cut that 7508-bytes sequence of zeroes and glue them to the end of the 2nd track, then split the image and descramble the data track - the image doesn't have any errors and the audio track doesn't have any incorrect data.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

http://redump.org/disc/39378/ -- DIC ruins the whole image after descrambling, something is very wrong there. No C2 errors and .scm dump is correct, the image becomes corrupted exactly during the descrambling process.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

iR0b0t wrote:

Where moddified subheaders and ECC/EDC mismatch is not an actual ERROR and should not be included into final errors count.

Disagree. IMO, we should include any imperfections into the total errors count. Otherwise, there should be a "Warnings" count field as well.
I'm not talking about NoEDC sectors in NoEDC images, of course, I don't understand the reason to warn there.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jackal wrote:

They do show as errors in CDMage?

He says "no" (3rd post).

"while user data does match the expected ECC/EDC there is no EDC" -- IMO, it says "there's no ECC/EDC error, but EDC itself is null" and nothing about subheaders at all, that's normal for NoEDC images.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

"Number of sector(s) where while user data does match the expected ECC/EDC there is no EDC" -- most likely these numbers just show the number of Mode 2 Form 1 sectors in the NoEDC image, these are not errors.

I think it's better to report the number of errors from CDMage, because edcchhk treats many cases as "warnings", that's confusing.


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

Each case should be chechked, but often it's a different masterdisc with postgap sectors added.

Well, my own idea was to list all the "main" titles first, each title would have "releases" (distinguishable by serial or barcode, 1 serial = 1 release, even if different packages exist) and each release would have subreleases with possible alt rings/revisions/scan variations.

ALL binary variations would simply be linked to the same package (as binary variations), as long as the package has the same visual contents, there is not much else to do.

CD scans would differ due to different ringcodes. One of the main ideas was to make the ringcode scans/photos mandatory.

And after adding all the scans we could make CAPS/SPS-style xml dats (gameinfo.xml with all the scans and binaries and their checksums). That would be the real preservation. We even had D4ve guy who was going to make us a perfect scanning convention and guide, but disappeared.

iR0b0t wrote:

Back the other days I was working on an (in my opinion) improved database structure, while the current database structure is based on DISC information, I thought it would be more clear to make it PACKET / REVISION based. The disc information would still remain same, just assigned in an other way to a packet. Which to be honest would make it a little bit difficult in case of discs with unknown release source.

Well, it was not yours, but Dremora's base idea for Redump 2 to show the games as "packages". So you would add CD1, CD2 and bonus Audio CD dumps into 1 "package" entry as well as all the covers and whatever else. Though, it was unclear what to do with all the possible ring variations (like those Saturn's 1M/2M/3Ms).


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

meestercoffee wrote:

Awesome got one ordered, thanks. Is the DiscImageCreator sticky still the proper instructions to use in this forum?

DIC and PerfectRip (for confirmation) for Saturn, yes.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

http://wiki.redump.org/index.php?title= … Games_List
http://wiki.redump.org/index.php?title= … Games_List

These should be more or less accurate. As for the Japanese lists, I have the proper miss/need_to_buy lists, but those need to be fixed, because one of our main Saturn-J dumpers decided to stop the dumping and hoard everything he bought, so, all the missing titles purchased by him should be returned into those lists again.

As for the DIC, dunno, "cd" reading mode and "/c2" parameter to enable the errors handling. I don't remember any special commands/parameters there. Though, it's better to confirm the dumps with the old PerfectRip tool and report any DIC/PerfectRip mismatches.

Egen wrote:

I kind of don't believe that. Someone coded what we have now on this website. Is that person gone?

Yes, gone. http://forum.redump.org/user/2/ -- no visits since 2010 and no db engine modifications from him since, dunno, 2007 or 2008. iR0b0t is only capable of doing little corrections, AFAIK. I only remember small form/field fixes from him for certain systems, adding some additional CUE fields handling and adding the total image CRC (with the V's help).

MigaMan wrote:

But when I wrote that last bit, I wasn't actually thinking about verifications but rather those 2 year old "new" dumps with 0 replies on the last few pages like

http://forum.redump.org/topic/14694/ibm … australia/
http://forum.redump.org/topic/14633/wii … rd-france/
http://forum.redump.org/topic/14064/ibm … on-v11425/
http://forum.redump.org/topic/14062/ibm … -new-disc/
http://forum.redump.org/topic/13965/ibm … bmissions/

Those are just a sample of the ones with 0 replies. They may be crap dumps but without an explanation who is to know? My biggest personal gripe isn't with the database software or slowness but the lack of feedback / education / training. I think that's what this old friend was getting at. I guess it doesn't matter any more now with new acct creation ended.

Wii dump was overlooked or something, dunno, it's added now. I don't know how to verify DC, GC/Wii and XBOX/360 dumps, anyway, they are in their own tricky format requiring specific drives and specific tools.

PC is a different story. Since all my ideas were totally ignored even by Dremora (while he was still an active coder), the PC section is a total and barely maintainable mess now. What should be done from the very beginning is to split the PC section to Win16, Win32, Win64, MS-DOS, OS/2, *nix, BeOS sections, etc. Only then it would be more or less possible to maintain the dumped/undumped lists and all these sections separatedly as well as properly adding all the stuff instead of putting everyting into a single bottomless bin. And then we have another problem - inability to assign more than 1 system per entry, that's a fundamental database issue, Dremora was going to code so-called "Redump 2" engine able to handle that (as well as subchannels, cover scans, bonus materials and all the other possible stuff), but abandoned the project. So, at the moment, only Jackal and Nexy are adding PC dumps from time to time picking the ones to add by their own logic. And yes, many PC titles are heavily protected with gazillions of different protections (compared to the consoles, where all the discs have the same format), so you can't just add these blindly.

Egen wrote:

What logs are these? For specific systems only? I don't remember ever being told to supply log information anywhere for verifications on this site.

For anything with CDDA and/or protections, otherwise, such "verifications" shouldn't have the green status.

MigaMan wrote:

Forum posts are better anyway cause you get more scrutiny and can attach more data/notes (and logs) than a form would allow. Theoretically it produces better quality ringcodes and other metadata too. The downside is you may have to wait a few months/years for a mod to get around to processing them. Or they won't touch it for some reason and it stays there forever and you don't know why... oh well.

Well, adding matching verifications is a rather boring task, if no new info is given (like, missing ringcodes for PSX discs or cuesheet corrections).


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

EAC doesn't read post-data pregaps, always ignores them and replaces with zeroes. EAC author says that's intentional and refuses to do the proper reading, also, bans everyone who tries to argue with him on the forum.

MigaMan wrote:

IMHO you should always check all your games because you might find a previously unknown alternate version. It has happened before.

Ringcodes should be checked, different ringcode = possibility for a different version and different dump.

The important part for verifications isn't the data submitted by the dumper, but the provided logs, so the mod could see, if the game was dumped properly to avoid the case when the first dump was taken incorrectly and the "confirmation" was done the similar way.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

meestercoffee wrote:

But I don't have a Plextor drive is that required?

Unless you want to bother with swapping - yes.

meestercoffee wrote:

Would this one work if I purchased it?



(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

reentrant wrote:

I have a CD that has an intentional C2 error in first 12 bytes of a sector and the contents of the sector don't match with /be mode.

If you read these sectors with IsoBuster - do you get proper descrambled data or some kind of read error? I believe, that proper sync is mandatory for descrambling.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

Egen wrote:

So I take that it would be a lot of work to add a whole new field to the form and stuff?

It isn't needed in the form, 2 different fields with serials will confuse people, the one in the comments is enough.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

Redirects to http://www.ggmania.com/


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

I think asking for adding the Internal Serial into the comments is more than enough. iR0b0t should re-enable the searching in the comments, though, so, by searching for the particular serial, you would get all the results with serials and internal serials matching the query.

Egen wrote:

Yep. NTSC-J genteiban games typically have a serial number one value lower than the normal edition

Shokai Genteiban games. Normal Genteibans are usually released after the regular versions.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

fuzzball wrote:

Thank you for your explanation.
In this case, DIC's cue was correct.

I've seen many cases when DIC simply replaced the sub sector, so I don't trust its subs.

sarami wrote:

This case is sometimes seen in PC-engine disc. e.g. http://redump.org/disc/2416/
If LBA[091343] is the 1st sector of the track 05, INDEX 01 is 00:03:12, while if it is the last sector of the track 04, INDEX 01 is 00:03:11.
The pregap of PC-engine is basically consistent, so it can realize that EAN sector is the 1st sector of the track. But this disc isn't consistent, so I don't know which is true.

According to the P channel the EAN sector belongs to the previous track. The first sector of pregap should have zeroes in the P-channel, the next sector should have FFs. The first non-pregap sector after the gap should also have P-channel padded with FFs. This is described in rainbow books.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Both are fine, "-flushmode FUA" command works a bit differently between them, the rest is exactly the same.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

DIC doesn't make good subs, too many fixes/replacements.


subdump -i D: -f test.sub -mode 6 -rereadnum 25 -fix 2 -- precise dump, slow (for subchannel archival purposes)
subdump -i D: -f test.sub -mode 6 -rereadnum 25 -fix 2 -quick -- fast dump (not suitable for archival, but good enough for gap detection).

D: should be PX-760 used for DIC.


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

They can be locked, but only if there's no undumped editions left (i.e. no more barcodes to enter there).

Enker wrote:

Only admins can lock that field

Certain mods also could, though, I'm uncertain if any of the currently active mods can smile