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Redump Forum → Posts by Nexy
To all those who are voting, please post and explain your vote!
Also, if you are NOT a mod or dumper, please do not vote, your opinion about how you want your collection stored is of no use to us or this site.
Look, .bin images are no different than .img ones, they are still 2352 ISO images. Alcohol ones with subs are 2448 ISO images. The formats are standard and defined. It's not very hard to figure out the .ccd cue sheet format at all, even I did it with some hours of research and testing. MDS is a lot more difficult to do but can also be done with just some dumping experiments and some knowledge, and looking up open source projects for disc emulation.
Truong is not the only person in the world who knows about things, and acting like he is god or something is just silly. Obviously other people know about it too, you just have to dig for the knowledge.
I've already constructed many clonecd images from seperate parts, it's not difficult at all. The .img file is no different than any other .bin file, the .sub file is the same format which subdump creates. Like I said there is no need to redump entire discs into clonecd format when it's easy enough to construct them with the files we already have with the addition of .sub file, it comes out exactly the same for data only discs. Discs with audio come out different because we take into account write offset when dumping the tracks, in which case our constructed images would be BETTER than what clonecd or alcohol can produce. That's the entire reason we DON'T use those tools for that purpose. Although I DO use CloneCD for specific tasks like safedisc and laserlok, but that is not part of this discussion and is discussed already in other threads.
PSX needs subs too IMO for libcrypt, as well as segacd and whatever else is on CD format. There is no distinction between.
DVD/GDROM/BR is an entirely different matter, I don't feel qualified to discuss anything related to them.
This has been known for a long time now, but the idea hasn't been pushed much.
The bright side is, entire discs do NOT need to be redumped, only the sub code, and a .ccd file generated for that dump.
We would still dump discs the way we do now, but also have .ccd (clonecd cue) file and .sub file.
The only issue is generating the .ccd file from TOC/subs, as well as dumping the subs with tool mentioned in the sub sticky topic.
It is simple enough to merge the split tracks into a single image for own use using cdmage or even just on command line with copy /b file1.bin+file2.bin outfile.img ...
The format of clonecd is not exactly unknown or limited to one tool anymore. Most tools can read to/from and convert to/from as well as burn the format these days. It has been reverse engineered many times and all the fields are known. It is closer to the TOC format than cue is.
Is something not being documented (dumped) properly or enough?
Yes, flags are not preserved, anomalies in the sub code (securom+possibly other), subtitles (for ex karaoke discs) are not being preserved. In addition it is not possible to store cd-xtra/multi-session in bin/cue format.
I vote yes for several reasons, sub code preservation (anomalies, flags). Wider range of type support (CD-Xtra, etc). Scrambled image support.
Just a poll to gauge what everyone else thinks. Lets try to keep the sarcasm out of the thread please
Honest opinions and reasons for and against appreciated.
Well come up with a better solution and suggest it then rather than make posts like your first one which I found offensive and bordering on trolling.
Much talk already on changing to clonecd format also, I may as well post the idea here too and absorb the negative reactions to that too. There are limitations to this format too, but not as many as bin/cue, and it's easy enough to convert existing images to it with just ccd generation and sub code files added.
Also talk of entire disc dump being scrambled.
Conflicting opinions on all of these subjects, it's rather annoying imo.
What bothers me the most is the childish way in which ideas get discussed at times, we are all adults, should act like adults and discuss the possibilities and ideas in a rational matter rather than acting like spoiled 12 year olds. I for one do not appreciate it all when I spend thousands of dollars and put hundreds of hours of my own time in this project, only to see such bullshit posted.
Please explain what is out of date and why sub code data would be flawed.
Program has been worked on recently because some annoyance with the log was fixed which I requested. sub2cue has also been worked on because it had a bug.
I'm not sure why everyone is on a different page regarding everything which is being done. Also no progress is made if methods/tools aren't addressed, fixed or coded to begin with. What your saying basically is we are wasting our time and should not even bother with this project anymore? Is that what your saying?
Also, fuck ripper and truman, ripper is a jackass drunk with delusions of grandeur and truman doesn't bother to contact or talk with anyone else which makes me think his ego is bigger than ripper's is. Until something is released there it's just all bullshit and vaporware as far as I am concerned.
Themabus: I'm not sure what your getting at here.
Sure flags do not get stored, and they can change in the middle tracks or gaps, which is why the subs are needed.
As for P and Q, from my experience P doesn't matter only Q matter when it comes to gaps. Many tracks can end up wrong size if you go by P, it's pretty simple to test if you merge the image together into a whole disc and compare the size of the whole thing to how many LBA there should be in the image. Often times this comes out wrong if you don't check the frames. Why is that? Because Q track number and Q index needs to be paid attention, this can often conflict with TOC and P channel, and usually does. P channel tends to be off by 1 sector always in almost every single dump with CDDA I've done.
TOC may point to an area in the track which is marked as gap in the Q channel (CD Lock for instance). Other discs may say there is a gap of 2:02 , which it correct by Q channel (which is what EAC goes by) but this can conflict with TOC. Which will make the track the wrong size as the first 2 sectors after where TOC says is start of track are marked as index 00 in the subs. I can come up with many such examples. Another example is Blood, where the final sector of the data track is filled with 00, it is marked both in the TOC AND subs as part of Track 01 and not Track 02. Where if you go by the guide, you would be mistaken thinking this is part of the gap of track 02.
Granted I do PC strictly, and PC is just badly mastered and nothing to be done about it, other than at least try to get the tracks sizes correct so that the disc image is the right size. It's most important to have correct size of Tracks FIRST. Rest can be handled by cue and subs for any discrepancies in the mastering process.
We should always be trying to dump things to the best of our understanding and using the tools we have at our disposal.
We would respectfully request sub code dumps of all CD's with CDDA/Audio tracks, and protected games for research and analysis purposes.
There is some concern about discrepancies with gaps using the current "find your own way" method. There is also curiosity of anomalies in the sub data for protected titles.
It is recommended that the drive you use is capable of properly dumping sub code, most drives support this these days.
Please contact either me or F1reb4ll for the tool we request be used for this purpose.
Would you please post the test.log and test.sub files on a file host so that the moderators and researchers can check and analyze them. I will create a small tutorial for using these sub code dumps to determine how to dump the data tracks with proper length. You will also need to check the lengths of dumped audio tracks to make sure that they are the correct length.
Redacted and corrected 13/10/2011
- Nexy
Since redump is focused on games that's why I said what I did. Maybe we can have a sister site for os/apps/drivers etc.
I think not, unless it's for special circumstances, like old video cards and sound cards which came bundled with games/demos on the driver discs, goes for joysticks/pads/wheels/flight sticks/other also. How old? I'm talking like Voodoo/Verite/Virge/S3/Matrox etc era. All modern stuff can be downloaded for free, some of the older hardware is not so easy to find. Surely not generic hardware like modems, printers and motherboards...
Lock this topic, these kinds of questions are stupid, and don't even deserve a response imo.
It is fine, DVD SafeDisc does not use bad sectors like CD version. It is more like SecuROM.
I rather don't like the splitting idea because many stuff can overlap OS versions. Better to just have a field which says which OS's the games were intended to run, it's always on the CD cases/Boxes.
Can we add an OS field with checkboxes for IBM-PC and Mac.
If they are checkboxes we can select multiple OS supported.
for Mac, OSX version.
This in no way suggests splitting up the sets.
I've tested this tool a lot, it works great, but it can be slow. =]
I hope you have a plextor drive, it REALLY makes dumping PC games much easier.
If you have any questions about dumping any certain protection not covered in the guide or the stickies, feel free to ask here or on IRC.
what's the problem with this exactly?
you can also dump it with isobuster using the from-to way. If you know how the guide works and follow the instructions for dumping the data track, you already know where the pre-gap starts. Then you just dump from there to the the LBA of Track02+1 sector.
You then need edit the pregap a bit in a hex editor, you need to cut the crap bytes off the start (the ones you used to detect offset) note how many bytes it is. Then in a calculator you do 2352-bytes, the result is how many bytes to cut off the end of the pre-gap.
It's easy to figure out than the clonecd way.
Themabus, can you add some IsProcessorFeaturePresent stuff, cuz I use a PIII for my dump box with the Lite-On in it, and your using P4 and up SSE2 optimizations which just crash the program with 0xc000001d illegal instruction exception.
it's simple to use a tool like ultraiso to convert bin/cue to clonecd, and clonecd supports multisessions in it's own format... BIN/CUE does not support multisessions at all, so I don't know about what your doing.
And yeah, you should ask on a dreamcast forum about burning such things, or CDFreaks.
Yes, and Yes.
@Fireball, no it doesn't matter what drive you use, it will offset the subs the same. I have the magic 2.5 sheep burner though, I will have to dig it out and test.
@marzsyndrome, you can pretty much think that CDRWin is dead and won't be updated anymore. Same for most other old burning programs. Like I said, give clonecd a go, it should work for what you need.
If your using XPSP3 32bit, then use CloneCD.
I use Nero (if you can find it for download anymore) for most stuff.
I use clonecd for the rest.
no burner is perfect, but in my tests those are the best. However they both offset subchannels.
Redump Forum → Posts by Nexy
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