Those in the United States might have better luck with a more mainstream brand there like IOMEGA for example.
ignore the shipping costs in the screenshot attached - I'm obviously a million miles away.

I ignore those adapters and use these cheap ass external drive enclosures,  swapping out the optical drive.

readily available in the UK, I assume similar products / models are abundant all over the globe.

Am in Turkey a the moment for work and with heavily restricted internet, but searching your local ebay/craigslist/facebook marketplace/whatever second hand selling markets are available  might yield some results.


(4 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)

What he said ^


(4 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)

Hi EiadSherif2008

There is nothing to download here, is a project supported by many users and dumpers of video game collections.

We provide advice on how to create a 1:1 backup of your original game discs, using the best known methods using commonly available hardware and the best software methods (as of right now) 

There is a common misconception that provides / enables users to download other users backups of their optical discs.

This is not true,  we merely catalogue a list of hashes of the files generated by the above mentioned methods. As more and more users (Re) dump the same disc/discs the entries in the database become verified and as such can be trusted to be a true representation of the optical discs structure.

We rely on new and existing dumpers providing these hash values to verify that our methods encapsulate the entire content the aforementioned discs.

just piping up with my 2c worth.

here in the UK we had a budget peripheral manufacturer called Freecom.
i have had lots of success with their 5.25 inch Optical drive enclosures.

I think in the USA there are similar enclosures by companies such as mitsumi.
There will be a load of off brand examples.

These work really well and can be had for very little outlay, just swap out the drive for a Plextor.

or even more recognizable brands like sony / Iomega / whatever.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)


The last 3 versions of Dic are broken.

I have had to roll back to 20211101

Anything newer than that fails with the following:

Logs for the last 4 releases attached.

the earliest version that works is 2021-11-01

but that also has

LBA[-00001, 0xffffffff]: Track[01]: This sector is data, but sync is invalid
========== LBA[-00001, 0xffffffff]: Main Channel ==========
       +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7  +8 +9 +A +B +C +D +E +F
0000 : FC 5B 01 FB 40 43 70 31  E4 14 4B 4F 77 74 26 A7   .[..@Cp1..KOwt&.

the descrambled 0 sector looks fine

The prospect of this functionality excites me.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

user7 wrote:

Is there anyway to prevent dic from hashing .scm and .img to save time? is it necessary?

Thanks <3<3

Agreed. This would be awesome for those of us stuck dumping with older hardware.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hi Sarami.

now that Unlicensed PS2 is working properly.

i tried to verify this entry:

SuperG's dump Error count = 1036
My Verification - Error Count = 518

1036 / 518 = 2 .   double counting errors?

Logs: … ccd3XfyXMo


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:
wiggy2k wrote:

I have tried different speeds and different drives so far and no consistent matches.

Try the latest test version. … st.7z/file

Perfect, all dumps match now, thank you smile


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)


trying to dump an unlicensed PS2 disc.

using (in this case a Plextor PX-W4012TA)
"DiscImageCreator.exe cd D ISO\Psi2-Disc14-*\track.bin 72 /c2 20 /sf"

every dump is different.

have tried like 12 times now and no matches.

logs and dumps from the last 3 attempts here:

What is going wrong?
I have tried different speeds and different drives so far and no consistent matches.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

user7 wrote:
sarami wrote:

Tell me the ebay or amazon or discogs link of "HighlightsVCD", please.

"Philips Media Presents: CD-i Games: Highlights-Previews-Gameclips" not to be confused with a similarly titled one for movies.

Three listings on ebay right now and all UK shipping only hmm

I have one of these if something is needed?

Green only really means 2  matching dumps.
IMO it's always good to have a verification.
Unless as User7 stated though, if there is already > 2 dumpers and I can't add some extra info like another region, barcode, release, mastering code etc. i still dump and submit them but i never expect them to be processed quickly, the mods only have so much free time


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

- fixed: check c2 error "00 f0 f0 f0 00 00 00 0f 0f 0f 00"
I feel like this regression / error was based on stuff i was doing at the time.  re: FMT / PC98 discs and a clash with some sort of IBM-PC protection.  I need to revisit some discs i think.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Aringon wrote:

Seems to be a weird bug going on with this disc. Dunno if its unique to ASUS drives or not. There's a bunch of C2 errors detected that don't seem to exist, the disc is brand new and dumps perfectly in Isobuster without issue across multiple drives. edccchk.exe reports 0 Errors + Warnings on the resulting bin file. Multiple copies of this iXL disc have the same issue, it's not unique to this one disc but all copies of it in my possession. Logs attached and latest DIC release used.

Does DIC support non plextor discs with negative offsets. i know there was once a problem with using these bluray drives and a large positive offset, i may be completely wrong though.

i will expand on this in greater detail tomorrow whan i am not completely innebriated.

but the reason that people encounter more problems on "section 40" when using dcdumper.exe is because by default section 40 is 10 times larger than secions 1-39.

There are some command switches that can help, but, in short, yes, as you suspect. not all drives are created equal (whatever you do dont tell the lefties about that being a scientific fact)


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)


@atrac17 has just bought a USB Plextor  PX-708A2 drive.
it ejects some discs automatically (3DO disc for example)

is there a DIC switch we can run to see drive compatability / supported modes?

"discimagecreator.exe /checkdrivefeatures" or something like that would be amazing.

or the output from another tool ?


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)


i am happy that there is more than just myzelf and FB discussing this.

What do we then do with PC (win3.1)/PC98/FMT/Win32 discs ?  (of which i have many)
- @irobot - we really need to add these discs into more than one system.

They should be one Disc entry in the Database / website  but should be entries in multiple DATS.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

fuzzball wrote:

Why are 98/Towns hybrid discs registered in the FM Towns system?

Because that's where I submitted them?

We ideally would have multiple system support for discs, but had to make a decision.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hi Sarami

Trying to dump this disc for CD-i

I am seeing some weird stuff in the logs that says the MSF is CDTV Specific:
can you take a look at the logs please?

    191.42 MB


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

just curious, is there a switch I can use to allow using an older unsupported (but used to be) Plextor like a Plexwriter 12/10/32A I'd like to compare some tracks from difficult discs like Eikan3.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:
- fixed: escape the c2 error "F0 F0 F0 00 00 00 0F 0F 0F"
And added the message into _c2Error.txt like this.

 LBA[110740, 0x1b094] Detected C2 error "F0 F0 F0 00 00 00 0F 0F 0F"
This error can't be fixed by plextor drive. Needs to dump it by non-plextor drive and replace it

Can you add your disc to the DB for this?


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Eikan 3?

I have the same disc with the same error.
is always a 20 or 24bit error.
Disc is immaculate.

from my logs:

 LBA[110740, 0x1b094] Detected C2 error 24 bit
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[000]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[001]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[002]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[003]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[004]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[005]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[006]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[007]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[008]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[009]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[010]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[011]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[012]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[013]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[014]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[015]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[016]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[017]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[018]: 0x01e0d279 bad
LBA[110740, 0x1b094]: crc32[019]: 0x01e0d279 


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)


FMTowns disc is showing very weird behaviour.
Cuesheet :

  TRACK 01 MODE218/2352

please take a look at the logs:
the offset looks strange so the entire data stays scrambled. the CUE is wrong, it's just a mess.

Warning the Logs ended up being ~ 200Mb … hJt4FpPhL8


Do you float @Sadikyo ?