Hello I want to download Call of Duty Advanced Warfare BLES02079 And don't know how, PLS Tell me


I Have FIFA 15 Disc UAE Edition BLES02049 I Can dump it when I copy it

Hi EiadSherif2008

There is nothing to download here,  redump.org is a project supported by many users and dumpers of video game collections.

We provide advice on how to create a 1:1 backup of your original game discs, using the best known methods using commonly available hardware and the best software methods (as of right now) 

There is a common misconception that redump.org provides / enables users to download other users backups of their optical discs.

This is not true,  we merely catalogue a list of hashes of the files generated by the above mentioned methods. As more and more users (Re) dump the same disc/discs the entries in the database become verified and as such can be trusted to be a true representation of the optical discs structure.

We rely on new and existing dumpers providing these hash values to verify that our methods encapsulate the entire content the aforementioned discs.

Redump doesn't host ROMz, never did and never will.

What he said ^