I corrected the dump above and added the missing barcode serials. Thanks for pointing it out.
51 2013-12-08 19:10:45
Re: [PSX] PlayStation the Best for Family or just PlayStation the Best? (8 replies, posted in General discussion)
52 2013-12-08 18:18:30
Re: [PSX] PlayStation the Best for Family or just PlayStation the Best? (8 replies, posted in General discussion)
Understood, iR0b0t. When Rocket submits that verification I will put both tags in the edition field, «PlayStation the Best» and «PlayStation the Best for Family».
Pablo, please only put "PlayStation the Best for Family" in the edition field. There are some dumps that are missing the "for Family" text, the dumpers probably just checked the "PlayStation the Best" checkbox and didn't mention the "for Family" text.
53 2013-11-22 06:41:07
Re: PSP dumping (75 replies, posted in General discussion)
Time to bump this topic for a new discussion!
I noticed about a week ago that we have a few bad dumps in the database. I found these thanks to TheHustle. He had asked me how to dump one of them, but I found out they were not standard UMDs and they could not be dumped the usual way.
http://redump.org/disc/808/ [UCJB-98306]
http://redump.org/disc/1196/ [UCJB-98302]
http://redump.org/disc/1743/ [UCJB-98303]
These are demo discs with a game + video partition and the entire video section is corrupt in the dump I tested "UCJB-98302". I do not know which dumping tools were used to make these dumps, but I'm sure the video partition must be corrupted in all three dumps.
I bought one of the demo discs to try dumping this type of UMD myself, the demo disc I have is "UCJB-98306". My dump does not match the database, which is not surprising. I found a way to dump both partitions correctly, but they have to be dumped to separate .iso files.
Here are the instructions:
Note: UMD_DATA.BIN of each ISO has the partition number, 0001 & 0002.
1) Use UMDKiller V1.2 to dump the first partition. It will be saved to ms0:/ISO/UCJB-98306.iso.
2) Connect your PSP to a PC and rename the dumped ISO as "UCJB-98306_0001.iso" and then move it onto the PC.
3) Use UMDKillerPRX V1.5 to dump the second partition. It will be saved to ms0:/ISO/UCJB-98306.iso.
4) Connect your PSP to a PC and rename the dumped ISO as "UCJB-98306_0002.iso" and then move it onto the PC.
5) Open Notepad and type the text below, make sure to modify the filenames to match your ISOs.copy /b UCJB-98306_0001.iso + UCJB-98306_0002.iso UCJB-98306_merged.iso
6) Save the file as Merge.bat and move it to the same location as the two ISO dumps.
7) Double-click the Merge.bat to merge the ISOs into one file, "UCJB-98306_merged.iso" is created.
8) Use clrmamepro's Dir2Dat function and uncheck everything except Add MD5+SHA1, create the .dat file to save the three ISO hashes.
There is currently no dumping tool that will dump both partitions at once, and I don't know if this is able to be done either. The dumps in the database were joined together to make the dump one file. I think merging the two ISOs is okay. There are very few game UMDs with two partitions, and we can include the non-merged hashes in the comments. The only issue with merging is that the video partition is unplayable after merging, but that may change in newer PSP CFW.
As a test, I also tried to dump Video UMDs using UMDKillerPRX V1.5, but only the 0002 partition will dump. PSP Filer 6.6 and UMDKiller V1.2 cannot be used on Video UMDs, so these UMDs will have to remain unsupported for now.
So how should we proceed? I think it would be safe to add the fixed dumps with the non-merged hashes in the comments.
54 2013-06-27 16:56:53
Re: Rings + tabulators in ring codes (22 replies, posted in General discussion)
55 2013-03-24 19:16:34
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
The ISO 'Volume Space Size' is being logged incorrectly. My last post explains some issues with DVD dumping.
56 2013-03-18 18:13:23
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
Here are some DVD dumping issues/requests:
Only L0 is dumped on the following disc type (example):
TrackPath: Parallel Track Path
NumberOfLayers: Double Layer
Checking for "PhysicalFormatInformation: L1" will probably fix this issue.
Opposite Track Path DVD-9 discs are also being overdumped.
Could you please add TOC+Layer Information:
Session 1... (LBA: 0)
-> Track 01 (Mode 1, LBA: 0 - 4169567)
-> LeadOut (LBA: 4169568)
Layer 0 Sectors: 2084944
Layer 1 Sectors: 2084624
57 2013-03-09 16:24:33
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
Thanks! I tested it and everything is working fine
I sent a message to iR0b0t about the redump .cue file issue.
58 2013-03-08 18:05:08
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
I agree with Nexy, the missing INDEX 0 for Track 1 is a bug with CloneCD. The .cue files here on redump don't have an INDEX 0 for Track 1 when INDEX 1 is >00:00:00. This should be fixed.
I noticed that the last track for my disc is being underdumped. The last 30 sectors are lost with DiscImageCreator and not with other tools.
59 2013-03-08 03:48:37
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
I found some CCD file issues:
INDEX 1=30
INDEX 1=30
Here are the .ccd files: http://www.mediafire.com/?z3idm72x26751d8
60 2013-03-05 22:42:38
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
The ANSI build is crashing on CD-TEXT CDs with these two versions:
61 2013-01-29 22:42:39
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
That was the issue, thanks! The PerfectRip tracks now match EAC when using -98. I had to manually move the gaps to the correct position, though.
62 2013-01-29 21:23:20
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
Enker wrote:but -686 is needed for PerfectRip
Why is needed for PerfectRip?
I think it is probably a drive firmware issue causing this to happen. I tested CDs with CD-TEXT and without CD-TEXT, both need -686 in PerfectRip. EAC needs +98 for both. Hopefully you can find the cause when you get the drive.
Enker wrote:Program does not keep periods in the file name (v1.1 gets named as v1)
Determined that the period since the last extension.
So, please specify an extension.
This issue is Windows OS specification.
That explains it. I wasn't adding an extension since it's usually added automatically. Can you make the program ignore extensions?
63 2013-01-28 22:15:26
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
Here are a few drive issues to make note of:
PX-W1210TA/PX-W2410TA (Data-only CDs):
PX-W1210TA/PX-W2410TA (CDs without CD-TEXT):
Sense data, Key:Asc:Ascq:05:24:00(ILLEGAL_REQUEST. INVALID FIELD IN CDB)
Undefined CDROM_READ_TOC_EX_FORMAT_CDTEXT on this drive
PX-W2410TA (CDs with CD-TEXT):
Doesn't dump tracks correctly. Bad TOC MSF for last audio track (PX-W1210TA also has this issue).
These are issues with discimagecreator:
Crashes after running these commands (Tested 32bit):
DiscImageCreator.exe -c D:
DiscImageCreator.exe -s D:
End line issue:
DiscImageCreator.exe -split foo.dec
DiscImageCreator BuildDate:[Jan 28 2013 23:59:57]
Start -> 2013-01-28(Mon) 14:40:03
Split File(num) 5/ 5End -> 2013-01-28(Mon) 14:40:57
ReadMe.txt issue:
PX-W2410TA(PX-W2410A) 1.04 +686 is right
+98 is right, but -686 is needed for PerfectRip
Could you also add this issue to the first post?:
Program does not keep periods in the file name (v1.1 gets named as v1)
64 2013-01-22 22:24:46
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
Please tell me px_d8 log & dump data to cdtoimg (about sector 1-5) your PX-W1210TA (1.10) & PX-W2410TA (1.04)
Here is the px_d8 log and cdtoimg data: http://www.mediafire.com/?0yya05nd27pz842
The PX-W2410TA is the only drive still detecting the wrong CD offset, the PX-W1210TA is correct with the 1.10 firmware.
65 2013-01-19 20:04:40
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
Need overread sector is now set to 1 after updating the PX-W1210TA (1.10), but the PX-W2410TA (1.04) still has Need overread sector: 2, which is making the CD offset +590 instead of +2.
I am still getting this error with both drives:
SCSI bus status codes:02-CHECK_CONDITION [F:ReadTOCText][L: 1696]
Sense data, Key:Asc:Ascq:05:24:00(ILLEGAL_REQUEST. INVALID FIELD IN CDB)
66 2013-01-18 19:38:20
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
If you use Windows7, check off below
explorer -> tool(T) -> folder option(O) -> show tab 'Do not show extensions that are registered'
Hiding or showing file extensions doesn't fix the issue.
Now I've got another bug to report. I noticed that the combined offset is detected incorrectly for these two Plextor drives: PX-W1210TA, PX-W2410TA
The combined offset is detected as +588 samples too big, but the disc still dumps correctly, just the CD offset is listed wrong. I noticed this in the log: Need overread sector: 2
This is set to 1 for my working Plextors, and it looks like it needs to be set to 1 for these two drives as well.
Here is a log file: http://www.mediafire.com/?5y8kdp4q42t27rj
The following errors appear before the dumping starts with both of these drives:
SCSI bus status codes:02-CHECK_CONDITION [F:ReadConfiguration][L:1089]
SCSI bus status codes:02-CHECK_CONDITION [F:ReadTOCText][L: 1696]
Sense data, Key:Asc:Ascq:05:24:00(ILLEGAL_REQUEST. INVALID FIELD IN CDB)
67 2013-01-01 21:56:39
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
You fixed the dumping problem The tracks now match PerfectRip's and the database. The log still has ISRC entries though. Here is a link with the subcode and log files: http://www.mediafire.com/?yvido8a9uc88ooq
68 2012-12-31 17:43:32
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
for Enker
Please test.
Could you upload a 32-bit version? I can't test 64-bit programs.
69 2012-12-28 07:40:04
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
upload version 20121228.
All three issues are still present in this version, though I didn't expect them to be fixed yet.
For the present, cleaning your pickup lens of drive & disc.
1. I redumped the disc at speed 0 with the new version and it produced a cleaner sub file, but the issue still remains. The disc is very clean, but there is a tiny spot I see that could be causing the issue.
This file is created by perfectrip? If so, please look at the setting for your PC.
2. Both your program and PerfectRip have the file name issue. I don't think there is any setting I can change to fix this. Other programs I use don't have this issue.
3. Take a look below to see the problem I'm talking about. The first 3 bytes are the issue.
EF BB BF 5B 43 6C 6F 6E 65 43 44 5D 0D 0A 56 65 [CloneCD]..Ve
EF BB BF 46 49 4C 45 20 22 54 6F 75 73 68 69 6E FILE "Toushin
70 2012-12-28 00:11:16
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
I'm still on old 32-bit, but that would be nice for many others I'm sure. This program would be a good addition to the dumping guides, once all of the issues are fixed.
71 2012-12-27 23:39:24
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
Hi sarami, I've got a few issues to report.
1. I was verifying this disc with your program and tracks 12 & 13 don't match the database. I dumped it using two different drives and got the same results. However, when I dump it with PerfectRip or EAC my results match the database. The pregap seems to be detected differently, which is causing it to not match. Here is a link with the log files and subcode file: Toushinden (Japan) (v1.1)
2. As you can see from my files, the program does not keep periods in the file name (v1.1 gets named as v1). Is this an easy problem to fix or not fixable?
3. The last issue is with .ccd and .cue file output. Can you make the program not add a byte order mark at the start of the file? This makes the .cue files not match the database, and having a BOM makes .ccd files and .cue files unusable in a lot of software.
I hope you can fix these issues in a future version
72 2012-10-13 17:54:36
Re: Dumping Xbox 360 games? (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
It's exactly the same as the Xbox 1 dumping method, so you can just follow that guide's instructions. Just make sure you don't calculate the SS.bin CRC32 until after you pass it to ss_sector_range.exe. The SS gets fixed by the program, which is necessary in order to match others' SS CRCs, but usually the SS is different for most dumps. Xbox 1 SS doesn't need fixing so you can calculate the CRC any time.
There are also a couple other steps for 360 games, but they are simple.
- Open DMI.bin and copy the string from offset 0x40-4C (13 bytes). Post this in the comments section. It contains the serial, version, and region.
- Open Track 01.iso in IsoBuster and copy the Primary Volume Descriptor:
Sector 16: 0320 - 0370. Post this in the PVD section.
To answer your question about the dumping method, it's true our .iso dumps don't contain the security info, but you can inject it later with Xbox Backup Creator using the DMI, PFI, and SS files that you dump.
73 2012-09-08 06:27:25
Re: Dreamcast/NAOMI GD-ROM dumping instructions (54 replies, posted in General discussion)
iR0b0t, please move my Plextor PX-708A entry to the supported drives list. I tested it some more and got it to work repeatedly. I also retested my ASUS and got it to work a little bit, but now I can't get it to work again.
PS: Just a note for anyone dumping GD-ROMs. Make sure you dump the disc at least twice for new dumps and don't rely on the ice output to tell you if something is bad. For one verification I did the first time I dumped the disc it didn't match but ice didn't report any errors. The disc is a little bit scratched, so I had to use DCdumper to dump it successfully.
74 2012-09-07 00:11:13
Re: HOW TO DUMP PS3 GAMES (19 replies, posted in General discussion)
Well, not all BD drives will work. I think ASUS, Lite-On, and Samsung drives should work since others have dumped successfully with these brands. My drive is a Lite-On iHBS112 2 and it works, but dumping is pretty slow. If you do get a working drive, make your first dump a verification because some drives may overdump the discs.
75 2012-09-03 17:07:16
Re: HOW TO DUMP PS3 GAMES (19 replies, posted in General discussion)
Nothing has changed with regards to dumping. Use a BD drive and IsoBuster or ImgBurn to dump the discs. The PS3 section is accessible to dumpers only, and there are still not any guides for dumping the discs. The dat file has the same checksums as always (encrypted dumps).