a) Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools => assign the image extension to auto-mount action => simply "run" the iso/mds/whatever.

Jackal is a mod, has dumped 2 different copies of Myst (hence the 2 mould IFPI codes) and added them into the db by himself as green. Mods don't have rights to 'greenlight' the ringcodes and cuesheets (iR0b0t is the webmaster, I don't know, why not).

"IFPI L002" should be written on the laser-burned ringcode part, most likely, with the smaller symbols.

Faulty RAM also possible.


(1 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)

Welcome, please obtain your password here.

(also check the spam folder in case there will be no message in your inbox)

No, we need to switch to cue+tracks first, then there would be a point to ask to add such dumps into emus. Our gdis are simply wrong/broken/incorrect.

iR0b0t wrote:

@diego-rbb-93 what is he looking for, roms? If he is aware that here are no roms and he still wants an account, let me know, please.

I think he wants to post his verifications (a little too passionately).

Escorchón wrote:

Hace tiempo estoy pensando comenzar la "caza" de los Gran Turismo, BioHazard & Silent Hill en NTSC-J... pero sería agotador (mejor viajar a Japón y adquirirlos todos de una vez, jiji).

GT is cheap - https://www.ebay.com/itm/183054495212?rmvSB=true https://www.ebay.com/itm/173139629606?rmvSB=true
BH and SH are slightly more expensive, but are more than affordable.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

diego-rbb-93 wrote:

And then, what we obtain and how me must upload it to Redump profile?

http://forum.redump.org/topic/16957/xbox360-verify/ - example.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

Either a Kreon drive (PC drive with a special firmware) or a 0800 drive (XBOX 360 drive flashed with a special firmware and connected to the PC).

Wiki missing list has 10, but those are the ones that are known and "googleable". I'd assume there are at least 11 SLPM-885xx ones, at least 4 SLKA ones and probably a few PxPX ones. That gives us 16+ titles, at least.

Mega CD has around 15-20 Korean titles (though, those are Jap CDs with Korean covers, just like Korean carts for MD with Jap PCBs inside), Saturn has 20 Korean titles, 3DO should have around the same (maybe a little more).

user7 wrote:

I think it is like Russia or South Korea for PSX, not enough money to make from the market at the time for localization.

There are enough Korean releases, but they aren't widely known and are quite rare.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Just a non-standard sector, nothing special. I'd say "error count: 1", even if it's just a warning.


(2 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)

Saturn discs need a Plextor drive.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Rallye89 wrote:

Which burning software supports the setting of a custom offset to neutralize the drive one?

EAC, but it only supports Audio CD discs.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Rallye89 wrote:

I was talking about desidered errors container into retail copies of ps1 games, such as dino crisis, syphon filter 2 and final fantasy origins. Clonecd corrects these sectors in read mode thus resulting in data mismatch with redump data. I avoided the problem just replacing the img with another one got on the internet that matched the crc, but only because i found it on the web. Could clonecd be configured to dump these games correct way?

Most likely, it's your drive correcting the errors. Try the swapping trick described above.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Rallye89 wrote:

Well, i decided to use ccd/img/sub (to make possible storing libcrypt protection) for all my psx backups, but i noticed differences on different software such as clonecd, alcohol120%

Alcohol 120% is unable to dump into ccd/img/sub, all the audio tracks become shifted. Unless that was fixed in the recent versions, but I have doubts.

Rallye89 wrote:

imgburn on pregaps, errors and cuesheets

Meh? What pregaps, what cuesheets? You've just said "ccd/img/sub". And what errors?

Rallye89 wrote:

i tried also sbi2sub utility but seems to generate altered data in the last sectors of sub file, maybe it's the pregap?).

Depends on the differences.

Rallye89 wrote:

What exactly i have to do with cddas and error count different from 0?

RAW DAO 96 burning mode shouldn't affect those errors and leave them intact.

Rallye89 wrote:

is there any software able to perfectly dump each audio track after first data track without the need of getting a new plextor drive?

You can try to check the swap trick, whether it works for your drive or not. Find the "startstop" utility somewhere on this forum, insert any Audio CD, stop the drive, eject the tray by inserting some pin into the emergency eject hole, insert the game disc, close the tray manually using some force, then try to read the sectors. You should see the scrambled data sectors in the data area.

Rallye89 wrote:

After dumping i need to burn backups to play (i don't want to use original cds in my playstation), but i noticed that from a perfect dump my drive always generates a bad backup when redumped from burned copy (crc mismatch in img and sub)

Images with CDDA differ, if dumped with CloneCD or similar, since they don't do the offset correction. Subs won't match, either, since the dumping tools don't correct the random errors.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

I think DIC only works with D8-capable drives, giving the messy data tracks on the rest?


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

rosewood wrote:

Audio trap disc, DIC stop command and subdump displays this a couple of times:

Sense data (SK/ASC/ASCQ): 0x00/0x00/0x00
No sense data. No additional sense information.

Have you tried to dump other discs this way? Maybe the drive itself doesn't like swapping?


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

rosewood wrote:
F1ReB4LL wrote:

Runs for hours writing what? Does it report about read errors or something?

It ran for hours at those lines, the drive made a clicking sound every other second

No, the question was about subdump.

rosewood wrote:

As the results seem to vary slightly between each run, I made 6 final tests this morning, each one with a full shut down of the PC afterwards: DIC 20171010, 20171210 and 20180113, in GD and CD mode.
All those times it didn't hang at the lines mentioned above, but it didn't manage to rip the disc as well...

CD-i disc in GD mode?


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Runs for hours writing what? Does it report about read errors or something?


(2 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)

maxoojc wrote:

full Jap set with extras

With all the demos and Fresh Cleaner? smile http://wiki.redump.org/index.php?title= … sing_Games


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

rosewood wrote:
F1ReB4LL wrote:

How did it look?

It's all in the log files above:

Args: -i f: -f 8180089.sub -mode 6 -rereadnum 25 -fix 2
TOC reading...
Find subchannel start sector...
41 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 28 32 
subStartAddr:   0
subEndAddr:     -150
sectorQuantity: -150

Modified TOC, I think. Swapping with Audio CD should help.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

rosewood wrote:

Subdump couldn't get it right

How did it look?

diego-rbb-93 wrote:

Thats the damn problem, im trying to get in contact with Pablogm123. This user hadnt been connected since 2014 so i send him a tweet. Hes from my city, Sevilla.

Tell us if he replies, we're missing him smile


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:
========== TOC ==========
    Pregap Track   , LBA        0 -  250068, Length   250069
     Audio Track  1, LBA   250069 -  260318, Length    10250
     Audio Track  2, LBA   260319 -  283453, Length    23135
     Audio Track  3, LBA   283454 -4294967295, Length 4294683842

I don't know why it can't get the toc correctly.

rosewood: Have you tried to dump it with other tools, like, dunno, CloneCD? Does it really have audio tracks? Weird for VideoCD.

If CCD and CDM are still allowed - is it possible to detect all pregaps and the write offset with drives that neither support scrambled reading nor the D8 command?

Only if your drive allows swapping discs without ejecting the tray (so you could insert some audio disc, then replace it with the data one to read the sectors in scrambled form).

As for the protected discs - different drives read the sectors with intentional errors differently. You should probably try to get the matching checksums for the already dumped titles by yourself to find out, whether your drives are suitable.