Oh that's straightforward, thx. I have no problem renaming the files and then rewrite the gdi content accordingly, so I'll go for that way, but I'll download and keep themabus' parser.
Thx for your help.
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Redump Forum → Posts by RiMMER
Oh that's straightforward, thx. I have no problem renaming the files and then rewrite the gdi content accordingly, so I'll go for that way, but I'll download and keep themabus' parser.
Thx for your help.
Since the subheader for this forum topic also contains "emulation", I decided to ask this after all, even though I can imagine replies like "disc preservation is not about being able to play the games in question", but I'll ask anyway.
I tried running about 10 redump images in nullDC and it crashed right when it started actually accessing the image.
It didn't crash with those crappy scene down-samples images ...
Can anyone point me to what am I doing wrong / how to actually emulate those images to play them?
Thanks in advance!
Try checking for a serial number of the disc by going to the command prompt and running "dir" command on that directory.
So, for example, if your drive is G:, first enter G:, then press ENTER, then enter dir and again, press ENTER.
Volume in drive G has no label.
Volume Serial Number is D63A-444A
Someone should find out what the serial number of the disc in the database is and compare it to yours.
PS2 discs are the easiest to dump of all
Basically, you don't even have to read the guide, here's all you need to know:
Right click on Track 01, select Extract Track 01 -> Extract User Data (*.tao, *.iso, *.wav) menu item, then choose folder for extraction and press OK.
@RiMMER: Then why the dat file generator is not generating the correct titles and only contain ASCII chars?
Well, I have no clue how these dats are used to this day, so I really don't know how that shit works, but I think I won't be mistaken if I claim that as I said, the site and the database are utf-8 encoded, so they can keep any character intact, but the data they export to dats is either incorrect, or the dat software can't read those characters.
Either way, there's no connection between the site and the dat files themselves. You can store the data in the database, it's the dat software's fault it can't read it, since it's obsolete.
If I'm wrong, I'm open to correction, I won't be arguing with anyone trying to get me right.
How about tilded vocals? Are you guys only using ASCII chars for the project?
No, the site and the database use utf-8 encoding. Any character can be used and stored properly.
The answer is sticky ...
No, lol, I have never dumped any audio disc, don't worry. I wouldn't do anything I'm not sure about, or better said, I would have known how to do it if I ever did it.
He's not drunk, he's ripping a disc which contains only audio tracks, no data track (soundtrack ?).
In that case, I believe too, that gaps should be appended to previous tracks.
Well, I can't argue with you. IRC is a great way of communication, the question is: how many people would be available online on IRC at a time to help others with their problems, and how many of them would actually be willing to do so?
As far as I know, firefox has its own IRC client already, or is at least linked with an online IRC client, so, as long as everyone uses what can be really called The Browser, we wouldn't need Java crap.
rofl, that's heavy
So how do we dump XBOX360 or PS3 discs? Is there any method available already?
I've seen some XBOX360 dumps, like this one: http://redump.org/disc/9689/
But I haven't seen any PS3.
If there was a guide, I could add some up ...
Just don't fight, guys, please! I just asked a question and I sure appreciate your kind of help and everything, but I wouldn't like to be a cause of a quarrel.
Hello there, everyone!
Everytime I dump a GC disc on my WII, it's simply messed up. If I'm not mistaken, the dumps is 99% correct, only like the first 1% is kinda not good, something around boot sectors maybe? Those are always different when I compare the dump to a redump verified dump ...
Have anyone gotten to something like this? Can anyone explain it? Or is my WII simply messed up and I should buy a new one ?
EDIT: And hey, maybe it'd be great if someone wrote a GC games / WII dumping guide ? Or am I to understand that the sticky one in this forum is the best we can get? :>
Sure, moonlight. And while you're here, check the latest dumps just added to the database ) a LOAD of resident evil stuff )
Happy new year to you too !
Hello, moonlight!
I don't see a problem in here at all. Just list all 6 languages that are available to use and set the region to "France". That's what should be done I believe. As long as you are sure the dump is correct, this little detail can be corrected in the future if necessary.
Well, my primary language is Slovak, which is very similar to Russian and I've also learned Russian, so I can read and understand his posts, but I wouldn't have the patience to write the replies myself from scratch, not that good in it. So, I used a translator, yeah
Нет, это на самом деле я считаю, OK. Изображение, которое вы создали оригинальный, в незашифрованном виде. Попробуйте открыть его с помощью VLC с File -> Open File (CTRL+O) изображения. Если она играет OK Таким образом, ваш свалка является правильным.
Ах, да, вы должны расшифровать CSS ключ перед захоронением его. Просто установите VLC Media Player. При вставке диска, первый запуск VLC Media Player и воспроизводить видео, используя его. Это будет 'Unlock' диска. После этого вы можете закрыть VLC и просто дамп диска в IsoBuster нормально.
Ну, я не могу помочь вам в этом, никогда не случилось со мной. Давайте спросим у другого самосвала, что ли?
To those not speaking Russian: Rocket has problems dumping some DVD-Video discs. He gets reading error in IsoBuster on more of them, but he was successful to dump some previous discs.
Anyone knows what's the deal here? Is it a copy protection?
о том, где эти места свалок, я не могу ответить. Я с аналогичными проблемами, и прежде чем они никогда не были решены.
Но я хотел бы сказать одно: я Hardcore resident evil и dino crisis вентиляторов, и я больше чем любовь, чтобы увидеть эти дисках вы говорите о том, сбрасывали сюда и совместно в будущем.
Если вы можете это сделать, сделайте это, пожалуйста!
Это ценная часть истории игры и какой-то части проблема на этом сайте, не должно помешать нам сохранить его!
Having your skill, iR0b0t, there'd be at least 20 more resident evil discs in the database .. I just don't know how to do it. But, luckily, you have gotten a great use of your skills
I agree, the guide is unclear about this. Happened to me once before and I messed it up pretty much. Only after iR0b0t told me that I need to count only half of that row really, then we fixed the data ...
yeah, looks like we're hitting 11000 by the end of the year, haha
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