(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

Uhm, everything looks fine to me. I really want to see this resolved, as I remember similar cases (with audio not working properly) in the past.
Hopefully you'll get an answer and I want it too smile

velocity37 wrote:

What's your drive's offset according to the Accuraterip?

He stated that already

It should have a read offset correction of 8 per accuraterip.com

nevermind, I have no idea tbh

Other dumpers hopefully know the answer smile

Maybe if you can describe exactly what is the problem with your results, it would be easier to help smile

puppydee wrote:


You said "cock", hahaha

puppydee wrote:

You know if you want you could always log into my pc via logmein to dump this disc if you want?

If nobody else wants to do it, I can.

Thomas Edison wrote:

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

Just count the characters. Every double character is 1 byte.

In 1 line you have 16 double-characters, like this for example:

12 54 61 21 54 31 51 32   21 21 54 87 15 24 13 14

16 bytes

if you have 21 lines of those, it's 16x21 = 336 bytes

beware that there are cases where you have 20 lines + 1/2 line,
meaning that the last line has 8 zeroes (00) in the end

in that case you count 16x20 + 8 = 328

divide by four to get the samples: 336/4 = 84 samples
328/4 = 82 samples

Hey there,

I'm going to buy 2 new drives for dumping. I need to dump the following:

  • audio cds (soundtracks) using EAC

  • video dvds using isobuster

  • pc/ps2 dvds using isobuster

Can anyone recommend some good drives, or at least manufacturers?
I want to buy 2 different drives, so that I can compare the results as best as possible.
I thought of LITE-ON and SONY OPTIARC.

Anyone has anything to say regarding this matter?

Thanks in advance!


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Using Append Gaps to Next Track the gap is written in the beginning of the track.

This might look the most "natural" way to store the gaps, but actually its very odd. Usually the gaps are silences, so it's a bit weird for a track to start with a silence, instead of ending with it.

Also, when you use the seek button in any standalone player, for, say, Track 3, it will begin playing the Track 3 - index 01 (aka 3rd song), not it's 00 index! The only way for you to listen to the 3 secs pregap is to listen all the way from Track 2. The player will play Track 2 - index 01, then the pregap. When the pregap is playing, the player will display negative seconds: -0:03, -0:02, then -0:01).

So, if the only way to listen this gap is by playing track 2 until the end, it makes sense to say that the 3s pregap actually belongs to the 2nd track, not the 3rd! (even if in the actual CD layout the 3s gap is called "track 3 - index 00").

~ http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php … p_settings

Can anyone write an audio cd dumping tutorial?
I mean a disc with no data track on it. Soundtrack disc - audio only.

Thx smile


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

ROFL ghost ...
I also wondered what is going on here and had a few funny lines in mind to reply, but I didn't want to do it for some reason. and you nailed it for me ..

Does the link actually work for anyone? I can't download that video .. it redirects me here.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

haha yeah, this idea of dumping has been invented before, iR0b0t might remember tongue


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)


Any idea how to dump these resident evils ? big_smile


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

That exists already, but only in Java form as far as I know. And I am not sure whether anyone has Java installed. I don't. I hate Java smile


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Me too, lol


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hey there, everybody !

What about implementing a redump site chat? I don't mean any java/irc/whatever shit which don't work
for 90% of people and is actually more annoying than useful.

I mean some good, html/php based, between-2-people only (like icq) chat.

I would be willing to code one for this community if it was asked for and appreciated smile

Think about it !


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Rocket, just remember that the biohazard 3 trial dump you did is CORRECT.

I am sure of it, trust me, I'm too much of a hardcore fan of the series to know. There's nothing more to be done about that dump.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

agreed on this. I can code it if nobody knows how to do it smile

Well, Roberto Kendo has this disc. Except him, I don't know anyone else.
You can try Roberto Kendo and offer him something he does not have, haha big_smile

Hello to everybody,

this topic does not regard the dumping itself, I hope it won't be a problem.
I'd like to ask what are the ways the 'get' movie files from gamecube dumps, let's say into an uncompressed video/audio state. I think Pikmin already described a few steps to me, but they didn't work on all discs and I think I remember more solutions to this problem.
If anyone can help, I'll appreciate it!

With regards,

Thanks amarok.
Do you think you can also tell me how to dump games using the aforementioned drive, or at least what software do I use?
You can PM the reply if you don't want to claim publicly for any reasons.
Your (or anyone else's) help is appreciated!

For some reason I think Samsung SH-D162C/D KREON is the way to go,
but I would like to hear out your opinions, so that I make the best choice possible.
Price is not the issue.

Thanks in advance!


(0 replies, posted in General discussion)

There's a forum bug,

when you open some thread, it counts the "number of reads" +5.
Probably there should be a limit to count only 5 reads per ip per 24 hours,
but you messed the iterations in the code and now it counts +5 per each click instead.

Should be fixed imo, but it's not a critical bug which can be used to exploit a forum of sorts.