(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hi sarami. I ran into some issues dumping a multisession pc disc today with the latest github release where it would timeout around the end of the first session and DIC would just hang.

I used the latest test build you posted in this thread and the dump completed with some errors. I was hoping you could check the logs and let me know if the dump is ok.

The disc in question is the US version of http://redump.org/disc/56890/.

Logs: https://mega.nz/#!HvRjRAzI!g7wn70ZdO0VE … bSJDcT9nb8

If you need any more info let me know. Thanks.

If your dump matches the hashes of one already in the database it's a verification and goes in the verifications section of the forum.

zcal wrote:

Did you have luck with other dumps that you've done with Linux getting entered?

The OS you're dumping on has no bearing on when your dumps are processed. As long as you use the proper software, a compatible drive and supply all of the required info you're good.

Since there's only a handful of people who have the authority to add discs and they have to review the dump info the time it takes for a dump to be added varies. Sometimes they're added in a few hours, sometimes a few weeks.

It's already dumped: http://redump.org/disc/53518/

I'm aware, I warned him in the discord that it wasn't a place to share dumps. Even after I explained that he still posted a link to a dump in multiple channels after finding one apparently.

Maybe I worded my response here incorrectly but I was agreeing with you. I was just trying to explain that he would have to own and dump the disc himself for it to be added.

To elaborate on what F1ReB4LL said, we only take information of discs that were dumped from the actual disc using the proper tools. Not random or scene dumps found on the net. We also don't share or host the dumps themselves.

+1 from me. I meant to request adding Brazilian Portuguese as a language after dumping a game last week which had it. The USA PC version of Driv3 lists Portuguese (Brazilian) in the installer and the in game options (options menu and a mandatory language selection before the title screen) just flat out have the option as "Brazilian".

Since most of the things here revolve around accuracy it makes sense to me to make the distinction. I don't speak any flavor of Portuguese but I'm sure Brazilian speakers would appreciate knowing if the game language is their native tongue or not.

Vintagegamegirl wrote:


Distributing copyrighted works without permission is piracy and illegal.

Contrary to what you may read on "abandonware" sites just because a game is no longer sold and/or is "old" that doesn't make it legal.

You're not getting free gamez here, period.

Vintagegamegirl wrote:

they can be if it's abandonware

Abandonware is a just a term people use to morally justify sharing copyrighted materials.

I've started working on a missing list for XBOX 360 USA and would like to request a wiki account so I can update the incomplete and out-of-date current list. Thanks.


(17 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)

Hiccup wrote:

I'm not sure people should really be judged on their not-entirely-related actions if they are here to contribute new dumps.

Maybe, but they haven't mentioned contributing anything. They've only mentioned "exchanging ideas" and "testing our simulator more fully" which sounds like promoting their emulator, soliciting testing from users or something along those lines. In which case their alleged code theft is directly related.

Just having people affiliated with that emulator associated with Redump could also potentially dissuade new contributors, devs/users/members from the legitimate emulators from contributing or otherwise negatively affect Redump's reputation regardless of whether the accusations against them are true.

Not that I have any sort of status here as I've just started dumping stuff and purchasing games to dump myself, but just my opinion.