(3 replies, posted in Guests & account requests)

Or you can see it with numbers:
MD5 data: 32 bytes
SHA1 data: 40 bytes

Smallest bin file: 2116800 bytes (Oretachi Geesen Zoku - Karate-dou (Japan) (Track 2).bin)
Smallest data track: 11056752 bytes (NetFront (Japan).bin)
Average bin file: 2451972041 bytes


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yes, the space used by all files as seen in Windows Explorer is indeed 20109312 bytes.

So, I guess I'm out of luck, unless I can find another drive that supports swap trick.


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks; indeed the drive speed missing was the issue.
Now the swap command worked and started dumping; however at one point DIC crashed.

Here are the logs, along with the cmd output and DIC crash details:
https://mega.nz/#!S3ZHFCYC!RPS1QRJU6pZq … R_kLxqFmHc

Here's sector 16 from IsoBuster, both RAW and non-RAW:
https://mega.nz/#!36J1SQBT!H7rWI4Zn4sU0 … MstQQcM7m4


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:

Perhaps it needs swap trick. See wiki https://github.com/saramibreak/DiscImageCreator/wiki "Dumping Guide for CD with swap"
At least, kreon drive supports it.

When trying to run the swap command, I get invalid argument:

D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20191227>DiscImageCreator.exe swap H foo.bin
        x86, AnsiBuild, 20191227 233113
Invalid argument
If you see the usage, execute .exe without argument


If I try to dump after running the 'close' command, it seems to read the lead-out of the original disc; however it does nothing else and the drive keeps 'clicking' forever:
        x86, AnsiBuild, 20191116 221523
/c2 val2 is omitted. set [0]
/sf val is omitted. set [60]
         Argument: D:\tmp_redump_up\to_Submit\BreakerPro\BP_swap2.bin
         FullPath: D:\tmp_redump_up\to_Submit\BreakerPro\BP_swap2.bin
            Drive: D:
        Directory: \tmp_redump_up\to_Submit\BreakerPro\
         Filename: BP_swap2
        Extension: .bin
StartTime: 2020/01/03(Fri) 18:18:15
Set the drive speed: 3528KB/sec
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 1]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 2]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8]
Checking reading lead-out -> OK


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

How do I know what's the last sector?
One thing I noticed when checking IsoBuster: the files in the disc are 19.1MB; however if I check the properties of the CD/Session/Track, IsoBuster says the disc size is 921.290.752 bytes (449.849 blocks).
I tried entering 449849 in the Sector View window, and it did the same noise as when trying to dump with DIC(however I'm not sure if that's the number I should have entered), then showed this error:
Device reported Error code : 03/02/8D


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

Trying to dump a PS1 Unlicensed disc (Breaker Pro); tried with both stable and latest test version (20191227):
The drive makes some funny noises a couple of times, then it errors out.
Here are the logs, as well as a recording of the noises:
https://mega.nz/#!OmxiSQYC!c_B_Dr4ka1JE … s6DMYZRytk


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

I have this PC Coverdisc that is multisession: 1st session contains audio tracks, 2nd session contains data track.
I dumped it both as a PC disc and as a Multisession disc. Result was the same: I get scm, img and bin files as if successful; however there are 4496 errors.
The disc has no scratches; however there is a ring. Not sure if it marks the multisession or if it is some kind of protection.

https://mega.nz/#!PvhU2SbT!Lnz32Nm_21m5 … 8JbulQyBcs
https://mega.nz/#!TjgElCrT!kr3VpXwBuGWQ … -1ssU5QdOk


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

Got it; thanks for the explanation smile


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

I dumped and submitted 2 Dreamcast Unlicensed MIL-CD (multisession) yesterday.
No errors during dumping (see logs below); however I now noticed the following:
-The 2 BIN files are 8MB total, while the IMG and SCM files are 34MB each
-If I open the CUE corresponding to the BIN files in IsoBuster and try to read session 2, there's an error "The path table (ISO 9600) couldn't be read properly. Only 0 of 1 blocks could be read. Read error at address: 13855. Device reported error: 05/63/03". The same error appears if I open just Track 2 BIN
-If I open the CUE corresponding to the IMG file in IsoBuster , I can read session 2 just fine, no errors.
-If I open the IMG directly in IsoBuster (without using the corresponding CUE file), it says it can't detect a filesystem.

Is this normal/expected?

https://mega.nz/#!q6xQGKTY!bibbH9ssN5Z_ … kNQQp4mJ6E
https://mega.nz/#!iihiSAyC!DUR26IvUie6d … pIzuUhc0mo


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks; I think it's working now.

D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20190919>DiscImageCreator.exe cd h .\current\GameSharkCD
X-DC.bin 16 /ms /c2 200
        x86, AnsiBuild, 20190919 211729
/c2 val2 is omitted. set [0]
         Argument: .\current\GameSharkCDX-DC.bin
         FullPath: D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20190919\current\GameSharkCDX-DC.bin
            Drive: D:
        Directory: \apps\redump\dic_test_20190919\current\
         Filename: GameSharkCDX-DC
        Extension: .bin
StartTime: 2019/09/19(Thu) 17:19:17
Set the drive speed: 2822KB/sec
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 0]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 1]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 2]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8]
Checking reading lead-out -> OK
Checking SubQ adr (Track)  2/ 2
Checking SubRtoW (Track)  2/ 2
Reading DirectoryRecord    1/   1
Set OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8(Raw)
LBA[-00001, 0xffffffff]: Q[0101000000000000017476bb]
Checking SubQ ctl (Track)  2/ 2
Creating .scm (LBA)   9185/ 15100 Lead-out length of 1st session: 6750
Creating .scm (LBA)   9190/ 15100 End of readable sector
Sleep 20000 msec
 Lead-in length of 2nd session: 4500
Creating .scm (LBA)  13835/ 15100 Pregap length of 1st track of 2nd session: 150

Creating .scm (LBA)  15100/ 15100
No C2 errors
Copying .scm to .img
Descrambling data sector of img:  13685/ 13685
Descrambling data sector of img:  15099/ 15099
Exec ""D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20190919\EccEdc.exe" check "D:\apps\redump\dic_te
FILE: D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20190919\current\GameSharkCDX-DC.img
Checking sectors:  15099/ 15099
[b][INFO] Number of sector(s) where EDC doesn't exist: 1[/b]
Total errors: 0
Total warnings: 0
Creating bin, cue and ccd (Track)  2/ 2
Hashing: GameSharkCDX-DC.scm
Hashing: GameSharkCDX-DC.img
Hashing: GameSharkCDX-DC (Track 1).bin
Hashing: GameSharkCDX-DC (Track 2).bin
EndTime: 2019/09/19(Thu) 17:20:08


Should I worry about this?
[INFO] Number of sector(s) where EDC doesn't exist: 1

Logs in case they're needed:
https://mega.nz/#!Hu5g1Ygb!AqxxBwNu-q84 … Unvf00X03Y

Spanish from Spain is different from Latin American Spanish; would be nice to be able to differentiate which one is used in each game.


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm trying to dump what seems to be:
(though it may be different)

However I keep getting the same errors, even with different speeds (I tried different values for c2 as well, same thing),

https://mega.nz/#!m2Zj1YgY!5eatDeMvvuIW … Ru5QuJM2eQ

CMD output:

D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20190913>DiscImageCreator.exe cd h .\current_dump\GameSh
arkCDX_DC.bin 16 /ms /c2 500
        x86, AnsiBuild, 20190914  00743
/c2 val2 is omitted. set [0]
         Argument: .\current_dump\GameSharkCDX_DC.bin
         FullPath: D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20190913\current_dump\GameSharkCDX_DC
            Drive: D:
        Directory: \apps\redump\dic_test_20190913\current_dump\
         Filename: GameSharkCDX_DC
        Extension: .bin
StartTime: 2019/09/18(Wed) 23:09:03
Set the drive speed: 2822KB/sec
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 0]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 1]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 2]
This drive supports [OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8]
Checking reading lead-out -> OK
Checking SubQ adr (Track)  2/ 2
Checking SubRtoW (Track)  2/ 2
Reading DirectoryRecord    1/   1
Set OpCode: 0xd8, SubCode: 8(Raw)
LBA[-00001, 0xffffffff]: Q[0101000000000000017476bb]
Checking SubQ ctl (Track)  2/ 2
Creating .scm (LBA)   9185/ 15100 Lead-out length of 1st session: 6750
Creating .scm (LBA)   9190/ 15100 End of readable sector
Sleep 20000 msec
 Lead-in length of 2nd session: 4500
Creating .scm (LBA)  13835/ 15100 Pregap length of 1st track of 2nd session: 150

Creating .scm (LBA)  15100/ 15100
No C2 errors
Copying .scm to .img
Descrambling data sector of img (LBA)  13685/ 13685
Descrambling data sector of img (LBA)  15099/ 15099
Exec ""D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20190913\EccEdc.exe" check "D:\apps\redump\dic_te
FILE: D:\apps\redump\dic_test_20190913\current_dump\GameSharkCDX_DC.img
Checking sectors (LBA)  15099/ 15099
[INFO] Number of sector(s) where EDC doesn't exist: 1
[ERROR] Number of sector(s) where mode2 NoEdc subheader(0x10 - 0x17) isn't same:
Total errors: 4
Total warnings: 0
Creating bin, cue and ccd (Track)  2/ 2
Hashing: GameSharkCDX_DC.scm
Hashing: GameSharkCDX_DC.img
Hashing: GameSharkCDX_DC (Track 1).bin
Hashing: GameSharkCDX_DC (Track 2).bin
EndTime: 2019/09/18(Wed) 23:09:53



(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks; submitted here:
http://forum.redump.org/topic/21513/mil … on-thread/


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

So which one is the "right" dump (ie. the one I should submit)?


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:
user7 wrote:

What command should be be dumping Mil-CD / Dreamcast unlicensed with /ms or regular CD?

As you know, multi-session's cue is being discussed now. Probably cue format is changed (also bin & scm?).

I dumped some Dreamcast Unlicensed cheat discs, with and without /ms
The resulting files (bins, img, scm) were different (with /ms the files were much bigger in all cases).


-without /ms
5.729.472 DOWNLOAD (Track 1).bin
2.972.928 DOWNLOAD (Track 2).bin
8.702.400 DOWNLOAD.img
8.702.400 DOWNLOAD.scm

-with /ms
32.189.472 DOWNLOAD (Track 1).bin
3.325.728 DOWNLOAD (Track 2).bin
35.515.200 DOWNLOAD.img
35.515.200 DOWNLOAD.scm

Is this expected?
Let me know if you want me to share the logs for your review.

I can make no guarantees; I'm just hoping the more votes, the more the admin(s) will see it's an important feature.
Let's see what iRobot says.

In the statistics page, can a column be added showing the total size of each system? (ie. the sum of the size of all tracks of all discs for each system).

I know I can get this by parsing the XML (either via script or spreadsheet) and then doing the sum, but I think it would be easier/better for users to be able to see that in the stats.

IIRC this would also allow submission of unlicensed DC discs such as Action Replay / GameShark.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

I think we need some guidelines as to what info is useful from a PS3 disc (and preferrably WHY that info is useful).
Once that is cleared, we'll be able to know if PB's explanation makes sense, and whether or not we can skip the OtherOS part of the guide while maintaining complete and accurate dumps.

I like both the idea of a GUI as well as the mockup smile
I agree with rosewood, it could help to build a list of commands that would be run in each situation.

Here's hoping someone will work on this soon big_smile

The GB ROMs were not provided AFAIK (either in disc or in the cartridge), so that wouldn't make sense.
Anyway, it's your site, you can do whatever you want, I was just providing some insight to avoid confusion.

They are indeed for the cheat devices; you have to start the PlayStation with the cheat device on, select the option to use an Upgrade disc, then it will read the Audio tracks and extract the "hidden" data from there.
My suggestion to keep these in the main Sony PlayStation CD category is due to the fact that the discs are targeted only for cheat devices for the PlayStation consoles.

Thanks for clarifying.
I'd keep those in the main Sony PlayStation CD, but make sure they're categorized (in the Category dropdown of the New Disc form) as Applications or Addon or add a new category for these kind of discs (but in this dropdown).

Alternatively, if there must be a new disc category, I'd choose a more generic name, based on the info I provided above (maybe "PlayStation Enhancement CD (Audio)" (as some of these discs contained not only upgrades but more cheat codes and maybe some other goodie).

Also, keep in mind these Upgrade discs existed for other cartridges, such as an MP3 player that also connected to the parallel port of the PS1 and was made by a chinese brand, and I'm probably missing some other HW that also used these Upgrade discs.

Anway, just my POV on the subject; hope it helps.

I'd suggest the category PlayStation Gameshark Pro be either removed or renamed; as it stands, it makes no sense.

For starters, GameShark Pro was a hardware device (black "curvy" cartridge) for the parallel/expansion port of the PS1.
Additionally, this device had different names and was sold by different "brands" in each region; for instance in EU it was the Pro Action Replay (or PAR). In US it was marketed by Interact Accessories, in the UK by the original developer Datel, and in Japan by Karat.

Also, what exactly is supposed to go in this category?
-ROMs from the cheat cartridges?
-Cheat discs? (ie. Gameshark CDX)
-Upgrade discs for the cheat cartridges? (which were audio only in format, but contained data within the audio tracks)
-All of the above?
-Only for GameShark? Or also for PAR (Jap? EU? both?)?

I'm working on a project and need command line tool(s) so I can process various files at a time without user interaction.
I'm researching this on my own, but thought I'd ask around in case someone already knows.

Is there any command line tool (one or more) that can do the following? (for Windows and/or Linux)
    a) mount most CD/DVD images in Windows? (mainly ISO, MDF/MDS, CUE/BIN, CCD/IMG)
    b) read LBA for each file in a disc/image?
    c) read the disc label (ie. the name of the disc that shows in My Computer)
    d) list the sessions / tracks / filesystem types

Thanks in advance.