Hm...ok now that I think about it a little more I guess it wouldn't hurt. I'm just seeing way too much stuff around here with people wanting to make this more "emulator friendly" when that was never what this started out to be in the first place but yes I guess a CRC of the sbi file is possible since the site generates the checksums for the cue files as well. I just wish Dremora (or someone here that can program) would make something that can inject the SBI data in to a generated CloneCD sub file for people like me who want to burn the images and run them on the real system.

You're theory about the sbi files being needed because of copy protection is correct. It's called LibCrypt and is mostly found on European PlayStation games (it is found on other regions as well but is not as frequent as anti-mod protection). This copy protection modifies entries in the subchannel data of the disc so that if a burned copy were made without also cloning the subchannel data the game will freeze at random points when the check is being performed.

I can see where everyone is going with this and I think many people here have lost track of what this project's actual goal is. We are trying to collect accurate checksum data from disc based games for the purpose of making a database to be used to check games that people may get by whatever means. Emulation of the dumps SHOULD NOT be considered when thinking of new ways to improve the database only the accuracy of the information displayed here. The dats are there simply as a quick way to check many images at once and and the sbi files that are downloadable are generated on the site when dumpers post LibCrypt data using a script created for the site. The only modification to the cue files that are posted in the dumps are the file names and that can very easily be done without downloading a new cue.

One thing I can suggest though is that we do need something added to the site to give us a list of the games that do have sbi files on them so that we can quickly know what games have been proven to have LibCrypt protection on them without having to look at each game separately. Perhaps we should be able to download all of them at once much like we now seem to have download links to download all cue and gdi files for all the games in the database but adding them to the dat is up to the admins at this point.


(43 replies, posted in General discussion)

Doesn't 7zip have a greater compression over RAR and wasn't there a purpose for keeping the tracks in separate files even when torrenting? What this is suggesting is going to kill everything that has been worked on with packIso, especially with keeping the tracks separate so people can get only the tracks they need without having to download the whole image or even seed the tracks they currently have while downloading the ones they may not. Not to mention all the current torrents that have been made using packIso (which is being accepted by the torrenting community from what I can see).

I'll admit that the packIso format may not be the best compression but it is at least much better then the current alternative torrentzip and still offers the ability to keep tracks separate and keep the files the same for sharing purposes. The time it takes to unpack a packIso archive is also a big help unlike what is being suggested here where if I wanted to say play a game or make a patch I would have to wait at least 30 minutes just to decompress it which wouldn't be very helpful at all for me even if I were to only access them very rarely.

As far as setting the date, that is what the rmdtrash.exe file does in packIso. It sets the dates on the files themselves before they are compressed so that all of the 7zip archives have the same date for each files on everyone's computer. It also clears the archive bit set by the OS in the file system to further clear out unwanted data for compression.

Everyone seems to be so worked up over using clrmamepro that you have forgotten the purpose of the archives to begin with and although I can understand why you would want to use it the way you are going about this seems to be a bit far fetched as far as actual usability for everyone. I've already mentioned that adding packIso checksums is all we would have to do in order to get a dat for packIsoed files while still maintaining  our original compression. As long as there is someone that has a copy of the game that matches the database then they can make a packIso archive and post the checksums of the files and in the case of the data track the checksum of the ecm'd file in the 7zip archive should be taken instead of the archive itself so that file name changes won't effect anything.

The compression percentage is not something that we need to worry about attaining nor should we worry about whether or not the archives are compatible with any emulator or front-end application. The purpose of the archives is just to store them in a way that makes it easy for everyone to get and decompress for use however they see fit after they get the archive and right now packIso is the only thing I can see that really offers that at this time.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

I've actually used this program once before and found it fairly useful. I will have to agree with themabus though, redump's dats are far from ready to be used with this program but it might still be possible to modify the current way that redump generates the dats so it can be used with this program and we might still be able to use save info if we add it to the dumps. CRC may still be an issue though as well as the multiple track issue but a bit of tweaking to the program to support that shouldn't be too hard if someone can get the source.

Acutally Jackal I have found that the copy protection on hollywood DVDs can be preserved using Alcohol 120%'s media descriptor format (mds/mdf). I dumped several DVDs from my brother with it so I could decrypt them later because I didn't have DVD Decrypter on my computer at the time. I'm only guessing but I think the CSS copy protection info is stored in the mds file which is always pretty small. Of course mounting the image won't allow it to be played back but DVD Decrypter sees that there is copy protection (which it can't see when only mounting a normal ISO dump) and is able to get the CSS keys from the Alcohol dump.

I personally think DVD movies and stuff should be more of a branched project though...the ARccOS protection on some DVDs won't be easy to get around though. I've seen DVD Decrypter's clock show upwards of 6 hours when trying to read the non-existent data on those "protected" sectors.

Oh and to dumper welcome to redump and I hope you enjoy what we have to offer here.


(17 replies, posted in News)

Wow I remember when I posted the news for 3000+ dump. This is truely a milestone for this little project. As far as the PSX/PS2 dump the only reason most people tend to care about them more is becuase they are easier to get a hold of and easier to dump. I can't wait until the day when we can finally say we truely have data on all disc based games (up to a certain generation of consoles that is). The only thing left to do now is to get all of our dumps out in the open to be spread by the public much like no-intro's dumps are.

amarok wrote:

I've come across a CD with quite ridiculous gaps. It's from 1994 so I suppose it's not a copy protection issue. I've obtained consistent results with two drives. What do you say -- do PC games often have strange gaps? They certainly don't look normal to me.

Have you tried using different gap detection methods in EAC? If you continue to get the same gaps on multiple drives with different gap detections then I guess the gaps would be correct. I'm not too sure but I think this might be common of older PC games.

When a game that has LibCrypt is added to the database a download link for a sbi file will be in the links near the top of the page for that game. This file is generated by the server with the data that you provide from you sectors file.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well as far as CSS encrypted DVDs yes they can be dumped directly. All you have to do is unlock the DVD by begining playing it with any DVD player software and you can go from there dumping it with ISOBuster and what not but the thing is that the DVD will still retain the CSS encryption on it when you do that. I know it totally defeats the purpose of even being able to use the image for anything but getting checksum info from but that is how the senior staff wants it so it's hard to argue with that.

As far as the other DVDs you mentioned like the Xenosaga series I can't really say for sure if those will be accepted so you will have to wait for a more senior staff member to respond to that question.


(0 replies, posted in News)

We now have over 3000 dumps thanks to all the hard work from our dumpers. Keep up the hard work guys.


(55 replies, posted in General discussion)

I know this has nothing to do with Sega CD games but it does have some relivence to this topic. I understand what you are trying to say Snake but there are games like Tomb Raider for PSX whre the last track (track 57) is nothing but silence except for one byte of data near the end of the last sector that can't be read in drives that can't overread into the lead out and that are not reading based on corrected offsets. This one byte also makes a completly different checksum compared to if you just read that track as is and assumed that because you see no more data (or no data at all in this case) that there really is no more data to read.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

I've sent you an email to with another question so as not to confuse anyone reading this. I'm just letting you know here in case it went to your spam/junk folder since we don't have a PM system.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Oh woops I meant to say "Game version".


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Is the "Marker Code" in GCTool the same as the "GC disc ID" you are talking about in the first post?


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

themabus wrote:

in EAC, under Drive Options menu click 'Detect read sample offset correction'. and also when you read last autdio track with somewhat large positive offset, EAC will give error at the very end if drive does not overread in lead-out area.

I've had the error you mentioned only on my drive that has a large read offset (-677 EAC) but on all other drives that don't overread it doesn't give me any error.


(25 replies, posted in General discussion)

You'll have to talk to Dremora about this since he programs the site.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Oh ok I see what you're saying. I'll look into it and see which will work. If I recall the different dump methods create different size images so whichever one creates the same filesize as all the other dumps on our database would most likely be the correct one.

It looks to me like rawdump and friidump are pretty much the same thing except that friidump has the source included so I guess either one should work although what I read said rawdump is faster.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

We take RAW dumps only of everything that uses a disc. If need be Dremora can add a new section for a new console that isn't already listed.


(0 replies, posted in News)

This appears to be coming along quite nicely. I'm very impressed and would love to see some new additions soon. This will come in very hand when I go to GameCrazy looking for new, undumped games.