Mario Party 4


4 ngc raw isos = 5.43 GB

4 ngc pakkiso'd = 4.37 GB = 1.06 GB saved over raw iso

4 ngc raw CDGroup'd = 2.71 GB = 1.66 GB saved over pakkiso

4 ngc compress'd CDGroup'd = 2.19 GB = 0.52 GB saved over raw CDGroup


Mario Party 4 (USA) (v1.01) md5 01DE13AD52F1554975E7F316370BA086

Mario Party 4 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (v1.00) md5 5DC6F6949F09DA56FD0313CBDB85FCA5

Mario Party 4 (USA) (v1.00) md5 6EDA0E31DCF1622EF749C5CE8F1196A3

Mario Party 4 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (v1.02) md5 F6740FC00D9818AD1F161889382C7902

TimeSplitters - Future Perfect


2 ngc raw isos = 2.71 GB

2 ngc pakkiso'd = 1.63 GB = 1.08 GB saved over raw iso

2 ngc raw CDGroup'd = 1.37 GB = 0.26 GB saved over pakkiso

2 ngc compress'd CDGroup'd = 868 MB = 534 MB saved over raw CDGroup


TimeSplitters - Future Perfect (Europe) md5 8743DFA398DE3E3448FEBE87D75D626C

TimeSplitters - Future Perfect (USA) md5 AF8710863BAD728DE9A26231D398E99B

Resident Evil


6 ngc raw isos = 8.15 GB

6 ngc pakkiso'd = 4.79 GB = 3.36 GB saved over raw iso

6 ngc raw CDGroup'd = 4.85 GB = nothing saved over pakkiso

6 ngc compress'd CDGroup'd = 3.59 GB = 1.26 GB saved over pakkiso


Biohazard (Japan) (Disc 1) md5 20CB8D4CB322AA503D1B8A49C43CDEBF

Resident Evil (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Disc 2) md5 457944F833FC2F5E8FF394CFDF2E1B7C

Resident Evil (USA) (Disc 2) md5 7DEFD099E98944BC93684D4733BFE68B

Resident Evil (USA) (Disc 1) md5 BDD0FE3848C4AB1441DC6C9EE209426B

Biohazard (Japan) (Disc 2) md5 BFBF8E0F249CF8DD8FCB913793301A8C

Resident Evil (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Disc 1) md5 C581FAB5FD10F55B76188E86194199C1

Super Smash Bros. Melee


5 ngc raw isos = 6.79 GB

5 ngc pakkiso'd = 4.63 GB = 2.16 GB saved over raw iso

5 ngc raw CDGroup'd = 1.99 GB = 2.64 GB saved over pakkiso

5 ngc compress'd CDGroup'd = 1.41 GB = 0.58 GB saved over raw CDGroup


Super Smash Bros. Melee (USA) (v1.02) md5 0E63D4223B01D9ABA596259DC155A174

Dairantou Smash Brothers DX (Japan) (v1.00) md5 378BE81BB6C38FEBD847FC4B7F7DC36F

Super Smash Bros. Melee (USA) (En,Ja) (v1.00) md5 3A62F8D10FD210D4928AD37E3816E33C

Super Smash Bros. Melee (USA) (v1.01) md5 67136BD167B471E0AD72E98D10CF4356

Dairantou Smash Brothers DX (Japan) (v1.02) md5 DC07ABD4B6A5E1517DA575274CEEFCF8

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004


6 ngc raw isos = 8.14 GB

6 ngc pakkiso'd = 4.38 GB = 3.76 GB saved over raw iso

6 ngc raw CDGroup'd = 1.77 GB = 2.61 GB saved over pakkiso

6 ngc compress'd CDGroup'd = 1.17 GB = 0.6 GB saved over raw CDGroup


Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 (Europe) (Disc 1) (v1.00) md5 2AE87A7103E8D24BD66C7908B455A863

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 (USA) (Disc 2) md5 4DF313D253F54222944F382ECE74EF81

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 (USA) (Disc 1) md5 81BA9B53904348A25DB2EE0AE46D3B6C

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 (Europe) (Disc 2) (v1.01) md5 95FD974F151C4A48FD65E3F8C8158419

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 (Europe) (Disc 2) (v1.00) md5 A53EE73D2A01BB136B5CC52703C8E228

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 (Europe) (Disc 1) (v1.01) md5 DC8A8164E37CB0BAFD982A4D30946E8A

Tales of Symphonia


10 ngc raw isos = 13.5 GB

10 ngc pakkiso'd = 9.96 GB = 6.24 GB saved over raw iso

10 ngc raw CDGroup'd = 6.24 GB = 3.72 GB saved over pakkiso

10 ngc compress'd CDGroup'd = 5.25 GB = 0.99 GB saved over raw CDGroup


Tales of Symphonia (France) (Disc 1) md5 057DD0466CFCD64957A880E212180D3B

Tales of Symphonia (USA) (Disc 2) md5 1078706DC88043BA6E7AB1A9AA708B32

Tales of Symphonia (France) (Disc 2) md5 83B3D38E342CD2A026B671908ED43574

Tales of Symphonia (Germany) (Disc 2) md5 97CE6F8EAB0272E7BBDC71DC96C6651A

Tales of Symphonia (Japan) (Disc 1) md5 A005A10A69A164F32D9D88AAE8013ECF

Tales of Symphonia (USA) (Disc 1) md5 A427C43797AB0AD5C024014142D1C3E1

Tales of Symphonia (Europe) (Disc 1) md5 A797655B74D8218D5F0C8229F393AB60

Tales of Symphonia (Europe) (Disc 2) md5 EE81AC0AFDCA6D3930CAD14370CBEA75

Tales of Symphonia (Japan) (Disc 2) md5 FB96C11A1B3BED38942DE37A5B6A72EA

Tales of Symphonia (Germany) (Disc 1) md5 FC4CAEAA8BAFBA662ABB400DE9C97579

Star Wars - Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader


5 ngc raw isos = 6.79 GB

5 ngc pakkiso'd = 6.13 GB = 0.66 GB saved over raw iso

5 ngc raw CDGroup'd = 2.40 GB GB = 3.73 GB saved over pakkiso

5 ngc compress'd CDGroup'd = 2.22 GB = 0.18 GB saved over raw CDGroup


Star Wars - Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader (USA) md5 0BF391BEE90DA09D6042016D23E7A9B1

Star Wars - Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader (Europe) md5 15C49FF1DC836D19A1F275AC46EF4398

Star Wars - Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader (France) md5 776A1046F8C47D7AAD0CD732B53587CA

Star Wars - Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader (Spain) md5 BB7EEBBBB11FC8DC97F483A4DC3382CC

Star Wars - Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader (Germany) md5 FE32765CE6FCBB67FFD9E6F63D09CAE0

deletefiles=false (set in ini).

but its still deleting them when i merge.

Resident Evil 4


8 ngc raw isos = 10.8 GB

8 ngc pakkiso'd = 6.38 GB = 4.42 GB saved over raw iso

8 ngc raw CDGroup'd = 4.28 GB = 2.1 GB saved over pakkiso

8 ngc compress'd CDGroup'd = 3.07 GB = 1.21 GB saved over raw CDGroup


Resident Evil 4 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Disc 1).iso:1459978240:22DB91D40629DF75E63A019E0F9D72F5

Resident Evil 4 (USA) (Disc 2).iso:1459978240:2381ACD2199D6E7566932DF86901903D

Resident Evil 4 (Germany) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Disc 1).iso:1459978240:290D0B60E8B4D53A05C478D91A3CCDA2

Resident Evil 4 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Disc 2).iso:1459978240:41A0F650DD5A80DC8D0C268037FF2320

Biohazard 4 (Japan) (Disc 2).iso:1459978240:499CBEC401C8D80D35B521B215E8D039

Biohazard 4 (Japan) (Disc 1).iso:1459978240:6B57D0AE0B872A50457276FB84D58CF2

Resident Evil 4 (Germany) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) (Disc 2).iso:1459978240:7B6C469694E9BB14EFFEC5D0017E08DD

Resident Evil 4 (USA) (Disc 1).iso:1459978240:CA749757E3B9D119F3FEB1F9F0F81BD7

Jamjam, 1 Quick question, if you have two near identical images, but both contain large dummy files or false LBA, its obvios its going to match those sectors, but will it create a rather large compressable file somewhere of all the matching dummy data or FLBA.

I don't think this is a supported drive Optiarc_DVD_RW_AD-7203A

You need a Samsung SH-D162D and you also need a Trap Disc.

The trap disc is then swapped with a GD-Rom, and then you can read the GD-Rom.

I have an original Time Crisis (1 Gun) Arcade Machine, and it is probably going to the tip next weekend, but if theirs a chance anyone wants it and can act quickly, you can have it for £100.

It is working, but the coin slot and some other things could do with small repairs.

You would need to arrange your own collection.

I believe it weighs 280 kg. So probably you would need a big van and some strong lads to lift it.

I live near to Liverpool, in the UK.

£100 is a fair price as these machines can fetch £1000. But its a case of having the space to put it. It would be ideal for a youth club or games room.

I believe the one gun version is quite rare, and if know one wants it by the weekend it will be getting thrown away, so act fast if you want it.

pm me smile tossEAC

Heres a small observation. About the drives we are using.

SH-D162C has no problem with DCDumper as far as it can start reading from 44990, with out any problem.

SH-D162D has problems, so its best to fake a read from 50000 with cdrwin, then it has no problem reading from 44990 with DCDumper.

Also I would like to suggest some additional features, one is, to log the drive and firmware, so we know what drive dumped what, secondly would be to log the time of the machine, at the start and end, to give us a rough idea of how long each dump takes.

These are just thoughts, and I thought it would be easy enough to implement thats why i suggested it.

A final thought would be just purely cosmetic, replace

Reading section 1:
Reading section 2:
Reading section 3:
Reading section 4:
Reading section 5:
Reading section 6:
Reading section 7:
Reading section 8:
Reading section 9:


Reading section 01:
Reading section 02:
Reading section 03:
Reading section 04:
Reading section 05:
Reading section 06:
Reading section 07:
Reading section 08:
Reading section 09:

Then all the sections would look in a straight line, hehe smile

Fake a read from 50000 with cdrwin then run DCDumper, works for me every time.

Ill try that, in the next few minutes.

Trying now, plus i have two copies and both are mint, 100% clean. So what ring is on your disc, mine are both the same.

Section 1-49 initial dumped all ok.

Finished dumping CoolBoarders.

Got a match with jamjam's last track using his dcdumper, after extracting dense bin.

Then I removed a section of the dumped parts, but not the hashes (enough removed to entirely dump the last data track, we had the miss match on). All tarcks matched the hash's. Dense bin was created again.

Then I dumped the same section as i redumped, with cdrwin, the same section was then joined to the rest and ice exe found 1 extra error, this made the last track not match the database or what we should have got.

So then I dumped the other disc from beggining to end with cdrwin, and that extracted with ice normally and matched the dump made with jamjam programme.

Concluding the dump in the database (mine) is wrong.

On my defense, I do remember this being one of my first dreamcast dumps for redump, and im not sure if ice exe reported errors in the early days.

Ill post the full dump info when I post my dreamcast verifications and any new dumps, soon.

Dreamon Volume 16 (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es) - SH-D162D

Everything worked perfectly on this un-dumped by me disc. I have 3 copies of this, and had never dumped this.

Matched database.

Worked much better, no read errors, process was complete at the end of the second pass.

Now to resume one of my undumped scratched discs, and see if it dumps missing sections, i hope so.

Will test, first good game no scratches, second a bad one that has been cleaned smile


The dense bin with 0.2 and extraxted with ice.exe, said the usuall, no errors in all tracks except (75) in last data track, Normal.

The dense bin with 0.4a and extracted with ice.exe, also said the usuall, no errors in all tracks except (75) in last data track, Normal.

But and theirs a BIG BUTT, the 0.2a extracted tracks matched the database, BUT the one with 0.4a Track03 was not a match to the database. So definately proving 0.4a produces bad dumps.

But the BIG BUTT is why did ice exe say all was fine. Could this mean dumps we have submitted before are not fine even if ice exe said they was.

Really worrying to see ice.exe say nothing was up when infact their had been major problems. Who knows do we have some bad dreamcast dumps.

A new test which I will edit further as it progresses.


Disc = Dreamon Vol.17 (undumped this disc) have multiple copies.
Condition = A few light scratches, never been cleaned aggressively, should be good to read.
Drive = SHD-162D

DCdumper 0.2a - used so that I can compare to 0.4a
Faked my own read from 50000 with cdrwin.
Initial Dump = Section 1-49 all ok.
PASS 2 = Section 1 - read error, Section 2 - 49 MATCHES on all. It gave up trying to read setion 1, will start it again and get section 1 to read.

Re-started, fake read with cdrwin, initial dump section 1 ok, pass 2 matched, dense bin created.
Ran ice.exe all tracks ok (75) errors in last data track (in other words) a perfect dump.

No I will remove Section 2,3 & 4, and re run with 0.4a

TEST 0.4a
removed section 2,3,4 in order to force 0.4a to redump these sections only.
PASS 1 - Initial dump. All ok.
PASS 2 - Matces. On all. But guess what md5's differ from first dump with 0.2a, I already know whats going to happen smile

dense bin created with 0.4a smile

Extracted with ice, and im expecting some errors in the first track at least.

Wrong it works fine, weird. sad

The files are not the same though, so it must be some magic going on,

But at least you can relax my tests prove 0.4a works fine, but I don't know why it hang at around section 40.

Will edit to add more as the test completes.

Once I have a good dump with 0.2a Im going to check with ice exe, then im going to manually remove a couple of early bin files, and try to dump it with 0.4a. Hold tight for the results jamjam.

I was busy editting XML monkey files all last night smile hehe smile

It hung halfway meaning it initaial dumped half the disc then hung, as in got no further, and i waited half an hour.

The other try, i couldn't even get the disc to start dumping, with the fake reads disabled.

The first time i tried on my 162c it got loads of matches, but i checked them against previous matches from v0.2  and their were huge differences like half the bytes were completely different, infact their was very little the same. And i first tried on 162d and that got some matches and they were also different to previous matches.

And I couldn't post all this info last night because redump, was not working very well.

I tried but it wouldn't rip, just hung half way, then i tried without the fake reads, and it wouldnt even start.

ok i will try that with a mint easy of hell to copy disc, and see what it makes. Ill try to have a go in 1hr after tea.

Im getting matches with the new version, but i also got matches with the old version, but comparing the two sets of matches they have BIG differences.

I know the old version worked aswell as it could but if this new version is producing completely different files when it says it matches, i think their must be a problem.

Ok, xml monkey bitch is not needed smile

And BTW I got that disc I turned to jello to dump perfectly using your amazing tool, thats one off the list, it was Urban Chaos btw.

I just buffed a disc a bit to much, has one deep mother of all scratches in it, so i put a load of displex polish on the edges of the disc, and buffed only for a bit, but that polish is powerfully sticky, and after only a bit of a buff, the disc started turning into jello (jelly) it went all soft and started warping in my hand, but funnilly enough I just sprayed on some other polish and buffeed the displex off and now its normal again. sad jello

BTW Jammy, I was using a SH-D162D before, but have just had a try on 162C, its a completely different ballgame, but I remember when i first started dumping dreamcast using the 162C, a lot of my dumps had the odd byte of data wrong, like FF instead of FE, and I think I saw that before when i used it.

Also is that SH-D162B (Black) any good for dreamcast, because my xbox/360/dreamcast drive i use the most is on its last legs, mainly becuase of dreamcast dumping recently. So i was thinking of replacing it with a dreamcast only drive, I dont casre if it doesnt do 360, just dreamcast. So let me know if the black one works on Dreamcast.