
(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

EDC in Form 2 Sectors: Yes
needed for 'all' psx dumps

Mode: 2
is't always mode2 for psx and ps2 cds, so its your choice to post it ,)

Sectors 206286
not needed, it will be calculated from track size you give in bytes

For Anti-modchip use:
- original modded hardware with a NONE stealth modchip
- an emulator, and boot it with a 'wrong' bios

yeah big_smile

but i am now looking for different releases as well cool

If it is a single track, then you could try to replace unreadable sectors with ones from EU and compare the hashes then. But we would need to add a note in the comments anyway.

Ah, cool, then I am  missing the last good one - Volume 5 big_smile

Does anybody knows an answer?

I got Volumes 1-7, but unfortunately Volume 5 is scratched and it is a single disc I have hmm


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jackal wrote:

but maybe there are other traces on the disc that could indicate the number?

Do you mean something special?
I don't see any numbers or something similar what could lead us to the right volume/disc number

I will try to become the latest (1999-2000) magazines,
maybe the latest releases have such numbering in volume labels again(?)
we will see ))


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

okay, there is just the problem that the discs (beginning from year 99) have no numbers in volume label.

we could calculate the right numbering, but it would be just fishing, do you think we should do it?

euro demo 01 begins at 01/97
euro demo 12 is 12/97
euro demo 13 is 01/98
euro demo 24 is 12/98

this discs have correct numbering

I believe renaming is faster than 1/4 of repack time, and if repacking you have to unpack the old image and it needs some time as well tongue

If I compress big ps2 images it takes ours for me, but renaming just about 5 mins big_smile

gorelord4e wrote:

By the way, have you guys tested Pakkiso

I didn't use it till now, I had no need so far, I will use pakkiso only when I have to compress unusual images (audio, data, audio or similar), and for DVD's I am using extra batch files wink

gorelord4e wrote:

Do you use 7z in command prompt or the File manager one?

File manager

gorelord4e wrote:

iR0b0t Do you use 7z in command prompt or the File manager one?
I have version 4.60 beta will that do..

No, you have to use exact same 7z version like packiso uses -> 7z 4.53b-4.57

It worked for me so far, but you have to use 7z 4.53b-4.57 installed on your system, and use it for renaming.

You can try repacking and renaming, and then compare both images together, I also tried it several times and it worked for me, but don't blame me if it does not work for you tongue

Size (bytes):   177905280
From image:     182138880 This is weird!!

maybe the TOC is corrupted ? or it is a mastering thing...

System area: Unknown, crc 8aa90ec And whats up with this!!

your psxt001z don't know this system area
here is the list with known sysareas [PSX] List of system areas (Sysareas)
could you please extract the first 16 sectors (0-15) and upload it somewhere big_smile

If you touch/click the file after setting it to 01/01/1980 it will become the actual (current) date again

I don't know how do you managed it

The best way is to work with own .bat files

sector 12640 is the last data sector.

sectors 12641 up to 12643 (unreadable sectors) are sectors full with scrambled data (3 * 588 samples = 1764)
sector 12644 has 39 lines and 1 sample = 39 * 4 + 1 = 157 samples.

total combined offset = 1764 + 157 = +1921 (which has to be set in EAC)

disc write offset = 1921 - 667 = +1254

to detect the gaps, use method A (I have this drive and it detects gaps very well) and press F4 to detect the gaps, if you have problems set the drive read speed to slowest one.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

I know all relevant data, but one thing is still to do...

...X360 discs have one security sector in the video partition, which contains unreadable sectors.
We can not use xbox1 method to read it out.

I have to do some testings to be sure the method I know is the best one.

Seems, you've right! neutral

That's also the reason why I had sometimes different data in EAC and PR, but I also used always PR results, because they had same data as the original disc !

Rocknroms wrote:

First audio track is always padded, EAC cannot read data.

let me try it now...

EAC don't pad anything, just try to set the offset wrong and you will have some data from previews track in the pregap

DJoneK wrote:

I've come upon some audio tracks with the Riff header in them

that's ok, and not "a faik" AFIAK lol

look at "South Park Rally" http://forum.redump.org/topic/3190/done … sles02690/

and also check my BIG QUESTION topic smile http://forum.redump.org/topic/4142/a-big-question/

hehe smile
yes, i know, we have just to check before if there is some not 00 data, and i forgot to mention it roll

I think you forget the scrambled data, FIRE !

AKUMA™ wrote:

How do you pad the audio track for this game, since "pregap.bin" I found in a Castlevania thread here is only 352800 bytes?

This pregap.bin file is a simple dummy file of 352800 bytes, for 3 seconds simply create a dummy file of 529200 bytes and use this instead! Same Principe is for other pregap sizes.

AKUMA™ wrote:

My other question is about PS1 games that have 2 data tracks

Yes, extract the second track as the first one, but you can't simply use here the dummy pregap, because it is not a audio data, and the second data track contains data in this section and you have to move thus 2 seconds from the end of the first track to the beginning of the second. You better use "reMove" tool for this operation, it works fine smile

And, you must be sure that this gap data is actual a pregap and not postgap, we would also need the subchannels to find it out...

could you please upload the log file, i have a game with same SafeDisc version and i am interesting in your log smile

there are a number of bad sectors outside of the 1-10,000 range specified in the SafeDisc thread
This ranges should be updated (up to 10.500)

should the .exe date be the date of the game executable or the setup executable?
It wasn't cleared till now, leave it out, exe date can be added/fixed later


(17 replies, posted in News)

I don't care about this question *HEHE* tongue


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

when it's working on 64-bit system, okay smile