Any news?

I moved all Panzer Dragoon discussion to dump forums

I agree

TailS... I found it, please ask jj1odm if he can add an option to dump HD (high density) area in raw audio (like it was a big single audio track, all data will be scrambled) so we can verify what I said above. Show him how it works (guide above) with cdrwin, he should understand what I mean.

DC drive is a modified Yamaha 400R (as long as I remember it has a different chip so it can read gdroms), I don't know its read offset

Please don't take dumpcast db for redump db, gaps from dumpcast are all wrong and bad. Here is Redump and not dumpcast.

We don't need to dump gaps on the fly or any offset for HD area*, if the author of dcsdrip (or someone else, I don't see any source code on his website … p#dcsdrip) can modify this prog to read data from sector to sector in raw audio (one single audio mode file for all HD area data - sector 44990-549150 -**, the same we do on PC with cdrwin), we can use it to get right tracks from HD area using ICE.

*When cdrwin dumps HD area in audio mode it has only the drive read offset correction, then is ICE that scramble and splits the tracks. SD area can be dumped on any pc drive.

** it's sector 45000-549150, but because some discs have negative offset it's better to dump 10 more sectors before HD area default start.

TailS_tff wrote:

The SD method can rip first and second session tracks, both audio and data.
(Data in bin, audio in raw)
All games match...

Just to be sure:
So it takes correct gaps for audio/data tracks?
You don't have to fix anything manually to get same checksum of our DB?
You got exactly the same tracks checksum on tracks freshly dumped?

As Jackal said the other discs could be different revisions, you can see it in the header.

TailS_tff wrote:

I have this adapter !
I dump several game with it, all except 2 games (for now) are identical to your Db

Both data and audio tracks?
So it takes correct gaps?
You don't have to fix anything manually to get same checksum of our DB?
Can you provide infos about the games that don't check DB?

As I posted in the other thread...

Another solution could be the SD adapter and tools to dump HD area.
If someone wants to try something, here are a pair of links … php#sdcard ---> How to and tools (Japanese) ---> Chinese seller for a ready to use adapter
Tolls can dump full disc as I understand so if it dumps it raw I think it could be parsed by ICE. Someone with knowledge could try to edit source code of that tool to dump all HD area in raw audio.

This thread might confuse a lot of people. As Jackal said we don't support it and a Rimmer said it's valid only on 3 tracks discs and only for hd track.

Another solution could be the SD adapter and tools to dump HD area.
If someone wants to try something, here are a pair of links … php#sdcard ---> How to and tools (Japanese) ---> Chinese seller for a ready to use adapter
Tolls can dump full disc as I understand so if it dumps it raw I think it could be parsed by ICE.

The thing is I only have two optical drives (no Plextor for me  sad  ). How can I find out if my drives  support read command to work with Perfect Rip?

Simply try px_d8 or try to dump someting with PR, if it works your drive support it. By the way if your drives support lead-out you can dump easily disc with >0 offset with EAC+Isobuster as usual


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

I think Naomi GDs have to be dumped as well by Redump. The method is the same of DC, tracks structure is the same.

No, I'm Italian by the way probably I can find some US discs (not sure at all) from my friend and I will buy some DC US games in the near future.

I'm waiting for some of them. Blue ones are new dumps, green are veifications.
I can dump games from others, but as you can see I have a lot to dump before doing it (moreover I have a friend who sells DC stuff and he can give me a lot of other games to dump, mainly Japs).
All Japanese releases, titles are not 100% correct cause I have to fix them while dumping:

Atelier Marie & Elie
Bakuretsu Muteki Bangaioh

Bio Hazard - Code Veronica (Limited)
Bio Hazard - Code Veronica Value Edition
Bio Hazard 2 Value Plus
Bio Hazard 3 Last Escape

Black Matrix Advanced
Border Down

Buggy Heat
Capcom Vs. SNK

Capcom Vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000 Pro
Capcom Vs. SNK 2
Chaos Field
Charge'n Blast
Cleopatra Fortune
Dead Or Alive 2

Dino Crisis
Dream Flyer
Dream Passport 2
Dream Passport 3
Ecco The Dolphin
Eldorado Gate - Vol.1
Eldorado Gate - Vol.2
Eldorado Gate - Vol.3
Eldorado Gate - Vol.4
Eldorado Gate - Vol.5
Eldorado Gate - Vol.6
Eldorado Gate - Vol.7
Eternal Arcadia

F355 Challenge
Get Bass
Giga Wing 2
Grandia 2 (Limited)
Guilty Gear X
Gun Spike
Gunbird 2
Heavy Metal Geomatrix
House Of The Dead 2
Hundred Swords
Langrisser Millenium
Macross M3 (Limited)
Maken X
Mars Matrix
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2
MSG: Federation Vs. Zion DX
Napple Tale: Arsia in Daydream
Net De Tennis
Pen Pen Tricelion
Pop'n Music
Pop'n Music 2
Pop'n Music 3: Append Disc
Pop'n Music 4: Append Disc
Power Stone 2
Princess Maker Collection

Psychic Force 2012
Psyvariar 2
Puyo Puyo Da!
Puzzle Bobble 4
Rainbow Cotton
Rayman 2 - Last Escape
Rune Jade
Sakura Wars 3 Movie

Sakura Wars Online
Sakura Wars Online Paris

Samba De Amigo
Sengoku Turb
Seventh Cross

Shikigami no Shiro 2
Shinki Sekai Evolution

Shinki Sekai Evolution 2
Shutokou Battle
Shutokou Battle 2

Sonic Adventure International
Sonic Shuffle
Soul Calibur
Space Channel 5
Space Channel 5: Part 2
Sports Jam
Super Magnetic Niu Niu
Tricolore Crise
Twinkle Star Sprites
Vampire Chronicles (for matching service)
Zero Gunner 2

I still have to dump around 100 jap games and more to come.

Elbarto you don't need a 99min cd for the trap disc, simply use clonecd and a 80min (750mb) cd


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Subs with PR are ok, but normally clonecd ones are required.
Subs has to be uploaded somewhere so we can check it.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Both programs have bugs or detect something the other one don't, so this is the point. By the way PR > EAC. When someone will write a better program both EAC and PR could be forgotten.

If you got no strange gaps A detection is better then B. Do EAC gaps match PR gaps?

Moreover all these issues can be checked with a good sub dump.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

This is something common (yes probably a bug), you may also dump it twice (one after the other) to see that the second one will not get all those warnings. Moreover I noticed this disc has FLAGS DCP so PR sometimes puts warning when it finds text or similar.
If you got no C2 errors at the end, the dump is good. Now you have to confirm with EAC (this is mandatory) just to check if there are issues (different pregaps, etc).


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

This sectors are exactly 8 samples (32 bytes), it could be a mastering error)
Post px_d8 log you take first, then new one for sector 94310 with new and old px_d8 and track02 (or at least the first Mb). By the way try also to dump it at a lower speed to see if something changes.
Probably PR renamed it like a data track because of that sector.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

CD/DVD Check is a simple protection which checks only if the disc is inserted in the drive, so you can dump it the regular way

If everything went well, the dump is ready to be submitted.

I think this info should be added because someone could not understand if ice reports errors or not:

Good dump

Accessing                       : ok
Seeking 1st valid Mode1 sector  : ok
 LBA found                      : 44991
 @file offset                   : $00000840
 Scrambled                      : TRUE
Seeking LBA 45000               : ok
 Combined offset (samples)      : 5820
Parsing IP.BIN                  : ok
 Writting 'ip.txt'              : ok
Parsing TOC                     : ok
 TOC entries                    : 4
 Writting 'redump.cue'          : ok
03  Mode1   45000  549149  504150 ok

Bad dump

Accessing                       : ok
Seeking 1st valid Mode1 sector  : ok
 LBA found                      : 44991
 @file offset                   : $00000840
 Scrambled                      : TRUE
Seeking LBA 45000               : ok
 Combined offset (samples)      : 5820
Parsing IP.BIN                  : ok
 Writting 'ip.txt'              : ok
Parsing TOC                     : ok
 TOC entries                    : 4
 Writting 'redump.cue'          : ok
03  Mode1   45000  549149  504150 ok (46)

This is an example with a "one track" high density disc, if you got something within "(...)" after a track "ok", those are errors so that track is bad!

Updated with a little faq on how to dump scrambled data sectors.

To all people who cannot dump DC with any drive:

1) which error does CDRwin report?

2) does dump starts and then stopped with errors after dumping a bit?

If those errors are not referring to sectors then your problem is simply a bad media used for trap disc.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

Scrubbed images are bad dumps. A lot of bad dumps, also for cartridge systems, work well on emulators and /or backup on real machine, but they are bad. Many other bad dumps don't work well or don't work at all:

1) Many scrubbed GC games don't work because of streaming.

2) Some scrubbed Wii games don't work until some IOS are updated for them (this is a hack!)

3) Some scrubbed xbox1 don't work

4) Scrubbed xbox360 will never work (I don't know if they'll do on jtagged)

Redump was born to preserve 1:1 images or at least as near as we can. It's like you want to ask members if we want to preserve bad dumps. I hope nobody will never mind to preserve those bad dumps here, this is an example of what I was talking in another discussion.

I know new systems discs are quite big to archive but nobody force you to preserve them this way, it was only forced by Redump quality. In the future somedody might ask "why don't we preserve audio tracks in mp3 format?".

I'd like to remember that Redump is a preservation website and not a warez website.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

Scrubbed games are not 1:1 dumps, moreover it's not true they are 100% compatible. Yes, this is the wrong forum.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

F1ReB4LL wrote:
Rocknroms wrote:

You have to check subcodes (clonecd ones are the best) and probably dumping it with a audio trap cd.

Nope, no trap cd is needed, just a game and a plextor, but subs are needed and not the clonecd ones, so each dump can take an hour or two.

This is new, so which subs?