Gave UMD back to owner will have to get ringcode later. asapy says good dump.
27 2009-09-29 06:09:01
Re: How many GameCube games were released in USA (3 replies, posted in General discussion)
Well the game through the mail gamerang lists the number of GameCube games at 488 games. Are they missing any games? I don't know.
28 2009-07-22 02:34:09
Re: ISS PRO (PSX) write offset (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
Well when someone dumps the game with -647 it would be added. I don't know off hand but I dumped a game with a different write offset then the one posted and it has both write offsets in the db. We can't take your disc that isn't dumped and add -647 to it because your disc audio might be different, for example my two dumps of Shining Force CD, both discs had the same offset +222 but the audio was different with the data track the same.
As for the other, it could be reversed, someone else will have to explain this one further.
29 2009-07-22 02:15:45
Re: ISS PRO (PSX) write offset (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
Because the game was pressed with two different offsets. That's the beauty of our method, write offset isn't a problem. As for the other question the data track is different and so we make one 1.0 and the other 1.1.
31 2009-07-02 02:47:18
Re: Scanner Calibration for artwork scanning (8 replies, posted in General discussion)
This looks great... consistency is good. Thanks again. I will be on the look out for IT8.7 reflective target after the move.
32 2009-06-27 20:14:33
Re: Dark Colony - Sub check (12 replies, posted in General discussion)
Ok, I will do that...I will need help cutting out the 2nd track.
33 2009-06-25 21:19:30
Re: Dark Colony - Sub check (12 replies, posted in General discussion)
When I open that track in a hex editor it's all zeros at the beginning.
but when I do simple comparison between the perfectrip dump and the reMoved EAC dump this is what it shows different
So if that is what you mean... I am not familiar with this type of stuff so if you want to look at the two tracks I can upload them.
34 2009-06-25 20:56:49
Re: Dark Colony - Sub check (12 replies, posted in General discussion)
Ok, just add the Perfectrip dump...alright...
You're right I used themabus reMove program and moved 2352 to track 2 size matched but not hashes..
35 2009-06-25 19:47:02
Re: Dark Colony - Sub check (12 replies, posted in General discussion)
Ok, this is what you are looking for I guess..... I am cutting it down, as I hope you don't need the whole thing. 257874 - all zeros.
So how do I fix the the ISOBuster/EAC dump so that it's like the Perfectrip dump?
36 2009-06-24 22:00:40
Re: Dark Colony - Sub check (12 replies, posted in General discussion)
37 2009-06-24 19:21:03
Re: Dark Colony - Sub check (12 replies, posted in General discussion)
38 2009-06-24 06:18:47
Topic: Dark Colony - Sub check (12 replies, posted in General discussion)
Perfectrip gives gap of 2.01 and EAC gap of 2.00... all other audio tracks match.
Clone CD cue
TRACK 1 MODE1/2352
INDEX 1 00:00:00
INDEX 1 57:20:23
INDEX 0 58:38:26
INDEX 1 58:40:25
INDEX 0 61:55:42
INDEX 1 61:57:41
INDEX 0 65:10:40
INDEX 1 65:12:39
If it is 2 seconds how many bytes do I move from track 2 to track 1 for the perfectrip dump.
39 2009-06-23 07:42:02
Re: Scanner Calibration for artwork scanning (8 replies, posted in General discussion)
Ok, I will...I'll also ask my photographer friends if they have something like that.
Hopefully that program works with my old Compaq S200 lol.
40 2009-06-23 05:00:04
Re: Scanner Calibration for artwork scanning (8 replies, posted in General discussion)
That should definitely be added to the guide with the corrected you can tell it's sky blue in the background and not that purplish blue. But how much did that cost you looking at the prices I've seen between $40 to $100 for it. Though I went through the first 10 pages only.
41 2009-06-19 23:24:42
Re: Questions about discs with only one audio track (11 replies, posted in General discussion)
He is working on the program again, he just recently released beta 5. He might put more effort into fixing the bug as he said he wants to get some issues fixed before next release.
42 2009-06-18 04:55:02
Re: Title screen name fixes . . . (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
Most likely as "Activision Classics" is the title on the spine.
43 2009-06-15 21:54:05
Re: Cataloguing game packaging versions? (19 replies, posted in General discussion)
I think it would save some time. If the scanner color profile is correct, it should be possible to fix all images in one step as apposed to using level correction in gimp or photoshop on images individually. I'll order a calibration sheet and post sample before/after scans next week.
I figure a few raw/profile corrected/manually corrected comparisons should show if it's worthwile.
Sounds good, thanks Huygens.
44 2009-06-15 21:04:24
Re: Cataloguing game packaging versions? (19 replies, posted in General discussion)
I couldn't find any mention in the quidelines of color calibrarion. You can get close by hand, but you have the color inacuracy of the scanner compounded by the color innacuracy of the monitor. Do they mention it somewhere else?
Well I put that up as a guide, we can write our own guide, that seems like it only has to be done once right, by chance have you tried using it and noticed the difference between a regular scan and one color calibrated? The photos do look better after it in the link you gave Huygens. Would follow those steps save time with using Imaging software?
45 2009-06-13 02:22:02
Re: Cataloguing game packaging versions? (19 replies, posted in General discussion)
That's a good idea but i think that has nothing to do with this site should be only to dump the game discs and nothing more... like no-intro but instead of carts we dump discs
May I ask why you think that? I would really like to understand where you are coming from. I must have a misunderstanding of no-intro, I was under the impression they started for the simple reason of removing Scene intros from roms. I know I am just registered over there so I might not have access to everything they do but I was under the impression they find the best roms on the internet and put it in their dats, and when/if a better dump comes a long they would take out the old and put in the new and if I remember correctly one of their High Council even posted in a thread on the old forum, now this isn't verbatim but "When did we get in the business of dumping games". Am I mistaken?
Now on the other hand, as a preservation project if we find out or even suspect a dump is bad we remove it and not just wait till a proper dump comes a long. As you can't actually claim a game preserved without its supplement information is also preserved (As we are dealing purely with bits of 0 and 1s that would include scans of the supplemented information, cover art, manual, etc.) In the physical realm say the museum of video games wouldn't say we preserved this game when they only had the disc would they? No, unless that's all that remains of that game.
I think is the perfect place for that information, but that is my opinion and really that's all it is. It could also be that I am too idealistic about what we are doing here.
46 2009-06-11 20:47:48
Re: Cataloguing game packaging versions? (19 replies, posted in General discussion)
Yes, good scans would be wonderful; it just takes a lot of effort to get a good scan so people might be less willing/able to contribute. I'd say making scan 'preferences' would be good (resolution alignment etc), but still accept anything that serves the purpose. If anyone ever submits a better scan, just replace the old one.
There are quite a few free photo hosts available (photobucket etc) so it might be doable without increasing the database site's bandwidth.
I can understand where you are coming from, I conceive its from the same place I am coming from "human nature" but opposite sides. Humans will take the least resistance path that's why we don't have an army of dumpers as people think our way to dump games is "complicated" or "time consuming" we are the exception because we have the passion in what we do, I also believe it's because we don't have "preferences" with our dumping procedure but strict steps to follow, of course we could have a bigger database if we was loose with our requirements for dumping games but that's not our purpose its to preserve games.
Same as scanning unless we have strict rules to follow we will get the least resistance (shitty scans) and if we accept it what incentive is there for someone to make the perfect scan? If we make the least resistance perfect scans yes scans might trickle in at first but as we grow in more popularity, maybe more acceptance as the raw material becomes more scarce or lower quality (more vandalism on the material, marked, stickered, lost or thrown away, etc.) same as the games themselves (going to a used game store 3 out of 5 games aren't in dumpable condition meaning most likely there will be glitch some where in game) more people will take up the cause.
47 2009-06-10 21:27:51
Re: Cataloguing game packaging versions? (19 replies, posted in General discussion)
I can totally agree with HwitVlf, especially say long box and jewel case released games we will be able to see if they are the same or if there is differences more easily if it was noted that such and such was long box this one jewel case etc.
But getting perfect scans of both would be even cooler
48 2009-06-10 04:47:13
Re: Cataloguing game packaging versions? (19 replies, posted in General discussion)
What do you mean like list in the comments this game with a pendant in a pouch like Lunar 2...
I am working on a project right now for scanning package contents to preserve them, it could either turn into a side project or added on to Redump (which I think it should as we are a preservation project) how I envisioned it, people scan the raw images and if they have the necessary skills with imaging tools clean it up and if it's perfect the hashes are added to the game here in the db and either added to the present dat or have a separate one.
The scanning guide I use is here.... … guidelines
As they say it only needs to be done once if done correctly and we can have different versions just like the games. … /index.htm
Here is an example of a game being released in different packaging.
Sorry, it's probably off-topic as you don't want it for "replacement documents"
EDIT: By the way, I have some Sega-CD Game cardboard boxes not in the best shape (but not horrible either) if someone with the necessary imaging tools like to fix them up let me know. That's what's slowing the project down, can't get my head wrapped around those programs.
49 2009-05-24 20:39:15
Re: question on languages and PC games (2 replies, posted in General discussion)
Thanks, just wanted to make sure it was like the gamecube only display system language.
50 2009-05-24 05:55:20
Topic: question on languages and PC games (2 replies, posted in General discussion)
Is there a way for them to hide languages on a PC cd and only display the OS language?
The game I just dumped has language folders that are empty but English.