(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)


I have a question, i bought a asus bw-16d1h, if i flash it with MK 3.10, and i want do dump a Cd-i game DIC
doesnt sees a disc in the drive,

 LBA[000000, 0000000]: [F:TestUnitReady][L:44]
    Opcode: 00
    ScsiStatus: 0x02 = CHECK_CONDITION
    SenseData Key-Asc-Ascq: 02-3a-01 = NOT_READY - MEDIUM NOT PRESENT - TRAY CLOSED  

if i flash it with DE 3.02 firmware it does show, but gives me some errors

Checking reading lead-out -> This drive can't read the lead-out
But 0xF1 is supported

LBA[195492, 0x2fba4]: [F:ReadCDForCheckingReadInOut][L:801]
    Opcode: 0xbe
    ScsiStatus: 0x02 = CHECK_CONDITION
lpCmd: be, 04, 00, 02, fb, a4, 00, 00, 01, f8, 00, 00
dwBufSize: 2352

LBA[000000, 0000000]: [F:ReadCDForSegaDisc][L:2047]
    Opcode: 0xa8
    ScsiStatus: 0x02 = CHECK_CONDITION
    SenseData Key-Asc-Ascq: 05-64-00 = ILLEGAL_REQUEST - ILLEGAL MODE FOR THIS TRACK
lpCmd: a8, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00
dwBufSize: 2048

LBA[000018, 0x00012]: [F:ReadVolumeDescriptor][L:531]
    Opcode: 0xa8
    ScsiStatus: 0x02 = CHECK_CONDITION
    SenseData Key-Asc-Ascq: 05-64-00 = ILLEGAL_REQUEST - ILLEGAL MODE FOR THIS TRACK
lpCmd: a8, 00, 00, 00, 00, 12, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00
dwBufSize: 2048
LBA[195490, 0x2fba2]: Track[01]: This sector is data, but sync is invalid
========== LBA[195490, 0x2fba2]: Main Channel ==========
       +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7  +8 +9 +A +B +C +D +E +F
0000 : 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20                   
LBA[195491, 0x2fba3]: Track[01]: This sector is data, but sync is invalid
========== LBA[195491, 0x2fba3]: Main Channel ==========
       +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7  +8 +9 +A +B +C +D +E +F
0000 : 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20                   
LBA[195490, 0x2fba2]: Track[01]: Invalid sync. Skip descrambling

Is the MK 3.10 firmware not supported ?
On clonecd it dumps without any errors,


If you can open up Your 716, and look at the laser head. There should be a part number.
Maybe it’s the same as for the 708.

scsi_wuzzy wrote:
Nextria wrote:


I know you looking for a fix in the UK, but for the PX-708(UF) i bought
a new laser aliexpress https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/32964380 … 4c4dT8bKnV

I can confirm they working great, i bought my 708 and it came with a dead laser,
Replaced it and it is working great again!

for 10 euro you can not go wrong.

Does anyone know if a replacement laser / OPU is available for the 716 anywhere? I recall a thread on MyCE some years back where several were lamenting being unable to find 716 parts, but I haven't kept up to see if anything has changed in recent times. I've two 716AL that are working except the OPU seems to be nearly dead and (more and more frequently) they decide they'd rather just not read anymore.

Also, what the hell happened to Plextor with the 700 series drives? It seems like my Ultraplex 40 will last until the end of days, but it seems like I'm going to have a bin of dead 716 and 760 drives by the time I'm done with my dumping.

gingerbeardman wrote:

I bought two other used Plextors:

PX-708A - had the same sort of problem (2 or 3 flashes)
Plexwriter 40/12/40A - had a different problem (9 flashes, motor problem)


So, still looking for a solution.


I know you looking for a fix in the UK, but for the PX-708(UF) i bought
a new laser aliexpress https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/32964380 … 4c4dT8bKnV

I can confirm they working great, i bought my 708 and it came with a dead laser,
Replaced it and it is working great again!

for 10 euro you can not go wrong.

reentrant wrote:

Nextria. What laser you did you buy for your PX?

hello i bought this one :

https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/32964380 … 4c4dT8bKnV

Hello All,

i just bought a PX-708UF for cheap and offcourse it had a dead laser.
I replaced it with a new one, and normal disk are being read fine,

Only when i try to dump the HD area, it takes forever with dcdumper.

I tried it on two discs (that have some scratches on them)
Anyone have an idea what it could be ?
Normal discs it reads fine !

retaliator wrote:
Nextria wrote:


I am back again with a question.
Have a game COD MW3 i want too dump, as far as i can see the version has not been dumped before.
But i keep getting an error "xtreme style game partition is not available"

With other disc i dont have a problem just with this one.
I am using Xbox Backup Creator 2.9 B0425

I dumped the german version here http://redump.org/disc/69171/ , it's a XGD3 disc. What drive are you using? XGD3 needs a 0800 firmware, mostly on a LITE-ON, like this:

https://www.ebay.de/itm/XBox-360-Laufwe … XQiFxR7tNq

Ahh you right i forgot that the XGD3 needs to be dumbed with a 0800 drive!
I have a 16D2S but i feel the laser is giving out, it also makes a strange noise at times.

Thanks again !


I am back again with a question.
Have a game COD MW3 i want too dump, as far as i can see the version has not been dumped before.
But i keep getting an error "xtreme style game partition is not available"

With other disc i dont have a problem just with this one.
I am using Xbox Backup Creator 2.9 B0425


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

wiggy2k wrote:

probably Pressed bootlegs rather than ‘copies’

Okay thank you, well they made them really nice.

Hello All,

I have bought a PSX with some games with them.
Some Look like copies, but some look real but have a silver side not black.

Also on most in the discs in the ring it has the name of the game.
This is what confuses me, this you cant burn with a normal CD burner ?


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

With me it’s also working !
Thank you !


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:

Updated test version. http://www.mediafire.com/file/eq80y20l9 … st.7z/file
@wiggy2k, @Lizard
Logs, please.

According to 5ch, it seems a lot of 708 users met with the same problem. So I changed it as 1.04 works.

Hey @sarami, thank you, i have been trying for hours to compile it
my self with visual studio 2019 only the get error upon error.

I tried the build but no i also get an error  like Lizard

nLBA 20, Directory Record is invalid
nLBA 36, Directory Record is invalid


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)


I am dumping some games with my PX-708A, and if i use the /sf i get a error

[f:getfilename to fix error][l:171] getlasterror: 2

where F: is my drive, if i remove it, it works and i get a dump without any errors.

Am i missing a file?
I use an older version without the firmware check, because if i update my drive to anything above 1.04 it stops reading disk.

Hey all,

I posted my first dump of a xbox 360 game.
But i cant seem to find the section for xbox 360 on redump.org.

Am i an idiot for not finding it ?

antimatter wrote:

The log looks good (weird seeing the drive key though, my logs don't have that). Recommend to first dump a game already on redump to see if it matches because "flashed back a stock firmware".

Also you can dump a 2nd time to see if your hashes match each other.

Nice  I don’t know what it was but it is working.
I will check if it is on redump and verify it.
Will also dump it again to be sure.

I hope nobody will steal my drive key though.

Also funny thing I got the drive from China,
And it had a game in it , kinect adventures


so i changed some things and now it seems to be working.
I changed the Molex power supply to a new one i just got in the mail.
changed the usb port, and flashed back a stock firmware.

I also added the dvd key to backup creator.

It dumped the game in like 15 minutes i think.

this is the log does this look like a good dump ?

Found ODD: PLDS DG-16D2S 0251 at [h]
   << Using OEM interface layer >>
   << Drive Authenticated >>
   Drive Key: 55AA55AA55AA55AA55AA55AA55AA55AA

Nero API is not available
ImgBurn is available
   ImgBurn - The Ultimate Image Burner! by LIGHTNING UK!

AP25 cannot locate dae.bin file

Getting media info [h]
   Media Type: DVD-ROM
   Bytes Used: 49,0 MB (51.329.024 bytes)
Starting read process...
   Target Xbox version = Xbox360
Space Available on Drive C:\ 145 GB (155.340.156.928 bytes)
Creating SplitVid backup image [h]
   Opening image output file
   Reading Video Layer0
   Opening image output file
   Reading Video Layer1
   Adding Filler Layer0
   Unlocking Game Partition
   Checking Game Partition Availability
   Reading XDVDFS File system
   Reading Volume Descriptor
   Reading Volume Descriptor
   Sorting Section Map
   Optimizing Section Map
   Reading Game Partition
Setting read speed to 12x
   Block error recovered at Partition LBA: 2204752
   Auto setting the speed to reduced setting
Setting read speed to 5x
   Block error recovered at Partition LBA: 2205664
   Block error recovered at Partition LBA: 2208528
Setting read speed to 5x
   Adding Filler Layer1
   Appending Video Layer1
Creating Layer Break File
   LayerBreak file saved as: "test.dvd"
   A total of 48 sectors with read errors were recovered.
Getting media info [h]
   Media Type: DVD-ROM
   Bytes Used: 8,07 GB (8.662.351.872 bytes)
   Read completed in 00:21:28
antimatter wrote:

If I remember correctly, Xbox 1 dumping with 0800 drive takes about 45min+ & number of errors has to be 65,536 (security sectors), if there is more than 65,536 errors, then it is a bad dump.

Hey, I am trying to dump a 360 game.
I already cleaned the laser, and tried different games.

user7 wrote:

http://wiki.redump.org/index.php?title= … ping_Guide

A read error should occur shortly after starting the dump. This is normal. Check the box "Apply zero fill to all remaining sector errors." and click the "Zero-Fill Sector(s)" button.

Yes i read this, but it it started dumping, and is dumping now for like 11 minutes just with errors


I have bought a DG-16D2S of aliexpress and a X360 Usb pro 2.
With jungleflasher i flashed the drive with 0800 firmware.

Now i am using Xbox backup creator 2.9 build 0425 do dump a game.

I select in the options menu "Build Clean ISO" and select my drive.
in the read section is start, but get so many read errors.
the disk looks fine, has no scratch.

what am i doing wrong ?


i also cant seem to uncheck the use sector mapper (xbox One)

F1ReB4LL wrote:
Nextria wrote:

I have one other question, what is the difference between dumping the disc on PC and on the dreamcast with GD ripper ?

Dumping on Dreamcast omits certain pregap sectors (only affects the discs with more than 1 track in HD area), also it seems the GD ripping tool doesn't recheck the dumped data, so you need to dump every disc multiple times to ensure its data consistency. Also, some of Dreamcast drives seem to be unsuitable for dumping (they produce weird errors in data and also have an unusual read offset).

Okay so the best way is on a pc. What drive is the best to use ?

Maddog wrote:

Yes, this is abnormally many non-matches.
It *is* hard to match sections (with 1 and 40 being the worst), but normally at the second pass you should be getting at least 10-15 sessions matching with any good quality disc, potentially even more. And the entire disc matched within about 10 passes in most cases with disc in good condition.
We have seen cases with erratic behavior like that, where it proved better to stop and start the dumping from scratch. Ie eject disc, redo the trap disc and start again). As a rule of thumb, any dump that is going on for more than 1.30-2 hours, will never complete properly or will turn out bad even if matches found.
If your drive still behaves like that after some tries, adjusting the pot with help of a multimeter should be a last resort measure before declaring the drive bad.

Hello maddog thanks for the quick replay,
I have cleaned the laser and will try again,

I have one other question, what is the difference between dumping the disc on PC and on the dreamcast with GD ripper ?


I am just starting with trying to dump my dreamcast games.
Im using a PX-706A to dump the LD, and a SH-D162C to dump the HD part of the disk.

But I get a lot of non match, it has been trying for almost 10 hours now. and this is the log below.

Im I doing something wrong or is the laser bad ?

..................:::::::::::::::: PASS 1 ::::::::::::::::..................
Reading section 1: 044990-055278 - Initial dump.
Reading section 2: 055279-065567 - Initial dump.
Reading section 3: 065568-075856 - Initial dump.
Reading section 4: 075857-086145 - Initial dump.
Reading section 5: 086146-096434 - Initial dump.
Reading section 6: 096435-106723 - Initial dump.
Reading section 7: 106724-117012 - Initial dump.
Reading section 8: 117013-127301 - Initial dump.
Reading section 9: 127302-137590 - Initial dump.
Reading section 10: 137591-147879 - Initial dump.
Reading section 11: 147880-158168 - Initial dump.
Reading section 12: 158169-168457 - Initial dump.
Reading section 13: 168458-178746 - Initial dump.
Reading section 14: 178747-189035 - Initial dump.
Reading section 15: 189036-199324 - Initial dump.
Reading section 16: 199325-209613 - Initial dump.
Reading section 17: 209614-219902 - Initial dump.
Reading section 18: 219903-230191 - Initial dump.
Reading section 19: 230192-240480 - Initial dump.
Reading section 20: 240481-250769 - Initial dump.
Reading section 21: 250770-261058 - Initial dump.
Reading section 22: 261059-271347 - Initial dump.
Reading section 23: 271348-281636 - Initial dump.
Reading section 24: 281637-291925 - Initial dump.
Reading section 25: 291926-302214 - Initial dump.
Reading section 26: 302215-312503 - Initial dump.
Reading section 27: 312504-322792 - Initial dump.
Reading section 28: 322793-333081 - Initial dump.
Reading section 29: 333082-343370 - Initial dump.
Reading section 30: 343371-353659 - Initial dump.
Reading section 31: 353660-363948 - Initial dump.
Reading section 32: 363949-374237 - Initial dump.
Reading section 33: 374238-384526 - Initial dump.
Reading section 34: 384527-394815 - Initial dump.
Reading section 35: 394816-405104 - Initial dump.
Reading section 36: 405105-415393 - Initial dump.
Reading section 37: 415394-425682 - Initial dump.
Reading section 38: 425683-435971 - Initial dump.
Reading section 39: 435972-446260 - Initial dump.
Reading section 40: 446261-549150 - Initial dump.

..................:::::::::::::::: PASS 2 ::::::::::::::::..................
Reading section 1: 044990-055278 - Non-Match.
Reading section 2: 055279-065567 - Non-Match.
Reading section 3: 065568-075856 - Non-Match.
Reading section 4: 075857-086145 - Non-Match.
Reading section 5: 086146-096434 - Non-Match.
Reading section 6: 096435-106723 - Non-Match.
Reading section 7: 106724-117012 - Non-Match.
Reading section 8: 117013-127301 - Non-Match.
Reading section 9: 127302-137590 - Non-Match.
Reading section 10: 137591-147879 - Non-Match.
Reading section 11: 147880-158168 - Non-Match.
Reading section 12: 158169-168457 - Non-Match.
Reading section 13: 168458-178746 - Non-Match.
Reading section 14: 178747-189035 - Non-Match.
Reading section 15: 189036-199324 - Non-Match.
Reading section 16: 199325-209613 - Non-Match.
Reading section 17: 209614-219902 - Non-Match.
Reading section 18: 219903-230191 - Non-Match.
Reading section 19: 230192-240480 - Non-Match.
Reading section 20: 240481-250769 - Non-Match.
Reading section 21: 250770-261058 - Non-Match.
Reading section 22: 261059-271347 - Non-Match.
Reading section 23: 271348-281636 - Non-Match.
Reading section 24: 281637-291925 - Non-Match.
Reading section 25: 291926-302214 - Non-Match.
Reading section 26: 302215-312503 - Non-Match.
Reading section 27: 312504-322792 - Non-Match.
Reading section 28: 322793-333081 - Non-Match.
Reading section 29: 333082-343370 - Non-Match.
Reading section 30: 343371-353659 - Non-Match.
Reading section 31: 353660-363948 - Non-Match.
Reading section 32: 363949-374237 - Non-Match.
Reading section 33: 374238-384526 - Non-Match.
Reading section 34: 384527-394815 - Non-Match.
Reading section 35: 394816-405104 - Non-Match.
Reading section 36: 405105-415393 - Non-Match.
Reading section 37: 415394-425682 - Non-Match.
Reading section 38: 425683-435971 - Non-Match.
Reading section 39: 435972-446260 - Non-Match.
Reading section 40: 446261-549150 - Non-Match.

..................:::::::::::::::: PASS 3 ::::::::::::::::..................
Reading section 1: 044990-055278 - Non-Match.
Reading section 2: 055279-065567 - Non-Match.
Reading section 3: 065568-075856 - Non-Match.
Reading section 4: 075857-086145 - Non-Match.
Reading section 5: 086146-096434 - Non-Match.
Reading section 6: 096435-106723 - Non-Match.
Reading section 7: 106724-117012 - Non-Match.
Reading section 8: 117013-127301 - Non-Match.
Reading section 9: 127302-137590 - Non-Match.
Reading section 10: 137591-147879 - Non-Match.
Reading section 11: 147880-158168 - Non-Match.
Reading section 12: 158169-168457 - Non-Match.
Reading section 13: 168458-178746 - Non-Match.
Reading section 14: 178747-189035 - Non-Match.
Reading section 15: 189036-199324 - Non-Match.
Reading section 16: 199325-209613 - Non-Match.
Reading section 17: 209614-219902 - Non-Match.
Reading section 18: 219903-230191 - Non-Match.
Reading section 19: 230192-240480 - Non-Match.
Reading section 20: 240481-250769 - Non-Match.
Reading section 21: 250770-261058 - Non-Match.
Reading section 22: 261059-271347 - Non-Match.
Reading section 23: 271348-281636 - Non-Match.
Reading section 24: 281637-291925 - Non-Match.
Reading section 25: 291926-302214 - Non-Match.
Reading section 26: 302215-312503 - Non-Match.
Reading section 27: 312504-322792 - Non-Match.
Reading section 28: 322793-333081 - Non-Match.
Reading section 29: 333082-343370 - Non-Match.
Reading section 30: 343371-353659 - Non-Match.
Reading section 31: 353660-363948 - Non-Match.
Reading section 32: 363949-374237 - Non-Match.
Reading section 33: 374238-384526 - Non-Match.
Reading section 34: 384527-394815 - Non-Match.
Reading section 35: 394816-405104 - Non-Match.
Reading section 36: 405105-415393 - Non-Match.
Reading section 37: 415394-425682 - Non-Match.
Reading section 38: 425683-435971 - Non-Match.
Reading section 39: 435972-446260 - Non-Match.
Reading section 40: 446261-549150 - Non-Match.

..................:::::::::::::::: PASS 4 ::::::::::::::::..................
Reading section 1: 044990-055278 - Non-Match.
Reading section 2: 055279-065567 - Non-Match.
Reading section 3: 065568-075856 - Non-Match.
Reading section 4: 075857-086145 - Non-Match.
Reading section 5: 086146-096434 - Non-Match.
Reading section 6: 096435-106723 - Non-Match.
Reading section 7: 106724-117012 - Non-Match.
Reading section 8: 117013-127301 - Non-Match.
Reading section 9: 127302-137590 - Non-Match.
Reading section 10: 137591-147879 - Non-Match.
Reading section 11: 147880-158168 - Non-Match.
Reading section 12: 158169-168457 - Non-Match.
Reading section 13: 168458-178746 - Non-Match.
Reading section 14: 178747-189035 - MATCH: 019dbd97d55c4d5c13eb40e9ed54250b
Reading section 15: 189036-199324 - Non-Match.
Reading section 16: 199325-209613 - Non-Match.
Reading section 17: 209614-219902 - Non-Match.
Reading section 18: 219903-230191 - Non-Match.
Reading section 19: 230192-240480 - Non-Match.
Reading section 20: 240481-250769 - Non-Match.
Reading section 21: 250770-261058 - Non-Match.
Reading section 22: 261059-271347 - Non-Match.
Reading section 23: 271348-281636 - Non-Match.
Reading section 24: 281637-291925 - Non-Match.
Reading section 25: 291926-302214 - Non-Match.
Reading section 26: 302215-312503 - Non-Match.
Reading section 27: 312504-322792 - Non-Match.
Reading section 28: 322793-333081 - Non-Match.
Reading section 29: 333082-343370 - Non-Match.
Reading section 30: 343371-353659 - Non-Match.
Reading section 31: 353660-363948 - Non-Match.
Reading section 32: 363949-374237 - Non-Match.
Reading section 33: 374238-384526 - Non-Match.
Reading section 34: 384527-394815 - Non-Match.
Reading section 35: 394816-405104 - Non-Match.
Reading section 36: 405105-415393 - Non-Match.
Reading section 37: 415394-425682 - Non-Match.
Reading section 38: 425683-435971 - Non-Match.
Reading section 39: 435972-446260 - Non-Match.
Reading section 40: 446261-549150 - Non-Match.

..................:::::::::::::::: PASS 5 ::::::::::::::::..................
Reading section 1: 044990-055278 - Non-Match.
Reading section 2: 055279-065567 - Non-Match.
Reading section 3: 065568-075856 - Non-Match.
Reading section 4: 075857-086145 - Non-Match.
Reading section 5: 086146-096434 - Non-Match.
Reading section 6: 096435-106723 - Non-Match.
Reading section 7: 106724-117012 - Non-Match.
Reading section 8: 117013-127301 - Non-Match.
Reading section 9: 127302-137590 - Non-Match.
Reading section 10: 137591-147879 - Non-Match.
Reading section 11: 147880-158168 - MATCH: b4d91a7b835c619f9195dd9191d4054e
Reading section 12: 158169-168457 - Non-Match.
Reading section 13: 168458-178746 - Non-Match.
Reading section 15: 189036-199324 - Non-Match.
Reading section 16: 199325-209613 - Non-Match.
Reading section 17: 209614-219902 - Non-Match.
Reading section 18: 219903-230191 - Non-Match.
Reading section 19: 230192-240480 - Non-Match.
Reading section 20: 240481-250769 - Non-Match.
Reading section 21: 250770-261058 - Non-Match.
Reading section 22: 261059-271347 - Non-Match.
Reading section 23: 271348-281636 - Non-Match.
Reading section 24: 281637-291925 - Non-Match.
Reading section 25: 291926-302214 - Non-Match.
Reading section 26: 302215-312503 - Non-Match.
Reading section 27: 312504-322792 - Non-Match.
Reading section 28: 322793-333081 - Non-Match.
Reading section 29: 333082-343370 - Non-Match.
Reading section 30: 343371-353659 - Non-Match.
Reading section 31: 353660-363948 - Non-Match.
Reading section 32: 363949-374237 - Non-Match.
Reading section 33: 374238-384526 - Non-Match.
Reading section 34: 384527-394815 - Non-Match.
Reading section 35: 394816-405104 - Non-Match.
Reading section 36: 405105-415393 - Non-Match.
Reading section 37: 415394-425682 - Non-Match.
Reading section 38: 425683-435971 - Non-Match.
Reading section 39: 435972-446260 - Non-Match.
Reading section 40: 446261-549150 - Non-Match.

..................:::::::::::::::: PASS 6 ::::::::::::::::..................
Reading section 1: 044990-055278 - Non-Match.
Reading section 2: 055279-065567 - Non-Match.
Reading section 3: 065568-075856 - Non-Match.
Reading section 4: 075857-086145 - Non-Match.
Reading section 5: 086146-096434 - Non-Match.
Reading section 6: 096435-106723 - Non-Match.
Reading section 7: 106724-117012 - Non-Match.
Reading section 8: 117013-127301 - Non-Match.
Reading section 9: 127302-137590 - Non-Match.
Reading section 10: 137591-147879 - Non-Match.
Reading section 12: 158169-168457 - Non-Match.
Reading section 13: 168458-178746 - Non-Match.
Reading section 15: 189036-199324 - Non-Match.
Reading section 16: 199325-209613 - Non-Match.
Reading section 17: 209614-219902 - Non-Match.
Reading section 18: 219903-230191 - Non-Match.
Reading section 19: 230192-240480 - Non-Match.
Reading section 20: 240481-250769 - Non-Match.
Reading section 21: 250770-261058 - Non-Match.
Reading section 22: 261059-271347 - Non-Match.
Reading section 23: 271348-281636 - Non-Match.
Reading section 24: 281637-291925 - Non-Match.
Reading section 25: 291926-302214 - Non-Match.
Reading section 26: 302215-312503 - Non-Match.
Reading section 27: 312504-322792 - Non-Match.
Reading section 28: 322793-333081 - Non-Match.
Reading section 29: 333082-343370 - Non-Match.
Reading section 30: 343371-353659 - Non-Match.
Reading section 31: 353660-363948 - Non-Match.
Reading section 32: 363949-374237 - Non-Match.
Reading section 33: 374238-384526 - Non-Match.
Reading section 34: 384527-394815 - Non-Match.
Reading section 35: 394816-405104 - Non-Match.
Reading section 36: 405105-415393


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

F1ReB4LL wrote:
Nextria wrote:

Hey i tried the link to the other build but it also not working.

What do you mean by not working? That particular build doesn't have a firmware checker.

Hello @F1ReB4LL, sorry you where right I downloaded the wrong version.


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

F1ReB4LL wrote:
Nextria wrote:

Hey i tried the link to the other build but it also not working.

What do you mean by not working? That particular build doesn't have a firmware checker.

wait let me check, i thing i download the wrong link.


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)

F1ReB4LL wrote:
Nextria wrote:

Is there a command to skip the firmware check ?

No command, but you can remove this check from the sources and recompile.

http://forum.redump.org/post/74000/#p74000 - or try this build (3 months old, but I don't remember any DC-related changes recently).

Hey i tried the link to the other build but it also not working.
I don't understand why my drive doesn't see the audio portion of the dreamcast disk
after the firmware update.

I am not smart enough to remove it and recompile the sources sorry sad


(3,526 replies, posted in General discussion)


I am having problems dumping some Japanese Dreamcast games. I got a px-708a drive with firmware 1.04. If I insert the Dreamcast disk it gets recognized as audio and DIC sees it.

When I want to dump it I get an error that I am not on the latest firmware.

So I update to 1.12, but now it not recognize the disk, it just keeps spinning. If I install 1.04 again
It will see the disk but get the error again.

Is there a command to skip the firmware check ?