102 2017-06-09 15:59:28
Re: PSX X2 and Little Big Adventure Questions (3 replies, posted in General discussion)
Both had a European release. Probably skipped the US.
103 2017-06-03 20:09:11
Re: xbox discs (32 replies, posted in General discussion)
Well I despair with this game.
This copy couldn't be in any better condition (see picture attached) but still fails with sense error around 15% with one Kreon drive (sh-d162c) and around 35% with another (TS-h353 cross flashed) have tried around 5-6 attempts on each drive so far. Both drives have been fine for dumping other Xbox discs.
Gonna strip an old Xbox down and see if I can get an original Xbox drive attached somehow.
104 2017-06-03 17:40:55
Re: xbox discs (32 replies, posted in General discussion)
I order loads online through CeX.
The delivery is £2.50 for the whole order so makes sense to order in bulk.
105 2017-06-03 16:50:25
Re: xbox discs (32 replies, posted in General discussion)
Well this has prompted me to go check my local CeX
£35 later and this one looks ok......
Hopefully third time is a charm.
106 2017-06-03 12:44:55
Re: xbox discs (32 replies, posted in General discussion)
As Jackal said I had this problem with Jaws Unleashed, Also had two copies,
It appears that these discs were poorly printed. I have polished the data side to a mirror finish
But I suspect rot on the printed side is to blame, one of mine has literally flaked off in my hands the other has see through spots when held up to a light as mentioned above.
I'm looking out for a decent replacement.
107 2016-09-04 19:14:18
Re: Sega CD how to add header data (1 replies, posted in General discussion)
Open the data track in isobuster - right click the track and select "Sector view"
Copy and paste from there.
108 2016-08-27 19:01:18
Re: Cant dump disc, two identical copies same error - Need help - (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
109 2016-08-26 22:26:52
Topic: Cant dump disc, two identical copies same error - Need help - (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this one.
I am trying to dump a Euro copy of a Sega Saturn game, Blazing Dragons
I have two physical copies of this disc.
both of them encounter 2 C2 errors at exactly the same places
Both dumps turn out identical CRCs
The C2 error log is identical for both :
LBA[001895, 0x00767], BytePos[4457040-4459391, 0x440250-0x440b7f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 24
LBA[029670, 0x073e6], BytePos[69783840-69786191, 0x428d120-0x428da4f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 312
LBA[001894, 0x00766], C2 error doesn't exist. Next check 2352 byte.
LBA[001895, 0x00767], BytePos[4457040-4459391, 0x440250-0x440b7f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 24
LBA[029669, 0x073e5], C2 error doesn't exist. Next check 2352 byte.
LBA[029670, 0x073e6], BytePos[69783840-69786191, 0x428d120-0x428da4f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 312
LBA[001894, 0x00766], BytePos[4454688-4457039, 0x43f920-0x44024f] Reread data matched. Rewrote from [4454224, 0x43f750] to [4456575, 0x44007f]
LBA[001895, 0x00767], BytePos[4457040-4459391, 0x440250-0x440b7f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 24
LBA[029669, 0x073e5], BytePos[69781488-69783839, 0x428c7f0-0x428d11f] Reread data matched. Rewrote from [69781024, 0x428c620] to [69783375, 0x428cf4f]
LBA[029670, 0x073e6], BytePos[69783840-69786191, 0x428d120-0x428da4f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 312
LBA[001895, 0x00767], BytePos[4457040-4459391, 0x440250-0x440b7f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 24
LBA[029670, 0x073e6], BytePos[69783840-69786191, 0x428d120-0x428da4f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 312
LBA[001895, 0x00767], BytePos[4457040-4459391, 0x440250-0x440b7f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 24
as is the Mainerror.txt file
LBA[029669, 0x073e5], Track[01]: This sector is data, but the header doesn't exist
Both full DIC logs are here along with the subdump (-quick)
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6zyarsrm33td … zyWEa?dl=0
Next steps please?
* EDIT * Files removed as requested
110 2016-08-21 00:33:16
Topic: Question about C2 errors (1 replies, posted in General discussion)
Hi guys
never encountered C2 errors until dumping a disc tonight
DIC Encountered 528 c2 errors but then it re-read them and ended with
"C2 errors was fixed at all"
is this dump bad or good?
111 2016-08-16 22:19:34
Re: Missing discs - Saturn (3 replies, posted in General discussion)
Yeah i noticed the lists mostly matched.
Mastered DIC and perfectrip the other day (made sure i had it down by matching a few saturn and Neo Geo CD already in the database)
Should have a good few of the euro missings sorted when I get home this weekend.
Main purpose of checking was to get a handle of the Jap missings as the wiki entry for that region was empty.
112 2016-08-13 00:39:05
Topic: Missing discs - Saturn (3 replies, posted in General discussion)
I have been comparing the Saturn database with that of Satakore.
results attached as a handy XLS which you can filter to find a list of undumped discs (along with serial numbers).
I've already ordered a few of the missing PAL ones, have got a PATA Pleaxtor PX-W4824TA which i think should be fine for dumping them. Can someone just give me the syntax for dumping Saturn games with DIC ? i have a couple here I can compare to the DAT to make sure i'm doing it right until they arrive.