(32 replies, posted in General discussion)


Both had a European release.  Probably skipped the US.




(32 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well I despair with this game.
This copy couldn't be in any better condition (see picture attached) but still fails with sense error around 15% with one Kreon drive (sh-d162c) and around 35% with another (TS-h353 cross flashed)  have tried around 5-6 attempts on each drive so far. Both drives have been fine for dumping other Xbox discs.

Gonna strip an old Xbox down and see if I can get an original Xbox drive attached somehow.


(32 replies, posted in General discussion)

I order loads online through CeX.
The delivery is £2.50 for the whole order so makes sense to order in bulk.


(32 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well this has prompted me to go check my local CeX
£35 later and this one looks ok......
Hopefully third time is a charm.


(32 replies, posted in General discussion)

As Jackal said I had this problem with Jaws Unleashed, Also had two copies,

It appears that these discs were poorly printed. I have polished the data side to a mirror finish
But I suspect rot on the printed side is to blame, one of mine has literally flaked off in my hands the other has see through spots when held up to a light as mentioned above.

I'm looking out for a decent replacement.


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

Open the data track in isobuster - right click the track and select "Sector view"
Copy and paste from there.


Thanks Guys, finally getting there.


Very strange how DiC and my plextor drives don't match that.

Maybe time to order a new Plextor.


I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this one.


I am trying to dump a Euro copy of a Sega Saturn game, Blazing Dragons

I have two physical copies of this disc.

both of them encounter 2 C2 errors at exactly the same places


Both dumps turn out identical CRCs


The C2 error log is identical for both :

LBA[001895, 0x00767], BytePos[4457040-4459391, 0x440250-0x440b7f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 24
LBA[029670, 0x073e6], BytePos[69783840-69786191, 0x428d120-0x428da4f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 312
LBA[001894, 0x00766], C2 error doesn't exist. Next check 2352 byte.
LBA[001895, 0x00767], BytePos[4457040-4459391, 0x440250-0x440b7f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 24
LBA[029669, 0x073e5], C2 error doesn't exist. Next check 2352 byte.
LBA[029670, 0x073e6], BytePos[69783840-69786191, 0x428d120-0x428da4f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 312
LBA[001894, 0x00766], BytePos[4454688-4457039, 0x43f920-0x44024f] Reread data matched. Rewrote from [4454224, 0x43f750] to [4456575, 0x44007f]
LBA[001895, 0x00767], BytePos[4457040-4459391, 0x440250-0x440b7f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 24
LBA[029669, 0x073e5], BytePos[69781488-69783839, 0x428c7f0-0x428d11f] Reread data matched. Rewrote from [69781024, 0x428c620] to [69783375, 0x428cf4f]
LBA[029670, 0x073e6], BytePos[69783840-69786191, 0x428d120-0x428da4f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 312
LBA[001895, 0x00767], BytePos[4457040-4459391, 0x440250-0x440b7f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 24
LBA[029670, 0x073e6], BytePos[69783840-69786191, 0x428d120-0x428da4f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 312
LBA[001895, 0x00767], BytePos[4457040-4459391, 0x440250-0x440b7f] C2 error exists. Error byte num: 24

as is the Mainerror.txt file

LBA[029669, 0x073e5], Track[01]: This sector is data, but the header doesn't exist

Both full DIC logs are here along with the subdump (-quick)

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6zyarsrm33td … zyWEa?dl=0

Next steps please?

* EDIT * Files removed as requested


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hi guys

never encountered C2 errors until dumping a disc tonight
DIC Encountered 528 c2 errors  but then it re-read them and ended with

"C2 errors was fixed at all"

is this dump bad or good?


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yeah i noticed the lists mostly matched.

Mastered DIC and perfectrip the other day (made sure i had it down by matching a few saturn and Neo Geo CD already in the database)

Should have a good few of the euro missings sorted when I get home this weekend.

Main purpose of checking was to get a handle of the Jap missings as the wiki entry for that region was empty.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)


I have been comparing the Saturn database with that of Satakore.
results attached as a handy XLS which you can filter to find a list of undumped discs (along with serial numbers).

I've already ordered a few of the missing PAL ones, have got a PATA Pleaxtor PX-W4824TA which i think should be fine for dumping them. Can someone just give me the syntax for dumping Saturn games with DIC ?  i have a couple here I can compare to the DAT to make sure i'm doing it right until they arrive.

