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I've only noticed one Securom game being dumped. There are probably more that I don't know about but there's no way to "search" for them. Haldrie should be doing some new dumping guides soon and hopefully he covers the currently "known" method of dumping these.
There could also be a few forum threads discussing this very matter. I know there's a SafeDisc thread and wouldn't surprise me if there was a Securom one somewhere.
EDIT: … ted-discs/
Apparently they can be dumped just like any other DVD?
Please remember to follow the PSX CD dumping guide. I believe if you had followed step by step, ISObuster should've dumped a .bin track instead of an .iso file. Even though they are exactly the same, by you saying you dumped it to an .iso file gives me the impression you did not go through the dumping guide.
Please let us know if you have any questions about the procedure. 
Are you playing it on a real console or an emulator? If it's on a real console, try putting the disc in the PC and try to play it in a media player. If you don't get the audio tracks, try burning the .cue again with Imgburn. If you are trying to play them on an emulator, you probably don't have the correct settings. I know that for ePSXe, you need to select the ePSXe SPU Core plugin in order to hear the CDDA tracks. Don't know if there is another plugin that plays them but I do know that Eternal SPU doesn't.
Remember to factor in your drive's offset to determine the write offset of the disc. Use 50 on EAC when dumping that disc tracks though.
12.5*16/4=50 sample offset
So if your drive has a +48 offset, the disc has a +2 write offset value.
Anyone correct me if I'm wrong.. Never dumped audio tracks before since my drives can't read into lead in/out 
GCM is just a renamed ISO, so why not just stick with the standard? Why some people need to create new extensions for the exact same format is beyond me. Just like .bin and .img. They are pretty much the exact same thing anyway so sticking with the standard (.bin and .iso) is ideal from my point of view. But like always, at the end of the day, I truly don't care what naming/extension/tags/etc are used, I just go with the flow.
I sent a very warm congrats on the IRC Channel. Those who weren't there at that time didn't feel my heart warming message, so I'll say it again in a more cold-hearted manner...
8000 dumps! Congrats! 
I bet most of your PC dumps are mode1/2352, if not all. I just checked "Slam Tilt Pinball" as a test and it is indeed a mode1/2352. Good thing Jackal found this now, instead of later when you'd probably have lots more PC dumps. 
I think at least the (Original) tag is ommited until a different version is dumped. Not sure about the (Expert Software) one though since it may seem weird to not have that tag, implying it's the original. Kind of like the many (v1.1) I've seen even when there aren't any (v1.0) dumped yet.
And the SimCity 2000 one, the picture you showed, says "Special Edition" in it and seems like it includes a few extras.
This is the original SimCity 2000 release
You may already know this of course. 
I just wanted to let it be known that "resize" does work on Vista. Maybe it doesn't work on Vista 64 bit though. I have 32 bit Ultimate and it does indeed work on my end. 
If you have Vista 32bit as well, try running the prompt as administrator or disable the whole UAC thingy. Most Vista problems are because of that crappy feature.
iR0b0t wrote:(v1.0) or (v1.1) can be indicated by time stamps
Obviously. But, why is it v1.1 instead of say, v2.0? Or Rev B? It's a "made up" version number, not something visible on the discs themselves. I truly don't mind if it stays the way it is. I'm just trying to give my humble opinion on the matter. In case anyone cares anyway. 
I can only say, if there's no actual indication of a (v1.0) or a (v1.1) in the disc itself, it shouldn't be even used. Instead put the real difference between the two disc. Be it (Greatest Hits) or (GH) or whatever. If 2 discs are the exact same version (Original) and they somehow got different hashes for whatever unknown reason, THEN should the (v1.0), (v1.1) be used or even that hated "(Alt)" tag.
This is if the discs don't have a version somewhere in itself, like PS2 discs.
I think he means why isn't England treated the same as the other European Countries like Spain, France, Germany, etc, etc.. When they have a game that is only available in their language, they are tagged with it's respective country tag.
A game with 3 languages:
Gamename (Europe) (En,Fr,Sp)
If the same game had 3 different versions for each country:
Gamename (Europe) <--- I think he means this should be (England, GB, or UK)
Gamename (France)
Gamename (Spain)
I "think" that's what he meant.
Ouch tossEAC. You don't really have to redo the QuickPars if you don't want to. Of course, they wouldn't match the dumps 100% but at least they will match the hashes which is what's really important. After that you could just rename whatever you needed to recover. 
Of course, it's always good to have everything 100%. But if I were you, I wouldn't make it a priority right now. Maybe leave it for when you have some free time or something.
Nice. I've always liked the No-Intro naming convention. Although I've seen they can't seem to make up their mind on some of the version naming. From Rev A, to Rev 1, to v1.0, back to Rev 1, back to Rev A... My poor HDD cries everytime they change it, lol.
Are the serials being totally removed though? Some people don't want the serials gone, like, for PSX since they are so used to it. And will PSP naming be identical now? They (no-intro) seem to have stopped updating the PSP dats. Maybe because of the so often rumored merge? 
That looks really really good. I can't wait to collect your scans. 
I can point at least 1 benefit in having tracks separated. Patches. 
EDIT: Plus, no need to redump/rerip if you want to create "special" compilations. 
try enabling an option called "Patch GDRom Region".
Welcome and I wish you luck on your private tracker matters. I bet it's not easy building one from the ground up.
Also, may I recommend you start doing all the verifications first, just so you get the feeling of properly dumping a disc. You'll get the hang of it in no time.
I think this could be some sort of incompatibility with your modchip. I read in another forum about a poster with a different SFA3 image and a modded ps1 having a similar problem.
"When I put the CD in my PSone it gets past the Sony Entertainment white screen and then goes to the black Playstation screen but some letters are missing then just goes to a black screen."
As I said before, this image has 2 data tracks which is extremely rare in PSX games. Maybe it has something to do with that. Maybe the modchip is not programmed/capable of booting this weird game up. Of course, Im just speculating. Try using a swap trick.
If you have the (U) image, then it could have something to do with the fact that it has 2 data tracks. It's one of those rare PSX games with 2 data tracks so maybe there is something going wrong somewhere.
I also think it could be a disc incompatibility problem. Try using a different brand CD, or use the same brand but burn a different image. Maybe you can pinpoint the problem better.
And not to sound rude or anything but, next time try asking these questions in whatever site you got the image. This site is mostly dedicated to database related stuff. Not disc burning, playing stuff. They usually have a comments section where you can voice your problems.
My guess is write everything that you find, as it may be added later into the database. I don't think it matters much how you write them, as long as you separate them.. The way I added mine was
"IFPI L332/PDSS-XXXXXXXXXXX/1/A04" as an example. If you find any more stuff written, just keep writing it, but make sure you separate them. Better to have everything now, even if it's useless, than having to go back and get the stuff later down the road.
Alternative Title would be the Japanese Title for Japanese games. You can see some examples of this in the database already. Those have a 2nd title under them.
Ring, is whatever info is written on the inside of the disc. If you look at them upside down, you'll see that around the inner part of the disc, you'll see some letters and numbers.
edk2 is exactly that. The hashes reported on emule/edonkey.
DOL MD5 I believe is for Gamecube games (probably Wii?). Don't quote me on that though. 
I get a Database Error when trying to register 
Was looking some place to add/contribute my recent scans of the covers/label/manuals of a few PS2 games I dumped recently.
During my very interesting journey of converting p2p to redump, I've come upon some audio tracks with data in the pregap. Usually the first couple of bytes in a sector that I see so much on the data tracks. I thought they were fine since they matched, so I never said anything. Also, I've come upon some audio tracks with the Riff header in them (which AFAIK means wave format), but they also matched the database so I didn't say anything. I forgot which dumps were those though.. 
If its not normal, let me know so I could make a note of it from now on.
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