The guide is VERY old, way before DIC was available.

You can follow the guide up to number 12, unless otherwise mentioned by F1ReB4LL.

After this, you can use DIC for everything, I guess F1ReB4LL recommends subdump for the subs though wink

DIC calculates the offset for you, that value can be found in %1_disc.txt (where %1 is what you named the dump). (around line 175)

DIC automatically creates CloneCD-style dumps, aswell (with ccd, img and sub). So no need to use the original program.

For a Plextor the usual command would be:

DiscImageCreator.exe cd D: imagename 0 /c2

Where D: is the drive you want to dump from and imagename is what name you want to give to the image.

Except applications, of course.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

It should work without problems.


(41 replies, posted in General discussion)

Regarding CDMage and errors:

From the ECMA-130 standard:

14.3 EDC field
The EDC field shall consist of 4 bytes recorded in positions 2 064 to 2 067. The error detection code shall be a 32-bit CRC applied on bytes 0 to 2 063. The least significant bit of a data byte is used first. The EDC codeword must be divisible by the check polynomial:
P(x) = (x^16 + x^15 + x^2 + 1) . (x^16 + x^2 + x + 1)
The least significant parity bit (x0) is stored in the most significant bit position of byte 2 067.

14.4 Intermediate field
The Intermediate field shall consist of 8 (00)-bytes recorded in positions 2 068 to 2 075.

14.5 P-Parity field
The P-parity field shall consist of 172 bytes in positions 2 076 to 2 247 computed on bytes 12 to 2 075 as specified in annex A.

14.6 Q-Parity field
The Q-parity field shall consist of 104 bytes in positions 2 248 to 2 351 computed on bytes 12 to 2 247 as specified in annex A.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Crash is fixed. Thank you. smile


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

It is this disc:
Dumps fine with last full release from october. Some beta before the latest (it was from december I think) had an infinite hang but no crash yet (also after the lead-out: OK message).

Attached are all files that were created by DIC.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

The latest beta does crash for me (Win 8.1 64bit and PX-708A) with the following command:

DiscImageCreator.exe cd D filename 4 /c2

Output goes until "Reading lead-out: OK" then it hangs a little and then crashes.

Also: Would it be possible to create betas for x86 and x64?


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

Regarding SLPM-80232
There are a few sites that list it as that. SonyIndex has it wrong and that was the main source for all the serials/names.
Actually it is just the demo of SLPS-01359 or SLPM-86443

"it is a mix between BCD and a special non repeating >9 hex encoding"
"b0 = a, b1 = b, b2 = c, b3 = d, b4 = e, b5 = f, b6 = g, b7 = h, b8 = i, b9 = j, c0 = k, c1 = l, c2 = m, c3 = n, c4 = o, c5 = p, c6 = q, c7 = r, c8 = s, c9 = t, d0 = u, d1 = v, d2 = w, d3 = x, d4 = y, d5 = z, d6 = -"

the final solution was:
"<V> but other than that, it's clear that it's just a machine readable version of the ringcode"


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

One other thought on this issue: maybe the Plextor reads the ATIP of the burned disc and limits the sector range to that. If you have 90min or 99min CDR you could try one of those, maybe they allow reading further.

Or burn a disc with GigaRec activated?

Another idea: PlexTools allows to disable detection of recordable media, maybe activating this option could circumvent this limit?


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

The audio trapdisc only has 360000 sectors. That's the reason why it aborts there. (At least the one you apparently used.)
The redump wiki has another kind of trapdisc:

Try this one instead.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

I doubt the pregap is of zero size. smile


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

I thought you have a plextor drive now, Rocket? smile


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

EAC has a bug when there is 1 data track and 1 audio track.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Just program a new tool that can test if a drive supports 0xD8 FUA, if cachex is unreliable tongue


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

My PX-708A does not support speedread either, but my PX-716A does.


(4 replies, posted in News)

Better store covers with the actual dumps? big_smile


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

You need to install "Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013" to get it working again. smile


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

A few things I noticed using the latest version:

- Sometimes when starting DIC and the drive is not spinning already I get an error message:

[F:ReadTOCFull][L:274] SCSI bus status codes:02-CHECK_CONDITION

- When dumping to a subfolder, DIC crashes when that subfolder does not exist, instead of creating it or exiting properly if that is not possible. Happens also when using absolute paths.

- When dumping to a subfolder, DIC does not create the .dat file correctly. The file is created, but hashing does not occur. DIC just end without hashing. When dumping to the current folder or an absolute path, hashing works ok.

I use an ultrafire flashlight with a 850nm IR filter. Works great to read the rings.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

From (But most of you should know how it works already tongue)

In a CD system, there are two stages or levels of error correction codec. Each stage of the codec can correct two bad symbols in a block. The first number in an "E" error always references the number of errors and the second number always references the codec level. For example, the error type E11 means one bad symbol was corrected in the first stage (C1) or level 1; E21 means two bad symbols were corrected in the C1 stage; E31 means that there were three or more bad symbols at the C1 stage. This block is uncorrectable at the C1 stage, and is passed to the C2 stage. E12 means one bad symbol was corrected in the C2 stage and E22 means two bad symbols were corrected in the C2 stage. E32 means that there were three or more bad symbols in one block at the C2 stage, and therefore this error is not correctable.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

The PX-116A2 is a rebadged PIONEER-121 according to "the internet".


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

Too bad it is java smile


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

It misses gaps sometimes in PR, but that is the only issue I had so far tongue


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

If you can, buy one. smile