MacGruber, you are completely RIGHT!
I don't understand what's the meaning of this discussion and it's not the first time. I know also that admin, Fireball, has some weird thoughts.
Titles can be written in any way on covers, any language doesn't use capitalization, even English, unless for names of people, countries, istitutions and so on.
What we use it's simply a convention (not only no-intro, but this convention was used by anyone) and has nothing to do with grammatic rules: everything must be capitalized unless "articles", some "conjunctions" and some "prepositions" ***
File generator contains only ASCII chars and it should be like this becouse of CONVENTION and because it could be a mess for people and/or programs that cannot handle other charsets. Titles with particoular chars can be set as "Alternative titles"
EDIT: *** I edit and add "some" because I don't know how all those were considered in English but Latin Languages don't make any difference.