(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yes Specialt1212, the command is the same. By the way as themabus said you may have some data cut off.
As you have a plextor simply dump it with PerfectRip.

Velocity, Isobuster extracts audio data in unscrambled mode or in wav format, you will get a bad track with your method.


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

MSF has nothing to do with track02 pregap.

Probably your audio track has no pregap (it's 352800 shorter) you have to create a dummy (0x00) 2 sec file and merge it with your track: check "FIXING ANOMALIES" chapter in SS dumping faq you'll find a package to fix it in 2 secs.


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

user7 wrote:


A miss/have list split by region could be implemented in 2 seconds, but it has to be done by Dremora.

Indeed I think a wishlist will be never implemented because this is not a warez website: a wishlist could be considered as rom begging (and to be honest is the same thing). By the way nobody will ever complain if a wishlist will be implemented "elsewhere".

xrusher wrote:

Has anyone already checked CIOS rev19? I don't want to go back to 13 and also don't have any game in database to redump... I've dumped a game and everything looks fine...but I don't know if it's a good dump or not...

If the right dump is already in DB you can compare. If your dump matches, rev19 might be safe but it's better to check also if you got no "error reading sector data" (dump will work fine as backup, but it's bad).


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Try some well known audio CD, it should be in DB for sure.

About updating EAC, I don't know if the canged anything or if they add new features as I haven't updated it yet.

You can use safely my guide about SS/SCD, if you find strange gaps or similar oddities fell free to ask

About PCE, I have ~20 cds to dum too but I'm waiting.
You can dump first all SCD and SS I see in the 2nd pic  tongue

You can dump like Saturn and Sega CD, but then you have to check gaps with subcode analisys just to fix.
There's a better way to dump them with a trap disc but someone has to make a better faq about it.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

FILE "Track01.bin" BINARY
  TRACK 01 MODE?/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "Track02.bin" BINARY
    INDEX 00 00:00:00
    INDEX 01 00:01:74
FILE "Track03.bin" BINARY
    INDEX 00 00:00:00
    INDEX 01 00:02:00

Checked, yes right 1.74

EDIT: yes, sector 5031 is EAN


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

velocity37 wrote:

I wonder if Brasso will work as a replacement solution for the aluminum oxide paste that comes with the Memorex OptiFix. It's just a little machine with motorized scrubbers that spin in a radial motion. Theoretically, that could turn all the hard work into pressing a button.

This is the same machine tool I talked about here, so US reseller is Memorex (that one in your link is the old model, the one I have. Now the manufacturer produced a new model with new design and probably a bit more professional: the one named in my link).

EDIT: it seems exactly the same tool (even same box shape), but I cannot confirm at 100% (Italian - Euro? - one - old model - is this, use yahoo to translate if interested).
Beware to use it correctly: it's very good for repairing but I suggest not to use it to clean no-scratched cds.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Anyone has already tested http://sourceforge.net/projects/t7z/files/?

bsbt wrote:

To quote the naming convention:

2.1.7 Trademark Reminders
Trademark reminders such as “Disney’s” are not included in the title usually. They are only included if they are relevant or part of the title (ex. “Disney Sports”).
Also generally original artists or authors are not removed from titles (ex. “Mary Shelley’s Dracula, “Archer McLean’s Dropzone).

Thanks to report it, exactly what I said above.

EDIT: or at least what I tried to say

I think it's better to remove Disney, Disney/Pixar prefixes where they are not needed or they are not in the main title (ex: "Disney Sports: Soccer" ---> here is needed). IMO all other prefixes like "XYZ presents" have to be removed if they are not needed (ex: http://redump.org/discs/quicksearch/roa … presents/)

EA Sports NBA Live 2004? (and all of their franchises to go with it)

EA is a game producer and EA is part of the title (ex: "Fifa Soccer" has no EA in title but it's produced by EA)

This is something common. By the way this thread has a lot of messages deleted that could have helped you (expecially alternative dump method with cdtools that in my opinion is better and speeder).

1) Sometimes you need to try more than once the process (insert - starstop - eject).

2) Try this way. Begin it at 70000 (for example, if it fails go back to 80000 and so on), if it starts stop it and try at 65000, again if it starts stop and try to 60000 until it starts at 44990.

3) If method 1/2 failed, simply try to dump it in multi parts: if it starts at 70000 dump it until end, then dump from 44990 to 69999 (it could be you need to dump it in more multi parts). At the end "copy /b" the parts according to sector sequence to get a full dump.

marzsyndrome wrote:

The problem with EAC is that when creating a cuesheet based on "Current Gap Settings" it lists the tracks as if they were seperate WAV files, rather than referencing start points and pregaps within a BIN file.

You don't have to save as "Current Gap Settings", there's another option. Sorry I don't remember how it's named, I have to check.
You don't even have to redump anything.

F1ReB4LL wrote:

Also, EAC is horrible at detecting the correct pregaps and, especially, postgaps.

Here there's no problem about EAC detecting bugs because everything is loaded from a .cue file so it takes whats on the .cue loeded on virtual drive. By the way I could be wrong.

Mount image (.cue) on a virtual drive (daemon tools) and then simply create a cue with correct sttings via EAC appending gaps to previous track as in the dump guide. Then you have only to edit it for obvious corrections (image name, etc.).

Devcon, titles you reported are wrong. They must be fixed.
Spanish and French should be fixed this way, I don't know about German ones:

Manager de Liga
Monde des Bleus, Le: Le Jeu Officiel de l'Equipe de France (Alt name: Monde des Bleus, Le: Le Jeu Officiel de l'Équipe de France)
Tombi 2: Contra los Cerdiablos
Versalles: Complot en la Corte del Rey Sol

F1ReB4LL, I understood it was copyrighted as any game title is copyrighted. I don't understand why you follow Mame which don't have a DB <---> rom real association but only a GUI where they put names (sometimes wrongly), instead of console releases where the name is always different.
We can put "beatmania" as Alt title, same for every IMO wrong title like this one http://redump.org/disc/6891/

For example, beatmania is a trademark, it can't be written in any other form and definetely not as "Beat Mania", like now.

Obviously copyrighted stuff should be left as they are (LEGO, NiGHTS, etc.), but your example is quite wrong and out of contest because the guide talk about capitalization and not minimation, so at least it should be BeatMania (and most of times on cover it's written "beat mania", so now what we are going to do?). Well, however if I remember well you want also Japanese titles in kanji, very usefull and rational tongue

Devcon, I have already said it above: NO-INTRO RULES ARE THE SAME FOR ALL LANGUAGES, even in English those capitalized titles should look weird but this is the rule.

MacGruber, you are completely RIGHT!

I don't understand what's the meaning of this discussion and it's not the first time. I know also that admin, Fireball, has some weird thoughts.

Titles can be written in any way on covers, any language doesn't use capitalization, even English, unless for names of people, countries, istitutions and so on.
What we use it's simply a convention (not only no-intro, but this convention was used by anyone) and has nothing to do with grammatic rules: everything must be capitalized unless "articles", some "conjunctions" and some "prepositions" ***

File generator contains only ASCII chars and it should be like this becouse of CONVENTION and because it could be a mess for people and/or programs that cannot handle other charsets. Titles with particoular chars can be set as "Alternative titles"

EDIT: *** I edit and add "some" because I don't know how all those were considered in English but Latin Languages don't make any difference.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

amarok wrote:

Such a change could also benefit the numerous PS2 games where Australia is considered a part of Europe smile

Normally this situation is simply a PAL release so it's flagged as Europe; adding Australia is redundant as there's anything different from any same PAL (Europe) release. Instead the example I made have a lot of difference and are the only multiregions which have to be set someway.

I suggested multiple regions as Sotho Tal Ker and as in no-intro convention.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

I think that something has to be changed in DB for 360 discs as some games are (Japan, USA) or (Europe, USA) and they cannot be set as (World) or else because it's simply wrong. Same could be for some xbox1 titles.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

There was a guide about xbox360 but it was deleted because incomplete, I hope someone will reup it as soon as possible.


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

ssjkakaroto wrote:

He didn't say he got any error in Superdump, also the bad sector are at the beginning of the disc, not the end, which looks like a completely new error.
He needs to provide a more detailed report of what exactly he is doing and if he has a modchip.

This is the only issue I will reply in this thread.
I don't waste other time repeating the same words till the end of time.


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Where the hell did you come up with this?

In the same forums (gbatemp, wiihacks, etc.) and discussions where I saw you wrote too. People had problems also with other application, not only superdump, downgrading cIOS without unistalling old version and solved those problems this way. It's not the same thing, by the way I cannot assert it's not cIOS unless prooved so to avoid this point I recommended to uninstall/install...

Let's say it's the same thing, so what's all those other words over about? Did you understand that this discussion (not Rimmer's problem) is void?


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Sorry ssjkakaroto, what are you talking about??? I suppose you haven't read the guide.

I think this discussion is completely void, by the way...
When I talk about 99% error I mean when you get "error reading sector data" and not a 99% good dump that you can get also with rev 13b (probably because of a screen refresh bug or something).
And who ever said you must not update again cIOS after you have finished dumping? If you need you can do it, but this has nothing to do with dumping discs.
In the guide I simply say that it's better to unistall cIOS (rev 14/15) and install cIOS rev 13b and you even have to exit HBC to do that if I remember well. The guide it's here since a month and I don't read any word about other IOS but cIOS, do you? Even kikzek haven't told me anything as you can read.

Rimmer, have you solved the problem?