iR0b0t wrote:

If you touch/click the file after setting it to 01/01/1980 it will become the actual (current) date again

You have to modify or copy the file to change in order last modify and creation date.

cHrI8l3 wrote:

Metroid Prime
>> WinRar v3.80 (size 1234752507, crc a276e387)
and .. it needs 1 block

As I suspected, so probably it could be done. Need more results from other users, then we can try using the same winrar version.

I suggested in the other post the combined use of winrar+par for archiving and sharing gamecube discs.

Here is a try: you need packps2, winrar (I used v3.71) and quickpar.

Games tested are 3 wide avaible:

Legend of Zelda, The - The Wind Waker (U) ---> size: 1163204188 crc32: 96D006C2
Metroid Prime (U) (v1.00) ---> size: 1234752507 crc32: 977C94A3
Star Fox Adventures (U) ---> size: 1181050994 crc32: E6EB4228

Do as follow:

1) Rename disc as in DB (uncompressed and make a backup)

2) Rename disc to .iso and start compressing it with packps2 until a .7z file is created in the same directory.

3) Now close prompt with "x" and you'll see .7z will be deleted, but you iso date has been set to 01/01/1980

4) Rename the disc to .gcm

5) Compress disc with winrar standard setting (simply righr click on file and winrar ---> add to "file_name.rar")

6) Repeat point 1-5 if you want to test it on all 3 discs.

7) Once compressed check with these pars how many blocks you need and report it here.

Havikoro, sorry for delay.

I don't really know the need of dolmd5, as I said my point about exe date.

Months ago I've asked for a box about "streaming" or not (and maybe streaming lenght), that are the only data needed for preservation (like similar in PSX).
Header gives no particoular hint about this, also becuase it's not clear if straming on is 0x00 or 0x01.

Finally, in my opinion unusfull data has not to be preserved unless you want to make a full DB including everything about a game disc.

bototin wrote:

i follow all the guide and instructions of what driver should i install for aspi layer???

these ones


(43 replies, posted in General discussion)

themabus wrote:

3) Now he shares the pars with other testers to see how many blocks are needed.

about equal to archive size, i guess, which would be huge

I will go back on this later.
I suggested this for stuff like Gamecube that have no better compression with 7z.
If images will be setted to same date and compressed with same version of winrar and same settings you'll have the same of packps2, or not?

Bototin, are you using a SATA drive or a SATA drive with an IDE convertor (ok GSA-H42L is IDE if info I found around are right) or a IDE/SATA connected to a PCI controller (maybe with bad chip)? Have you checked what kind of aspi layer driver you have installed? Have you tried to update the drive to the latest firmware?

If you have follow the guide, set EAC correctly and detect gaps the right way... and after this EAC freezes (infinite?), probably you have a problem with the IDE/SATA channel and/or drivers.

marzsyndrome wrote:

Sounds good indeed.  Although it would be fun still to generally have a tool which allowed you to resize a file in both directions (add, take away).  ReMove sounds like it can only do the latter, as much as it can help in terms of redump's guide.

ReMove can resize in any direction, simply use the subcommand "-direction=".

Example, you want to cut the first 150 sectors of track01.bin:

remove -direction=left -size=150sec temp.bin track01.bin

With a bit of immagination you can recover quickly anything you can handle with resize, moreover you can handle also bigger files.


(43 replies, posted in General discussion)


If someone makes a little tool that set date like packiso and we choose a winrar version that people must use to archive (you don't have to share it, and telling people "use v4.00" is not illegal) probably every archive will have only a few kbytes or less to be fixed.


(43 replies, posted in General discussion)

Weeks ago I have suggested to combine winrar+quickpar, here I explain better:

1) One main uploader compress everything with winrar the same way you'd make with torrentzip. I mean one archive for every game.

2) Then he makes simple pars for all archives (only .par2) with quickpar.

3) Now he shares the pars with other testers to see how many blocks are needed. As par will search blocks, even if set in random mode, only some blocks for every archive should have to be fixed/parred.

4) Once you'll have the diff blocks you can share them and have equal rar archives on every pc.

5) This has to be done only once, unless when a game name will be changed.

Obviously everything I said has to be tested. I hope I have explained it well.

About track01-02 (call it low density): you have to move pregap on beginning of track02, so yes those 150 empty sectors are pregap of track02, but you have to cut it from end of track01 and add the same size 0x00 at beginning of track02.

About high density (track03 or more): first you have to be sure that there's only one track (I don't know if Naomi gdroms are only made of 3 tracks as DC ones can be also of more tracks in high density), then high density is always the same size in the sector range 45000-549150.

By the way if you don't have the original to have a correct dump you cannot have nothing useful for Redump project.

gorelord4e wrote:

Has someone tried to remove the garbage data from a gamecube image and then reinsert it, is the checksums the same?

As far as I know if you save the diff file with shrinker it returns the same crc once you recover it (on bitgamer some guys tested it and it works).

gorelord4e wrote:

If it works, can´t someone here on make a little program that do that and then compressed the game using 7z similar what PackIso/PackPS2 does for CD/DVD images..

You won't get any advantage, because splitted parts (shrinked image and garbage) will return the same size of full image. 7zip gives quite the same size of zip for those discs.
Best way to compress GC/Wii games is rar but it's not useful for sharing unless one makes archives and some pars to make the others match.

Akuma, I don't want to cut off your work, but this is the well known method to convert CHD to make them playable on NullDC.
Moreover it's nothing I think Redump care about as the images you can obtain are like DC dumps by dumpcast (no write offset correction, missing pregap for some data tracks).

Instead it will be a great and good thing that some owners of Naomi gdroms will dump them the same way we dump DC gdroms.

iR0b0t wrote:

Seems, you've right! neutral

That's also the reason why I had sometimes different data in EAC and PR, but I also used always PR results, because they had same data as the original disc !

You have also to check if that is real data of garbage (example the string that was found in some SS/MCD discs).

iR0b0t wrote:

EAC don't pad anything, just try to set the offset wrong and you will have some data from previews track in the pregap

First audio track is always padded, EAC cannot read data.

iR0b0t wrote:

look at "South Park Rally" … sles02690/

This is something most than common for all other systems, I talk about first audio track (only PR reports data if there's something or if you simply dump with wrong offset, EAC pad everything with 0x00) and expecially about discs with only one audio track the ones you normally pad.

EDIT: DJoneK, the same, what you found is normal.

There's some PSX disc dumped with data in first audio track pregap?

If you have to dump a real disc, do as follow:

1) padding single data track with 0x00, on command promp:

psxt001z ---gen pregap.bin "file_size"

where "file_size"=bytes needed (352800, 529200, etc.), then

copy /b pregap.bin+track02.bin new_track02.bin

2) 2 consecutive data tracks, you have to calculate real pregap first, then use "remove":

remove -size="bytes_to_move" track01.bin track02.bin

where "bytes_to_move"=bytes of pregap (352800, 529200, etc.).

Instead if you have to fix an image, simply take a look at the following thread where there's everything: … -tutorial/ … -tutorial/

PAccO wrote:

when i download a game from ps1 section, the image is like 1 mb or so
how do i do it to the original size, 600 mb ?
i hope u know what i mean

Simple, you have to find image somewhere else. You only downloaded a patch to fix a bad image.

PAccO wrote:

how do i redump to original size ? plz help me

Please explain better what you want to do, what do you want to redump to original size?


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

amarok wrote:

Would CloneCD subs be appropriate? Or should I use another tool?

Yes, they are ok, but configure CCD as said here

When we discussed about IFPI in past months, I said quite similar things of yours, Themabus. I suggested to add another field for IFPI.
"Ring code" + "IFPI code" =  "cd matrix"

It seems to me, anyway and again, that IFPI code as to do with mastering and not with sega catalogue.

F1ReB4LL wrote:
Rocknroms wrote:

About IFPI, this is not part of ring code. Along with laser-burned digits you mentioned is part of barcode of IFPI that has nothing to do with Sega and/or Saturn

I've checked all my CDs, seems that there is a relationship between an IFPI code after V and an offset value:

L231: +78, +666, +672, +1254, +1260

L236: +1764

L237: +390, +678, +684, +1860, +1926

Check your CDs, please. Seems, these codes are needed, afterall...

I'll check everything *** as soon as I have time to check.

*** I have to post all the other subs, as I said I installed clonecd so I'll try to make subs with it for your wip too.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

F1ReB4LL wrote:

CloneCD shows correct gaps in most cases, if you're still interested.

CloneCD subs Fever sent me in PM have no gaps at all (on all tracks), probably wrong setting (which is the one to use, I installed it at last and I think you have to choose audio cd, right?).

Fever, as I said, try it with Alcohol too.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

fever wrote:

I have ripped data tracks with isobuster (i followed the guide). I'll try with clonecd and report.

Yes, but the gaps you reported are taken from EAC. Your data track have no data missed, but you'll have to move some seconds of data from track to track.


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

If you dump with EAC discs with 2 data tracks you'll get wrong pregap (or zero pregap as you get).
If you cannot use Perfect Rip (you need to have a real plextor) you have to take right pregap from the subcode. Simply make a copy of the disc with clonecd and save the sub file, post it and it will be analyzed.

EDIT: For SS/MCD dumping the official guide is not the best faq becuase sega stuff is a bit hard to dump properly. If you need help I'll be glad to give it to you.