
(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

https://www.sendspace.com/file/ohqn8i -- same story with the older version (autumn 2014), misdetected TOC vs. sub desync.

Well, I believe jap PS1 titles should be hyphenless in general, PAL and NTSC ones seem to be with hyphens. Dunno about other systems (except PCE, where there's no logic for hyphens and spaces at all). Maybe would be a good idea to ask ir0b0t to remove all the hyphens for ps1 jap and to manually fix all the exclusions, if any.

Another similar issue is barcodes.. Is there any real point in including spaces or > ?

There is, someone was even trying to explain me all those spaces, Ts and >s belong to the certain standard, different types of barcodes fall into different standards (something like different ringcode types help to identify different mastering companies). Anyway, better to keep them as is, since it's way easier to retype these properly, compared to the rings.

Egen wrote:

This entry says "IFPI 45U1" for the mould SID code and it's just a flagrant lie because that literally is not written on the disc, it's only "45U1". It's not even arguably correct that we add "IFPI" there, it is simply and factually incorrect and there's no argument for it. And then we don't even add NULL data for fields that should contain it, we just omit it and make it look like the submitter himself omitted it as well. Then how do we know that the submitter didn't just miss it? Well, we don't.

It was done to prevent the multiple listings of the same ifpi printed with different fonts/cases, I remember a case in the very beginning, when the same IFPI was in uppercase and in lowercase for 2 copies of the same CD or something like that. What can I say to this - gentlemen, we need scans smile Since there are lots of logos and other stuff as well (like barcodes), that are barely reproducible in the simple text form. And when you have a little scan attached next to each ringcode, the text representation in db would be needed only for the searching purposes. Same for the barcodes. Another bright idea for the rings themselves (not the moulds) is to make a special font for each ring type, so the letters and logos (which can be a part of some font as well, similar to Wingdings) would look exactly like the real ring text.

As for NULL, it is used sometimes, when you need to list different mould IFPIs for the same ring.

iR0b0t wrote:

defor, I don't even understand your whole points but this one if that means that there are no notes about actual regions being dumped. On the other hand, regions can be deduced from bar codes and or serial numbers in case of console games.

Well, it's ok if you change those radiobuttons to checkboxes, so each release could be checked for the db. But it's pointless to list all the countries in the filename (which is limited to 255 symbols, including the path), otherwise, it would be a mess in the PC section, where 1 game can be released in dozens of countries. Generally, Asia = Japan, even if the same disc was released with different serials and barcodes for different Asian countries - the internal serial is still Japanese. If the discs themselves were different - of course, these would be (Japan) for one and (Asia) for another.

defor wrote:

the hyphen is part of the catalog code- you can even look up in sony's online catalogs and the hyphens are present.
It simply denotes the separation of the licensing group from the entry number, it's not correct to remove it if it's not on a pressing. that like saying that someone forgot the hyphens on their phone number once so clearly that the hyphens aren't right.

Ask ir0b0t to make some easy "replace spaces with hyphens in psx serials" script tied to your nick and be happy.

defor wrote:

That is PRECISELY my point.
The comment in my forum post that is linked at the beginning of the dialog is:

I'm pretty sure that the version that in in the database above should be considered ASIA country code as it's CLEARLY entered with an asian box serial code.

Well, I believe the db should have a standalone flag indicating the release for the particular region was dumped, but it shouldn't affect naming, "(Japan, Asia)" is incorrect, sorry.

defor wrote:

Please remove this disc from the database, as I all i get are constant request to not hoard it, even though it has no place a database of production discs- I should never have submitted it.

I don't think we accept "remove the entry" requests, especially, if the dump itself is correct, just hoarded.

defor wrote:

After hearing this, and realizing how much for years it's been drilled into dumpers that "accuracy is important, validate EVERYTHING, we want an ACCURATE database with proper information about all releases", I had a bit of a meltdown.

Adding a non-existant hyphen is "accurate" for you? And you were so disappointed in removing the hyphens you've decided to leave? Sounds funny smile

"Asia" is for Hong-Kong, etc. releases, remember those PAL-60 Sega MD consoles for Asian non-Japanese market? These are "Asia". As for the games, you should probably check the barcode, not the serial (and who said ULJM means Asia? UCAS is for Asia, iirc).


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

I guess, since there are "/comments/only", "/contents/only" and, possibly, other "onlies", there's no reason to limit the default search.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

iR0b0t wrote:

Somebody was hot happy about it the other way, so i just reverted the search engine to the old format.
And now somebody else complains again big_smile

All kind of titles and serials should have their own fields for exactly that reason.
What do you suggest now F1ReB4LL ?

Let that "somebody" use your special keys/parameters and make the default search like it was a month ago. Default search should be as complete as possible and if someone doesn't like to see certain results there - make a personal workaround for him.

"I have limited the default quicksearch engine to look for: title + foreign title + serial" -- make a "/tfs/" parameter for him, in addition to those "/only/" ones.

Theoretically, there should be some kind of "advanced search" page with lots of checkboxes, so you could choose, where to search and where not to search.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

iR0b0t wrote:

I have limited the default quicksearch engine to look for: title + foreign title + serial

Very bad idea. Alt. titles & serials are in the "Comments" section, search results are incomplete in many cases.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

A little offtopic, but Jackal recently had problems with a disc with twin-sectors protection and DIC, it wasn't able to read them (twin-sectors) properly.

Front cover also says Tokyo Majin Gakuen Denki Hito no Fumi: Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuuchou Emaki.

http://ks23364.kimsufi.com/psxdata/data … F-ALL.html

scsi_wuzzy wrote:

When we refer to a drive's ability to over-read into lead-in, are we actually talking about pregap? For example, the DAE Features site refers to drives which can over-read into Lead-In, Lead-Out, or Both. Can any drives actually return all the raw, scrambled sectors from the lead-in and lead-out, or are we always talking about gaps?

Always about gaps, since the drives without that capability can't read anything before sector 0.

scsi_wuzzy wrote:

Edit: So it looks like Truman's Cdtool can read all the way back to sector #1 on the PX716AL, so I guess the limitation in reading lead-in is just present when using the 0xD8 read command?

There are 2 limitations: audio cds are capped at -75, data cds at around -142...-143. When you use 0xd8, audio cd limitations are used.

For Plextors (PX-708 to PX-760, at least) there is a possibility to read the whole TOC and full first pregap area: you should open cdtool, disable c2 errors reporting and dump either -5000 to 0 range or $FF000000 to 0 range. You should get the TOC dumped multiple times and the first pregap somewhere inside the dump, sometimes there are even data sectors from 0+ range (yes, somewhat random, but you should be able to find all the needed TOC and pregap sectors there).

scsi_wuzzy wrote:

And we can read subchannel data from the lead-in, too, which means we can actually just dump raw TOC data from the subchannel, right? Is there some advantage that cuesheets have over raw TOC data dumps from the lead-in subchannel data?

Well, there was a standalone branch of Redump.org called "Rawdump.net", which tried to include first pregaps and TOC dumps, but it's dead now. The only real advantage is that the dump is more "complete", if TOC area is there and, theoretically, you can use a 2448/sector data+sub dump with TOC area as a single rom file, with no cue or metadata needed.

I'd say that it's way more problematic to dump the lead-out area, since different drives stop dumping at different addresses and it's hard to determine the very last lead-out sector for the dump. Saturn and Dreamcast are even more problematic due to those rings, which are also dumpable, but different drives are able to dump different amount of sectors.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Using the most recent version, Test(20150329):

<ack2121> only did 2 passes on the rereads before it declared it was done, said "C2 error was fixed at all"

https://www.sendspace.com/file/e9ecfr -- also claims everything is fixed? but the track is full of missing samples and audio cracks when you listen it.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

http://redump.org/disc/33940/ -- http://www.mediafire.com/download/q943c … C_logs.rar
Errorlog says everything is fixed? Or do I misunderstand something?

Heihachi_73 wrote:

I'm sure applications and OS discs will eventually be added, just like non-arcade games were added to MAME (e.g. slot machines).

Db should be modified to handle them properly, that's the only issue.

Sotho Tal Ker wrote:

Except applications, of course.

Professor Oak says: "There's a time and place for everything! But not now."

Everything is worth being in the database smile


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:

Your disc is needed by subdump.exe ripping. Please report to F1ReB4LL.

Yeah, 02:01 confirmed. My disc is a bit scratched - https://www.sendspace.com/file/1nfovg - either the gap misdetected due to that or simply overlooked something. Cue was locked on Jan 09 2012, 02:19, that's before the DIC and only a few weeks after the trurip's leak, most likely used PerfectRip or manual splitting&descrambling.

Wrong gap detection mode, try others.

scsi_wuzzy wrote:

Has anyone dumped any of this machine's discs before, or will my hashes for "Sail with Columbus" be the first?

TOSEC/TruRip guys dumped most of these, single-track titles & no protection, AFAIK.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Bug with http://redump.org/disc/34115/ -- https://www.sendspace.com/file/ofhrnr -- Track 22's pregap incorrectly detected (latest test version of DIC).
Bug with http://redump.org/disc/7090/ -- https://www.sendspace.com/file/yju8rp -- Track 31's pregap incorrectly detected (latest test version of DIC).


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:
F1ReB4LL wrote:

Maybe it's better to detect any padding, not only 0xff? If 10 or 11 bytes out of 12 for 1 subchannel are the same = padding. Like, channel T: 08 08 08 08 09 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 => 10 bytes are 08 and 2 bytes are 09 => padded with 0x08.

I haven't supposed these data at the moment. If possible, please give me all subfiles that you perceive these data "padding".

Well, it was just an example of the possibility. Haven't seen anything except R-W padded with 0xFF and T padded with 0xFF.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:

Could you tell me these many discs? Because I don't have a channel T filled disc.

I've said "There are many discs, where the whole R-W area is padded with 0xFF" -- many PC games are like that, Nexy and Jackal should know more about them. MrX_Cuci and pablo also reported about these before - http://forum.redump.org/post/47284/#p47284

It seems that "MASTERED BY MAYKING" ones have the channel T filled.

sarami wrote:

- added: If any of R-W area is padded with 0xff, detect it.

Maybe it's better to detect any padding, not only 0xff? If 10 or 11 bytes out of 12 for 1 subchannel are the same = padding. Like, channel T: 08 08 08 08 09 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 => 10 bytes are 08 and 2 bytes are 09 => padded with 0x08. Subdump works this way, btw (if more than 7 bytes out of 12 are the same, it tries to reread the rest).


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

https://www.sendspace.com/file/763hcq -- incorrectly detected CD+G for http://redump.org/disc/34033/ (channel T is filled with 0xFF). There are many discs, where the whole R-W area is padded with 0xFF, will DIC also detect them as CD+G?


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

mock wrote:

Dragon Seeds: Saishuu Shinka Keitai (Jaleco Taikenban Special)
ドラゴン シーズ 最終進化形態 ジャレコ体験版スペシャル
(I guess this is a 3-in-1 but I can't read the other titles)

Bakusou Kyoudai Let's & Go! Eternal Wings and T: Kara Hajimaru Monogatari. Game titles go into "Contents" section, disc itself is Jaleco Taikenban Special.