_Maki wrote:Hello everyone,
I'm currently trying to dump a few of my favorite games that are protected by those pesky rings of unread sectors in the disc. I've read up on the general way to go about it, but I do lack the tools and basically instructions to use them. I already own a Plextor drive and an Optiarc, and I'm ready to put the effort into it. But I would obviously appreciate your help. 
The steps are:
1) You need to get error range. Launch alcohol, set: ignore read error, fast error skip, ass (100 sectors step)
write down 2 values, when the error range starts and where it ends. Say error range is from sector begin=100 000, end=120 000
2) Get DIC: DiscImageCreator_2018_02_29_Skip.rar
3) Launch disc ripping with DIC but add 2 extra parameters: /frs 99900 /fre 120100
Note that I extended a bit this range because I don't want Plextor to read near it
If you get any C2 errors before or after error range, extend it even more.
When ripping you might have to extend its beginning by 100 sectors and end by 5000! because Plextor is very bad at reading neer the ring.
In your case it would be /frs 99000 /fre 125000
The purpose of commands above is to fast skip error range and save the drive from rereading into this bad area
In next steps we'll be reading it with other tool and optiarc
4) Get CDArchive.rar
5) Execute: CDArchive.exe -x <driveNo> -d "<dir_where_sectors_are_dumped_to>" -e <rangeStart> <rangeEnd> <retries> <skipCount> <overread> <dir> "<bin_image_path>"
CDArchive.exe -x f -d "c:\Redump\PX\SECT" -e 90 210 10 3 10 fb "c:\Redump\PX\FXX.bin"
f = my OPTI drive
c:\Redump\PC\SECT - here it extracts sectors, this directory must exist
90 = range start, the same value as /frs
210 = range end, the same value as /fre
10 = sector read retry count
3 = if 3 consecutive sectors fail to read then drop reading in this direction
10 = sector overread count, leave 10 default
fb = read forward first, then backwards
c:\Redump\PX\FXX.bin - binary track 1 that is used as reference to check which sectors are bad and should be read by optiarc
6) Once process is complete you will have single sectors in c:\Redump\PX\SECT. Now it's time to merge them into image.
You do this by this command: CDArchive.exe -x f -d "c:\Redump\PX\SECT" -m "c:\Redump\PX\FXX.bin"
It's iterative process, you can once again run CDArchive.exe -x f -d "c:\Redump\PX\SECT" -e 90 210 10 3 10 fb "c:\Redump\PX\FXX.bin" to extract more sectors and later merge them with CDArchive.exe -x f -d "e:\Redump\PX\SECT" -m "c:\Redump\PX\FXX.bin"
After merging launch EccEdc with fixex command (argument is CUE file). This step is required as some sectors read by OptiArc might not be 100% fine. EccEdc will replace whem with 0x55, and you can retry step 6 until no sectors are read.
Make sure to delete contents of c:\Redump\PX\SECT after each iteration, as you don't want to merge the same sectors all the time.
Note #1:
It's very important to set skip value to at least 3-5 to eliminate case when there are few unreadable sectors and then some readable after those.
Note #2:
For discs with multiple rings like Laserlock you have to rip with DIC using biggest error range and repeat process with CDArchive with smaller error ranges as well as specifying valid ranges to extract good sectors!
Sorry for my english!
Post's attachmentsCDArchive.rar 194.75 kb, 45 downloads since 2018-09-10
DiscImageCreator_2018_02_28_SKIP.rar 105.83 kb, 39 downloads since 2018-09-10
EccEdc.rar 105.34 kb, 62 downloads since 2018-09-10
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