1 (edited by _Maki 2018-09-10 18:54:42)

Hello everyone,

I'm currently trying to dump a few of my favorite games that are protected by those pesky rings of unread sectors in the disc. I've read up on the general way to go about it, but I do lack the tools and basically instructions to use them. I already own a Plextor drive and an Optiarc, and I'm ready to put the effort into it. But I would obviously appreciate your help. smile

2 (edited by reentrant 2018-09-13 18:21:34)

_Maki wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm currently trying to dump a few of my favorite games that are protected by those pesky rings of unread sectors in the disc. I've read up on the general way to go about it, but I do lack the tools and basically instructions to use them. I already own a Plextor drive and an Optiarc, and I'm ready to put the effort into it. But I would obviously appreciate your help. smile

   The steps are:

1) You need to get error range. Launch alcohol, set: ignore read error, fast error skip, ass (100 sectors step)
write down 2 values, when the error range starts and where it ends. Say error range is from sector begin=100 000,  end=120 000
2) Get DIC: DiscImageCreator_2018_02_29_Skip.rar
3) Launch disc ripping with DIC but add 2 extra parameters: /frs 99900 /fre 120100

Note that I extended a bit this range because I don't want Plextor to read near it
If you get any C2 errors before or after error range, extend it even more.
When ripping you might have to extend its beginning by 100 sectors and end by 5000! because Plextor is very bad at reading neer the ring.
In your case it would be /frs 99000 /fre 125000
The purpose of commands above is to fast skip error range and save the drive from rereading into this bad area

In next steps we'll be reading it with other tool and optiarc
4) Get CDArchive.rar
5) Execute: CDArchive.exe -x <driveNo> -d "<dir_where_sectors_are_dumped_to>" -e <rangeStart> <rangeEnd> <retries> <skipCount> <overread> <dir> "<bin_image_path>"

CDArchive.exe -x f -d "c:\Redump\PX\SECT" -e 90 210 10 3 10 fb "c:\Redump\PX\FXX.bin"
f = my OPTI drive
c:\Redump\PC\SECT - here it extracts sectors, this directory must exist
90 = range start, the same value as /frs
210 = range end, the same value as /fre
10 = sector read retry count
3 = if 3 consecutive sectors fail to read then drop reading in this direction
10 = sector overread count, leave 10 default
fb = read forward first, then backwards
c:\Redump\PX\FXX.bin - binary track 1 that is used as reference to check which sectors are bad and should be read by optiarc

6) Once process is complete you will have single sectors in c:\Redump\PX\SECT. Now it's time to merge them into image.

You do this by this command: CDArchive.exe -x f -d "c:\Redump\PX\SECT" -m "c:\Redump\PX\FXX.bin"

It's iterative process, you can once again run CDArchive.exe -x f -d "c:\Redump\PX\SECT" -e 90 210 10 3 10 fb "c:\Redump\PX\FXX.bin" to extract more sectors and later merge them with CDArchive.exe -x f -d "e:\Redump\PX\SECT" -m "c:\Redump\PX\FXX.bin"

After merging launch EccEdc with fixex command (argument is CUE file). This step is required as some sectors read by OptiArc might not be 100% fine. EccEdc will replace whem with 0x55, and you can retry step 6 until no sectors are read.

Make sure to delete contents of c:\Redump\PX\SECT after each iteration, as you don't want to merge the same sectors all the time.

Note #1:
It's very important to set skip value to at least 3-5 to eliminate case when there are few unreadable sectors and then some readable after those.

Note #2:
For discs with multiple rings like Laserlock you have to rip with DIC using biggest error range and repeat process with CDArchive with smaller error ranges as well as specifying valid ranges to extract good sectors!

Sorry for my english!

Post's attachments

CDArchive.rar 194.75 kb, 45 downloads since 2018-09-10 

DiscImageCreator_2018_02_28_SKIP.rar 105.83 kb, 39 downloads since 2018-09-10 

EccEdc.rar 105.34 kb, 62 downloads since 2018-09-10 

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Are Ringprotech discs accepted in redump? I was under the impression they were not due to imperfect dumping. Ideally it's best to dat the best available dump anyway?

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.

user7 wrote:

Are Ringprotech discs accepted in redump? I was under the impression they were not due to imperfect dumping. Ideally it's best to dat the best available dump anyway?

It was deemed too difficult for newbie dumpers
but one dumper already proved us wrong:  http://forum.redump.org/topic/18916/ibm … ngprotech/

Thank you so much! I'll do my best to follow these instructions until I get the hang of it. This is gonna be fun! (Seriously, I'm excited.)

6 (edited by _Maki 2018-09-13 15:32:37)

[Removed my idiotic first tries]

Two questions. How does this work with multitrack CDs? I have the error range, which goes from 329000 to 336200, but of course, with multiple BINs, this information is useless. I need the range based on which bin tracks are affected, and their range.

Secondly, for testing, I used a small range like 2000 to 3000 on the first BIN, and CDArchive did its thing, but at the end, the SECT folder was empty. Did I do something wrong?

Post's attachments

cmd_2018-09-13_16-46-38.png 13.76 kb, 14 downloads since 2018-09-13 

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_Maki wrote:

[Removed my idiotic first tries]

Two questions. How does this work with multitrack CDs? I have the error range, which goes from 329000 to 336200, but of course, with multiple BINs, this information is useless. I need the range based on which bin tracks are affected, and their range.

Secondly, for testing, I used a small range like 2000 to 3000 on the first BIN, and CDArchive did its thing, but at the end, the SECT folder was empty. Did I do something wrong?

Are you sure your disc is Ring Protech?

And why are you trying sectors 900-2100 with CDArchive if you say the error range is 329000 to 336200?

8 (edited by _Maki 2018-09-13 17:25:02)

Jackal wrote:
_Maki wrote:

[Removed my idiotic first tries]

Two questions. How does this work with multitrack CDs? I have the error range, which goes from 329000 to 336200, but of course, with multiple BINs, this information is useless. I need the range based on which bin tracks are affected, and their range.

Secondly, for testing, I used a small range like 2000 to 3000 on the first BIN, and CDArchive did its thing, but at the end, the SECT folder was empty. Did I do something wrong?

Are you sure your disc is Ring Protech?

And why are you trying sectors 900-2100 with CDArchive if you say the error range is 329000 to 336200?

That was just for tests. I was hoping to use this method for another disc, where the Plextor drive couldn't read part of it, but Optiarc can. But this disc has multiple tracks, so I can't just tell CDArchive to go look at 329000 to 336200 when none of the *.bin files is that long by itself. So I chose a sector near the beginning to see if it would work, and it did, but no Sector files were dumped.

Also, the bad sectors are on the audio part of the disc, so even if I managed to extract the correct range and merge them into the *.bins, EccEdc can't check them, because they are not Mode1 data sectors.

I hope I'm not being too confusing or annoying in general, just trying a few things here...
Unless someone has some ideas, I'll probably just search for a disc in better condition to properly dump it with DIC.

9 (edited by Jackal 2018-09-13 17:27:13)

Ok so the errors are in the last track?

You need to get a DIC dump with separate .bin tracks when you're going to submit the dump later.
For CDArchive you need to use the combined image (= .img file).. Then after you extracted all the sectors with CDArchive, you add them to the .img image, and you'll need to cut out the last track using a hex editor.

10 (edited by _Maki 2018-09-13 17:58:11)

Jackal wrote:

Ok so the errors are in the last track?

You need to get a DIC dump with separate .bin tracks when you're going to submit the dump later.
For CDArchive you need to use the combined image (= .img file).. Then after you extracted all the sectors with CDArchive, you add them to the .img image, and you'll need to cut out the last track using a hex editor.

Hey, thanks! I see what you're saying. I actually did extract the sectors from the .img file, and then merged them again, like reentrant said.
But the next step, where I have to check for errors with EccEdc.exe, I can't do that. The fixex parameter needs the .cue file, and that means it tries to check for errors in the datatrack.bin only, not the .img.
Using the _img.cue doesn't work.

11 (edited by user7 2018-09-13 19:28:06)

This should go into a guide eventually, if it's not something DIC can implement? sarami?

All my posts and submission data are released into Public Domain / CC0.

user7 wrote:

This should go into a guide eventually, if it's not something DIC can implement? sarami?

I guess the problem is that Plextor drives are not suitable for this kind of protection.

13 (edited by reentrant 2018-09-13 20:20:54)

It would be easier if I implement in CDArchive cue file support so that sectors are merged in the right track.
I can do it over weekend...

14 (edited by _Maki 2018-09-13 22:21:20)

reentrant wrote:

It would be easier if I implement in CDArchive cue file support so that sectors are merged in the right track.
I can do it over weekend...

That would probably make things easier.

I'm actually using this method now for a Ring ProTech disc, and some of the sectors that CDArchive extracts return

User data vs. ecc/edc doesn't match

after merging with the .bin and then checking them with EccEdc.exe.
The problem is now that CDArchive doesn't extract those sectors again. Can EccEdc.exe overwrite them as 0x55?

@Jackal, reentrant
Btw, did you test all vendor drive (nec, hitachi-lg, matsushita, teac, tsst, asus etc.) except optiarc and plextor?
Is optiarc really best drive for ring protect like laserlock or proring?

16 (edited by Jackal 2018-09-14 08:29:15)

sarami wrote:

@Jackal, reentrant
Btw, did you test all vendor drive (nec, hitachi-lg, matsushita, teac, tsst, asus etc.) except optiarc and plextor?
Is optiarc really best drive for ring protect like laserlock or proring?

For LaserLock, the PX-760A also seems able to read the sectors, but it takes longer to retry every sector.

Some Lite-On drives (e.g. SOHD-167T) might also give good results, but I didn't test them.

Samsung SH-D162D, LG GDR-8164B are no good for these discs.

What model do you recommend and not recommend?

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Optiarc - BD ROM BC-5500A    +48    226    100%
Optiarc - BD ROM BC-5500H    +48    97    100%
Optiarc - BD ROM BC-5500S4    +48    86    100%
Optiarc - BD ROM BC-5500S    +48    523    100%
Optiarc - BD ROM BC-5530H    +48    6    100%
Optiarc - BD ROM BC-5540H    +48    13    100%
Optiarc - BD ROM BC-5550H    +48    34    100%
Optiarc - BD ROM BC-5600S    +48    44    100%
Optiarc - BD ROM BC-5640H    +48    27    100%
Optiarc - BD ROM BC-5650H    +48    7    100%
Optiarc - BD RW BD-5300S    +6    195    100%
Optiarc - BD RW BD-5730S6    +48    28    100%
Optiarc - BD RW BD-5730S    +48    58    100%
Optiarc - BD RW BD-5740H    +48    19    100%
Optiarc - BD RW BD-5740L    +48    17    100%
Optiarc - BD RW BD-5750H    +48    85    100%
Optiarc - BD RW BD-5750L    +48    12    100%
Optiarc - BD RW BD-5840H    +48    18    100%
Optiarc - BD RW BD-5850H    +48    42    100%
Optiarc - BD-ROM BR-5100S    +79    58    100%
Optiarc - BDRW BD-M100A    +102    1    100%
Optiarc - CD-RW CRX870A    +6    1    100%
Optiarc - CD-RW CRX880A    +6    43    100%
Optiarc - CDRWDVD CRX890A    +6    14    100%
Optiarc - CDRWDVD CRX890S    +6    6    100%
Optiarc - DVD ROM DDU7700H    +48    4    100%
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Optiarc - DVD ROM DDU7930H    +48    1    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-5170A    +48    589    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-5170S    +48    4    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-5200A    +48    315    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-5200S    +48    114    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-5240S    +48    366    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-5260S    +48    356    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-5280S    +48    229    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-5530A    +6    17    100%
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Optiarc - DVD RW AD-5540B    +48    3    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-5590A    +48    12    100%
OPTIARC - DVD RW AD-5630A    +48    97    100%
OPTIARC - DVD RW AD-5670S    +48    59    100%
OPTIARC - DVD RW AD-5670SC    +48    4    100%
OPTIARC - DVD RW AD-5680H    +48    149    100%
OPTIARC - DVD RW AD-5690H    +48    42    100%
OPTIARC - DVD RW AD-5960S    +48    9    100%
OPTIARC - DVD RW AD-5970H    +48    24    100%
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Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7170S    +48    596    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7173A    +48    970    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7173S    +48    425    100%
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Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7200A    +48    528    100%
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Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7201S6    +48    24    100%
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Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7203A    +48    295    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7203S    +48    653    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7220A    +6    23    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7220S    +6    53    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7221A    +6    5    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7221S    +6    5    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7230S    +48    54    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7231S5    +48    18    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7233S    +48    20    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7240S    +48    1450    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7241S    +48    530    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7243S    +48    189    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7250H    +48    60    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7260S    +48    829    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7261S    +48    266    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7263S    +48    121    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7270H    +48    10    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7280S    +48    562    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7283S    +48    50    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7290H    +48    35    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7530A    +6    171    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7530B    +6    202    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7540A    +48    304    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7543A    +48    88    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7543B    +48    10    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7543C    +48    10    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7560A    +6    337    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7560S    +6    277    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7561A    +6    141    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7561S    +6    344    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7563A    +6    58    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7580A    +6    34    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7580S    +6    363    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7581A    +6    25    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7581S    +6    58    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7583S    +6    24    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7585H    +6    249    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7590A    +48    96    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7590B    +48    13    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7590S    +48    112    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7590T    +48    6    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7591S    +48    17    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7593A    +48    38    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7593B    +48    3    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7630A    +48    33    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7633A    +48    24    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7640A    +6    24    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7640S    +6    37    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7643S    +6    8    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7670S    +48    16    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7690H    +48    33    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7700H    +48    173    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7700S    +48    184    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7700T    +48    30    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7703S    +48    12    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7710H    +48    247    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7710I    +48    10    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7713H    +48    4    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7717H    +48    20    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7730U    +6    1    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7740H    +48    138    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7740I    +48    8    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7760H    +48    33    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7760I    +48    1    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7800H    +48    13    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7803H    +48    5    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7910A    +48    155    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7910S    +48    173    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7913A    +48    3    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7930H    +48    162    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7930V    +48    6    66%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7940H    +48    20    100%
Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7980H    +48    2    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-5170S    +48    143    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-5540A    +48    267    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-5560A    +6    198    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-7200S    +48    312    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-7230S    +48    85    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-7250H    +48    38    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-7270H    +48    9    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-7560S    +6    34    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-7580A    +6    26    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-7580S    +6    57    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-7585H    +6    34    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-7640A    +6    175    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-7640S    +6    172    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-7700H    +48    39    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-7717H    +48    63    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-7747H    +48    9    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-7760H    +48    2    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW AD-7930H    +48    31    100%
Optiarc - DVD+-RW ND-3570A    +48    78    100%
Optiarc - DVD-ROM DDU1671S    +6    86    100%
Optiarc - DVD-ROM DDU1675A    +6    8    100%
Optiarc - DVD-ROM DDU1675S    +6    23    100%
OPTIARC - DVD-ROM DDU1678A    +6    22    100%
OPTIARC - DVD-ROM DDU1681S    +6    106    100%
Optiarc - DVD-ROM DDU820A    +6    1    100%
Optiarc - DVD-ROM DDU820S    +6    1    100%
Optiarc - DVD-RW AD-7173A    +48    1    100%
Optiarc - DVDRWBD BC-5540H    +48    53    100%
Optiarc - DVDRWBD BC-5550H    +48    2    100%
Optiarc - DVDRWBD BC-5600S    +48    72    100%

I only tested the AD-7280S.. @reentrant which model did you have?

I have: Optiarc - DVD RW AD-7290H

I've run into a problem hmm

I'm dumping this disc right now using the method described above.
As you can see from this image, on the outside of the ring, there are some strange spikes that are very hard to read for my Optiarc AD-7280S, even with 50 retries in both directions. I also tried a Plextor 760A drive and an LG.

After letting CDArchive run multiple times, most of the 0x55 sectors outside of the ring have now been extracted and replaced, but many of them now don't match the ecc/edc. I attached my log file so you can check it out.

What do I do now? CDArchive does not extract these sectors again, because they are not 0x55.

Post's attachments

S3MCD_G.cue_EdcEcc_Track_1.zip 1.03 mb, 19 downloads since 2018-09-14 

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21 (edited by reentrant 2018-09-14 20:12:22)

Run EdcEcc with fixex command. It will replace them with 0x55 and retry...
I have OptiArc 7290.

LBA[230940, 0x3861c], mode 1
LBA[230941, 0x3861d], mode 1
LBA[230942, 0x3861e], mode 1
LBA[230943, 0x3861f], mode 1
LBA[230944, 0x38620], mode 1
LBA[230945, 0x38621], mode 1
LBA[230946, 0x38622], This sector has invalid sync
LBA[230947, 0x38623], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230948, 0x38624], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230949, 0x38625], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230950, 0x38626], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230951, 0x38627], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230952, 0x38628], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230953, 0x38629], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230954, 0x3862a], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230955, 0x3862b], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230956, 0x3862c], This sector has zero sync

Why those sectors are bad? I think EdcEcc will fix also this:
LBA[230946, 0x38622], This sector has invalid sync

I can introduce another command fixex2 which would fix sectors in specific range...

reentrant wrote:

Run EdcEcc with fixex command. It will replace them with 0x55 and retry...
I have OptiArc 7290.

LBA[230940, 0x3861c], mode 1
LBA[230941, 0x3861d], mode 1
LBA[230942, 0x3861e], mode 1
LBA[230943, 0x3861f], mode 1
LBA[230944, 0x38620], mode 1
LBA[230945, 0x38621], mode 1
LBA[230946, 0x38622], This sector has invalid sync
LBA[230947, 0x38623], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230948, 0x38624], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230949, 0x38625], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230950, 0x38626], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230951, 0x38627], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230952, 0x38628], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230953, 0x38629], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230954, 0x3862a], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230955, 0x3862b], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230956, 0x3862c], This sector has zero sync

Why those sectors are bad? I think EdcEcc will fix also this:
LBA[230946, 0x38622], This sector has invalid sync

I can introduce another command fixex2 which would fix sectors in specific range...

Hey thanks, that helped! Time to reextract those sectors...

I don't really know why those sectors are bad. It happened when I dumped it with /frs and /fre.
Every sector after that range has bad sync. You can see it in the original _EdcEcc.txt

Maybe I blanked it too close to the second track?

Post's attachments

S3MCD_G.img_EdcEcc.zip 1.86 mb, 17 downloads since 2018-09-14 

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23 (edited by reentrant 2018-09-14 21:15:55)

_Maki wrote:
reentrant wrote:

Run EdcEcc with fixex command. It will replace them with 0x55 and retry...
I have OptiArc 7290.

LBA[230940, 0x3861c], mode 1
LBA[230941, 0x3861d], mode 1
LBA[230942, 0x3861e], mode 1
LBA[230943, 0x3861f], mode 1
LBA[230944, 0x38620], mode 1
LBA[230945, 0x38621], mode 1
LBA[230946, 0x38622], This sector has invalid sync
LBA[230947, 0x38623], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230948, 0x38624], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230949, 0x38625], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230950, 0x38626], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230951, 0x38627], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230952, 0x38628], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230953, 0x38629], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230954, 0x3862a], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230955, 0x3862b], This sector has zero sync
LBA[230956, 0x3862c], This sector has zero sync

Why those sectors are bad? I think EdcEcc will fix also this:
LBA[230946, 0x38622], This sector has invalid sync

I can introduce another command fixex2 which would fix sectors in specific range...

Hey thanks, that helped! Time to reextract those sectors...

I don't really know why those sectors are bad. It happened when I dumped it with /frs and /fre.
Every sector after that range has bad sync. You can see it in the original _EdcEcc.txt

Maybe I blanked it too close to the second track?

What are the values of parameters:  /frs and /fre? Only sectors inside range should be bad. Try smaller range (maybe it cannot cross tracks, dunno).

I uploaded new CDArchive that accepts cue path as argument for -m (merge mode). Sectors are merged to correct track file now.

Post's attachments

CDArchive.rar 193.69 kb, 27 downloads since 2018-09-14 

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24 (edited by _Maki 2018-09-14 21:38:38)

reentrant wrote:

What are the values of parameters:  /frs and /fre? Only sectors inside range should be bad. Try smaller range (maybe it cannot cross tracks, dunno).

I uploaded new CDArchive that accepts cue path as argument for -m (merge mode). Sectors are merged to correct track file now.

I used

DiscImageCreator.exe cd G ISO\S3MCD_G.bin 20 /c2 /frs 223000 /fre 231000

to dump. Second track starts at 231096. Thanks for the update!

25 (edited by reentrant 2018-09-14 21:58:46)

231096 - 230946 = 150 = 2sec = pregap. Try to lower it by few hundred sectors. DIC dump is bugged if error range crosses tracks & pregap area...