F1ReB4LL wrote:And something should be done with the subchannels as well, Pocket Fighter tracks 32 to 34 have wrong sizes and wrong gaps.
LBA[267511, 0x414f7]: P[ff], Q[01330101007100592861320e]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[33], Idx[01], RMSF[01:00:71], AMSF[59:28:61]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[267512, 0x414f8]: P[ff], Q[01330001007200592862ab6c]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[33], Idx[00], RMSF[01:00:72], AMSF[59:28:62]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[267513, 0x414f9]: P[ff], Q[013400000173005928635d76]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[34], Idx[00], RMSF[00:01:73], AMSF[59:28:63]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[269088, 0x41b20]: P[ff], Q[013401001901005949636c7d]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[34], Idx[01], RMSF[00:19:01], AMSF[59:49:63]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[269089, 0x41b21]: P[ff], Q[01350000007300594964bb09]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[35], Idx[00], RMSF[00:00:73], AMSF[59:49:64]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
LBA[269090, 0x41b22]: P[ff], Q[0135000001720059496544d9]{Audio, 2ch, Copy NG, Pre-emphasis No, Track[35], Idx[00], RMSF[00:01:72], AMSF[59:49:65]}, RtoW[0, 0, 0, 0]
This is simply the random errors of subchannel, not be related to c2 error. It's a little difficult to fix it of the boundary of track. I'll fix it if possible.
The result will change if the reading speed is changed.
Uploaded the test version (20171122).
olofolleola4 wrote:DIC doesn't recognize that The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal has a SafeDisc 2.xx.xxx protection, and therefor it cannot get dumped properly (it founds a load of C2 errors, naturally).
Supported reading joliet.
F1ReB4LL wrote:please fix the .dat file generator for Subs Indexes dumps. It doesn't add Subs Indexes .bin files into the .dat anymore, that's not correct. Maybe worth to make a normal dat for normal bins and additional (Subs Indexes).dat for (Subs Indexes).bin files, then?
F1ReB4LL wrote:Btw, why not add the .scm image checksum into the _disc.txt file as well (not only .img)?
F1ReB4LL wrote:you should set the 1024 rereads by default
Changed to 1000.