I'm also with amarok, if we are confidant in the dumping method, then I'd love to see other sections open up, DVD/BR/HDD Video, Audio CDs, IBM PC Apps, etc; if someone is willing to start contributing hashs, then the section should exist *from a disc preservation perspective*.
There is already ~30 systems in redump, an extra 3 or 4 wont confuse anything, and I'm sure it wouldn't put any significant strain on the server. I don't see an attention thing being an issue either; we already have XBOX360/PS3/Wii, might as well finish it and add the last few sections. Audio could be popular but video is so large that it probably wont be of too much interest to random people; average joe will ignore redump and stick to h264/xvid avi/mkv etc.
End result, it is never too early to start collecting the hashs.