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F1ReB4LL wrote:What do you mean by "used"? In db? Db only uses cue-bin images, ofc. SCM hash is needed when/if you decide to verify some descrambled image by scrambling it back. Messy discs may give a different result, depends on the case. Also, there are known mastering errors when the scrambled CD image contains unscrambled sectors and the descrambled data contains scrambled sectors - again, if you don't have .scm checksums and don't have the scm image anymore, you can't really confirm the image is correct.
Would you advise that ideally the database would have .scm hashes?
F1ReB4LL wrote:but some dumps are a mess of descrambled and scrambled data
I'm not clear on the benefit of the .scm hash. What's the process for discs with a mess of descrambled and scrambled data? Is the .scm hash used, or is the .bin hash used?
If the descrambling isn't reversible for discs with mastering errors or unusual scrambling, won't it have to be redumped regardless of what the log shows?
If the .scm hash is the One True Hash, why not store it in the database?
sarami wrote:hiker13526 wrote:Trying to dump a PC CD and it took like 3 hours to dump with Plextor+MPF and failed
There are many c2 errors. Change the disc and/or drive.
hiker13526 wrote:Should I submit the Plextor+CloneCD dump
hiker13526 wrote:should I be using CloneCD for the non-Plextor verification?
It's ok for your private preservation but does not accept these.
Thank you for the reply! I will try another drive and see if that helps.
NovaAurora wrote:hiker13526 wrote:Trying to dump a PC CD and it took like 3 hours to dump with Plextor+MPF and failed
Important to note that MPF is not DIC. DIC is what MPF uses but MPF has much more attached like BOS (Protection scanning)
Protection scanning can take a VERY long time sometimes in recent versions. If it goes over 30 minutes I'd recommend disabling it in the settings and scanning it manually with PID (Protection ID).
Almost all the time was spent in the DIC terminal, not the MPF scanner.
I dumped a game that has audio tracks using Plextor+MPF and everything went fine. But how do I verify it with another drive? I recall using EAC or PerfectRip, but I could not figure out how.
Trying to dump a PC CD and it took like 3 hours to dump with Plextor+MPF and failed …
I dumped it with Plextor+CloneCD and it worked fine, and CloneCD verified to another drive fine. CDMage shows zero errors.
I'm not sure what is wrong with MPF here that it took so long and that it failed. Should I submit the Plextor+CloneCD dump, or should I only submit dumps that verified with Plextor+MPF?
Another disc dumped fine with Plextor+MPF, shows it uses SecuROM, and has 1 error. I tried dumping it with MPF on another drive but MPF went for 3 hours and I finally stopped it and used CloneCD. Is MPF supposed to work to verify on non-Plextor drives, or should I be using CloneCD for the non-Plextor verification?
Do you have any other games besides Ace Combat 3 you can try to compare with the database? If so, try at least a couple of them to be sure your rips are coming out right. Try to rip them with IsoBuster + CloneCD's Game CD profile.
I'd also be cautious ripping games with multiple tracks if you have only a single optical drive. Sometimes the results don't come out right and you won't know if you've got nothing to compare with.
Did you use IsoBuster for all of them? Do you have access to more than one optical drive that you could use to compare to? Can you post the info you got for Ace Combat 3, and what you did exactly to rip it or what guide you followed?
I wrote a program to dump the Primary Volume Descriptor from a .bin file in IsoBuster format. Can be helpful to quickly dump the PVD to a file without needing to open IsoBuster, or used programmatically. … 0b829a9c92
I have created a small batch file "PVD_Dumper.bat" which I drag and drop a .bin file to and it dumps the PVD to a text file in the same directory as the .bin file. This is the batch file:
"%~dp0\" %1 > "%~dp1\%~n1_PVD.txt"
I attached both the batch file and python file to this post for easy download.
Requirements: Python 3.x
Here is it failing. It doesn't make a bin file, and it doesn't hash. Other times I think it didn't even get that far.
It seems to attempt parse everything after the "." as being an extension rather than a filename, and then it seems to fail.
Windows 8 Professional 64bit
x86, AnsiBuild, Nov 19 2016 18:33:03
/c2 val1 is omitted. set [1024]
/c2 val2 is omitted. set [4096]
/c2 val3 is omitted. set [4]
I:\Redump Tools\DiscImageCreator
Argument: I:\Redump temp\no label. 2017-02-14_ 9-41-31 PX\no label. 2017-02-14_ 9-41-31
FullPath: I:\Redump temp\no label. 2017-02-14_ 9-41-31 PX\no label. 2017-02-14_ 9-41-31
Drive: I:
Directory: \Redump temp\no label. 2017-02-14_ 9-41-31 PX\
Filename: no label
Extension: . 2017-02-14_ 9-41-31
Start time: 2017-02-14(Tue) 09:41:32
Set the drive speed: 12700KB/sec
This drive support [command: 0xd8, subch: 00]
This drive support [command: 0xd8, subch: 0x1]
This drive support [command: 0xd8, subch: 0x2]
This drive support [command: 0xd8, subch: 0x3]
This drive support [command: 0xd8, subch: 0x8]
Checking reading lead-out -> OK
Checking SubQ adr (Track) 1/ 1
Checking SubRtoW (Track) 1/ 1
Reading DirectoryRecord 1/ 1
Allocating packed memory for C2 errors: 8192
Set read command: 0xd8, subcode reading mode: Raw
Checking SubQ ctl (Track) 1/ 1
Created img (LBA) 286610/286609
No C2 errors
Copying .scm to .img
[F:ReadCDAll][L:2019] GetLastError: 2, The system cannot find the file specified.
Freeing allocated memory for C2 errors: 8192
End time: 2017-02-14(Tue) 09:49:03
Found a bug. If the output directory or filename (not sure which, or both) has a "." period in it the rip fails:
Set read command: 0xd8, subcode reading mode: Pack
Checking SubQ ctl (Track) 1/ 1
Created img (LBA) 90367/ 90366
Copying .scm to .img
[F:ReadCDAll][L:2019] GetLastError: 2, The system cannot find the file specified
Can you elaborate a bit on what all is required to confirm a cue sheet? Does the subchannel dump need to be posted? How is the subchannel related to the cue sheet?
Why are so few cue sheets confirmed? What is required to confirm a cue sheet?
MrK wrote:Can you re-upload it somewhere, please?
I added it as an attachment to the first post.
I noticed mediafire deleted the file so I re-uploaded it. Running clean7z before using a packer like torrent7z is important since the 7-zip format stores file creation time, file modification time, and file attribute flags in addition to the actual file contents. If every detail isn't standardized then the output .7z files won't be the same.
SONIC3D wrote:Absolutely support you,hiker...
I just tried pakkiso 0.4 and checked the batch file it generated.Then the rmdtrash is the most confusing one to me.
That lead me to find this old-no reply-but really useful post...
Thank you. 
Thank you for the support!
Recommendation for next version: release it open source under the GNU GPL 
themabus wrote:i could send you pascal part without assembler routines, if you want to
it should be possible to link it with CloneCD's ElbyECC.dll instead
but it's really rather simple:
- mode of each sector is determined
- each element (sync, address, subheader, etc.) compared with pregenerated
- those matching removed
so what's wrong with ECM, i think, since it has support of many formats: .cdi, nrg, mdf? - well at least some of those
it might be that on certain data layouts it would get confused and would try to analyze data too much
possibly trying to determine whether given sector belongs to any of those
anyway, that's only thing that comes to my mind without looking at code,
since basis is just a simple comparison and there are no faster/slower sectors per se
except for ECC part but that hardly influence anything
and PSX would actually have less of those than regular CDs
Is your program open source? Is ECMa?
Is the source for ECMa or your (themabus) version of ECMa130 available?
I didn't see the source code for rmdtrash anywhere, plus I found it scary using a black box computer program that didn't even have any output and no --help function. I rewrote the necessary bits and gave it a --help argument to show usage, and a nice license to go with it (GNU General Public v3.0 or later). This is basically a drop-in replacement for rmdtrash.
I modified unecm to accept input from stdin. For pakkiso, here's how the process usually goes for unpacking:
read .7z from disk -> 7za extracts -> write .ecm file to disk -> read .ecm file from disk -> unecm decodes -> write .bin file to disk
Using stdin:
read .7z from disk -> 7za extracts -> unecm decodes -> write .bin to disk
This requires somewhere around half the amount of data transferred to and from the hard drive meaning your hard drive should last longer. It's also a tiny bit faster, maybe 3-5 seconds. The program also now outputs execution time, is backwards compatible with v1.0, and I've improved the debug messages.

Here's how to call it:
7za e -so input.7z | unecm - output.bin
Download link:
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