Additionally: ringcodes that do not contain SID codes are not necessarily bad (if the disc itself does not have the codes on it, which a few do not), so should not automatically have yellow status.
51 2018-08-17 18:17:46
Re: To Do: Software Updates (14 replies, posted in General discussion)
52 2018-01-09 02:07:21
Re: Obtaining a Plextor drive? (7 replies, posted in General discussion)
Thanks for the tips! Someone posted a PX-W4824TA on eBay for £20 (apparently in working order apart from a broken rubber drive belt, which I should be able to either fix or just open with a paperclip), and the SATA to IDE adapter recommended by ajshell.
53 2017-12-30 01:31:16
Re: Obtaining a Plextor drive? (7 replies, posted in General discussion)
Still looking for a drive. Could anyone from Norway act as an intemediary and help me get this drive? I would pay for the drive and the shipping costs to the UK.
54 2017-10-23 16:58:50
Topic: Obtaining a Plextor drive? (7 replies, posted in General discussion)
Hi! I would like to obtain a Plextor drive in order to dump various CDs that I have and CDs that I will obtain in the future (I will probably not be able to dump many until late December however). I live in the UK. What would be the cheapest way of obtaining a drive, and as the drive will probably be IDE, would an IDE to SATA converter work to connect it to my computer?
55 2017-10-04 02:34:35
Topic: A Few Questions About CD Dumping (1 replies, posted in General discussion)
On the dumping guides, Disc Image Creator is used to dump CDs. Is a Plextor drive absolutely required for this or is there some other way to dump discs suitable for redump with other drives.
Additionally, I noticed that for all multi-track CDs, each track is in a separate .bin file. I have not found a tool that can dump CDs in this way, and I would like to be able to.