@sarami: Thanks for confirming. Makes sense.
1 2022-07-23 01:23:09
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
2 2022-07-19 20:18:37
Re: DiscImageCreator (3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)
@sarami: Just thinking outside the box here...and if this feature is already in place and I missed it feel FREE to correct me...but rather than exporting all of the data dumps into a flat, text file...it seems like it would be more beneficial if the data were also exported in a supplemental CSV format. This way we could eventually use the CSV format to streamline disc uploads by auto-populating the data fields by uploading the CSV directly.
Again, just an idea. And if it already exists...awesome!
3 2018-11-14 04:30:08
Re: PS3 Sports Champions - STRANGE Ringcode (2 replies, posted in General discussion)
Bundled with european bundles probably. This type of mastering code is common for european releases.
Very interesting. It even has the ESRB labeling and everything. Good to know, and thanks for the reply.
4 2018-11-10 22:14:11
Topic: PS3 Sports Champions - STRANGE Ringcode (2 replies, posted in General discussion)
So I've been going through a stack of PS3 discs recently, and have an unusually large stack of "Sports Champions" discs for the PS3 (no idea why). Anyway, there were of course several minor ringcode variations, but this variant in particular stuck out:
Mastering Code: A0101695590-A511 1000
Mastering SID: LY24
Mastering Toolstamp: 5A00
All the others followed the regular BPSS-xxxxxA1 format, so this one surprised me. And I have at least two like this. Anyone know where these came from? They're both in a "Not for Resale" game case, so I'm assuming it came bundled with a PS Move...but still, those aren't your typical Sony numbers. Curious if anyone has any insights?
5 2018-11-06 04:46:59
Topic: HP DVD Writer -- any good? (GSA-H31L) (0 replies, posted in General discussion)
Sup everyone! Been a while.
So I was recently trying to acquire an Xbox drive to start working on some loose xbox discs I had lying around, when I received an HP GSA-H31L from the ebay seller instead. This was totally an accident on their part, but one that will likely result in me keeping the drive (the shipping costs simply aren't worth it). Anyway...I have no idea if this drive is any good, so I was curious if any of anyone on these boards had any experience working with a GSA-H31L drive or any other HP drives for that matter? Are they any good?? Drop a comment below if you have any thoughts.
7 2016-09-21 22:23:23
Re: [Wii] My Dumps with no BCA Data (6 replies, posted in General discussion)
Tacking onto this thread -- just started to dump several of my own games as well using CleanRip (thx again for the feedback, tossi). Will include my BCA data as well. Mine are US-based dumps.
8 2014-11-27 11:14:22
Re: Game title capitalisation, Soulcalibur, SoulCalibur or SOULCALIBUR (13 replies, posted in General discussion)
What you're debating is how to properly format a Trademark, and the problem is that everyone's opinion is sort of right.
Trademarks generally come in two different formats: (1) Logo mark and (2) Word mark.
"SoulCalibur" and "SoulCalibuR" and "SoulcalibuR" are simply stylized uses of the word "SOULCALIBUR" that appear in the Logo, whereas the Word mark "SOULCALIBUR" is generally more clear cut as to how the copyright holder originally intended it to look in TEXT format.
However, Word marks can be misleading as well, since a Word mark that is registered secures all rights to use that word (regardless of the styling). In other words: "APPLE" and "Apple" and "apple" = the same Word mark, but they would yield three different logo marks.
So with that said...it's really a matter of looking to see how the copyright holder set it as and determine which style is the most accurate. Clear as mud, right? Hope that helps!
9 2014-09-14 07:05:36
Re: NEC PC-Engine CD-ROM² Formats (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
Thanks for the thoughts, F1ReB4LL.
Honestly, the only reason I can think for why NEC would re-brand their CD-ROM format as the Super CD-ROM² is if it featured some kind of extra data protection or proprietary file structures that were superior to those found on standard CD-ROM technology.
But since it appears the CD-ROM² format doesn't really stray away from the ISO9660/CDDA standards (it's just more complex in its structure), my suspicion is that they simply wished to brag about how their complex disc structures in some way made their PC-Engine CD / TurboGrafx-CD systems run better or more securely than those using traditional CD-ROMs (or something like that). I only say this because this was done in a day when programmers couldn't be lazy about speed issues. Every millisecond mattered.
I suspect if I really want to answer this question I'll need to get a hold of some of the original developer hardware manuals. I just don't see why NEC would go to all that effort to re-brand something like the CD-ROM when they were already having to license the technology from Sony.
10 2014-09-12 01:01:49
Re: NEC PC-Engine CD-ROM² Formats (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
Thanks for the info, GreyFox. Any thoughts as to why NEC chose to call it CD-ROM²? Was it just a marketing ploy, or is there a unique TOC structure behind the scene?
I'm mostly asking for because I can't seem to find anything the difference online...which is unusually odd.
11 2014-09-10 07:29:57
Topic: NEC PC-Engine CD-ROM² Formats (5 replies, posted in General discussion)
Hi there. I've been seeing a lot of PC-Engine dumps coming through here lately, and was hoping someone might be able to shed some light on the CD-ROM² / Super CD-ROM² / Arcade CD-ROM² formats.
How are these formats different from traditional CD-ROMs, and is there anything special for dumping them correctly? The cue files associated with them look insane...
12 2014-07-22 17:23:25
Re: Macintosh CD-ROM Disc Dumping / How to Error Check (8 replies, posted in General discussion)
Hmm. I must be missing something here. There seem to be several H+ / BD matches on this image... (at least from what I see). And sector 21 on this image is empty. In fact, it's 00s all the way up to sector 1025 (begging at sector 5).
13 2014-07-22 10:13:45
Re: Macintosh CD-ROM Disc Dumping / How to Error Check (8 replies, posted in General discussion)
That's good information, but the inconsistency of the location of the MDB has me a bit puzzled. Also, how exactly did you locate yours on Giants?
14 2014-07-22 07:29:37
Re: Macintosh CD-ROM Disc Dumping / How to Error Check (8 replies, posted in General discussion)
Thanks for the tools, Pablo. I ran both edccchk.exe and chkraw.exe on the images, and they're reporting 0 errors (which is exactly what I expected for a 1994 game disc). And thanks for confirming the PVD issue--I didn't realize it was an ISO9660 thing.
My only other question is regarding the CUE file. The following CUE information was generated by DIC:
CATALOG 0000000000000
FILE "CarmenWorldMAC.bin" BINARY
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00
If this were an IBM/PC CD-ROM disc I would say everything looks just fine. However, I wasn't sure if the MODE information was correct given that it's a Macintosh CD-ROM. Furthermore, everytime I tried to use this CUE to open the image it would not recognize the image, and in the case of edccchk.exe...it even crashed it!
So I mostly want to confirm that the CUE data being generated by DIC is accurate and valid for submission purposes. I don't have any reason to doubt this; I mostly need it for sanity purposes.
15 2014-07-22 01:30:31
Topic: Macintosh CD-ROM Disc Dumping / How to Error Check (8 replies, posted in General discussion)
Hi all. I picked up a few Macintosh-only CD-ROM games at a garage sale over the weekend, and am attempting to dump them properly. The Macintosh disc image format is clearly different, since my Windows 7 machine won't read the images. However, my drives seem to see the data just fine.
I attempted to dump "Where In the World Is Carmen Sandiego? CD-ROM" using the latest releases of DIC (on my PX-708A) and ISOBuster 3.2 Pro (on my LG-BH16NS40). The hash values matched 1:1, so the dumps appear to be good. Here's what I wanted to ask:
When I lookup the PVD value in Sector 16 using ISOBuster, the lines are all blank (i.e. all 0s). I suspect this may just be normal, but I wasn't sure if this was different because it was a Macintosh disc, if it was just empty (I've seen a few of these before), or if it was possibly an issue with ISOBuster reading sector data from a non-PC disc.
When I attempted to open the image through CDmage, it could not recognize the CUE file generated by DIC. I also could not find the correct way to create one that would get it to open. This too might be normal, but I wanted to see if anyone out there could shed some light on this...
I don't own a Macintosh computer (obviously) and I have no way of opening the disc to look for some of the ancillary data. Does anyone know of a decent emulator or alternative method that might be useful for reviewing these discs for version numbers, etc.?
Any other tips for dumping these discs would be appreciated.
16 2013-10-03 18:47:55
Re: New Category for Database (1 replies, posted in General discussion)
And while I'm on the subject, I feel that the "Add-Ons" category is painfully inaccurate and [EDIT] *perhaps should be considered for removal.*
If redump wants to retain this information, I would propose the option of appending it to the title description [e.g. Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome (USA) (Add-On)]. There are several expansions-as-games and games-as-expansions that make it difficult to draw such a distinct line via the category class, and it causes unnecessary confusion during the dump submission process (as demonstrated below). Furthermore, I would wager that 90% of the "Add-Ons" technically qualify as "Games" and could be dumped into the "Games" category without any further correction necessary.
However, if redump wishes to keep this category, then I feel we simply need to be more diligent about maintaining this category and using it correctly during the dump creation process.
Here are some examples to prove my point from the IBM-PC section that (under the current model), which are listed as "Games" and should be listed as "Add-Ons":
Age of Empires II: The Conquerors (USA) (Collector's Edition - Limited Edition)
Age of Mythology: The Titans (Expansion) (USA) (Pre-Release)
17 2013-10-03 11:31:18
Topic: New Category for Database (1 replies, posted in General discussion)
I've been doing a manual reorganization of the IBM PC dat recently, and discovered that several of the existing entries would benefit from a new category: "Compilation". I know that the TOSEC database presently utilizes a similar category, and I feel it would be handy for certain titles. Here are just a couple of examples:
There are definitely more examples out there, so this is purely a snapshot to prove my point. Nevertheless, I wanted to offer up this suggestion since the PC list is much larger set that would greatly benefit from the additional category.
18 2013-09-28 18:56:30
Re: CDMage Detected 1 Corrupted Sector...What to Do? (8 replies, posted in General discussion)
Thanks to Nexy's help, I was able to perofrm a sector-scan using ProtectionID...and sure enough: SecuROM Signature v4 or lower was detected.
Thanks for the help!
19 2013-09-28 18:48:20
Re: ProtectionID vs. BurnOut (4 replies, posted in General discussion)
ARGH! Windows XP Compatibility did the trick. Didn't even need to run it as administrator. You're a genius, Gump!
20 2013-09-28 07:35:20
Re: ProtectionID vs. BurnOut (4 replies, posted in General discussion)
Here's the complete readout of ProtectionID's error for those who haven't seen it before:
Protection ID v0.6.4.0 JULY has crashed...
Build 07/08/10-17:57:05
Welcome to the scene of the crash.... take me to the hospital
EAX = 000000030h, EBX = 00000000Ah, ECX = 000000030h, EDX = 000000000h
ESI = 0004F8510h, EDI = 000000031h, ESP = 00028BF4Ch, EBP = 00028BF94h
DS = 0002Bh, ES = 0002Bh, FS = 00053h, GS = 0002Bh, SS = 0002Bh
DR0 = 000000000h, DR1 = 000000000h, DR2 = 000000000h, DR3 = 000000000h
DR6 = 000000000h, DR7 = 000000000h
CCW = 00000037Fh, CSW = 000004020h, CTW = 00000FFFFh, CEO = 000000002h
CES = 0FFFF0000h, CDO = 000000000h, CDS = 000000000h, CR0NPX = 001147CB3h
Crash @ CS:EIP -> 00023h:075D5990Bh, EFlags : 000010206h
Stack @ SS:ESP -> 0002Bh:00028BF4Ch
Crash Code : 0C0000005h
Crash Report : In Page Error
ThreadID : 01F3DCh / 0127964
ThreadName : PiD Core Thread (thread 1)
Crash Happened in Scan File -> Unknown :(
Procedure Name : N/A
Crash File Line Range (low) -> 00
21 2013-09-28 07:34:52
Re: CDMage Detected 1 Corrupted Sector...What to Do? (8 replies, posted in General discussion)
Regarding ProtectionID, I addressed the issue in this thread: http://forum.redump.org/topic/13204/pro … s-burnout/
As for the current dump in question...should I go ahead and put "1" or "0" in the error box? I'm figured I already need to say SecuROM in the protection field.
Did you run a disc structure scan?
Quite possibly...but I'm not exactly sure what method you're referring to.
22 2013-09-28 04:50:03
Re: CDMage Detected 1 Corrupted Sector...What to Do? (8 replies, posted in General discussion)
Okay. Any reason BurnOut didn't detect it? It's an older game. I would have double-checked it with ProtectionID if I could get have gotten it to run, but it's currently incompatible with Win7 x64.
I'll go ahead and post it all the same, but I'll note that it uses SecuROM unless instructed to otherwise. Also, where it indicates Error Count (CDMage), should I put "1" and identify the erroring sector? Or should I just put "1" and leave it at that?
23 2013-09-28 03:07:34
Topic: CDMage Detected 1 Corrupted Sector...What to Do? (8 replies, posted in General discussion)
While I was finishing up a dump for Empire Earth, CDMage reported finding "1 corrupted sector". The disc is a data-only disc (1-track) with 150 - 247,232 sectors, and according to the error log the bad sector is at 247,229.
Track #| Sector|Sync|Header|Subheader|EDC|Intermediate|ECC P|ECC Q|Severity|Content of sector
1|247,229| No | Yes | N/A |Yes| Yes | Yes | Yes |Medium |Yet not identified
I've dumped the disc 3x using different drives, but the error remains present. The disc itself is rather nice and only has a few hairline scratches; all of which are vertical and not horizontal. While it could be due to a scratch...the fact that it's one (and only one) sector is odd to me. Any thoughts?
EDIT: According to Burnout, there is no protection on the disc, so it doesn't appear to be a SafeDisc related issue. Plus, it's at the end of the disc.
24 2013-09-26 00:28:12
Re: What is the CURRENT Method for Dumping Audio Tracks? (3 replies, posted in General discussion)
Thanks, Pablo. But is the lack of response here meaning to suggest that this is the ONLY acceptable method for dumping audio?
25 2013-09-25 07:54:20
Topic: What is the CURRENT Method for Dumping Audio Tracks? (3 replies, posted in General discussion)
What is the CURRENT and RECOMMENDED method for dumping audio tracks? (Mixed-mode and/or straight audio.) Include tool names along with specific settings/options and proper command-line usage to support your argument.