
(62 replies, posted in General discussion)



(62 replies, posted in General discussion)

sorry BadSector, the same crc like above d6f54c5d


(62 replies, posted in General discussion)

BadSector I got no errors using packPS2, but CRC is different = d6f54c5d


(62 replies, posted in General discussion)

yeah, that would be nice!
but ZorrentZip doesnt support large files (above 2gb) and thats the problem of packIso too.


(62 replies, posted in General discussion)

*hehe* here is it 7za457 bleeehhh tongue


(62 replies, posted in General discussion)

7za is just Standalone-Version, thats all differences !
You can replace it with newer one, but take always Standalone-Version (7za), do not simply rename the other 7z version, that will not work !

Newest release 7za458


(62 replies, posted in General discussion)

anyhow can anyone who have Kingdom Hearts [u] [SLUS-20370] do the following things

can not do that because my image must be fixed, sorry

i think that the 7za file in packiso is a modified version of 7z

it must be the original one, just the beta version of 4.53
7-Zip (A) 4.53 beta  Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Igor Pavlov  2007-08-27

packiso was just a front end to do all those ecm and other functionalities automatically



(62 replies, posted in General discussion)

sorry, I have not received any type PM from You ((



(62 replies, posted in General discussion)

1) what software can i used to burn PSX games. For single track games i think many will work, but which to used with multi tracks games. asking it coz i remember i read somewhere that only CDRwin will work properly.

I am using ImgBurn to burn all types of images. Unfortunately multi track CDs are not supported for now, but this future will be available in the next release I heard...
So long I am using Alcohol to burn them.

2) what is this /b command, little explanation would be great...

/b means "binary" mainly used to copy files and append data to other file, for example: COPY /b FILE1 + FILE2 + ... + FILEn FINAL_FILE

...also after i have used it can i then burn it with some other software then CDRwin?

sure, why not

3)if i combined a image using /b command what is the easiest method to create a proper cue file.

Do you mean combine DATA track + AUDIO tracks?

4) is there any special virtual drive software which will work properly with multi tracks games so i can play them using emu, or does all of them work properly

they work all properly, but I prefer DAEMON Tools

5) will Packiso and imagediff work with PS2 DVD images

For packIso, I am not sure.
ImageDiff works with DVDs but it is very slow and it creates amazing big checksum files, but for sure you can use it !!!


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

In this case, it is a protracted procedure!
You have to work with HexEditor to find the specified address!
Please don't ask me for more details, it is very hard to find not addressed files!!!

Good luck to find them wink


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

BadSector, Your idea is great, but I cannot really help you a lot in the developing!
I wished I would have more time...

Here is my suggestion and what I think about it.

Data track titles only (is really simple)
Adventures of Alundra, The (E) [SLES-01135].bin
Alundra (J) [SCPS-10035].bin
Alundra (U) (v1.1) [SLUS-00553].bin

//When no audio tracks found ---> pack or unpack chosen titles!

Titles with ALL IDENTICAL AUDIO tracks (is simple too)
Resident Evil 2 (E) (Disc 1) (Leon Disc) (Track 1) [SLES-00972].bin
Resident Evil 2 (G) (Disc 1) (Leon Disc) (Track 1) [SLES-00974].bin
Resident Evil 2 (U) (Disc 1) (Leon Disc) (Track 1) [SLUS-00421].bin

(E)(SLES-00972),(G)(SLES-00974),(U)(SLUS-00421) (Track 2).bin   ***my favorite smile

//PACK (audio)
//The tool should known that audio tracks are identical (by checking checksums).
//Remove whole title name and leave (Track #).bin only, then append all country codes.
//1. (E),(G),(U) (Track 2).bin
//In case of that, there are identical country codes with different languages, append all codes and additional serials.
//2. (E)(serial),(E)(serial),(G),(U) (Track 2).bin
//Or should we append serials for each country code???
//I think it is the BEST SOLUTION for all cases !
//3. (E)(serial),(G)(serial),(U)(serial) (Track 2).bin

//UNPACK (audio)
//In this case removing unneeded country codes and serials, suspended automatically by the tool.
//---> get chosen country code, for example (U)
//---> get whole name from file (U) (Track 1)
//---> replace Track number, and unpack.

Titles with SOME SIMILAR AUDIO tracks (is a little bit complicated)

//I will edit it later when I have more time wink

Tekken 3 (E) (Alt) (Track 1) [SCES-01237].bin
Tekken 3 (E) (Track 1) [SCES-01237].bin
Tekken 3 (J) (Track 1) [SLPS-01300].bin
Tekken 3 (U) (Track 1) [SLUS-00402].bin

Tekken 3 (E) (Alt) (Track 2).bin
Tekken 3 (E) (Alt) (Track 3).bin
Tekken 3 (U),(E),(E) (Alt),(J) (Track 2).bin
Tekken 3 (U),(E),(E) (Alt),(J) (Track 3).bin


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

As a programmer I may not be lazy wink

Ya it a very good solution, but most of the game have exact same audio tracks, so in those cases, it u just remove the Region/Serial info from there filename and from the cue file then u don't need the duplicates. not to mentioned, that u can generate those updated Cue file from the software itself.

If the games have exact same audio tracks, even easier it is, simply renaming the source files to other region using batch-file

I am too lazy to write so many bat files

It is not so heavy to create them! I could write an tool that do it for me wink

and if u have the complete track1 file in the 7zip rather then the patch it eliminate the whole apply patch thing, and someone like me who have thousand of images it saves lot of time, not to mentioned again how lazy i can be.

Also here you can automate this process!



(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yes, I know what You mean, BadSector smile

but check this out, its my solution for audio tracks wink



(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

Biohazard 2 (J) (Disc 1) (Leon Disc) (Track 1) [SLPS-01222].bin
Biohazard 2 (J) (Disc 1) (Leon Disc) (Track 2) [SLPS-01222].bin

You forgot that Track 2 in this case is "dummy" track, and is packed only few bytes small !

Biohazard 2 (J) (Disc 1) (Leon Disc) (Track 1) [SLPS-01222].bin
Resident Evil 2 (E) (Disc 1) (Leon Disc) (Track 1) [SLES-00972].bin
if we compress them in one file it will save lot of space.

Why compress other image(s) whole, if you can add them as transfer patches in addition !


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

pepsidrinker wrote:

Did you dump it twice on two different drives and get the same checksum?

right, sometimes it is needed!


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

You don't have to check them for libcrypt, ps2 (both cd and dvd) games have no protection, I mean...

Edit: it is enough to dump they twice...

Yes, the second disc is VOB protected.
I have already dumped the whole disc with DDump in one image, it took some hours but i have it now.
And it works for me to, i can play it smile

But the thing is that we want to have it in separate tracks.
To dump the first and second track is no problem.
The 1st data track (the real one) has no errors, and the 1st audio track is one "dummy" track (filled with zeros only).
Protected are the 2nd audio and the 2nd data tracks.

Using EAC I got follows:

Title          Track         Start              Length            Gap               Size           Compr. Size     Read CRC        Test CRC      CRC       Pre-Emphasis
Track01       01       0:00:00.00      1:12:39.39      Unknown        733.39 MB       733.30 MB                                                                 No
Track02       02       1:12:39.39      0:00:01.00      Unknown           0.16 MB         0.16 MB       769282BB        769282BB       OK            No
Track03       03       1:12:40.39      0:00:04.00      Unknown           0.67 MB         0.67 MB       768732C8        768732C8       OK            No
Track04       04       1:12:44.39      0:00:42.00      Unknown           7.06 MB         7.06 MB                                                                   No

You can not detect gaps because 2 last tracks are protected.
But using IsoBuster I found 2 seconds gap for the 2nd track.

0000 : 13 64 0D EB 45 8F 73 24  25 DB 5B 1B 7B 4B 63 77   .d..E.s$%.[.{Kcw
0010 : 69 E6 AE CA FC 57 01 FE  80 40 60 30 4C D2 C8 D9   i....W...@`0L...
0020 : 48 64 36 AB 56 FF 7E C0  7C 7E C3 C9 0A 91 C7 2C   Hd6.V.~.|~.....,
0030 : 52 9D FD A9 81 BE E0 70  48 24 36 9B 56 EB 7E CF   R......pH$6.V.~.
0040 : 60 54 28 3F 5E 90 38 6C  12 AD CD BD 95 B1 AF 34   `T(?^.8l.......4
0050 : 7C 17 61 CE A8 54 7E BF  60 70 28 24 1E 9B 48 6B   |.a..T~.`p($..Hk
0060 : 76 AF 66 FC 2A C1 DF 10  58 0C 3A 85 D3 23 1D D9   v.f.*...X.:..#..
0070 : C9 9A 7A BC 79 35 48 54  36 BF 56 F0 3E C4 3E 44   ..z.y5HT6.V.>.>D
0080 : AF C9 F5 D1 87 1C 62 89  E9 A6 CE FA D4 43 1F 71   ......b......C.q
0090 : C8 24 56 9B 7E EB 60 4F  68 34 2E 97 5C 6E B9 EC   .$V.~.`Oh4..\n..
00A0 : 72 CD E5 95 8B 2F 27 5C  1A B9 CB 32 D7 55 9E BF   r..../'\...2.U..
00B0 : 28 70 1E A4 08 7B 46 A3  72 F9 E5 82 CB 21 97 58   (p...{F.r....!.X
00C0 : 6E BA AC 73 3D E5 D1 8B  D4 F6 F8 46 B6 CF 36 D4   n..s=......F..6.
00D0 : 16 DF 4E D8 EB BB 97 7B  2E A3 5C 79 F9 E2 C2 C9   ..N....{..\y....
00E0 : 91 96 EC 6E CD EC 55 8D  FF 25 58 35 59 A1 E1 2E   ...n..U..%X5Y...
00F0 : 62 2F A3 21 B9 D8 72 DA  A5 9B 3B 2B 53 5F 7D F8   b/.!..r...;+S_}.
0100 : 21 82 B5 04 53 AA 74 B8  0D C8 78 0C 22 85 D9 A3   !...S.t...x."...
0110 : 1A F9 CB 02 D7 41 9E B0  68 74 2E A7 5C 7A B7 9B   .....A..ht..\z..
0120 : 48 5F 71 44 0F 12 D8 1C  5A 89 FB 26 C3 5A D1 FB   H_qD....Z..&.Z..
0130 : 1C 43 49 F1 F6 C4 B0 43  34 05 F8 09 00 00 00 00   .CI....C4.......
0140 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
0150 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................
0160 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................

read offset is for me +667 and write offset is 0, but it is useless in this case.

Track01 can I get with IsoBuster.
Track02 CRC is identical with 1 second (176400) dummy file.
So, I simply resized data track (-352800) and added 2 secs to the dummy track!

The next step would be to read out 3rd and 4th tracks.
Can I get it simply from the whole image that I created with DDump, for cutting it?
I believe, they are pregapless...

themabus wrote:

1st and 2nd cd is mode1, but 3rd mode2? is it correct?
i also removed 'Original' because it's 1.27 and for some reason only a few PC games currently have this tag, i'm sorry if it was wrong.

- It's right themabus, 1st and 2nd discs are MODE1 and 3rd disc is MODE2 !!! Yes I know, it's unusual, but it is a fact smile

- I have the original packaging, and it looks like "original", has no other notes, but "First Edition" it is not, that's sure, so much I know!

I have some problems coping Gothic (Disc 2), the first disc is already done,
but second disc has 4 tracks (1 data, 2 audio and still data track as number 4).
Can You help me with that?


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hey BadSector smile
ask Dremora, unpackIso.exe contains no help index, I don't know that to...