but on Windows it works, right?
i guess this is the part that has to updated for Linux.

could you please test raw output unscrambling (-u) performance, is there difference between 0.4/0.5 or win/nix?

thank you very much, flibitijibibo

so, as far as i understand, it's slower on Linux and results are inconsistent, is this correct?

that would be really great

good luck, flibitijibibo!


(32 replies, posted in General discussion)

per popular demand added link to source code in corresponding post

i've mailed it to that other Linux guy and that was the last time i've heard from him
and he was sole person within a year interested in this
so i didn't think anyone else would be

well, it's a mess
*nix part was neglected and, what is, is hackish
it probably won't even compile on those machines
so you'd have to compare 0.5.3 with 0.4.0 and update nix platform specific functions

but two requests in a month it's like superpopular
i guess i better add link to main topic then


(15 replies, posted in News)

yeah, sure you can have a script
but that wasn't the question
this number show total records and in this db records are matching CDs
in db, where records are submissions, this number would have different meaning
and answer would be different
that's what i'm trying to say


(15 replies, posted in News)

no, in current db structure matching CDs wouldn't be counted separately, even when from different releases


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

i think it's good

though as i understand it (USA, Japan) flag should be (Japan, USA)

Multi region codes:
- (World)
- (Europe) Includes Australia
- (Asia)
- (Japan, USA)
- (Japan, Europe)
- (USA, Europe)

http://datomatic.no-intro.org/?page=sho … amp;n=1550
only one such entry at no-intro, so maybe it doesn't matter, i don't know

np, i'm glad if this is of any help

yes this could be done this way
thing with CloneCD is though that it outputs all tracks in single file
so you would have to join those EAC audio tracks togeather, remove same amount of data from CloneCD's .img
and then add that EAC data there
.cue and .ccd should be fine then as they are
you could mount this image on virtual drive then and test it with emulator to see if everything is right
with .ccd subchannel data from .sub file would be used, but not with .cue

good luck, ploder

yeah, you'll need a cue sheet to record those
but if you follow guide, you won't get usable one
since IsoBuster doesn't care about gaps and EAC about data tracks
and AFAIR it also always did define audio tracks as .wav
so site just generates it from all submitted data

for PlayStation though 1st track would always be defined the same way
and usually all gaps are 2 second
so it shouldn't be difficult to create cue sheet by yourself
it would look something like this, and you'll just add/remove audio tracks at the end

FILE "Track 01.iso" BINARY
  TRACK 01 MODE2/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "Track 02.bin" BINARY
    INDEX 00 00:00:00
    INDEX 01 00:02:00
FILE "Track 03.bin" BINARY
    INDEX 00 00:00:00
    INDEX 01 00:02:00

LibCrypt key is encoded in subchannel
cue/bin stores only main channel information, so LibCrypt information is provided in additional .sbi files
alike cue sheets those .sbi files are generated by site from submitted information

CloneCD doesn't support cue/bin by itself and nothing AFAIK supports .sbi
so, to reproduce LibCrypt protected CD, you'll need to convert cue/bin/sbi to CloneCD's native ccd/img/sub format
i had command line program that would do that
it's probably somewhere in 'PSXstuff' in my signature

so, yeah - it's a drag - ok, if you follow those guides and contribute to project and interact with site
but otherwise pretty cumbersome
ordinary CloneCD backups should be just fine for PSX CDs including LibCrypt protected ones
they won't be bit perfect - not for database, but fine - they'll work and all

if it's not LibCrypt protected CD, ImgBurn, BlindWrite and CDRWIN should work
it won't really be 1:1 (e.g. some audio samples might get lost or gaps modified)
but it's as close as you can get - it won't affect gameplay


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

oh, better don't stress it then
could be it's getting ready to pass on
maybe disconnect completely until you can make backup
it always sucks when HDD dies
good luck!


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

yeah, it's fine
i've checked friidump and it's pretty impossible for it to pass bad sectors
EDC check is part of core decoding logic
it's likely to be HDD fault then
could it be IDE and on the same cable as CD unit?
to be certain in future you could make raw image with -r switch instead of -i
and afterwards decode this image twice, with -u parameter:
friidump.exe -u "input.raw" -i "output.iso"


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

it's strange, friidump does EDC check, it shouldn't pass with errors.
if it's molested version maybe i messed up something.
you could try last official.
or dump in raw instead and then feed this to decoder.
if different raw images pass through decoder, something is wrong with friidump.
otherwise it could be HDD bit flip maybe.

it's quite useless for emulation, yes. but it's necessary to organize good db (i.e. preservation project).

gaps is one thing, another thing with TOSEC is that they do not cancel CD offset. this shifts all audio data in one direction or other relative to data tracks. some of audio data often enough is shifted out of dumped range - if it ends up in gap or lead-out - then it's cut off and lost.

so TOSEC dumps depend from offset of master (there often are several); single game made from masters with different offsets will have different entries, when actually it's same CD. instead of verifying one another, those entries create clones (also no relation among audio data from different regions, or consoles, since usually those would have different offsets too). and since audio data can be cut off, they can end up with several clones none of them covering whole audio data, so no matter how you shift this data afterwards, it won't fully match to that from another entry.

specifically for DC they do not cancel drive offset too, which they assumed was always the same for this console, but as it later turned out - it isn't - yielding more problems.

the devil is in the details.

i do have some PC CDs from mid-90s made in UK that were messed up @mastering in gap transition area.
what you describe sound too like some transition region. could be it is just messed up.
but i guess you could try hot swapping. it's still better than d8. if that doesn't work probably nothing will.

i agree it's important information to have
db model Dremora was working on would link those records togeather, like vgrebirth or gamefaqs
that would have been great and is way to go imho
don't know what happened to it

but i think comments field as it is now is misused:
- actual comments and notes would go there
- links to related media would go there
- compilation content
- protection info
- layer break
- header dump

this makes bad db
all of those special entries should have fields of their own, imho, and don't belong in comments
it is good we have this info somewhere, but db should have been periodically updated, now it's a mess
i hope, if not Dremora, somebody else would finally rewrite db structure taking into account all of this
in that case imho it's better not to mass-add those names to comments now
it will be difficult to fetch out what's already in there as it is now


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

offset doesn't influence single data track CDs, so it's either indeed a different version or something goes wrong.
to be sure please try to extract it again, better on different drive, and see if checksums of both dumps match.
it could be that drive return incorrect data without warning.

those are basically to work with CD images you stumbled upon somewhere and are trying to get matches against DB

- reLicense
specify CRC-32 for System Area
run this program on raw CD image (data track), and it will output checksum for whole file
as if System Area had this specified CRC
so it's possible to quickly determine whether data track would match db entry
would it have different System Area (which quite often is the case)
it's for situations you'd get 'System area: Unknown' with psxt001z
it does not modify source file though, so to restore image afterwards you should have those system areas
you can easily obtain them, extracting first 16 sectors from valid images
preconfigured for PSX-JPN set, as it's most incomplete, but can be configured for other regions/systems

- reCombine
would you have 2 slightly different images (data or audio tracks), e.g.:
and it's impossible to otherwise tell nature of those differences, e.g. with CDMage
this program will brute force all possible combinations, producing:
xxAxBx & xxxxxx for this example as a result
one of those just might happen to be the combination you're looking for
preconfigured for raw CD images, but generally can be used for all sorts of binaries

- FindFileFragment
does the same as psxt001z --track, but x2..x4 faster and with slightly more freedom


i won't be around for a while
have a great summer everyone

- fixed FindFileFragment not detecting 0 offset
- updated reCombine to be more flexible

oh, yes, you're right
i never noticed this


big thanks to nullDC authors!


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

no, it's not open source, hiker13526

*locking this topic until issue with spambots is resolved*
themabus @2011.12.10


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

i could send you pascal part without assembler routines, if you want to
it should be possible to link it with CloneCD's ElbyECC.dll instead
but it's really rather simple:
- mode of each sector is determined
- each element (sync, address, subheader, etc.) compared with pregenerated
- those matching removed
so what's wrong with ECM, i think, since it has support of many formats: .cdi, nrg, mdf? - well at least some of those
it might be that on certain data layouts it would get confused and would try to analyze data too much
possibly trying to determine whether given sector belongs to any of those
anyway, that's only thing that comes to my mind without looking at code,
since basis is just a simple comparison and there are no faster/slower sectors per se
except for ECC part but that hardly influence anything
and PSX would actually have less of those than regular CDs


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

yeah, basically i made ECMa for Dreamcast because of extensive use of padding in GD layout.
but turned out it can also outperform ECM on PSX XA sector encoding rather well
likely cause of this could be some bug in sector analyzing algorithm.
though i haven't looked through it's code myself, since i'd use ECMa instead
those are two things that could be possible to optimize in ECM

for example try encoding SLPS-00113, it'll crawl from 19% on, apparently something goes wrong there