the following CDs are +31 all the rest Japanese PS1 CDs i have submited so far are +32
SLPS-02559  <| NEUES, submited recently it's not yet accepted
SLPM-86379  <| this is Valkyrie Profile CD1. no mistake, it's how it is: CD2 is +32

thank you! i'm glad you gave this link. i remember that site and program from several years back, when there was a discussion on cdfreaks about psx cp :) but then i guess in last years i forgot about them. so i've found a description of scrambling pattern. and so for MSF it would mean XOR 018000; 60 for type. and applying this rule on addresses posted aboove they would unmask in the following way:
is this correct?

ok, thank you very much!

it's great! i've checked cds with various offsets as previously determined with isobuster -617 to 1823 and they all mached.
and this program even returned correct -617 offset that isobuster couldn't do on my plextor drive.
and also this output can be parsed easy to do things automatic.
but could you please explain in more detail:
this number '018200' after sync, how does it change exactly? i understand that last part is like frames 0..74 and if i get for instance 018172,
i would add 3*588 with sync offset. so ok. but i also did try to check PCE CD. it is audio-data1-audio2...audioN and if i understand correct it should
be possible to get offset even for such cd, if one target data track's LBA. and i think i can do that by comparing results from PCE
with results from +32 PSX when reading same LBA.
eg. it's -180 for Sotsugyou II: Neo Generation.
but i don't understand the way this number changes: so last byte is F; middle goes to 99 and then A0..A9 B0..B9 and so on until D9; and then?


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

it also would stuck in an infinite loop before ID field, when executed on Japanese Ace Combat [SLPS-00061] data track without parameters. label is ACECOMBAT exe is PSX.EXE dated 1995-05-17
also crash on Beyond The Beyond [SCPS-10014] when looking up ID
crash on Wild Arms [SCPS-91306], where exe is in subdirectory "exe":
BOOT = cdrom:\EXE\SCPS_100.28


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

could you please add ID;Date fields to --fix and --scan commands and also make it so to check date for PSX.EXE in case when SYSTEM.CNF is not present?


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

mmm... i guess then ther's more to that. i've checked what's missing at the end on both drives that don't overread into lo and:

|dirve|  disc offset    |
|off  |+0032|+0970|+1803|
|set  +-----+-----+-----|

the difference of missing samples is 88, not that amount of drive offset diff. or 0. so i guess how far they go into lead out is also somewhat drive dependant. maybe your drive can see +32 cd perfectly but can not large offset? or maybe it can see even large offset, but in that case why EAC would not report it as overread capable? strange. but what's really strange: ~2k cd miss less samples than 1k!? *edit* ah, i guess it's maybe  a postgap, could be it differs in size on that middle cd.


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

oh, ok! smile


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

in EAC, under Drive Options menu click 'Detect read sample offset correction'. and also when you read last autdio track with somewhat large positive offset, EAC will give error at the very end if drive does not overread in lead-out area.


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

mmmm now neither do i smile i can't see last few sectors on LH-18A1H, it's true since it does not overread but on PREMIUM ther's data until last half of sector in Gambler Jiko Chuushinha 2 (+1823). and we match crc on different drives, so it should be right, shouldn't it? p_star, could you please explain more on this? did you mean if drive does not overread?


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

no, i'm not oposing what Vigi said. if he says Sony 100E or 120E are good, they must be smile just that i thought the same. i thought i won't be able to read much audio cds with +6 offset drive because only cd that were in db and that i had was -617 and i could not read it. and i got myself Asus CD-S500/A (+1858). very cheap from ebay. and with that i could dump that European demo disc with -617 offset. but after that all cds i read were +32 or even larger positive offset. and thing is with positive offset that last audio track gets bytes pushed out to lead out. and judging from gigadeath's, p_star's and batleth92 Sega dumps that's far more often than negative offset. so just don't worry, it's lucky you have a Plextor smile , don't throw it away just yet. but maybe since i guess you have European region cds, maybe they do have negative offset. to recommend anything - i don't have that experience. there was thread like this, where admins commented:

i can only add to that brief summary about my drives:

Asus CD-S500/A (+1858 ;-30=1828)
+read negative offset audio
+very fast audio extract
-doesn't overread in leadout
-is rom not rw and can't read subchannel
-screws up data tracks so good for audio only

Plextor CD-R PREMIUM (+30 ;-30=0)
+overread lead-out
+somewhat fast audio extract
+read subchannel
-can't see far in pregap

Lite-On DVDRW LH-18A1H HL07 (+6; -30=-24)
+read subchannel
-can't see far in pregap at all
-can't see in lead-out
~most slow read but most precise


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

xenogears wrote:

I really need them in order to dump Sega CD games and even Saturn, PC Engine games.

most sega games from db have huge offset but it's positive. large offset drive +pregap overread is for negative offset games. for positive on contrary it's better to have lead out overread (it's somewhat rare but most plextors do that). but maybe it's region specific like most negative offset psx games seems to come from Europe region. majority dumped sega discs are Japanese.


(50 replies, posted in General discussion)

no, no after that. after i substract.
but i've found out it's my mistake. i went to check one sector back from first pregap to see if it's data track (wasn't sure about 2sec)
and if i do that, turns out isobuster does not get offset correct afterwards.
it's 1803 after all.
i'll post crcs tomorrow.


(50 replies, posted in General discussion)

and sorry for long delay.

i just got Tenkafubu/Jikocyushunha2/Sangokishi III from your list and Winning Post couple of hours ago
and so far i only had time to look at Tenkafubu
eac gives gap 2 for 1st audio and 1.74 for the rest
but strange thing is, on every drive, isobuster gives different absolute offset!?
i would think it's my mistake to do calc in hurry but this difference is visible even when reading 1st audio by relative ones.
tho it's possible to get crcs to mach if one offset is taken as default and the others adjusted by data difference in dumped tracks.
if for example 1st audio track's, 1st data byte is 5e08e, crc32 : 7a802c1a

sorry it's not much and this is all for now
...didn't had that much time, but i'll try to spend more on this in the next few days


(50 replies, posted in General discussion)

hello, gigadeath! i hope to get some of games you listed somewhere next week.


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

please don't worry about this number smile. there was a huge discussion goin on about this a year back. you can google "Andre IpseDixit". but in anyway it does not affect game cds. would it be -300 correction or +71, only this number would change, not actual data you read from cd because in the way described in guide you get exact offset for each cd on specific drive and then rip cd by that value. this correction is added/subtracted afterwards and is virtual. eg. if you have plextor (+30-30=0) and cd that is listed in db with offset -617 you would enter -617 in eac. would this be year back you would have +30 for plextor offset and cd offset in db would be -647 (EAC: +30-647=-617).


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

it's hard to tell, it would be easier by hex values but it looks like an empty sector.
00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 ?? ?? ?? ??
first 12 bytes is sync - afaik it's always the same
next 3 is MSF (sector address)
Seconds (0..59)
Frames (0..74)
MSF is in BCD format - if you're 24:56:74 in cd you will see exact values in hex editor (not 18 38 4A)
last byte is Mode. it should be 00 in this case.
(you can find this information in ECMA-130 btw)
and good guess is: last sector from that broken image you have is also filled with 00, so you just append it once
more to have a correct image size and then adjust MSF field with an hex editor (eg. 24 56 74 -> 24 57 00)


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

mmm maybe you could try to append a 00 sector as you did before but hex edit it to hold correct sync and header field values. it is only thing i can think of (except for a patch). but even if it works, this game was not dumped from original cd, so maybe it's not that good at all.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

hi, Patzik, to be hones i don't know really, maybe ther's some software that rips so, so that they would differ always in a similar pattern like last data track sector missing, but you could try to scan it with dremora's tool or maybe cdmage. if ther's a sector missing - it will show - you'll get a continuous cascade of errors afterwards. and anyhow, you can ask for a patch in the Patches section. try to fix some and you will notice what differs.


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

hi! very nice project.
good to see you're doing something to sort all this huge data amount.
and also it's obvious you guys have spent a lot of time examining various aspects of psx disc structure and cp schemes and such.
and so i wandted to ask:
1. i've checked my SCED-02492 pal demo disc that you have listed in db and indeed i can get all crcs
excep 1st audio track, because it gets pushed in pregap with offset and i have +6 dvd and +400 something cd, i guess i would need ~+700
to fetch out first bytes. but it seems weird because as far as i can read it's still data, all other audio tracks have wav header
and then few k.bytes with 00s and only then data. could it be that there is no wav header in audio track or data starts right after header? guide you say: 'psxt001z.exe --fix "Track 01.bin"' what seems like ecc/edc repair+some structure checks
sorry if i'm wrong but doesn't this defeats the whole idea of dumping in raw? i mean if i dump original cd and ther's some mess with sectors
and then fix it and somebody else dumps and fixes we will likely get same crc but is it ok, shouldn't it have been left messed? more thing
3.i'm sorry for this but i don't mean to offend anyone. i can see why dumping from originals is so well defined and in need of extreme precision.
and when it is done people can check their stuff with .dat. but i think most don't have files seperated in that way, by tracks, and those offsets can
really mess things up and i just thought that maybe you would attract more people if there would be some gui tool that could do scan on images like
your commandline program can, or something similar. like crcs and structure and offsets and probably around 1kbyte of 1st audio track (it's the main
concern, right?) would be reported by dumper (like is now) and defined in tool and then all could have image checked with one click or something.
but maybe i'm way off from reality. i know that images are different, as far as i can remember one had zero bytes as ascii 0 other as hex or
something and others have headers and subchannel stuff but can't it be pulled off? i mean maybe people would be so much into this if they could just
point and click at their images and get results.