1 (edited by ploder 2010-12-08 12:56:32)

I have two games I'd like to make perfect backups of, Vigilante 8 and it's sequel. Both of these have 1 data track and multiple audio tracks. I have read through the guide on the main site and it looks straightforward enough but I am left with a question I hope you can answer.

Click 'Start Extraction' and save it as 'Track 01.iso'.

After dumping, you will end up with the following files:
Data track and audio track binaries, properly dumped using the guide;
Cuesheets and .log file(s) created by EAC (only for games with audio tracks).

If I am left with an .iso data file and 'audio binaries' what software should I be using to burn a perfect 1:1 backup from these files?

Thanks for reading.

if it's not LibCrypt protected CD, ImgBurn, BlindWrite and CDRWIN should work
it won't really be 1:1 (e.g. some audio samples might get lost or gaps modified)
but it's as close as you can get - it won't affect gameplay

3 (edited by ploder 2010-12-08 18:35:28)

Thanks for responding.

If there are only data and audio binaries (as is my understanding from reading the guide) then how will ImgBurn, Blindwrite or CDRWIN know how to make use of the audio binaries in order to burn the image? Do we have to make our own cue sheets?

Also, am I correct in thinking that if a game is Libcrypt protected the correct software to use is Clonecd? It can make use of the audio binaries created by following the redump guide?

PS - I haven't been making backups in a long time and am confused about making them for multi-track audio games. I was just going to use clonecd but then I remembered the redump guide. It got me thinking about the clonecd image format. I can't quite work out where the audio tracks in multi-track games are stored within the img/ccd/sub format?

yeah, you'll need a cue sheet to record those
but if you follow guide, you won't get usable one
since IsoBuster doesn't care about gaps and EAC about data tracks
and AFAIR it also always did define audio tracks as .wav
so site just generates it from all submitted data

for PlayStation though 1st track would always be defined the same way
and usually all gaps are 2 second
so it shouldn't be difficult to create cue sheet by yourself
it would look something like this, and you'll just add/remove audio tracks at the end

FILE "Track 01.iso" BINARY
  TRACK 01 MODE2/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "Track 02.bin" BINARY
    INDEX 00 00:00:00
    INDEX 01 00:02:00
FILE "Track 03.bin" BINARY
    INDEX 00 00:00:00
    INDEX 01 00:02:00

LibCrypt key is encoded in subchannel
cue/bin stores only main channel information, so LibCrypt information is provided in additional .sbi files
alike cue sheets those .sbi files are generated by site from submitted information

CloneCD doesn't support cue/bin by itself and nothing AFAIK supports .sbi
so, to reproduce LibCrypt protected CD, you'll need to convert cue/bin/sbi to CloneCD's native ccd/img/sub format
i had command line program that would do that
it's probably somewhere in 'PSXstuff' in my signature

so, yeah - it's a drag - ok, if you follow those guides and contribute to project and interact with site
but otherwise pretty cumbersome
ordinary CloneCD backups should be just fine for PSX CDs including LibCrypt protected ones
they won't be bit perfect - not for database, but fine - they'll work and all

5 (edited by ploder 2010-12-09 12:11:22)

You've been very helpful, thanks.

I think the best thing for me to do with my non-libcrypt games with audio tracks would be to dump it with clonecd, follow the EAC guide and get the audio binaries. Put the audio binaries in the same folder as the clonecd image and modify the cue sheet created by clonecd in the way you mentioned. That'll make a working backup won't it?

Yes, you are correct. I can see 2 second pregaps

I think I understand now and also why people complain that they can't hear audio in their dumps (they were simply using the data image without audio tracks!) It's a bit troublesome (especially for libcrypt games) but all the ones I have only had one data track (e.g vagrant story) which made things easier. I never remember having trouble making dumps, but now I see that was the luck of the draw and I wasn't trying to dump games with audio tracks and w/libcrypt to boot.

I'll get there in the end I think  wink

np, i'm glad if this is of any help

yes this could be done this way
thing with CloneCD is though that it outputs all tracks in single file
so you would have to join those EAC audio tracks togeather, remove same amount of data from CloneCD's .img
and then add that EAC data there
.cue and .ccd should be fine then as they are
you could mount this image on virtual drive then and test it with emulator to see if everything is right
with .ccd subchannel data from .sub file would be used, but not with .cue

good luck, ploder