
(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

pablogm123 wrote:

These discs sometimes contain a MCN frame in certain audio tracks transitions, where there are no indexes 00 and whatnot in these audio-audio transitions. Those frames belong logically to the next track, as dicted by the TOC.

Certain buggy app (well, not optimized to dump game discs with audio tracks) used in the past (EAC) treated these things as artificial indexes 00, especially when combined with TOC versus subcode desyncs.

No, I've asked to assign these sectors to the previous track by default, since many Saturn and Mega CD ones are mastered this way. Only PCE CD discs need EAN sectors assigned to the next track. Default - EAN goes to the previous sector, /m - EAN goes to the next sector smile


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

/m      If MCN sector exists in the last sector of the track, use this
                For WonderMega Collection [Mega-CD]

On Mega CD and Saturn titles MCN is always in the last sector of the track. Only PCE titles have MCN in the first sector of the track. You should treat MCN sectors as the last sector of the track by default. And "/m" parameter should be for PCE discs, where "MCN sector exists in the first sector of the track".


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:
F1ReB4LL wrote:

DiscImageCreatorToTestD8FUA.exe cd H: dump 40 /c2 1024 1024 4

If you use FUA, please use /f option.

Yes, with /f it fails smile

SenseData Key-Asc-Ascq: 05-24-00, ILLEGAL_REQUEST - INVALID FIELD IN CDB
Creating img(LBA)     25/250866[F:ReadCDForFlushingDriveCache][L:516] OperationCode: 0xd8


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:

And I uploaded exe to test.
http://www.mediafire.com/download/dqzkl … stD8FUA.7z

Works here:

DiscImageCreatorToTestD8FUA.exe cd H: dump 40 /c2 1024 1024 4
        Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 64bit
        x86, AnsiBuild, Jul 31 2014 03:39:08
         path: dump
        fname: dump
Start: 2014-08-01(Fri) 04:43:14
Checking reading lead-out
Creating bin from 4419 to 4421 (LBA)   4421
Reading lead-out: OK
Allocating memory for C2 error: 1024/1024
Operation Code: 0xd8, Sub Code: Raw
Creating img(LBA)   4420/  4418
C2 error didn't exist
Copying .scm to .img
Descrambling data sector of img(LBA)   3250/  3250
Checking ecc/edc LBA   4418/  4418
User data vs. ecc/edc match all
Creating bin, cue, ccd(Track)  2/ 2
Free memory for C2 error: 1024/1024
Calculating hash: dump (Track 1).bin
Calculating hash: dump (Track 2).bin
Calculating hash: dump.img

End: 2014-08-01(Fri) 04:43:42

http://redump.org/disc/8037/ - this game.

But I've updated Daemon Tools yesterday, cachex shows now:

cachex.exe -i -p -c h:

CacheExplorer 0.8 - spath@cdfreaks.com

Drive on H is  PLEXTOR  DVDR   PX-760A   1.07
[+] Buffer size: 2048 kB, read cache is enabled
[+] Supported read commands:
[+] Plextor flush command: rejected
[+] Testing cache line size:

So maybe it works because of new DT with SPTD 1.86? smile


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Could you finally fix the rereading for C2 errors? It doesn't work in the Test (20140720) version, it doesn't work in the Release(20140621), only works in the old 2013 releases.

Change reading speed: 4x
Reread times    1, ErrSectorNum   48/  48
Reread times    2, ErrSectorNum   48/  48
C2 error was fixed at all

Change reading speed: 4x
Reread times    1, ErrSectorNum   51/  51
Reread times    2, ErrSectorNum   51/  51
Reread times    3, ErrSectorNum    2/   2
Reread times    4, ErrSectorNum    2/   2
C2 error was fixed at all

Change reading speed: 4x
Reread times    1, ErrSectorNum   51/  51
Reread times    2, ErrSectorNum   51/  51
Reread times    3, ErrSectorNum    2/   2
Reread times    4, ErrSectorNum    1/   1
Reread times    5, ErrSectorNum    1/   1
C2 error was fixed at all

So it rereads 3-4 times and says all the errors are fixed, but nothing is fixed, it's a bug. Releases from 2013 reread properly.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Probably you need XP/2003 to get D8h(FUA).


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Mine shows the same:

Drive on H is  PLEXTOR  DVDR   PX-760A   1.07

[+] Buffer size: 2048 kB, read cache is enabled
[+] Supported read commands: BEh A8h(FUA) 28h(FUA) D8h
[+] Plextor flush command: accepted
[+] Plextor flush tests: 3/3
[+] Testing cache line size:
581 kB / 253 sectors
581 kB / 253 sectors
581 kB / 253 sectors

http://forum.dbpoweramp.com/showthread. … -CD-Drives
Some people there have "[+] Supported read commands: BEh A8h(FUA) 28h(FUA) D4h(FUA) D5h(FUA) D8h(FUA)" even with PX-760A 1.06 (maybe no more FUA for 0xD8 in 1.07 firmware?)


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

pablogm123 wrote:

Yes, I understand... no FUA for D8 command

sptd.Cdb[0]  = 0xD8;
sptd.Cdb[1]  = (FUAbit << 3);
sptd.Cdb[2]  = byte((TargetSector>>24)&0xFF); // msb
sptd.Cdb[3]  = byte((TargetSector>>16)&0xFF);
sptd.Cdb[4]  = byte((TargetSector>>8)&0xFF);
sptd.Cdb[5]  = byte((TargetSector)&0xFF);     // lsb
sptd.Cdb[6]  = byte((NbSectors>>24)&0xFF);    // msb
sptd.Cdb[7]  = byte((NbSectors>>16)&0xFF);
sptd.Cdb[8]  = byte((NbSectors>>8)&0xFF);
sptd.Cdb[9]  = byte((NbSectors)&0xFF);        // lsb

Taken from http://club.myce.com/attachments/f61/20 … hexsrc.zip

FUAbit == "True", if 0xD8(FUA) is supported by the drive, so, sptd.Cdb[1] = 1 << 3 = 1*2*2*2 = 8.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

pablogm123 wrote:

This pattern dissapears when packed mode for subcodes is selected, -mode 2 for subdump.exe.

Mode 2 isn't exactly in "packed" mode, it's for 0xD8 and 0xD8 doesn't have any "RAW' or "Packed" modes.

0xBE wrote:

Sub-channel Definition Description
000b No Sub channel Data No Sub-channel data will be transferred
001b RAW Raw Sub-channel data will be transferred
010b Q Not Supported
011b Reserved
100b R - W R-W data will be transferred
101b-111b Reserved

0xD8 wrote:

Sub Code Field CD-DA block length Description
00h 2352 bytes CD-DA data with no Sub Code
01h 2368 bytes CD-DA data with Sub Q Code
02h 2448 bytes CD-DA data with all Sub Code
03h 96 bytes All Sub Code only
04 ~ FFh Reserved

Mode 0 and Mode 1 use 0xBE with 0x01 subs, Mode 2 uses 0xD8 with 0x02 subs, Mode 3 uses 0xD8 with 0x03 subs.


(4 replies, posted in News)

300 dpi is enough for processed images (filtered, descreened, etc.), but the originals should be in 600 dpi raw.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:

Fixed probably. (Because I don't have a disc that is multiple indexes in track 1.)

Many Neo Geo CD games have multiple indexes for track 1, it's a protection scheme.


(4 replies, posted in News)

And those "engrish" translations on the sides of Japanese jewels as well?

Yep, sorry, 7056 bytes :-P


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:

Yes. I have 134 PCE CD now.

Your dumps are welcome smile

Same for Shin Seiki Evangelion vs. Neon Genesis Evangelion.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:

I tried the CDTool.exe (with PX-755SA, PX-4824TA) and inputted $FF000000 or $F0000000 in sector input box of "View sectors".
But I didn't get the sector data, and continued to start and stop reading disc.
Eventually, I got the error below.

Sector could not be read.

Error while processing ReadCD command.

Unknown sense key code combination:

Sense key:3

Additional sense code:2

Additional sense code qualifier:129.

Does my way make a mistake of any?

Looks like it is model-dependant. It worked for me on PX-716A on the discs where the first track is data (and didn't work when the first track was audio). On my current PX-760A both $FF000000 and -5000 don't work for the discs with the first track data, for the discs with the first track audio -5000 works and $FF000000 doesn't.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:
Plextor drives can rip only the -75, -1 range of the first pregap directly.

Somebody knows a drive that it can rip under -75 (=from -150 to -76) LBA?

Plextors rip from -75 for Audio CDs and from -142 for Data CDs.

sarami wrote:
-A part of the lead-in, the entire first pregap and a piece of the first track, index 1, is dumped.

This is unexpected for me. I don't know why these data get by a plextor drive.

It's a known trick. You can also try to dump not "-5000 to -76" range, but "$FF000000 to -1". Exactly "$FF000000" as a starting sector.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nexy wrote:

I think you need to have some kind of time out check, and some way to abort the process (crtl+q) or something...

I belive it was the drive stucked (either driver or hardware issue), not the program itself, ctrl+q won't help in this case.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nexy wrote:

When I ran DIC, it started using 100% CPU, I couldn't even move the console window. Effectively hardlocking my PC, so I tried to eject the disc and they tray opened normally, which gave me back control. The console window would NOT close so I rebooted... well that failed too, I was unable to close the process. So I hit the reset button to hard reboot (which I hate to do)

Happened with me with subdump and PX-716A once. Also 100% usage and was unable to kill the process, after reboot the drive locked and refused to eject the tray (the led was blinking for a few secs after pressing the eject button, nothing more). I've disconnected IDE and molex cables and reconnected after a hour or so - was working fine after that. So, I believe it's not a VS2013 issue (though, in your case, it lets you to eject the tray, but the drive is also different).


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

pablogm123 wrote:

The "CATALOG=" entries should be removed as well, they are useless because this field is already defined by the subcode.

Yes, "CATALOG=" entry seems to be a TruRip's invention, .ccd files from CloneCD don't have it.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

sarami wrote:

Depending on a drive, it's possible that it don't report C2 error exactly.

Mine is PX-760.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

And again, reported all the errors were fixed, but cdmage shows 2 errors in the data track. There's a bug in c2 reporting/fixing somewhere.


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

pablogm123 wrote:
<rom name="Fury3.bin" size="14112" crc="c260ff9f" md5="1f47516bf918efc2009b32a0ea3f520a" sha1="5749fc99a45a03d3d32362306ccb8601dd3f8a47"/>

The overread part is hashed newly.

What's bad in it?


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Something wrong with C2 rereading again.

Reread times   50, ErrSectorNum    2/   2
Reread times   51, ErrSectorNum    2/   2
Reread times   52, ErrSectorNum    2/   2
Reread times   53, ErrSectorNum    1/   1
Reread times   54, ErrSectorNum    1/   1
Reread times   55, ErrSectorNum    1/   1
Reread times   56, ErrSectorNum    1/   1
Reread times   57, ErrSectorNum    1/   1
C2 error was fixed at all.

Creating descrambled file(LBA) 126723/126723
Creating bin, cue, ccd(Track)  3/ 3

And the data track has 52 unfixed errors according to cdmage (5 are not fixable). Have you changed anything in the rereading code?


(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

pablogm123 wrote:

This is the exact method used by the PlexTools program, the mode 5.

Btw, sarami could also implement 2 different modes: 1 like now, tries to reread the sector until there's no c2 errors and 2 like I've described and like it's described in this wiki, to take the good bytes from the sectors with c2 errors.

And, please, move the rereading number to the commandline, 750 isn't always enough.