(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hi guys,

got myself an old Plextor PX-708A drive.

Since I don't have a computer with IDE connectors anymore I've tried an IDE/SATA to USB adapter from Digitus.
However CDs aren't even recognized by the drive. I've tried a different Plextor drive too and got the same issue.
DVDs can be read normally so I somehow have the feeling it could be an issue with my IDE/SATA to USB adapter.

Can anyone recommend a specific IDE to USB adapter? I've found a very popular product from Logilink but I want to be sure...
Or is there maybe a non listed USB disc drive supported that can read in scrambled mode?



(3,531 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hi Guys,
is a Linux/Ubuntu version available? Or does anyone know if it can be safely run with Wine?

I've quickly tried this:

SpaceAgeHero@gargantua:~/Downloads/DiscImageCreator_20160805/Release_ANSI$ wine DiscImageCreator.exe data I: c:\test.bin

And thats what happened:

    Windows 7 Ultimate N Service Pack 1 64bit
    x86, AnsiBuild, Aug  5 2016 09:44:01
Unknown command: [data]
    cd <DriveLetter> <Filename> <DriveSpeed(0-72)> [/a (val)]

Did I do something majorly wrong? ^^

I just found this: https://github.com/aldostools/ps3netsvr

First off: Thank you. I've been using this for over a year now.

Would it be possible for you to provide an executable build for Debian Linux as well?
How about a Github Repository?


(50 replies, posted in General discussion)

Not sure if this belongs here, but can anyone provide a method to reliably determine languages featured in PS3 games (except changing system language and test)?
Can it be recognised from specific files or folder structures on the discs?

Hi NvrBst,

very interesting. But how does this actually work?
Will ps3netsrv do any kind of on-the-fly-decryption or is the key somehow passed to the ps3 as if it's being read by the drive?


(50 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hey guys,

recently this has come to my attention: http://www.3k3y.com/ripp3r/.

The provider claims "It is the only software capable of creating accurate PS3 ISO images".

Even though I do not own any 3k3y-Hardware I checked out the Ripp3r-Software.
Since the application includes ISO encryption/decryption features, I wanted to know what it can do with my (Redump) PS3-ISOs, dumped following the guide in this very thread.

Well ... I wasn't too surprised to find that my ISO files were being rejected as "invalid ISO" when trying to use the built in ISO crypto feature, for instance.

So I am wondering, are my ISOs really accurate dumps?

I believe that I have read somewhere that 3k3y ISOs have the disc_key included, even though it doesn't really belong in the disc image. Could this be the reason why redump ISOs do not match, thus 3k3y ISOs being not accurate after all?

3k3y Ripp3r Software can be found here for your investigation: http://www.3k3y.com/ripp3r/Setup.msi

Also here is the documentation including some interesting PS3-Disc crypto-information: http://www.3k3y.com/index.php/download_ … ew/41/128/

Cheers. :-)


(50 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks for clarifying that.

Would it be possible then, theoretically, to extract metadata, disc_key etc. using classical PS3 homebrew applications?
Or is this not even possible technically without linux?
I don't really wanna mess with linux on 3.55. Would like to stay on 4.41 CFW.


(50 replies, posted in General discussion)

Can anyone recommend a newer Drive for the PC dumping method?
None of the suggested drives in the first post seem to be available to me anymore.
Will new ASUS drives (e.g. BC-12D1ST) work too?

When will the missing steps / tools for the PC method be provided? Thanks!


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Have there been any developments regarding PS3 dump-specifications?
What is (or will be) the accepted way to properly dump PS3 Blu-ray game discs?
The latest datfile package also contains a seemingly maintained PS3 datfile "Sony - PlayStation 3 (20120827 23-25-03)" but there is no PS3 section accessible on the redump page or dumping documentation after all.
I assume this datfile still holds checksums as calculated from linux / raw dumps?


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks for your hint over at romcenter forums! :-)

Just gave it a try and it worked as expected so far! Thank you very much!
(Perhaps you can optimize rebuilding? It takes very long. But that is actually not really a problem.)

Also predefined settings (with checkboxes) for Europe, USA etc. would be nice.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ghazy wrote:

you have access to the ps3 section?

i doubt the dumps are useful, but psp dumps also don't work in the emulator "jpcsp" until they're decrypted using real hardware. games on psp that required higher firmwares to work needed to be decrypted/patched to work on lower versions of custom firmwares.

the current ps3 dumps might be of use if there was a proper isoloader / custom firmware developed, but i don't know.

Nope. I've just used "Sony - PlayStation 3 (20110531 16-22-07).dat" as found in the latest redump discs archive.

Correct, the .iso images with encrypted contents would propably work on the PS3 if there was a way to properly mount them as if they were actually in the drive physically.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

The latest Version of mutliMAN can now rip any disc to an .iso file.

I was able to successfully rip my "Metal Gear Solid 4 - Guns of the Patriots (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)" disc and verify it as accurate against the redump database.

However it is still unclear if these isos can be mounted and used in its encrypted state.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

A new backup manager has been released which is capable of PS3 Blu-ray ISO dumping:

Making game backups
1. Start Cobra USB Manager from the XMB.
2. Insert the game to backup. It will appear at the beginning of the games list.
3. Select it, press circle, and choose the destination device from the list.
4. You will be asked if you want the dump in iso or in the standard format. Choose the desired
option and wait for the copy to complete.

Pros and cons of iso format compared to the standard directory based format:

· Support of backups with files bigger than 4 GB on external drives is possible. Iso files with a size
bigger than 4 GB are split in parts.
· Less files on hard disk, it can help to reduce fragmentation.

· It is a less standard format for ps3 backups.
· It always requires a ps3 disc game inserted.

Perhaps this can create proper dumps. :-)
Their solution however includes a USB dongle which is needed to actually run the manager.

Hopefully something similar will be released as freeware soon.