The drives with -24 offset correction are interesting to dump the last track of many discs if combined offset is negative, so you don't need a drive which can overread.

I have uploaded a par2 file of tracks of non-matching Ridge Racer tracks. Run the verify function of any par2 program, and drag and drop to its window the tracks you have. Then, compare the files using a hex-editor, to determinate differentes.

Perhaps, you software/drive cannot overread into pregap or lead-out, and your dump is missing a few of bytes replaced by zeroes. If combined offset is negative, you could miss data of first audio track (at the beginning), if positive of last audio track (at the end). Do you own the very same versions from the DB? Which tracks of Ridge Racer can you match?

By now, forget the fff utility.

In fact, the tracks which contain just digital silence are tricky. My Ridge Racer CD gave me lots of E32/C2 errors in the last track, which is pure digital silence, until I fixed it resurfacing. But, I was getting matching hashes because drives interpolates unrecoverable errors, replacing bad values by the arithmetic mean of previous sample and next sample, and 0+0/2=0, so nothing changed.

True, CDs are more complex than DVDs, specially the ones which combines data + audio.

Use the fff program:

It's a program that will brute force a huge set of offset corrections until find the correct one to apply.

The Lite-On drives (LTR-52246S and LH-20A1P, and both suffers from that bug) I own are listed as +6 in AcccurateRip list. Perhaps the yours, +12, has a Mediatek chipset of another older generation, unaffected by that bug. That bug only affects rips made by programs which rip data + audio in a go, and read subs on the fly: CloneCD, PerfectRip... EAC and others pure audio extractors aren't affected.

And your CD is in good shape, there are no E32 errors.

LITE-ON - DVDRW SOHW-812S: This kind of drives can usually overread into pregap and lead-out, but the app used has to read directly the required lead-out sectors, PF do this. EAC reads in a burst the last sectors of program area and required lead-out sectors to overread, and these drive refuse that.

The DVDRW SOHW-812S drive should be pretty good for PF, if you can run PF (to verify rips obtained by Rubyripper) using Wine and this drive can overread, but these drives have usually a bug: In the data-->audio transition, they skip the first two sectors of audio zone, and reads the two first sectors of lead-out. To compensate this, you have to apply this offset correcion: ([EXPECTED OFFSET CORRECTION] + [-1176 samples]). Also, they sometimes read very slow (at more or less 1,5x) the data tracks of some PS1 discs. Yet in general, they are good drives for ripping, and can read the last sector of data tracks of multitrack noEDC discs.

According to this info: … Rubyripper, that ripper doesn't take advantage of C2 pointers, so that it is somewhat possible that Rubyripper is ripping a constant error, which always returns the same data, and cannot detect it because doesn't use C2 pointers.

I use this utility in Windows, also available for Linux, the GUI is named qpxtool. It can controls diverse functions of real Plextor drives, shows the number of inserted discs and time spent reading/writing for that drives. The most important function is to scan discs, to detect E32 errors, and supports many types of drives for that (I have tested it in Lite-On Mediatek based drives, and Pioneer NEC based drives).

And, are you sure that Rubyripper is detecting the correct gaps, and gaps are appended to next track?


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

I hope that my message doesn't get deleted this time, because I posted a well intended message another time in this section, and got deleted, but I don't know the reason, because I never write offensive content.

Anyway, silikone, try another drive. Perhaps, it is the same issue with noEDC PS1 games, where many drives cannot read properly the last sector of data track. From my experiencie, only Lite-On CD/DVD writers, and real Plextor drives can handle it, with D8 command or ReadCD with ECC off. Which kind of drives do you own? … &t=204
Another person has noticed that there is one-byte difference between A/B pressings.

Do the audio tracks from your disc should match the ones from this dump, the japanese release of WWS'97?

I have the A pressing, and audiotracks match perfectly the one from that japanese release.

If you own a Premium or PX-7xx Plextor drive, you can download the PlexTools XL Professional 3.16 and run a C1/C2 scan to determinate the quality of disc.
C1: Every disc, even a new CD in mint condition, has C1 errors.
C2: More severe damage, but still readable.
CU: Unrecoverable damage, and corrupted data.

If you have a Mediatek based Lite-On drive, or a NEC based NEC/Optiarc drive you run the Nero DiscSpeed program to make a Disc Quality test, but these drives doesn't report C2 errors, and the CU errors reported by PlexTools are known as C2 in Nero DiscSpeed.

And take into account that, speaking of pure audio CD, is nothing unusual that there are different pressings, with identical data but shifted/offseted. So that, you will get different hashes, even if everything is fine.

Can you describe a Datel CD?


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

They are false positives, because subcode data is extracted with no absolutely error correction, and corrupted Q subcodes can confuse the psxt001z program. The valid sectors are the described in the guide:

"The first half of the sectors is located on 3rd minute, and the second half on 9th minute. All modified sectors can be divided into pairs, the distance between sectors in each pair is 5 sectors."

You can run the sbi2sub utility to generate a clean subcode file with LibCrypt sectors and valid P subcodes (The first sector and last 148 sectors marked as pause), in order to burn a copy with CloneCD.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

One suggestion: CD Bremse. Very handy to set up manually read speeds, lower or higher when the app used to extract data cannot set up read speed. For example, IsoBuster.


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

You have to run any suitable app for calculating hashes from .img file, at least which computes CRC32, MD5 and SHA1 hashes. If matches db, everything is OK. If not so, a par2 provided by someone which has this game or image is necessary to repair the dump.

PX-230A drive is based on ALi chipset, and it is a BenQ drive rebadged. It isn't a authentic Plextor drive, and doesn't understand D8 command, packed mode for CD+G and so on. However, it exposes, aparently, very excellent capabilities in error correction with worn discs, better than real Plextor drives. This is the favourite drive of Spoon, the dBpoweramp's developer.

I have redumped my Guilty Gear X game using the PX-W4824TU (a external W4824TA) ejecting tray by the emergency hole and starstop.exe, and everything has gone flawlessly at 4x speed, 0 C2 errors. I have dumped a sub file of high density zone which proves that last data track has a pregap of 225 sectors, 75 marked as audio + 150 marked as data. Pregaps are Sony style (i.e. a pregap of 150 sectos is encoded as 1.74-0.00, not 2.00-0.01, Philips style).

PS: It is possible to run px_d8 to determinate offset correction of HD area, for example:

C:\Documents and Settings\Pablo>px_d8 h: 45000
Sector: 45000
MSF: 10:02:01
Combined offset: -736 bytes / -184 samples

CDMage's output matches the one obtained by copy /b "file1.bin"+"file2.bin"+"file3.bin" "Final file.bin", as expected.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Last option for these CDs is the intelligent bad sector scanner in CloneCD, or CDTool, retry error count to 1 and use a drive which can enable Transfer erroneus block (ECC off).


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

You could try Isobuster for dumping that DVD. When reports first error, select Replace with all zeroes. However, this will take hours to complete. To speed up things, low transfer retries to minimum: Options, Communication,  Read Settings.

For CDs, CloneCD, fast error skip enabled and a drive which can skip read errors fastly. Toshiba DVD-ROM drives, based on authentic Toshiba chipsets (-472 in Accuraterip), were the typical suggested readers for this purporse.

TSST means Toshiba-Samsung Storage Technology, a joint venture between Samsung and Toshiba for developing and manufacturing optical drives.

And TS-H352C=SH-D162C, TS-H352D=SH-D162D, TS-H353A=SH-D163A, TS-H353B=SH-D163B. As far as I remember, TS-Hxxxx means OEM drive, sold by HP, Dell...whereas SH-xxxxx means retail.


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

It seems that you have to use psxt001z.exe --libcrypt <sub> [<sbi>], where <sub> is a .sub file generated by CloneCD (Deinterleaved subchannel data), and [<sbi>] is the .sbi file you want to write.

Try reading CD at lower speed where possible (For example, 4x or 8x), in order to get a cleaner .sub file.

Convert a ccd/img/sub image (If such image has only a Mode2 data track) to bin/cue is pretty easy, because img file=2352 bytes/sector dump=bin.

FILE "File.img" BINARY
TRACK 01 MODE2/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00

This cue file can coexist with ccd/sub files. Of course, replace File.img with proper filename.

MDF (2448 bytes/sector) is more difficult, because of interleaved subchannel data. You can try 2448@2352 utility (Written by themabus) in order to get a clean 2352 bytes/sector dump from a mdf file, and proceed as above:

Do you live in Europe? Do you own a SCSI card?

Look for SD-M1401 in eBay, -472 offset correction according to AccurateRip's database.

However, IMHO a proper drive capable of overreading into lead-in/out is the right way to go and more versatile.


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

EAC cannot overread into track 2's pregap in a mixed mode CD when combined offset correction is a negative value, even when drive can overread into leadin/out. Moreover, EAC cannot detect any pregap in data track + single audio disc. Two workarounds:


-Another drive with big offset correction value in order to get a positive offset correction value. Then, you have to use a hex editor to prepend 352800 zeroed bytes.


(29 replies, posted in General discussion)

A mode 2 data track can have a combination of mode 2/form 1 frames (For normal data, 2048 bytes of user data/sector) and form 2 frames (For audio/video, 2324 bytes of user data/sector). You can dump it directly with IsoBuster, of course.

By the way, I remember Hitachi-LG drives with Renesas chip (The ones with +667 in Accuraterip database) can extract such last sector without neeeding workarounds.


(29 replies, posted in General discussion)

If your drive has a correction offset value of +6 and factory write offset is +2, combined correction offset is +8, 32 bytes (You can, pottentially, miss 8 bytes at the end, not beggining, of disc). Thus, if you use audio trap disc, you can extract 0 - 50197 range using CDTool (With C2 reporting enabled, subchannel reading (Raw mode and deinterleaving enabled) and Main+Sub+C2 read order). You have to substract 32 bytes at the beginning of dump and append 32 zeroed bytes in the end. Start of a data track scrambled is always 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 01 82 00. (00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 02 00 00 once descrambled).

Then, open SubCode Analyzer, load .sub and make CUE file. This CUE file is useful for spliting dump with CDMage and, then, descramble data track. If everything is fine (Tracks properly cutted, no missing data...), you will get a match. With trap disc method and my Pioneer drive I have dumped several discs for my personal archive and they match database.

Every utility noted is here:

PS: As far I know, also IsoBuster extracts ranges in burst mode, not single sector mode.


(29 replies, posted in General discussion)

If your drive has a correction offset value of +6 and factory write offset is +2, combined correction offset is +8, 32 bytes (You can, pottentially, miss 8 bytes at the end, not beggining, of disc). Thus, if you use audio trap disc, you can extract 0 - 50197 range using CDTool (With C2 reporting enabled, subchannel reading (Raw mode and deinterleaving enabled) and Main+Sub+C2 read order). You have to substract 32 bytes at the beginning of dump and append 32 zeroed bytes in the end. Start of a data track scrambled is always 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 01 82 00. (00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 02 00 00 once descrambled).

Then, open SubCode Analyzer, load .sub and make CUE file. This CUE file is useful for spliting dump with CDMage and, then, descramble data track. If everything is fine (Tracks properly cutted, no missing data...), you will get a match. With trap disc method and my Pioneer drive I have dumped several discs for my personal archive and they match database.

Every utility noted is here:

PS: As far I know, also IsoBuster extracts ranges in burst mode, not single sector mode.


(29 replies, posted in General discussion)

A drive can overread in EAC, but not in IsoBuster/PF, and viceversa. I guess EAC uses a distint method for overread. For examble, my LH-20A1P can overread into lead-in/out in PF/IsoBuster/dbPowerAMP/CDTool/Nero CD Speed's test, but not in EAC. Whereas my GCE-8526B can overread into lead-in/out only in EAC.

Overread into Lead-in may be useful for discs with negative combined offset.