You can't compare the track 1 BINs until you've resized and psxt001z fixed them. Remember that this track has track 2's pregap appended to it, which can end up having audio data in it to varying degrees due to negative offsets.
After you've trimmed the pregap, the last sector can differ on drive to drive. Once this sector is repaired (psxt001z fix), good dumps should be the same across drives under normal circumstances.
A note about CDMage:
Don't use CDMage to repair errors for any reason other than checking for bad dumps from your drives. themabus recommended it earlier to see if your drive was giving errors due to scratches. If I dump a game in two drives and hashes don't match after resize and fix, I use CDMage to scan each for errors to see which drive likely gave the bad dump (so I can attempt to dump it again.) If after this check you suspect a drive added some errors, you can repair and see if the hash matches another unaltered dump. This is what themabus told you to do. You should get the drive to give this good data on its own, though. You have four drives at your disposal, so it's not a big loss if one of them flat out refuses to give you a good result.
There are several games that have errors on the discs themselves, such as Chrono Trigger (even the GH version). Thus, CDMage should be used with extreme care.
Crap drives will sometimes pop up some random minor errors, so if you have a hard time getting a spotless dump from a particular drive, you can use CDMage import sectors from other dumps from the same drive to make a good one. This way, at least you're not having CDMage tampering with the data directly. It's still kind of sketchy, so I would only do it to verify a dump from another drive that came out perfect normally.