I've got a copy of Tropico for PC that I'm having issues dumping. I believe it's a US copy, but it doesn't appear to match the copy in the database.
BurnOut says the disc has "Code Lock" copy protection. I couldn't find anything about that protection online, but it seems to be similar to SafeDisc in that there are a number of intentional bad sectors on the disc. One thing that is bizarre about this disc, that I've never seen with any of the other discs I've dumped, is that you can physically see where the error sectors are on the disc. There's a line, maybe about 2mm wide, where the silver is a completely different color. It's maybe 3-4mm from the start of the data on the disc. I've ripped tons of discs with SafeDisc, etc. and I've never seen one before where I could physically see the defects, so this is something new for me. It looks similar to...you know how some manufactured discs you can see a line where the data ends? It's like that, except in the data and very narrow. I know it sounds like some kind of disc rot or something, but I really don't think it is. The disc looks good and all the files can be copied without issue.
So far, I've tried to dump the disc with DiscImageCreator on a PX-760A and a PX-716AL and with Alcohol 120% on an ASUS BD drive and a LG BD drive. DIC reports that there is in fact a protected file, and the 716 and 760 both report C2 errors, though not with a consistent number of bits (in contrast to SafeDisc where you generally see 312 bit C2 errors). Here's what is in the C2 log from the 716AL: https://pastebin.com/DQntkqMr
Also note that this list of errors is different between rips. The number of C2 bits is different, but also the reported list of sectors is different (e.g., the above list includes LBA 10022, but other times I rip that sector won't be there). Here it is when I ripped with the 716AL again (at a different speed): https://pastebin.com/tvQnSVt9
The the list is also different between rips when I use the 760A -- neither can produce a consistent image.
The even bigger problem, though, is that the resulting image produced by DIC is unusable. Despite the fact that it looks like all the reported C2 errors are intentional, if I open the image with CDMage, it reports that the "Data track has errors in the file system" and none of the files are present. However, the disc itself is in fairly good shape, and, as I mentioned previously, I'm able to copy all the files off without issue.
Additionally, I was able to image the disc with Alcohol 120%, and it produced an image with no filesystem errors (just errors corresponding to the protection sectors). However, it looks like even Alcohol 120% probably won't be able to reliably image the disc. I've just started imaging on another drive (it takes like 16+ hours to image the disc due to the errors -- I started it one night before I went to bed, expecting to see the results in the morning, but it was still running when I got up and for most of the rest of the day), and so far the reported error sectors don't look like they map to what is present in the image I already made.
Does anyone have any experience / advice on how to properly dump this disc?
On another note, Alcohol sometimes reports "Disc read error" and sometimes reports "Read data examination error." Does anyone know the difference between these two errors?
Edit: I forgot to link the log files! Here are the logs from the 716AL ripping at 8x: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xjmwh5diirdkr … gs.7z?dl=0. ECCEDC reports a mix of bad MSF, user data doesn't match, and invalid sync for the protected sectors.